Saturday, November 07, 2020

The Glorious Humiliation Of The Orange Monster Donald Trump

He couldn't accept that he had lost. He thought he could change the election result with one desperate tweet after the other.

But only an hour after he tweeted that one, as he played golf, his time finally ran out.

The dirty old Trump was finally defeated.

And Joseph R. Biden was finally declared to be the winner of the U.S. presidential election.

The American people finally got to humiliate the monster.

Mr. Biden’s victory amounted to a repudiation of Mr. Trump by millions of voters exhausted with his divisive conduct and chaotic administration, and was delivered by an unlikely alliance of women, people of color, old and young voters and a sliver of disaffected Republicans. Mr. Trump is the first incumbent to lose re-election in more than a quarter-century.

The result also provided a history-making moment for Mr. Biden’s running mate, Senator Kamala Harris of California, who will become the first woman to serve as vice president.

Kamala Harris got to celebrate her own historic achievement in a phone call with Biden 

And outside the White House, as they were all over the world, people were celebrating in the streets.  

While Trump looked out at them from his armoured limo, with fear in his piggy eyes...

And that's all I can write for now, I'm too emotionally exhausted. I've been calling up my friends in Canada and in Scotland,  and blubbering like a baby. I'm that happy.

But in my next post I'll look at the dangers ahead...

For Trump's fascist thugs are dangerous, and some of them will almost certainly try to kill Biden and Harris, and set the U.S on fire.

But right now I just want to thank my readers for sticking with me through those long nightmare years, and never giving up. And for making sure that I didn't either. 

As well as thank the good people of America for making my dream come true...
Decency did matter. The future was saved.

And the monster did end up in the garbage can dumpster of history... 



  1. Simon. I echo your glee.

    You are always here for me as a rare source if decency. Thank you.

    It is a good day.


  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    230,000 Covid deaths, massive unemployment and the worst economy since the Great Depression, yet Republicans retained the Senate, gained seats in the House and Trump got 5 million MORE votes than he did in 2016! With that kind of population-wide stupidity Biden's got his work cut out for him.

  3. I'm really worried about the future and the mixed results too Simon, but for now I'm trying (really hard) to just enjoy the moment, however fleeting it may be. Seeing Trump out the door is a happy ending to what's otherwise been an absolutely horrible year.

    As for 2021 however, on the Canadian side: some white male Con pundits like Stephen Maher and Harper's taint licker Andrew MacDougall are intent on puncturing Trudeau's balloon, putting the idea out there that Trump losing will be a Pyrrhic victory for him in that he won't have Trump as a backdrop to compare O'Toole to, and will thus face an uphill battle next election. I disagree for a number of reasons:

    1) O'Toole has said and done enough to compare himself to Trump ("Canada First", "Take Canada Back", chest-thumping bigoted bullshit about "wokeness" and "cancel culture"), and these things will be used against him in an actual campaign;

    2) Trudeau didn't even "run against" Trump last time (he never mentioned him at all); he "ran against" the premiers by connecting Scheer to Ford, while O'Toole has hitched himself to Kenney's failed wagon;

    3) O'Toole hesitated to be the last party leader to tweet out congratulations, and got bombarded with rage from his own supporters (40 percent of whom are Trump fanatics, curiously the same percent that backed Lewis and Sloan combined, and who he owes major debts to for the leadership);

    4) If Trudeau did want to "run against Trump" putting O'Toole in the same light, he can actually say his name out loud now, without inciting Trump's wrath; and

    5) Ballingall may be a dirty trickster like Brad Parscale, but it's conceivable (not guaranteed, but would be a good idea nonetheless) that the Liberals may re-hire Biden's campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon for the next go-around. She has had previous successes working for them and, now, as the first woman to manage a "bigly" momentous winning presidential campaign.

    Personally I think he's as elated as the rest of us, as evidenced by the fact that he couldn't wait to tweet out congratulations, and was in fact the first world leader to do so. I also think the Con brand is forever stained in orange and that Trump trauma will stick to right-wing parties for years to come.

    Plus, Trudeau will have a lot easier time working with Biden on a number of issues; they'll get favorable photo ops whenever Biden makes his first ceremonial visit to Ottawa, and O'Toole stands against everything that Biden is for. After four years of piss-poor cross-border relations caused by Americans electing Trump, why would anyone in Canada want to be the catalyst for piss-poor cross-border relations by voting O'Toole?

    In terms of the "upcoming dangers" or road ahead I'm curious to get your take on how this impacts Trudeau, for whenever the next election might be.

  4. Anonymous1:33 AM

    I can't help but wonder whether Trump's drives were all hooking left yesterday as his presidency ended as it began, on a golf course. A nation on the verge of who knows what and the big baby went golfing. Tweeting out his nonsense that only he and his most faithful stooges believe. Twitter needs to shut him and his spawn down because they are steadily adding fuel to a fire that could easily get out of control. It'll only get worse as the reality sets in that there's nothing he can do to stop his eviction in January. He can try but he will fail. I'm picturing that come January, he'll be hiding in his bunker, much like Saddam Hussein was until he's extracted by the authorities. A fitting end to the un-fittest of presidents.
    Until then let us rejoice in the demise of America's horrible experiment in fascism and let's ensure that it never happens again. The Dems have the numbers to win every time, they just need to vote. Trump has corrupted everything he's touched but he will never be able to corrupt the will of the people.

  5. Hopeful that things will get better!

  6. Trump an Harper can form their own special loser club.

  7. Biden will be better for Canadian interests, but the dems lost basically everything else, so the Republicans are going to jerrymander hardcore and in 2022 midterms there will be no Trump to get the Bernie and Tulsi supporters to vote democrat. Long term things look very bad for the democracts.

  8. Hi Brian....thank you, I have tried to stand up for basic decency ever since Harper dragged our politics into the Republican gutter. And I always will. In my opinion decency is what separates us from the sewer politics of America, and the day the day we forget that we will lose our country. So yes, when a monster like Trump goes down it is a good day.....

  9. Hi anon@8:38PM...Yes, there are a lot of things to be concerned about. But Joe Biden got more votes than any other presidential candidate in U.S history, more black and brown votes than the Trump gang could ever dream about. And most significantly 62% of Americans between the ages of 18-29 voted for the Democrats so the future belongs to us...

  10. Hi Jackie....I might be a tiny bit worried if Trump had shown shown any class at the end of his sordid career. But he didn’t, so Trudeau can still use him as a weapon against the Cons. And should Trump trigger massive and violent social unrest the Cons won’t stand a chance. O’Toole did hesitate to congratulate Biden, but it didn’t do him any good. Some of his Trumpanzees were REALLY upset. The Liberals might have to be a little more aggressive, but so far they’re not doing too badly, and there is room to grow...

  11. Hi JD.... I couldn’t believe that Trump heard that the networks had called the election and still headed for the golf course. Although I also have to say that the way he was wielding his clubs like scythes betrayed his real state of mind. And today Twitter put warnings on all his four tweets so I imagine he must be rolling on the floor and biting the carpets. He’s a real mess, and when he finally realizes he’s not going to win the election I expect him to behave so badly even some of his most dedicated flunkies will consider whether the time has come to invoke the 25th amendment. Some of his supporters will no doubt claim that he should remain their leader, but good like telling that to all those who want to replace him...

  12. Hi Marmalade....Don’t worry things are going to get a lot better. There may be a little sound and fury coming from the U.S. over the next few months, but with Joe Biden in the White House and Justin Trudeau as our prime minister life should get back to normal and the Trump years should drift away like a nasty smell...

  13. Hi Steve....Since Harper doesn’t play golf I doubt Trump will want anything to do with him. But I see Harper trying to cozy up to Mike Pence and the two of them praying together for the triumph of fascism. I saw them in a photo-op recently and they looked like they were born to be together...🐷🐷

  14. Hi Gyor....No I’m afraid you couldn’t be more wrong. If the Republicans try to obstruct government it will cost them big
    time in 2022. The Democrats will be able to use executive orders to deal with issues like climate change which will become even more pressing. And then there’s the demographic factor. When the Democrats have 62% of the 18-29 vote, the Republicans don’t have a future period..l

  15. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Thanks for your tireless effort Simon but rest up as unfortunately powerful A Holes like Trump not only create present day destruction but they cast a dark shadow into the future. It seems that those that inherent the mess spend most of their energy cleaning it up. They are just about to put their mops away when memories fail and the cycle starts all over again. Look at how much effort was expended in recovering from the Bush years of financial deregulation and the economic crash as well as the massive human dislocation and upheaval brought about by the great war on terror. Bush and the dark shadow he projected operated in the real world. Perhaps its a blessing Trump and his enablers spent a significant part of his first 4 years in an alternate reality so just perhaps the future shadow he cast will remain there once the projector is turned off. We can hope.


  16. Hi RT.....I realize that just getting rid of Trump won’t get rid of Trumpism. But I’ve been too busy celebrating to even think of what Americans going to have to do to neutralize that threat. Some of them should drift away now that their leader is just a corrupt billionaire and no longer has any power. Others hopefully will die of old age and/or disappointment. But as for the others, some way must be found to deal with their fears of the modern world and their feelings of being ignored or neglected. It’s a monumental challenge but if the Americans want to avoid another civil war it’s one they are going to have to meet...

  17. In the USA politicians pick their voters
