Friday, January 31, 2020

The Trumpling Campaign of the Con Clown Erin O'Toole

For most of his short and undistinguished parliamentary career, Erin O'Toole has been little more than a mouth that roars.

An annoying but relatively harmless Harper stooge.

But now he's running for the Con leadership. Again.

And he's posing as a warrior, or a great defender of Canada.

The idea is to seize the right-wing space vacated by Pierre Poilievre, try to make himself look like a strong leader, while portraying Peter MacKay as a closet Liberal.

But sadly for O'Toole, that absurd video, and his use of words like "cancel culture" "virtue signalling" and the "radical left," only make him sound like a right-wing extremist, and a Canadian disciple of Donald Trump.

And using his military service to try to convince Canadians he's fit to govern them also seems like a really bad idea.

Especially after that messy incident three years ago when he tried to portray himself as a Top Gun pilot...

When in fact he was a helicopter navigator.

Which was VERY embarrassing... 

But not as embarrassing as the time when Stephen Harper called on him to replace Julian Fantino as Veterans Affairs minister...

Only to come under heavy fire for insisting that veterans who had limbs amputated, should have to prove they hadn't grown back, if they wanted to keep receiving benefits.

Which among other things had Rick Mercer fighting mad...

And of course it all ended badly...

You know, the other day a group of Con strategists wondered whether they even know who they are anymore.

"Maybe we don't know who we are anymore," said Alise Mills, a senior associate at Sussex Strategy Group and a party strategist.

"Maybe Stephen Harper, because he was ... our first prime minister with the new Conservative Party per se, maybe we just haven't been able to evolve."

"I don't think our party looks or sounds like the country," she said.

And they couldn't be more right, even if they can't see the forest for the trees.

The Harper Party is now more American than Canadian. Erin O'Toole wants to make it even more American.

And for that reason alone, no decent Canadian who loves this country should ever vote for him... 


  1. Oh, he was a helicopter navigator! I guess that means Petey Mac and the Fool can fly off in the sunset together? Has anyone noticed that they both are running a Trump campaign? Peter MacKay refers to Peter MacKay in the third person like Donald J. Trump would if Donald J. Trump's name was Peter MacKay. Top Gun Tool wants to cancel cancel culture, while Peter MacKay wants to cancel the carbon tax that the dopey, meek and mild, loser clown Justin T from Canada installed as a Chinese hoax. Donald J. Trump likes winners because winners win, and Peter MacKay is proud of Canada because Canadians make Peter MacKay proud. Just like Erin hired Ontario Proud and Proud Alberta because Ontarians make him proud of Alberta and Albertans make him proud of Ontari-ari-ari-oooo!


    1. Hi Jackie...I don't know if they are functionally illiterate, but I have noticed they are both running a Trump campaign. I don't know whether it will help one or the other win the Con leadership, but it won't help them win the election. As I have noted several times, for many Cons Trump is now the real leader of their party. Maybe our hapless MSM will notice that at some point, but I'm not holding my breath...

  2. Did OTool ever fall on his head getting out of that helicopter ?

    1. Hi rumleyfips....You might think so, for his behaviour is frankly bizarre. But I guess he must have concluded that he needed to hire Jeff Ballingall of Canada/Ontario Proud to bolster his right-wing credentials, and it only shows how low the Cons have fallen...

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The Cons have become a joke. When they try to imitate Donal Trump and his thugs, who most Canadians hate, it's clear they should no longer be considered a Canadian party. I think those Con strategists are right, Harper set them up for failure, and they no longer have any idea who they are. The leadership race should be the final nail in their coffin.

    1. Hi anon....I agree with you, the Cons have become a joke, and those Con strategists are right, they don't know who they are anymore. They are following in the footsteps of Doug Ford hoping to surf a populist wave. But while it did work to get Ford elected, his polls are now so bad you need a microscope to read them. So acting like Trump impersonators could very well be the final nail in their coffin....

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Top Gun??? What a joke. How about Top Bum. Pilot to navigator, "Tool! Guide your shit laden propaganda bomb to fertilize the Canadian public!" 'Tool, "Bombs away mine Capitain!" It's funny how these Cons like to fluff up their forgettable resumes but I guess when you've fluffed Harper for so many years it becomes a natural way of expressing oneself. These Cons really do suck and blow.
    Thanks for reminding us what an absolute fool that is O'Toole, Simon. I'd forgotten most of what you've pointed out but the most important one that afflicts all these Con wannabes is how they want to Americanize our politics and country. It excites their base who in turn probably all love the orange shitpile as much as his own base does. Ignorance and nastiness is their oxygen and thanks to the alternate universe of Fox news, their supply is endless. I know our MSM sucks but we are so lucky that the likes of Levant and the rebel remain a fringe element with their usual lowlife following still being a small percentage of Canadians. At least for now.
    "The Harper Party is now more American than Canadian. Erin O'Toole wants to make it even more American."
    Exactly, Simon. That is why these ReformaCons must never be allowed to govern again because before long and to our south, the Repugnicants in the senate will complete the Trump coverup and effectively allow him to do whatever the fuck he wants up to and until he's removed from office. Until then, my motto for the U.S. will be, "Welcome To The Banana Republic Of The United States Of America. All Hail King Trump!"

    1. Hi JD....Yes, the Top Bum story is pathetic. I was alerted to what O'Toole was trying to do by Stephen Fuhr the Liberal MP who was a real Top Gun. Sadly Fuhr was defeated in the election, but he will always be a far better person than the miserable O'Toole, and needless to say a real Canadian. The Cons clearly believe that the only wY to win a leadership campaign is to stir up their base with the language of Trump and his mouth breathing gang. But That can only lead them to disaster in a general election, for it will allow us to set up the contest as the Canadiand versus the Americans. And the Canadians will win...

  5. Anonymous3:54 PM

    It's funny how the Cons say something and then do the opposite. O'Toole pretends he's Captain Canada and acts like a Trump groupie. I know he has Jeff Ballingal from Canada Proud working for him, but does he really want to sound like some loser from the Rebel? No wonder nobody wants to run for the job.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      O'Toole is a total loser. He's just a nerd but they are trying to make him look like a tough guy just like MacKay is trying to pose as a warrior. It's half comedy show, half horror show. I look forward to see them attacking each other. Who do you think will win Simon?

    2. Hi anon @3:54 PM....It's just more of their protection game, blame others for what you are doing. Just like Trump did that for two long years, but what has worked for the Orange Oaf so far, did not work for the Ugly American. And by dragging the party down even further into the Rebel mud they are making it a party no decent people can join. So they will pay a big price for their Trumpling games,...

    3. Hi anon @8:53 PM....I have always considered Erin O'Toole to be a total loser but once he had a modicum of decency and now he has none. And when his Canada Proud buddy starts attacking that other loser Peter MacKay they should look like two mud wrestling yahoos. As for who will win, I wouldn't put any money on it, but I think MacKay has a slight advantage. I've heard that he has the Mulroney organization behind him, and if Stephen Harper is also blessing his campaign, that might give him the boost he needs to beat O'Toole by a nose or a snout....🐷

  6. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Perhaps what sheercon, potatohead and otoolio have in common, given their respective campaign gaffes & misread of the "path to victory" electorate, is an over-reliance on american "how to win" election consultants (aka right-wing petro-funded tech-sketchy Harper-friendly operatives) lacking a sufficient understanding of Canadian values, demographics, culture, history, etc. ???

    1. Hi anon...Yes, they have all been mesmerized by the "success" of Trump, and the weak leadership of Scheer has made the Orange Oaf seem more like their natural leader. It is in my opinion a significant moment in Canadian history, and if most Canadians understand what they must choose from it can do the Cons serious damage..l.

  7. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I hate to say it, but the chunky chicken hawk O'Toole doesn't look like a guy to save anyone from the "radical left." Unless of course the lefties got a good look at him and died laughing ;)

    1. Hi anon....I was too polite to say that, but it's true. He reall doesn't have the look of a thug leader, but his handlers are trying to make him look like a wannabe Mussolini and it's not going to end well...

  8. Anonymous11:21 PM

    The Toole is trying to save Canada from Liberal induced boredom. He wants to shake it up a bit by eliminating or privatizing the social net so that the average Canadian can experience the adrenaline induced rush of finding themselves homeless because of a medical expenses, joblessness or age. If that doesn't do it he will juice it up a bit by dispensing assault rifles and snitch lines so that you are never sure if a disgruntled neighbor is going to shoot you or call in a swat team. In order to cure the terminally bored I am sure he will get a tit for tat media hyped war game going by finding a mortal enemy to bomb so that you are never sure if the next trip to the supermarket will be your last. Another option is to simply let Canadians get the adrenaline pumping by outrunning climate accentuated flash floods and forest fires. The Con possibilities are endless but for a real rush try scaling the perimeter of their well protected gated communities paid for with the proceeds of selling of our social assets to the highest bidder. If the mechanical Rottweilers don't get you be prepared for a long stay in a less than boring privately funded hell hole of a prison. Elect a Con and thankfully boredom will be a thing of the past, saving Canada with one hyped up adrenaline junkie at a time.


    1. Hi RT....I wouldn't be surprised if the Canada Proud gang have deemed the hapless Toole to be too boring, and have decided to make him something he is not. While doing some research for this post I discovered that the fearless Top Bum had spoken in Trump talk before, so Jeff Ballingall may only be trying to polish the turd he was given. I realize it's a horrible thought but they are desperate.....

  9. The guy who has been writing the script for Harper and Scheer, needs a new outlet, a new tool so to speak.

  10. Hi Steve....Yes, it does seem awfully familiar doesn't it? The Cons have no policies on such things as climate change, all they can do is attack Justin Trudeau, and blame him for everything.Sad.

  11. It's becoming quite obvious to me that the con base wants annexation with the red states in the US...
