Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Is Peter MacKay Wrecking His Own Leadership Campaign?

As we all know,  Peter MacKay has been trying to make us believe that he's more of a manly manly leader than Justin Trudeau.

By acting like an ape, weaponizing misogyny, again. And trying to label Trudeau as a sissy or a girly boy, for the "crime" of practicing yoga.

But sadly for MacKay, his ugly smear appears to be backfiring.

After the bellowing ape was revealed to be nothing more than a squawking chicken.

A chicken who would let his own staff push him around. 

The public relations team for Conservative leadership candidate Peter MacKay abruptly ended an interview with CTV News after he was questioned about a tweet his team sent out concerning Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s yoga expenses.

After he tried to blame them for the ugly tweet.

“That was something that happened that I'm not proud of,” he said. “I don't have the opportunity always to vet every single thing that goes on that social media account and so we are going to do better.”

It was then that MacKay’s media handlers shut down the interview. “I think we're done,” said one. “You just went way over. I'm sorry,” another one added.

Which had a lot of Canadians shaking their heads in disbelief, or cringing with embarrassment.

Asking themselves is that a big strong manly man leader?

And raising at least three questions in my mind:

One, is MacKay his staff's boss or their puppet?

And if so who is really pulling his strings?

Two, why hasn't MacKay taken down that offensive tweet and apologized to Justin Trudeau?

And lastly but not leastly, will this latest humiliation bring Dumbo down? As John Ivison suggests it might. 

The missteps add propellant to the smouldering anyone-but-MacKay campaign that is building inside the party. I have spoken to a number of influential and vocal Conservatives who offer a variation of the following – MacKay is a good guy but he cannot be leader; he is not that competent, not that bright and he doesn’t do the work.

Crucially, they say he is not that conservative. The assumption in the media and among pollsters is that MacKay is electable and could add 10 per cent to the party’s current 30 per cent floor of support. That assumption is flawed, his opponents argue, because 10 per cent of the party’s base will not show up to vote for MacKay. His election as leader would blow apart the Conservative coalition, they contend. “It’s like ’93 and Kim Campbell all over again. It’s built on pillars of sand,” said one MacKay refusenik.

For the shining vision of the Cons blowing apart is something I'd REALLY like to see.  

And it would be a fitting reward for MacKay who not only helped kill his own Progressive Conservative party.

But went on to be a ghastly cog in the wheel of Stephen Harper's monstrous Con regime, and try to turn the country into a prison state...

And is vowing to do so again...

But would like us to know that when he is not talking about fighting Justin Trudeau in a cage, or on the ice without a helmet.

Or trying to portray him as a yoga-loving girly leader.

He's a kinder, gentler Dumbo than he once was, one who believes in "civility." 

You know, if Peter MacKay does become Con leader, his ugly past will come back to haunt him.

We'll make sure of that.

And with a little bit of luck.

It will destroy him and his party...


  1. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Even the Sun has written off MacKay before any ballots are counted. Here's Mark Bonokoski: "MacKay, as leader, would be going back to a defeated and discarded brand, with the odds of becoming the next government being somewhere between slim and none." I'm sure Bono will come around though if Airshow becomes leader.

    1. HI anon...I'm surprised that Bonokoski has come out against MacKay, but I suspect the reason he is doing so is because he is backing a candidate who has yet to make his or her candidacy known. Three weeks today we should know the answer....

  2. Peter MacKay's incompetence and belligerent buffoonery is having a ripple effect, rippling back on who else but Peter MacKay. Rona's appearance on the Hill yesterday prompted reflections upon the fact that it was Peter MacKay who appointed that vile judge whose noxious comments prompted the drafting of the bill in the first place. Arnold Viersen's ugly outburst towards NDP MP Laurel Collins yesterday prompted reflections upon Peter MacKay calling Belinda Stronach a dog on the floor of the HoC. And even Blanchet's bizarre display of righteous indignation about the TMX court decision, followed by an abrupt shutting down of the scrum, prompted Susan Delacourt to compare him to who else but Peter MacKay. Now Robyn Urback of all people says that Peter MacKay's greatest rival is not Justin Trudeau but Peter MacKay doing Peter MacKay things like a common Peter MacKay. What a monster Peter MacKay has created that's now biting Peter MacKay in the potato sack. And you're right Simon, with a little luck Peter MacKay's quest for Peter MacKay's 30 pieces of silver might end up being little more than plug nickels and for the Cons at large, a losing bet.

    1. Hi Jackie....It wasn't until I reviewed my files on MacKay that I also remembered the extent of his crimes against Canada. He has always been a really dumb and entitled jock, but his misogyny bubbled up during a certain period of the Harper regime, and it was disgusting. The man is unfit to be the leader of any Canadian party. But the good news is that if we damage him now, he may be chosen by the Cons, but he'll never win the election....

  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Although Harper was not a true manly man because he failed to completely keep his wife subservient, Mackay totally fails on two counts as his wife is an Iranian Canadian as well as a social activist. The stuff holy nightmares are made of. Scheer was the only 'real' man but the money crowd decided it was time for the dunce to go. My bet is that the money crowd will prevail but perhaps it will not be with Pete. As per Trump they need a leader that keeps the religious zombies hopeful but in reality the self serving money crowd is in charge. MacKay is obviously compromised as he could't bring himself to commit allegiance to the embassy move to Jerusalem which is part of the Con platform.
    If MacKay is too liberal for the ReformACons perhaps we should give him a little space as its likely they will promote someone far worse.


    1. Hi RT...If I believed that MacKay was a real Red Tory I might give the guy a break or two. But he is clearly the puppet of powerful financial interests, and until we find out who is really pulling his strings, we cannot believe anything he says. He claims he is not an anti-gay bigot, but misogyny and homophobia almost always go together, and his crass attempt to try to feminize Trudeau tells me the man is a relic of the past, and cannot be trusted....

    2. The anti-yoga stuff is also a bit racist, against people of South Asian origins. I confess (as a woman) that a certain high-consumption branded type of yoga does get my goat, but the vast majority of yogis in the world are very poor by Western standards.

  4. Backstabber becomes backstabbee . Karma comes at ya like a helicopter.

    1. Hi rumleyfips....Yes, karma is indeed coming at him like a helicopter. He is apparently trying to revitalize his leadership team, but according to some reports he is thinking of recruiting Nick Kouvalis, so forget the karma and think helicopter crash....

  5. Anonymous2:41 PM

    So I guess McKeh? will only do softball lobbing interviews and if they throw a hardball, he'll gather his marbles and go home? What a big baby. That whole scene was truly bizarre and Ivison summed it up well with his "he is not that competent, not that bright and he doesn’t do the work." comment. To think he's employed as a lawyer must be a frightening thought for anyone who has him representing them, no doubt stumbling his way through their files. Or perhaps his role is more akin to what Scheer was doing as an, ahem, insurance broker. "Andrew! This coffee is stale and my trash is full!" Don't quote me on that though.
    Given his repeated attempts at self-destruction, I wonder if McKeh? will even last until June. That would then make Top Bum the chosen one. The only Tool left in the Con Tool box as it were. Unless, Harper's drained of his embalming fluid and brought back from the dead. How sweet would that be to once again have a chance to kick Steve's ass to the curb? The man who poisoned this country with his Frankenstein version of the Con party and has led us to the great divide we now live in. How sweet it would be.

    1. Hi JD...I think what that interview shows is that MacKay was the made to measure leader of some powerful financial interests. They created a leadership campaign for him because he is too lazy to do that on his own, but that means he must do what he is told, and when that made to measure leadership organization is questioned he must STFU before he gives the scam away. As for whether Harper might make a dramatic comeback, or at least pop up from behind the curtain,nI think the Cons are so desperate that anything is possible...

  6. Anonymous5:16 PM

    This is all to orchestrate a "draft Rona" movement. They'll waive or cover the 300k to run, they want her so bad.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I don 't think there is still a draft Rona movement out there, but I wonder if Stepen Harper is trying to find a way to draft himself. Somebody does seem to be trying to sabotage MacKay's campaign and I wouldn't be surprised if Harper is the one pulling the strings.

    2. Hi anon@5:16 PM.... I think Ambrose's chance has come and gone. She has now publicly turned down the job at least three times, so if she now says yes she'd look like a weak fool. Or worse, Jason Kenney's puppet. And she'd never recover from something like that....

  7. Hi anon@ 6:29 I told JD, I wouldn't be surprised if Harper is breathing heavily behind the.curtain, and hoping the opportunity will present itself so he can emerge and ride to the rescue of the party he created. And needless to say I would welcome him with open arms, while helping to dig his political grave. For he is only a legend in his own mind, and most Canadians have had more than enough of him...

  8. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I can't believe that MacKay is thinking of hiring Nick Kouvalis to run his campaign. He must be really desperate, and he's the front runner!!!!!

  9. Dirty tricks done dirt cheap! Someone... who a certain "libertarian" CPC MP has a rivalry with, has apparently been holding party nominations as a Damocles sword over the heads of CPC caucus members trying to get them to fall in line. Otoolio and Marilyn Who? have since denounced this practice, and the other nobodies have no chance, so that leaves... hmm? πŸ€”
