Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Grotesque Misogyny Of The Con Clown Rex Murphy

It's been a long time since I read anything from Rex Murphy, and a long time since I've seen him, although he lives in my neighbourhood.

Which is a good thing since I despise that ghastly little oil pimp, and I'm always afraid I might bump into him. And say something I might regret later.

In fact for one magic moment this summer I thought he had retired. 

But no. He's still around and as disgusting as ever.

For even by Murphy's low standards this IS disgusting. 

It is also proper that all five moderators of this particular election spectacular are female. How else could be pooled the necessary discretion and tact — how should I put this — the requisite “empathy” to interrogate Canada’s self-declared first male-feminist prime minister? 

I cannot imagine how some Neanderthal journalists of the male persuasion — I’m just picking names from a chapeau here — like Vaughn Palmer of the Vancouver Sun, or Lorrie Goldstein of Toronto’s counterpart journal, in all their disquieting malehood (I’m not saying they’re “toxic,” but I’d keep my eye on that Goldstein fellow) could ever achieve a mind-meld with a male-feminist PM. A bridge over the chromosome Y, is one too far.

A smarmy misogynistic and homophobic rant aimed at Justin Trudeau, and these five journalists.

One that made me feel slightly nauseous, and elicited quite a reaction on Twitter.

But although I enjoyed those and many other tweets, I couldn't help thinking how could a right-wing climate denying freak like Murphy have lasted this long?

Why do so many Canadians normalize grubby old reactionaries like him?

Why did so few people care when I exposed him as a religious bigot?

And why was that shameless oil pimp allowed to debase the CBC's flagship news program for so many years.

For I don't think The National has ever recovered.

But at least we know why Murphy is still at Postmedia, which is now nothing more than a Con propaganda network.

And we also know what we must do to hasten his long overdue retirement:

Boycott Postmedia until they all go down together... 


  1. Let Thesaurus Rex flap his yap until his dentures fall out. All it'll do is make more women angry and drive them to vote for the Liberals. Best backhanded endorsement Trudeau ever got.

    1. Hi Jackie...yes, I hope that Rex does drive more women to the Liberals, but any man who supports that troglodyte should be ashamed of himself. And I of course will have to keep my eyes open since he's so short ( his head comes up to my waist) I'm always afraid I could step on him by mistake....

  2. His crap about feminism being the exclusive domain of the upper-middle class is at quite a remove from reality. I've been involved in labour-union and community organisation based feminism for decades. It is normal to have journalists conducting a news-based debate among candidates; it is their profession.

    He wilfully ignores working women's fights for equal pay for equal work, and more recently, equal pay for EQUIVALENT work (comparing different jobs in terms of education and training required) or the whole issue of intersectional feminism, fighting as women as well as members of another historically oppressed group, based on class, racial origin, sexual orientation, handicap or many other oppressive factors.

    To put it simply, Rex is full of shit. But we knew that.

    1. The wage gap has been discredited countless times. And it's funny that feminist scream for gender balance until its advantage women, then they want nothing to do with gender balance.

    2. Hi Lagatta...There is no need to argue with Rexy, it's futile. Murphy likes to go about Pamela Anderson or Madonna's breasts so to debate him you'd have to get down on all fours and grunt like a pig...

    3. Hi Gyor....Are you sure about that? I realize things may have improved over the last twenty years, but from what I see when I am forced to visit Bay Street it's still very much a man's world..l

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Just a case of T-Rex trying to set the bar so low than when Scheer manages to slither under it his supporters will view it as a super human miracle. This time the divisive injustice outrage is against the horror of an all female hit team with virtually no western representation. Any good WWE event needs a hyped up underdog fighting against all odds; its just unfortunate that the Cons are not as good at doing for Canadians as they are at promoting themselves but hey that is the nature of the entertainment industry.


    1. Hi JD....I thought I had managed to get over my disgust for Murphy, but that article made it all come flooding back. It really is grotesque, and I can't remember that grubby Gollum complaining about all those all male panels I grew up with, and his homophobic shot at Justin Trudeau was beyond the pale. I think I will say something to him the next time I see him....😑

  4. Rex M is a prime example of the medium is the message, much like Lord Sad Beaver/

    1. Hi Steve....who the hell is Lord Sad Beaver. I've never heard of him but I do love the name..

    2. A certain ex Lord who renounced his Canadian citizenship. Loves to sue people

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Is it just my news feed or has the reporting of Trudeau at the G7 turned factual or has MSM decided I don't want to see how Trudeau's ineptness and the socks he wears are destroying Canada's image on the global stage and the price of tarry oil? Elections Canada at work or just a preference bot?


    1. Sorry folks, but I think you better brace yourselves for Montreal and Ottawa to be the next Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Trump got cucked

      ...and it's all over Twitter. He's so humiliated he even had to swat down Ezra's meltdown because he's in total denial.

      Once again I apologize to your country and hope that we will be rid of this malignant tumor in the White House as soon as is humanly possible.

    2. Hi RT....From what I hear the Con media got some vey bad reviews for their coverage of the fake scandal, so are now on their best behaviour. Hopefully it will continue during the election campaign, but I'm not holding my breath....

    3. HI Jackie....yes, I saw that shot of Jand Melanis and Trudeau and had a good laugh. Poor Justin, it's lucky he grew up with the rich and the famous, or he'd be a mess by now. I know I would...😼

  6. Also, I'd really rather see Tabatha and Andray hosting the Maclame's debate instead of DicklessPW. I vote Max Fawcett and Sandi Garossino for the climate debate. If only to see Kenney scream bloody murder that Brett Wilson wasn't invited to dispute scientific facts.

    Doesn't Canada have a version of MTV's "Rock the Vote" or am I showing my age? Worked for Clinton and Obama. BuzzFeed? Then again, maybe an Internet debate wouldn't be such a good idea, since Scheer has the 4chan vote locked up... I can just see it now: "Mr. Trudeau, this question is for you. Why are you a soyboy who allowed Chinadastan to be cucked like a noob by the Soros SJW feminazi army? Y u no MAGA? Is it true that Libtards can't meme? Globohomoschlomo! Hashtag 'wax my balls'!" πŸ™„

    Something tells me the dirty old men of Postmafia would be just fine with a female panel if it was Vichy Kapo-los and Filth Moldy.

    1. Hi Jackie ...good point. If the female panelists were more Con the Postmedia stooges wouldn't be complaining. And thank goodness people like Psul Wells and Andrew Coyne weren't invited....

  7. Rex is a good name for a dog. Especially an old, blind, lame, toothless dog.

  8. Hi rumleyfips....Yes it would, I believe there is a TV series with a dog called Rex as its co-star. But Murphy could also play a dog fetching things for Big Oil....
