Thursday, February 06, 2020

Has Andrew Scheer Gone Over The Deep End?

He looks like the same old Andrew Scheer, the Con in the same blue suit, with the same creepy smile.

But don't be fooled. He may have only five months to go as Con leader, but his feverish obsession to try to destroy Justin Trudeau has never been greater.

And he has never acted so disturbed and so dangerous.

A man who looks and sounds like he has gone over the deep end.

For how else are we to describe a man who would all but accuse our prime minister of killing Canadians?

Even though that's not true, and that monstrous tweet could stir up his ignorant base and other toxic Trudeau haters, who are always threatening to kill him...

As could this outrageous claim Scheer tweeted a few hours later, where he accused the decent Trudeau of acting like Big Brother.

When even some in our shabby Con friendly media know he's lying like a thief. 

And if that wasn't enough, what are we to think of someone who would allow his deputy leader to endanger the evacuation of Canadians from Wuhan?

By playing cheap political games, and deliberately conflating a diplomatic standoff and a world medical emergency.

But then of course, Leona Alleslev is the Con clown who thinks that Andrew Scheer is a strong leader...

The Con clown who probably still hasn't figured out that the main reason he made her deputy leader, was because he knew she could NEVER replace him. Even if he lost the election.

So he could continue, albeit for only a few months more, to go after his Antichrist, the demon Justin Trudeau...

And indulge in his depraved desire to DESTROY him.

Or just behave like an Ugly American.

Like so many other Cons...

What is it about them? Why do so many of them see Trump as their real leader? 

Why do they hate our Canada so much?

And why is Andrew Scheer still allowed to get away with poisoning our country's politics?

I realize he's a loser who thinks he's a winner. So he's not going anywhere.

But in five months, a humiliated religious fanatic and his extreme right-wing followers could do this polarized country enormous damage.

So if I were the Cons, heaven forbid, I would force the Ugly American to resign for real.

Or their next leader will end up wearing him, like a stinking albatross...


  1. Let him roar the idiot cheer. Everyone knows since his disgrace at the debates, that he is just a robocall/

    1. Hi Steve...Thank goodness I never received a robocall from Andrew Scheer, because I honestly don't know how I would have reacted. But now of course I would welcome one, so I could laugh in his face. I'm having a great winter, and the thought of all those miserable wailing Cons only makes it even better....😀

  2. Dale Smith in his latest Routine Proceedings column describes weak Andy's rantings, which appear more unhinged than usual, as "Andrew Scheer’s descent into complete conspiracy theorism — with the heady whiff of bullshit to carry it along". Scheer knows he's done like a lame duck dinner and is just going to let loose for the next five months. He is a juvenile delinquent who doesn't give a shit how much he and his party of deplorables degrade Parliament, as long as they get to hi-five each other and own the Libs. QP has devolved into a r/metacanada comment section come to life.

    Frank Graves has some new research into the depraved psyche of the Con base having reached the point of no return. And who's to blame for welcoming these wackos through the door of the once respectable party of Joe Clark? None other than Spuds MacKay! The prodigal son coming home to the condemned eyesore he built is equal parts tragicomedy and horror show. Never mind the unlivability of 24 Sussex, look at the decrepit state of the big blue house!

    The Liberals are the only adults in the room; the Bloc and NDP are more of an annoying distraction with their grandstanding and intentional warping of constitutional parameters, but the Cons have really reached the lowest of the low in terms of respect for institutions and basic human decency. Personally, I don't know why Justin Trudeau continues to put up with the constant abuse, but he deserves a lot more credit than he gets for taking these body blows and insults for Canada's sake. As for Harper's free-range insane asylum, the beast that he created with help from his hunchbacked assistant Igor MacKay, Scheer stupidity is a feature rather than a bug. Sad.

    1. Hi Jackie....Yes, everybody should read that Dale Smith column, for it makes it only too clear that the Cons are having a complete mental breakdown. Scheer is a mess and unless he can restrain himself will have to be carried away in a straitjacket. And MacKay and the tool O'Toole should join him in a new production of the Three Stooges, or Three Con Losers...

  3. Given her integrity, you have to wonder how Kady O'Malley keeps her job.

    1. Speaking of media integrity or lack thereof, can we all agree that Evan Solomon is Canada's version of Sean Hannity???

    2. Hi rumleyfips....Kady O'Malley isn't perfect. I can never forget the day she described Hamish Marshall as a really nice guy. But calling out Scheer as a liar sets her apart from the other Con media stooges who remain disgracefully silent...

    3. Hi Jackie....Evan Solomon may be becoming a little more Con friendly as he grows older, but he's still a very nice guy and definitely no Hannity....

  4. Random question: Kudatah Klutz Klanney and his inbred cousin Zodiac Ted Cruz shook each other's greasy palms at a Talibangelical breakfast today in D.C. Not to get ahead of oneself and put the cart ahead of the jackass, but if Petey Mmmmmkay meets the same fate of Weak Andy in the next election (say 2021), is Jason the swamp creature going to run in 2025 after running Oilberta into the ground?

    1. Hi Jackie....My guess is that once Justin Trudeau has buried MacKay, or whoever, the next Con leadership lineup will include Kenney and Doug Ford. It will be a real pleasure to watch them wrestle each other in a mud pit, assuming of course that the Cons are still a viable party, which I can't help but doubt. The Cons are writing the last chapter in their depraved history, and their future looks really grim...😎

  5. I don't understand why Andrew Sheer didn't just leave......

    1. Hi Marmalade....Scheer didn't leave because he wants to remain the spiritual leader of the many religious fanatics who are now Con MP's. Politics for him has always been more about religion than anything else, so he will not give up his golden throne easily....

  6. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Scheer is acting like a circus clown that failed to notice the audience has gone home. The grand finale is a sky diving act where he let karma pack his golden parachute but too dumb to comprehend the consequences.


    1. Hi RT....I hate to admit it, but when I see Scheer babbling away in the Commons I almost feel sorry for him. He is such a loser, and if he remains as a backbencher he is going to be even more humiliated, if that's possible. But then it's the only job he knows apart from pretending to be a broker, or slicing meat in a deli, so what's a poor Con to do?

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Did we expect any better from Scheer? He's bitter, defeated and is being evicted soon(GTFO), along with all the perks+ he's grown accustomed to. No more drivers or servants at his beck and call. No more high priced tutors to keep the Scheerlings away from us average Canadians. I almost feel pity for this failed, pathetic little man. He came so close to tasting victory and would have had he not behaved as he continues to behave. Like one giant asshole. Lying, attacking and behaving like a bully is what we get anytime Trump is in the news, which is like, always, so seeing Scheer spout his nonsense day after day is a grim reminder of what life would be like under a ReformaCon government.
    Thank God that didn't happen and that decency triumphed over douche-baggery. While we are comforted by the fact that the adults in the room are running this country, I take further comfort in knowing that Scheer is keeping his cauldron of vomit warm to remind Canadians of how ugly the Cons are and for the next poor sap to pick up where he leaves off. They will be one big, ugly, pair of shoes to fill.

  8. Hi JD....Yes, that is the right way to look at the situation. Scheer may be an even more deplorable sight than he once was, but he is going nowhere, and is about to lose everything. And as you point out, he's still a grim reminder of what might have happened to this country if his Cons had won the election. And we all need to remember that, as we work to bury what remains of the Harper Party, for complacency could still be fatal. Our goal should be to destroy the Cons and take no prisoners...

  9. Anonymous3:02 PM

    It's hard to tell which Con is more pathetic, Scheer, Mackay, or O'Toole. But I think Scheer deserves the Stinking Albatross Award. How the mighty have fallen. He's got loser written all over him and so the Cons around him. The longer Scheer is still leader the worse they are going to look.What were those dumb Cons thinking?

  10. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I just read that Kenney wants John Baird to run for leader. It's like the whole Harper regime is coming back from the dead. Tim Burton would love this movie.

  11. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I just read that Kenney wants John Baird to run for leader. It's like the whole Harper regime is coming back from the dead. Tim Burton would love this movie !!!!

    1. I hope Simon's still reading this comments page, because I'm asking him and anyone else who reads this blog to amplify former Ontario PC staffer Mike Gibbs' credible allegations against Baird. I don't have a Twitter account, but if anyone does, let Mike know that one of Simon's regulars is thinking of emailing some mainstream journalists to see if they'll pick it up. Lenore Zann of the LPC and Matthew Green of the NDP have already stated their support. Enzo DiMatteo of Now Toronto recently wrote about "rumblings" of Baird's past. Jesse Brown of the Canadaland podcast also highlighted Mike's feed. If MPs are aware, then it could just be a matter of time before the story runs, but I plan on letting others know anyway. Tell Mike he has support in the United States.
