Thursday, November 05, 2020

The Night Donald Trump Went Off The Rails

I started this post early yesterday morning as the first results of the U.S. election were coming in. 

But I couldn't keep writing. I had to stop.

For at that time it looked as if Donald Trump was going to be re-elected.

And the idea of that was so awful I felt like vomiting.

Along with Lady Liberty and gazillions of other people all over the world.

So it was hard not to agree with Jack Todd, that America was a lost nation. 

Whatever is wrong with the U.S., it is a poisonous vein that apparently cannot be eradicated, that flies in the face of truth and decency and common sense at every turn.

This election confirmed the toxic virulence of the Trump Cult. It is not going to get away. White Supremacy is unchecked.

My heart bleeds for my former country. So many smart, dedicated people, my sisters among them, worked so hard for so long to get the monster out of the White House. They may yet succeed, but they will be left with what feels like the husk of democracy, hollowed out from within by racism and sexism and greed and the sheer lust for power.

With a depraved president screaming for the vote to be stopped.

Acting like a maniac.

And stirring up his MAGA crazies like this one....

Which because there are so many of them, can make you wonder whether the U.S. will ever recover...

Or for that matter, whether we will survive Trump. 

For his bizarre rant last night was his Captain Queeg moment.

The president painted the election results so far as part of a broad conspiracy to deprive him of winning a second term by Democrats, election officials in various cities and the media.

“If you count the legal votes, I easily win,” Mr. Trump said shortly after he took the podium in the White House briefing room, a false statement that cast aspersion on the rest of the election. He offered no evidence.

Even Daniel Dale has never seen so many lies.

And it made it only too clear that Trump is now out of his mind. The idea of being called a loser, has driven him off the rails. He is inciting violence, and he must be removed from office before he takes us all down with him. 

If you've followed this blog you know I have always believed it would end this way...


But because Trump can never stop being Trump for long, now I believe that we will WIN...


The Beast is going crazy. He is trying to steal the election.

But after four long nightmare years.

His days are finally numbered...


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Couldn't agree more. But, how is the world supposed to deal with well over 60 million complete American nitwits who supported Trump? People who seem to have not the slightest grounding in reality, couldn't care less that he lies in every second sentence, and probably are so ill-educated that they believe his horse manure about "illegal" ballots? People who have essentially no shame themselves, flat-earthers, creationists, people who think Armageddon is going to take place in Syria when the "lord" returns to make things all white and wonderful again? You might as well include 98% of heavily-armed police departments as right wing militia ready to knock heads together of "liberals", "socialists", "commies" and "non-believers" in order to keep a complete desperate criminal, so anxious to avoid prosecution when he returns to civilian life, as president of the grand and glorious USA. Any lie, any excuse, any lawsuit, anything at all that will keep him in power he's willing to try. To cheers.

    It's not only the Repuglicans and mind-altered nitwits running around in the USA out of their heads, their whole culture is one of navel-gazing in which only things that happen in the USA matter, the chest-beating patriotism and belief that their constitution is a religious document, that Americans are exceptional beyond mere mortals living in other countries, and so much other layered bullsh!t you can't add it all up in your mind. Money is all that matters in the USA.

    And now Wholefoods Canada has banned its employees from wearing poppies in remembrance, claiming they're political. Time to boot out that Amazon-owned company from our country. Get stuffed, Bezos.


  2. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Don't know about you, but I'm enjoying the slow roasting of the Orange Beast. It's made even sweeter by the knowledge that Republican legislatures in key states put in the rules that are slowing the count and none of them wants to be the first to release the results that'll sink the shitgibbon.

    Meanwhile, Trump's got loser stink all over him and even Fox News felt free to make an early call against him in AZ. When he phoned Murdoch to get the call reversed, Rupert told him to pound salt! Trump's in for a rude awakening as his "friends" start ghosting him.

  3. As more returns come in, a few things are becoming apparent. One is that Trump, like Scrooge, is being haunted by the ghosts of Twitter feuds past, in that Arizona (John McCain) and Georgia (John Lewis) are breaking for Biden, and all is not lost for Democratic Senate control as Georgia is headed for a runoff in January. Unlike Scrooge however, Trump will never repent, shouting "fake news!" to the rafters as he gets hauled out of the White House, in cuffs if necessary.

    The other is that even if Trump himself is gone, Trumpism remains a fact of American life and a cancer that has metastasized globally. Canada in particular needs to pull out all the stops to protect against right wing populism making any more gains, particularly at the federal level. The Biden interregnum will probably not be peaceful as the GOP is now organizing for 2024, seeking a competent and stealthy fascist like Cotton or Hawley instead of the blundering idiot. Meanwhile, McConnell and co will throw everything and the kitchen sink at the executive, to continue and complete the dismantling of American sham democracy and selling it off to the highest bidder. Chrystia Freeland may need to write a sequel to her book Sale of the Century, about the parceling out of the former USSR in the 1990s to oligarchs who ended up backing Putin. With the company now shuttered due to bankruptcy she can call the story of terminal stage America in the (post)Trump era, "Century 21 Real Estate."

    While I'm glad to see Cheeto Mussolini face his fate I remain convinced that Biden is our Gorbachev, a belated reformer coming to power just before the empire reaches total collapse. Ironically there are now rumors that Putin may be "stepping down" (which I doubt, though even if he did, there's no chance he'd give up control from behind the scenes). Mission accomplished. What is clear, however, is that Russian influence didn't make America hate again. Through Facebook psy-ops, Fox propaganda and other nefarious machinations bankrolled by dark money oligarchs loyal to no nation and nothing but their own greed, it simply played a role in amplifying what was already there.

    Moral of the Trump story: Beware of Trojan jackasses bearing grift. Lesson for Canada? Don't let yourselves get screwed by a rusty old Tool.

  4. Eric needs to pick a lane re: his concern trolling over Whole Foods and "freedom of speech" (a dangerous and reckless concept imported from the U.S.) Cons hate the Charter, and yet the Supreme Court just ruled that corporations are not people (another deluded U.S. doctrine that the GOP North espouses). They are not human; therefore they can't be subject to cruel and unusual punishment, and they don't have free speech either. And yet I thought Eric was against government intervention in the actions of private businesses?

    Where's his outrage over them not allowing employees to wear Black Lives Matter insignia? And of course there's the glaring hypocrisy over Bill 21. So Whole Foods, a private corporation, can't tell their employees what they can or cannot wear (but only in certain circumstances as allows blatant pandering to vets), but the government can (only in certain circumstances as allows blatant pandering to Quebec, and appealing to the white nationalist base to shit on Muslims).

    At least the Liberals are consistent. They passed their own general motion, without all the theatrics. Interesting that Bezos or the Whole Foods CEO aren't being called before a committee to testify about their shit-tier treatment of workers, though. So much for Eric's new and improved National Socialist Worker's Party of Canada. No, committees are only useful for partisan McCarthy/Benghazi inquisitions of charity administrators and public servants, to collect social media fundraising clips and generate outrage headlines pointed at the Liberals. I'm sure they'll be calling on Dion soon to investigate whether PMJT committed a capital felony CoI breach by shopping for toilet paper on Amazon, not knowing that his mother bought produce at Whole Foods. I'm not a fan of Jeff Bozo, but the Cons' selective fauxtrage is transparent and exhausting.

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I was horribly wrong about the 2016 election although the Russian disinformation via Wikileaks, Cambridge Analytica and the Mueller investigation helped clear some of that up but didn't fully make me feel any better where the US was heading. And until the last two days, I thought I was horribly wrong about 2020.

    What I didn't realize (and probably Trump and his odious lapdog DeJoy) was that delaying the mail in vote only delayed the inevitable for Trump.

    The one fear was a repeat of Florida 2000. It only worked because it was one state and the margins were so tiny.

    2020 is quite different as the GOPers have to contest several states with Biden's vote margins large enough that there is no legal obligation of a recount under those states rules. Plus the more than obvious disjointed message that anything not crowning Trump as president is wrong. No one likes a sore ass loser (not even RWers--see Scheer, Andy.)

  6. Anonymous5:02 PM

    It's looking more and more like Trump's only path to 270 is to lose 20 pounds. As AC said "he's like an obese turtle lying on its back in the hot sun, flailing". He's flailing alright. Grasping at straws as his most obedient lapdogs stir up a hornet's nest. Douche Jr. and Eric(Uday and Usay), Bannon, Rudy "The Goblin" Ghouliani, etc. They should all be jailed for inciting violence. They are warming up the fire for when the big cheese decides to signal his proud boys to act. I hope not but if they do, I hope the authorities meet them head on and pound them into the ground.
    It's a mess but it's a start. The head of the snake has been severed and I know he'll never shut up about it but his rantings will be as a citizen and not as a further denigration of the most powerful office in the world.

  7. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Based on Trump's history of failures there are only 3 election scenarios he will accept. The first one was to legally cheat his way to victory through a constant barrage of misinformation and outright lies. That failed. The next is to cast enough doubt on the validity of the vote in order to provide enough space for one or more of the flipped states to break rank and award their electoral college votes to him. In conjunction the backup is to negotiate absolution of all pending state and federal crimes in exchange for quietly leaving without formally issuing a concession of defeat. Sort of a president in exile preparing for the 2024 election.
    Hopefully he will get what he deserves and not what he wants!


  8. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Although a delay in declaring the winner is somewhat frustrating the situation is similar to a hostage taking. Trump begged for a fast counterstrike but the best recourse was to let the reality of the situation slowly emerge and some of the emotion subside before declaring the obvious. Its really impressive that the Democrats, state election officials and some of the Republicans did not get caught up in Trump's plan to incite chaotic destruction. Hopefully a sign of things to come.


  9. Hi BM ...You're right to point out that getting rid of Trump doesn't solve the problem of all his fanatical supporters who believed all of his lies. But while some of them are so fanatical or so racist, they are dangerous, I believe that progressives can reach a lot of them by making more of an effort to understand their grievances. Many of them believe that progressives are out of touch and can't relate to their problems and economic fears. So the Democrats have quite a challenge, but one they have no choice to tackle if they want to prevent their country from breaking apart....

  10. Hi anon@8:56 AM....I am also enjoying the sight of the beached Donald Trump, for his shabby behaviour only tells us more about him, and it’s not pretty. Losing the presidency can’t be easy, but even Richard Nixon when he lost to Kennedy had more class then Trump. Everything about that ugly fascist has always disgusted me. So if he has to be roasted like a BBQ chicken, all the better....

  11. Hi Jackie....I’m not sure how far Trumpism will go without their Fuhrer, but there a a lot of would be Trumps all over the world including this country. The U.S. election and the pandemic have distracted me, but I have to get back to exposing how alt-right the Cons like O’Toole and Poilievre are becoming. That wouldn’t be necessary if our bought media was doing it’s job, but as we all know we can’t expect anything from them. The fact that O’Toole is calling Whole Foods Woke Foods is just the latest example of him pandering to the Trumpanzees in his ugly party, but still our Mediocre media don’t get it, or don’t want to get it. But I’m saving every example, and should an election happen I think we can make O’Toole look like Shrunken Drumph himself....🤕

  12. Hi anon@12:45PM....I have to admit that those first results had me worried, but the early the next morning I remembered that they count the mail ballots last, and from them on I was able to relax and enjoy the show. And you’re right, if Trump continues to be a bad loser he’ll only make himself look even more disgusting. If that’s possible....

  13. Hi JD....I agree with you, Trump is inciting violence, and if anything tragic should happen he must be charged. Wailing like a baby is one thing, stirring up his rabid and heavily armed base is another. I was reading The comments in Breitbart yesterday and I hope the secret service is also reading them for they are disgusting. The Trumpanzees in Canada have imported that kind of violent rhetoric and they too must be investigated and if necessary arrested. I’m not willing to see this relatively peaceful country turned into a bloody America...

  14. Hi RT....Trump’s apparent belief that he can use the courts to overturn an entire election is yet another sign or symptom of his mental degeneration. Which makes the absurd length of time until Biden’s Inauguration Day even more disturbing. Who knows what Trump could do to punish the American people for not making him president for life? Everything about the American electoral system seems screwed up to me. And with a madman in the White House it could still come back to bite us...
