Monday, August 26, 2019

Another Good Reason To Vote For Justin Trudeau

I have to say that Justin Trudeau really made Canada look good at the G7 Summit in France.

He seemed to stand out from the other leaders, as the fresh face of the future. 

Along with his friend Emmanuel Macron he helped keep Donald Trump under control.

While somehow also managing to restrain Melania.

But his biggest achievement was being one of the leaders of the move to save the Amazon. 

Canada became a driving force behind one of the few concrete measures announced at the Group of Seven summit by announcing it would deliver financial and technical support to Brazil to help it fight the fires that are devastating the Amazon. 

At the close of the summit in Biarritz, France, on Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada would make $15-million, plus water bombers, immediately available.

Which is something we should all be proud of, for the Amazon must be saved.

And then there's the BONUS.

Those beautiful Canadian water bombers should make Andrew Scheer look really bad during the election campaign

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a shot at Canadian conservative politicians at the G7 summit in Biarritz on Monday when asked at a press conference about reports of U.S. President Donald Trump skipping a discussion on climate change.

“You cannot have a plan for the future of the economy unless you also have a plan to fight climate change,” he said. “Now, the president — and even some conservative politicians at home — seem to disagree with us on that, but I’m very much looking forward to the election, in which we get to have this conversation with Canadians.”

Of course, the Cons were extremely disappointed to see Trudeau perform so well, so they focused on the only thing they could.

His socks...

But when the grotesque toxic Trudeau hater Ezra Levant also took aim at Trudeau in a homophobic manner that should disgust all decent people.

Trump himself publicly humiliated him...

While I put the whole socks thing in context...

This election is going to be a battle between the old and the new.

And I'm pretty sure the new is going to win...

Running towards the future, heading for another majority.

Wowser, wowser, wowser.

What a prime minister....

1 comment:

  1. Scott Reid agrees with you -- Trump is the manifestation of the elephant in the bed that Pierre warned all about. And the orange beast needs a skilled circus tamer, not a dancing clown who would trip over his own feet to let Trump be ringmaster. Trudeau is the acrobat we all need, masterfully walking the world's highest tightrope without a net. Scheer is just a bozo. (And I say that with sincerest apologies to Bozo. But not BoJo.)

    But how about yet another good reason to #StandWithTrudeau and one that I really want to see your take on, Simon. Andy got caught lying again and it's a doozy. In Quebec at that. Liberals proven correct yet again that the Cons are the party of anti-abortion wingnuts. If dealing with Trump is going to be a ballot issue, Canada does NOT need its own Mike Pence at the helm. If only because us desperate Statesiders need somewhere to escape to from the shithole country of Gilead!
