Thursday, October 15, 2020

Mr Not So Nice Guy Erin O'Toole And His Monstrous Cons

In my last post I wondered how long Erin O'Toole would be able to fool Canadians into believing that he was a really nice guy.

And not the two-faced leader of Canada's far-right Bigot Party.

And sadly I have to report that O'Toole desperate bid for respectability did not last long.

For he just couldn't help channelling his hero Donald Trump.

Using the foul language of Trump to make a complete idiot out of himself. 

Conservative leader Erin O’Toole is making obligatory right-flavoured populist noises, decrying “cancel culture” because Queen’s University’s board voted to consider changing the name of their John A. Macdonald building, as is much the flavour of the day. It’s this juvenile, performative noise, but this is the kind of thing that O’Toole built his leadership around, without any critical thinking whatsoever...

And making a big deal about changing the name of a building, while at the same time being the only party leader not to condemn this ugly racist violence.

A First Nations chief appealed Wednesday for calm and an increased police presence after an angry non-Indigenous crowd damaged two Nova Scotia lobster facilities that handle catches from Mi'kmaq fishers.

RCMP confirmed in a news release that about 200 people were present at two incidents Tuesday night outside lobster pounds in southwestern Nova Scotia, during which employees were prevented from leaving, rocks were thrown and a vehicle was set on fire.

For the worst and most cowardly reason. 

If he had condemned that anti-indigenous violence his racist base would have come after him like the veterans once did...

And as if that wasn't bad enough, then there was this:

Can you believe that?

For the Cons and their NDP stooges have been playing games with the lives of Canadians, they should be shamed of themselves, and no punishment can be harsh enough.

And the good news?

Most Canadians want the Cons and the NDP to stop wasting time on the fake WE scandal:
And these numbers should be a warning to both of them:

The O'Toole bump seems to be over already, and these regional numbers are almost good enough for the Liberals to go for an election, and even hope to win another majority...

You  know, not necessarily an election, but an election if necessary.

And if there is one, Mr Not So Nice Guy O'Toole and his monstrous Cons will surely get what they deserve....


  1. Persecuting Margaret Trudeau is the lowest of the low and I was heartened to see Pablo Rodriguez and other Liberals on the committees stand up to their bullying and abuse. Tool Man is, of course, a fraud with his bullshit nice-guy act, but as I indicated in an earlier comment, Simon, I don't even think he's in the driver's seat.

    He's an asshole, don't get me wrong, but the rabid psychosis with which this WeGhazi inquisition is being pushed makes me think that Skippy is the head pigeon. He wants to take permanent control of the finance committee, hence his spat with Wayne Easter and even his venom towards the Bank of Canada. The root causes of terrorists is root causes and Skippy is a terrorist with many root causes.

    Of course the real godfather of this mob of deplorables is Harper, whose searing vitriol towards all things Trudeau knows no bounds, and has infected the entirety of the party and has now expanded to the NDP. Which makes him a "super spreader" of the disease called hate.

    Dale Smith said in an earlier piece at Routine Proceedings that it was a witch hunt against private citizens, and that more blood than necessary had been extracted from this "imbroglio." I was even surprised that Evan Solomon was asking (can't remember who, and paraphrasing a bit) "what more is there to look into? You have the documents, even though they're redacted, you have them, after all the testimony what more do you want?" The answer quite simply is to attack the prime minister's loved ones as political leverage on him. This is Russian shit and I'm disgusted, as a denizen of the Kremlin colony south of 49, to find it unfolding in Canada.

    Not surprising to see that Tool Man and his fellow goons would channel Trump's pursuit of Hunter Biden, but really pathetic to find that the NDP has adopted Trump's shade of orange. Chopper Pete allowed Reform to cannibalize the PCs. Sad to find that Skippy and Tool Man convinced Chuckles to let Reform cannibalize the NDP.

    I too hope an election comes sooner rather than later to put these deranged saboteurs in their place. We'll see if the upcoming by-elections are trial balloons for how to run one in a pandemic, and then go from there.

    1. I hope you can see this video JB

  2. Simon, have you seen this? They got cockblocked at every witch hunt committee, so now they're looking to burn the whole government down in flames.

    Pablo is at the presser today. I hope the Liberals either call an election or declare this motion a confidence vote. If it's so "bad" like the opposition is crying about, then let them take their case to the voters. Fucking cowards. Time to put up or shut up.

    This reeks of desperation, and I hope the Liberals ante up the fight. They seem a bit feistier as of late so who knows what will happen. Pablo is absolutely right that this is an abuse of power. You have friends on Twitter. Get #LeaveMargaretAlone and Hunter Biden trending in support.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    These Cons are trying their damnedest to throw a wrench in everything the Liberals do, including helping Canadians. Under the big tool, they've now become an even bigger bunch of useless assholes that undermine the will of the government at every turn and is no different than if it was a foreign power meddling in our democracy. Last I heard that is called espionage and carries severe penalties. Let's lock these deranged fuckers up and let our duly elected government carry out their duties. Yeah I know, not likely but a sweet thought. We could visit and observe them in their cages and maybe throw them their favorite meal, nothing-burgers loaded with mouseturd, catshit and smothered in embellish. Embellish being the main ingredient of any Con CV. Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up!

  4. Update on the committee wars:

    The Conservative motion is slated for debate and a vote next week and government House leader Pablo Rodriguez is not ruling out making it a test of confidence in the minority government.

    Good. I don't know why they bother talking to the NDP and Bloc about anything though. Probably just to say that they made a gesture in good faith, like with the throne speech. Dippers are backstabbing scum and the Bloc defends terrorists. Absolute subhuman garbage. No one should trust these self-serving snakes.

    Under NO circumstances whatsoever should they agree to provide the speakers' details. Margaret Trudeau's private life is PRIVATE. Her personal business is nobody else's business. Period. If that's a dealbreaker for Chuckles and that creep Blanchet, so be it. Election now. These fuckers want blood? I say give it right back to them. I'm sick of their pitchfork-mob shit. ENOUGH ALREADY!

  5. The latest. Chances of an October-surprise election just skyrocketed.

    Betrayal confirmed. I hope Justin and Pablo call their bluff. Let these vile scumbags make their case to the voters as to why their circlejerk is more important than public health.

    Throne speech has passed, but Quito Maggi might have been prophetic after all.

  6. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I don't know what I would do without this blog. Mainstream media is under some spell.

  7. @Unknown -- thanks for that video. G.T. is one of the best tweeps doing yeoman's work. Liberal war room should hire them. I did see that and agree 100% with Ms. Nicolas. The gender gap in how this is being addressed is so stark (SNC was the same thing -- women were actually less sympathetic to JWR's side than the men caping for her in bad faith).

    Women again are the ones providing common sense. This is stalking by an abuser, in fact a whole system of abusers, something women are all too familiar with (men too, but it tends to be viewed through a female lens because of patriarchal advantage). There is NOTHING HERE to keep stalking Margaret about just to attack her son. And who's doing the stalking? Men! Just like they did when they chased her to the point of a breakdown in the 1970s. Maggie-bashing is a sport in the Canadian political media. It's all the more enjoyable for the same sadists now that it comes with an extra dose of Justin-bashing. And for all the same reasons.

    @Anon -- M$M "spell" is a combination of greed (money from right-wing oil pioneers and US hedge funds), and Trudeau derangement syndrome. We have the same here where the name "Clinton" generates a Pavlovian response of foaming at the mouth for maximum profit. And for all the same reasons.

  8. Hi Jackie....I my opinion O’Toole and Poilievre are trying to play a good cop bad cop routine. O’Toole needs to fool Canadians into believing he is a moderate, while Poilievre is so outraged he is not Con leader he’s behaving like a maniac. In a way he’s trying to show the rabid base why he should be leader, but it won’t work. The gang of Harperites running the show won’t stand for Pigeon Pierre’s trying to undermine his leader so that won’t end well. Most Canadians want the government to focus on the pandemic and if the Cons aren’t careful they will tee up an election which they won’t win...

  9. Hi JD....I’m going to have to put clown makeup on O’Toole. His claim that he is different or better than Scheer is an absolute farce, especially during a pandemic. The Cons just can’t stop playing their dirty games, it’s in their genes. But at least they are showing us once again that they are more American than Canadian. Canadians pull together when confronted by a deadly enemy, and should an election be the result of all this, the Cons will be made to pay for defiling our culture and our values....

  10. I feel I have been slimed because I did not realize ec majors make economics look easy.

  11. Anonymous8:45 PM

    So amusing seeing the Liberal social media troll army all repeating the same thing as the PM. Not hard to tell that the talking points were sent out to you turkeys in time for the holiday weekend.

  12. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Lack of evidence to the contrary indicates that rules for the single source WE contract were followed. There were no legally protected whistle blowers or compromised civil servants identified. With lack of concrete evidence the Cons would like to move the investigation into the court of public opinion where a steady drip of one sided 'discoveries' can sway the public. For example a civil servant testifying she followed the rules and did her job given the time constraints does not make the news but an unrelated discovery of an extra $1.000 paid to Margaret in 2012 is news. Its a no win game for the Liberals,hopefully the NDP will support a motion to institute a broader based monitoring effort on pandemic spending as opposed to a narrow WE charity propaganda campaign. If not the Liberals have no choice but to precipitate and election. They simply cannot let the Cons use public money to present a never ending parade of one sided circumstantial evidence in the court of public opinion. Hopefully the NDP will see the light and side with whats best for the Canadian people as well as their own party. These are not the Mulroney Conservatives they are Bannon/Trumpians with a BITFD plan to permanently change the rules of engagement in their favour if they ever manage to form a majority government.


  13. @Anon 8:45pm -- So amusing seeing the Ballingall troll army all repeating the same thing as the Cons. Not hard to tell that the talking points were sent out to you super spreaders in time for the UCP AGM.

    @RT -- The Liberals won't go along with this if the NDP decide to stab them in the back yet again. Confidence measure or not, Trudeau has every reason to pay a visit to Julie Payette and request a dissolution on grounds that the opposition are obstructing their work prioritizing the pandemic and thus jeopardizing public health. The most I could see otherwise is rescheduling the opposition day a week or two from now for the by-elections to go through, and in hopes cooler heads prevail. If they don't, the by-elections will be cancelled and the candidates simply run in a regular election. Canada would then have a writ drop right around the same time the U.S. goes to the polls, and an election before Christmas.

    @Simon -- I don't have Twitter, so can you or someone who does tweet this linked blog post I just wrote up, to Justin Trudeau? It's for Xavier. Thx 🙂

  14. this is what real journalism looks like

  15. Hi anon@10:28 Thank you. My blogging has been badly affected by the pandemic. I probably should give it up until I have more time to do a better job. But our MSM is so rotten and so biased I feel I must contribute to efforts to try to set the record straight. I am also trying to build up my followers on Twitter so I can reach more people. And I must say Twitter is so much easier...🐥

  16. Hi anon@8:45PM....I was wondering where you had gone, and hoping that Covid had killed you, but you can’t have everything. ☠️ However let me remind you, trolls are people who turn up where they are not wanted. And you’re definitely not wanted ....

  17. Hi Steve....Yes, I saw that interview, and it would be nice if we had journalists like that one in Canada. But instead all we have are really mediocre Con hacks. But the way I see it, they are their own worst punishment...

  18. Hi Jackie....The Cons are already backing down. Toolio isn’t just a monstrous right-winger he’s also a squawking chicken. As long as the Liberals are managing the pandemic, and they are ahead in the polls, there will be no election.Sad.....

  19. Hi RT...The WE fake scandal is so dead, the Con attempts to revive It amounts to nothing less than necrophilia, with O’Toole and Singh fighting over who can blow air into its rear orifice. And while that may be a little rude, you should hear what some of the front line medical workers have to say about those who would play cheap politics during a pandemic. Believe me, they have no time at all for that kind of bullshit. The Cons are the scum of the world and must be destroyed if Canada is going to survive. I’ve been far too polite, but that is going to change...
