Friday, January 10, 2020

Could Pierre Poilievre Be The New Con Messiah?

Canada's SoCons have been unusually quiet since their leader Andrew Scheer was brought down by Justin Trudeau.

And went to hell in a bucket, so to speak.

But not any longer. 

Now that the Con leadership race is officially underway, the religious fanatics are speaking out, and they're NOT happy. 

They're feeling betrayed. 

Canadian social conservatives who say they're tired of being written off and ignored by Conservative Party politicians are searching for a leadership candidate they can get behind.

"We have people that we're talking to. Nobody has come out to say, 'Yes. I'm going to [run],'" said Jeff Gunnarson, national president of Campaign Life Coalition, a group that advocates against abortion.

But while they are not impressed with the list of possible candidates so far, the kooky fanatics at Campaign Life believe that Pierre Poilievre aka Skippy, aka Mr Dick Head, could be their new Messiah!!

Gunnarson did reveal that none of the people his group is urging to run is a current federal MP. He said that, of the current crop of potential leadership candidates being talked about in the media — Rona Ambrose, Peter Mackay, Jean Charest, Erin O'Toole and Pierre Poilievre — it's Poilievre whose record looks the most promising to the Campaign Life Coalition.

And who can blame them? When Poilievre has a voting record like this one.

Which is so misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic it almost makes Scheer look like a liberal.

And would if Poilievre is indeed the Chosen One, make a mockery out of the "new/nouveau" Conservative Party.

Of course, that's not the only reason Poilievre would make an ideal candidate...for progressives.

There is also the way he tried to suppress the vote in 2015, to try to keep young Canadians from voting.

Only to fail miserably.

Or the way he tried to reduce pensions for older Canadians, even though he got his generous parliamentary pension when he was still young...

So much for the man who likes to pretend he's a man of the people in these populist times.

And then of course there's Poilievre's disgraceful behaviour in the House of Commons, which Wayne Easter once compared to playing chess with a pigeon.

So the next time you see Skippy flap his wings, don’t forget to laugh at him.

And the best news?

Poilievre's candidacy is being promoted by Jenni Byrne and John Baird which almost certainly means he's Stephen Harper's bride...

Which might be enough to keep better candidates like Rona Ambrose out of the race.

And of course would be the kiss of death for any Con dreaming of becoming prime minister.

Yup, let the religious fanatics pray for Poilievre, but nothing will save him.

We've got enough dirt to bury him.

And then flush him with all the others...


  1. Some hack at the Probe & Wail is reading the tea leaves (or smoking them) to suggest Trudeau's beard means he's getting tired and wanting to quit. If he stands a good chance of facing a dipshit like Skippy Poutine or Erin O'Fool, why would he depart now when he could thunder back like papa did with a third-term majority and kick Skippy's ass? Crooked Charest and Airshow MacKay would cancel each other out, and there's a growing sense even among the Con media hacks like John Ivison and Don Martin that Ambrose probably isn't running. We won't know for certain until next week, but I can't imagine why she would want to take the reins of this defective clown car. Go Skippy Go. Make History Repeat Itself Again. Because It's 1974.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      The thought of someone like Ambrose or MacKay or Charest leading the party scares you, doesn't it, you Liberal stooge??

    2. What keeps me awake at night is the lingering prospect of silver-tongued bullshit artists with better media training bamboozling the gullible and uninformed by putting lipstick on a blue war pig. Trudeau derangement syndrome coupled with low-info propaganda is a helluva drug.

      "Thoughts," however, only seem to scare Con stooges. Unlike Justin Trudeau or the recently departed Neil Peart, none of the flying monkeys in the orbit of Harper behind the curtain demonstrates a genuine ability to engage the brain or the heart. Acting skills maybe. Advertising. But nothing in terms of authentic decency. And certainly not profiles in courage. These are conservatives we're talking about here.

      As Neil Young once said it's just a kinder, gentler machine gun hand. Does it worry me? Sure. But judging from the psychotic anti-Trudeau pile-on from the peanut gallery both in the wake of and preceding unspeakable tragedy, the lack of even fake niceness among the rank and file in your party should worry you and other Con stooges a lot more.

    3. HI Jackie...I would be surprised if Rona Ambrose decides to join the race now that Harper has apparently blessed Poilievre. But the Cons are such a churning can of worms I suppose that anything is possible. But none of the candidates so far would make Trudeau lose a minute of sleep...

    4. Hi anonymous @1:16 let me be clear. You are the troll who calls me and my readers trolls. You are the Con stooge who calls supporters of decent progressive parties stooges. You're a filthy self loathing homosexual who attacks people in the vilest manner. But still you think that you can scare anybody you pathetic Con loser? And let me be clear, when someone mentions Ambrose, or MacKay, or curly Charest I burst out laughing....

  2. Perrie Penis is two inches short of the stroke the Cons demand.

    1. Hi Steve....Poilievre may be an annoying little Dick Head, but many in the Con base swear by him. So they are going to be VERY disappointed....

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Poilievre seems to be the Con media's candidate. The Post's Chris Selley actually wrote that Skippy has the "gravitas" to be leader. Harper must be exerting his influence behind the curtain, but if that convinces Ambrose not to run all the better.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Pierre Poilievre is the Republican Party in Canada, that's why Harper loves him. The Conservative base may like him too, but most Canadians will reject him just like they rejected Scheer.

    2. Hi anon 9:09 AM...Yes, the usual suspects seem to be clapping in unison, but they must think we don't know anything about his past. And as soon as we remind people of what a horrible Con Skippy really is it will be game over for him...

    3. Hi anon @9:49 AM....Yes, Poilievre is the closest thing to a Republican Con. Not just because he parrots their criminal policies, but also because he's so cruel. He couldn't care less about seniors who are scraping by on tiny pensions, while he lives high off the hog. So as you say, the Con base may anoint him, but Canadians will reject him absolutely...

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Any decent person seeing and hearing Peter Pealips for the first time will be instantly turned off by his whiny, snivelling voice and his smug prick face. He exudes a condescending cockiness that is an instant turn-off and while the Cons tout him as a pitbull, I see him more as a fruit fly that wallows in decay. Add his grotesque record to that and he's as electable as a cockroach with fleas. He was always Harper's obedient little boy, scheming and conniving while carrying out Harper's affronts to democracy.
    Let's not tell the Cons that propping up another Harper disciple will lead exactly to where Andy ended up. As a loser. The last thing decent Canadians want is another Harper era ReformaCon lapdog who's only skill is lying and attacking everything the Libs do while offering nothing in the way of policy or how they'd do it better. It's great for the Liberals but offers us nothing in the way of a viable alternative.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Hi JD

      Great description why he is visually so much more of a turn off than either Harper or Scheer. Under the hood their policies are all the same but his personality is another story.


    2. Hi JD....From what I've seen so far, the Cons look like the Morgue Party. There is no new blood and all they have is old and tired. Which isn't surprising, what decent Canadian would want to join such a far-right and American party? But unless they can attract a big name outside candidate they are doomed....

  5. Anonymous9:43 AM

    A great choice for GOP north. Scheer always seemed to have problems when it came to lying about his religious agenda. Poilievre's self assessed superior intellect permits him to lie about everything and congratulate himself at the same time. Its a Trumpian thing where lying becomes a political sport to outmaneuver the other guy, with his followers never thinking that ultimately they are the bigger dupes. Like a defective genie, rub the magic lamp the right way and your wish is granted except there is always a major downside that is ignored in the name of winning. For example a wish for peace is granted; the dead are amazing peaceful.


  6. Hi RT....I knew Campaign Life had green lighted Poilievre, but when I took a closer look at his record I was stunned. For that is a record of a religious extremist who has managed to sail under the radar. And I look forward to exposing him. In recent months Poilievre has been talking like a Trump like populist, and if he thinks that's the road to victory he is clearly deluded...
