Tuesday, April 09, 2019

The Absurd Latest Move of the Con Clown Jane Philpott

I realize that Jane Philpott is a medical doctor, and that like other doctors she has no doubt brought back to life some patients who appear at first glance to be dead.

But her political career flatlined a long time ago, and what's left of it is turning green.

So this is ridiculous. 

This is obscene.

The Con Broadcasting Corporation didn't know what it was talking about.
And ended up again with egg all over its face. Again.

And sadly it seems so did the hapless Philpott...

For no good reason.

So now they are laughing at her all over the internet.

And all I can say is thank goodness we have a prime minister who after being way too nice to them for way too long, finally decided to give those two Con tools the boot.
Who as I have said before only got what they deserved:

And who far from being about all about truth and justice, were all about spite and malice...

As I had to remind Wilson-Raybould after she tweeted this:

But somehow forgot to condemn those who would call Justin Trudeau a traitor...

Can you believe that? How low can she go?

But then who really cares?

The fake scandal is dying, the two Connies went over the cliff together...

They aren't coming back.

And good riddance to bad rubbish...


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I thought Philpott was smarter, but asking to be allowed to rejoin the Liberal caucus has to be one of the dumbest moves ever. Does she really think after the damage she has inflicted on the Liberal party that its members would welcome her back? Delusional.

    1. Hi anon...Philpott is someone I used to admire for her work as a doctor. But unfortunately it seems she came under the malignant influence of JWR who led her astray, and turned her from a good doctor into a lousy politician and Con tool...

  2. Anonymous9:12 PM

    The damage JWR and Philpott have done to Canada can never be forgiven. They have smeared Trudeau and raised up Scheer, and made the next election closer than it ever should have been, and just because one of them was pissed off about losing the job she loved. To think that either of them might think they could return to the Liberal Party is crazy. They are just trying to keep the fake scandal alive, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. There can be no doubt that Philpott is trying to keep the fake scandal arrive. Nothing else can explain her bizarre quest to be allowed to return to the Liberal caucus. No doubt her darling Jody is pulling her strings, and the only question is whether the Cons are as well...

  3. Nurse Ratched needs to STFU and get back in the timeout chair. As for Judas Wilson, I hope she's happy about the chaos she's unleashed. Time to eighty-six the Conservative Bullshit Corporation's fake news division. They are lying, failing, dopey losers and an enemy of the people. Sad.

    1. Hi Jackie...They are indeed all dopey losers. But if they do succeed in electing Scheer and his fascists, the two Connies will be seen as collaborators, and of course the CBC will be killed by the Cons, so their tears will run like a river and they will regret what they have done forever...

  4. Okay, how does this stop? You know I'm no fan of this prime minister but I've thought Jody was poxy for how she ignored the plain decision of the SCC in the Carter, assisted dying case and for how she flagrantly betrayed First Nations on the Site C dam. I posted the YouTube video of then Grand Chief Jody indignant as hell at a Site C protest - before she became the MP for Granville Centre.

    I have no Schadenfreude over this. Why is it still dragging on and on? We have an election in a few months and there is no shortage of real issues which, I might add, distinguish your Liberals from Scheer's Tories, that are being ignored and we're all losing out because of it. This fiasco is harming the nation, the country my family has served for generations. It has to stop.

    We don't see eye to eye but I want you to ask yourselves whether there's anything you can do to help this die out and soon. Harper showed how a summer break caused his controversies to evaporate, again and again. People go on holidays, memories fade, a nearly clean slate after Labour Day. If it worked for Harper it can work for your guy. I think the secret is to get things down to a simmer before the summer break.

    How are you going to do that? Excoriating JWR and Philpott isn't going to get Justin where he needs to be. Is there any alternative?

    This has to end before the summer break. Harper showed us that.

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Normally the story dies when the monitoring nlp algorithms determine there is no longer any public interest in reading the opinion pieces and other issues start trending. Unfortunately in this instance there is a political agenda financed through a major foreign owned news outlet so even if the interest dies out they will be phishing for new twists that resonate. Its certainly a catch 22, progressives read the stories in order to know what is being said and to rebuff the narrative which in turn keeps the story alive. Perhaps if we ignored the story and vented our displeasure at the source it would die out or become the story. Its a Trump tactic but when forced to live in Rome ....


    2. Hi Mound....There is nothing I or others can do to stop the fake scandal as long as the MSM keeps finding any excuse to keep it going . We can hasten that day slightly by letting the Con media know what we think of them. But only when they notice that readers and viewers are so sick of the story that they are avoiding their coverage, will they move on to other stories. Scheer will no doubt be hoping that the Connies will also keep the story alive, but he risks being seen as doing what he has done for two years, and may well end up paying a heavy price..

  5. JWR isn't a traitor for exercising her right to free speech. You may revere Trudeau, but others don't. JWR and JP are not bad rubbish. They're human beings who have contributed a great deal to this country. Some may not like what they've done but that in no way diminishes them or their contributions. Slagging JWR and JP simply continues to drive a wedge into matters when we all ought to be thinking of the up coming election and how we can work at trying to have progressives elected.

    Jackie Blue, 9:22 p.m. you're entitled to your opinion, but those types of comments just turn off people and do nothing to promote the Liberal brand. As I've questioned before are you a one of those disrupters or just a misguided American. Name calling such as yours benefits no one but the Conservatives and Bernier's party. J.P. as a Canadian M.P. has the right to speak. it is not up to you to tell her to STFU. No one pays attention to these types of comments, well I do, but simply to point out I think you'd catch more flies with honey and humour, which you once used so effectively.

    1. Anonymous3:07 AM

      "JWR and JP are not bad rubbish."
      I agree. Just because they talk trash doesn't make them said trash. They're simply vindictive, disgruntled ex employees with an axe to grind and if they happen to help elect Scheer then, oh well, we spoke our "truth", collateral damage be damned.
      Not the best of analogies but I couldn't resist the humour in it. They remind me of aunt Patty and Selma on The Simpsons and JT is Homer. Their sole purpose in life? Destroy Homer while taking a disturbing delight in doing so. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2UzbFYi2Go
      As for slagging, as long as they continue to slag JT, we will defend him because the Con MSM certainly wont. Allowing them to continue their vendetta against him without opposing their claims is sheer nonsense. You can't have it both ways. However, I would love nothing more than to be able to STFU about it just as soon as they STFU about it. Then we can all STFU about it and finally put this fake scandal to rest.

    2. Hi e.a.f...I don’t “revere” Trudeau I support him. You are the one who reveres/worships JWR. And as I’ve told you before, take your little Jody dolly to bed with you, but leave me out of it...

    3. Simon, happy to hear you support Trudeau. I support JWR and Trudeau, and to suggest I take my "little Jody dolly to bed with" me......Yikes,
      its interesting I've commented on this blog for years, now I'm not that welcome. I'm O.K. with that, because of course its your blog. Over the years you've handled various opinions on a variety of topics well. What this discussion over the past few weeks has clearly demonstrated is how divided the progressives are regarding this issue. It really might be time to move on because there is much more nastiness in Ontario and Quebec.

      When Jason Kenny is elected in Alberta people there can truly kiss their butts good bye along with their rights.

      the federal government doesn't have a single RCMP officer working on money laundering in B.C., yet it has changed our entire economy.

      The new Leg. in Quebec discriminates against minorities.

      Those are some real issues. The infighting in the Liberal party needs to die a quiet death and the less said, the better. until people stop talking about it, nothing is going to change and the Conservatives will continue to drive the agenda.

  6. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Calamity Jane sure has a hate on for JT. It's bizarre actually. This supposed doctor is seemingly obsessed with protecting her special "friend" Jody no matter what the cost to her credibility and career. Hardly a smooth operator, she unleashes her venom while in the caucus and has the audacity to question whether her ouster was legal or not. Why? So she can rejoin the caucus and further damage the party? Like I said, bizarre.
    So now it'll be Jody's turn to go before the cameras in a day or two for some more "truth" to keep this pathetic hit job going. They're like a festering, leaking boil that will never heal because they keep picking at it while the Con MSM jumps on every morsel like a raccoon in a dumpster. Time to move on ladies and save whatever credibility you may have left. This obsessive rage and revenge will eat you alive and spit you out into the annals of history as the destructive duo who carried out the greatest injustice of all, aiding and abetting the party of hate and the worse possible choice of PM this country could ever have.

    1. JD, the poet in me notes that you employ some super similes.

    2. Calamity Jane sure has a hate on for JT. It's bizarre actually. This supposed doctor is seemingly obsessed with protecting her special "friend" Jody no matter what the cost to her credibility and career.

      On the TV program "The Doctors" today (it's part of the Oprah empire, not sure if it's syndicated in Canada?) was a segment asking whether or not the "body positive" movement borne of, I guess, third- or fourth-wave feminism is actually contributing negatively to the public health crisis of obesity. They invited on for a debate a registered dietitian and an actual M.D., the latter of whom made the more convincing point in terms of scientific reality while the R.D. just waved her arms and blah-blah'ed about girl power and self-esteem according to "research." On the regular panel is a cosmetic surgeon who also does bariatric operations and he wasn't convinced of the vague platitudes the R.D. was saying either. After he was done the first thing I said to my mother, who was at home watching this, was: "watch her accuse him of mansplaining." She didn't but it wouldn't have come as any surprise if she did.

      I bring up this anecdote to point out that, 1) just because someone is a medical professional (as Jane is) doesn't necessarily give them credibility on anything else, and 2) toxic "feminism" can literally make people sick. What this is, it's extremism, pure and simple, and we live in the age of extremists eating moderates alive. They have even turned on Barack Obama, his latest piece in the Guardian where he practically begs progressives and liberals not to fight each other getting ravaged in the social media vomitorium as mealy-mouthed centrist mansplaining from a disappointing, has-been technocrat who's had his day. Ouch.

      Do I support Trudeau just because "he's cute" as the cynical and perverse finger-pointers would have you believe? Yes, he is very handsome and I will admit to having bought quite a bit of merchandise with his likeness on it. But no, I support Trudeau because "her truth" is not truth, it's bullshit Newspeak that sounds more like something Rudy Giuliani would say to defend Trump. Talk about mansplaining. JWR's entire testimony should have been discarded the minute she uttered that ridiculous phrase. As Janice Kennedy pointed out the other day, it's not necessarily un-feminist to raise the case of reasonable doubt or mitigating circumstances regardless of the identity of the speaker. In fact it's what a good lawyer would do, which just shows that JWR is even more of a lousy lawyer than we thought and that Philpott needs to reacquaint herself with the scientific method that should have been at the core of her medical training. Stop "femsplaining" "your truth." They don't speak for me.

      Now, it may just be due to disgruntled employee syndrome, but their anger (which isn't righteous in the least) plays to a certain narrative that's being exploited in bad faith. Much the same as the GOP used Bill Clinton's accusers -- and I have to say, not all of whom were credible -- as a weapon to paint Hillary Clinton as a "fake feminist" and torpedo her campaign. Calamity Jane and Judas Wilson just strike me as two more of these irrational male-bashers who, as you say, "have a hate on for J.T.," and like their forebears, turned a lot of women off from feminism after the bra-burners and Puritanical anti-sex crusaders made a spectacle of themselves in the 1970s and 1980s. Horseshoe (or horse's ass) theory being what it is, when the rational center cannot hold, the only beneficiary ends up being the Cons. Frighteningly, it's reminiscent of the 1930s which had the communists fighting the sensible middle and the fascists winning the day. They're hurting women -- in fact, they're hurting democracy -- which is yet another reason I want them to STFU.

    3. Hi JD...yes, I think that the way JWR ignored that treason graffiti in from of her office shows how much she hates Trudeau. And I have no doubt that she is the one who has poisoned Philpott’s mind. I wish I could ignore them both, but they are leading us down the road to fascism so they can’t be ignored. And if the Cons win the next election, they will never be forgiven...

    4. Hi Jackie...great comment. Why do I have all these great commenters who make my scribblings look so puny? 😳 But yes, trust trust me, just because a person is a good doctor doesn’t mean they’re good at anything else. In fact, some of the older doctors I know are incredibly out of it, if not complete reactionaries. And as for supporting Trudeau, I support him for what he stands for and for being decent not for the way he looks. But the dirty old Trudeau haters out there are always accusing me of being his “boyfriend” or worse. As only those filthy bigots could...

    5. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Thank you, Brawnfire. Your comments/perspectives are appreciated as well. And Simon, it's your blog that inspires the commenting on here so your said scribblings are far from puny. Inspiration is an invitation for revelation and celebration.

  7. Anonymous8:27 AM

    An erroneous politically motivated claim well past its best before date amplified by the media into a biased non story. Unfortunately we don't require the help of the Russians to destroy our democracy when we have our media piddling it away one click at a time. Whatever happened to reporting the issues facing the nation and critiquing the actions proposed to address them?


    1. 60 Minutes, Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch (and Conrad Black) happened. News agencies and broadcasts became advertising agencies or infomercials with a mandate to sell themselves as the product. The Internet kicked it into overdrive. Social media bot farms filled the void that media consolidation and the profit model had created. To paraphrase Archie and Edith, "Mister, we could use a guy like Uncle Walter again." Or in Canada's case, Uncle Peter.

  8. Climate Change is more important......wake-up, Canadians!

    1. great point. If/when Jason Kenny is elected in Alberta, there will be another who isn't interested in improving the climate. he's threatening to turn the oil off to B.C. The thinking is it will give in and permit more pipelines and tankers in our province.

      The issue isn't jobs, it climate change because at the rate the climate is changing we wont' have to think about jobs we'll be dead.

  9. It's dumb for a doctor to diagnose the law.
    It's ludicrous for some of 'youse' (you know who you are) to advise us folks to be quiet about the two ladies, when it's the two ladies who bring themselves back, EVERY SINGLE TIME. We're here, where we need to be found, by anybody; but they're out there in the public's face where they keep making the HEADLINES; and the BREAKING NEWS!
    In part, they may well be suffering withdrawal symptoms.
    I mean, think of it, up until they started all this, they were in the thick of things; important ministers getting up every day to do important things--and now they've got nothing WORTHY, to do.

    1. What branch of medicine is Philpott's field, I wonder? You mentioned withdrawal and I think that's an apt term. Sounds to me like both she and JWR need a mental health intervention to get over their co-dependent addiction to narcissistic supply. Physician, heal thyself.



    2. Hi Brawnfire...as I'm sure I've said before, I totally reject the argument that by criticizing the two Connies we're guilty of sexism. I've fought for the rights of women since I was a very young teenager, and I don't need any lessons from the misogynist Cons and other dirty old men. In fact I would argue that by trying to help the Cons defeat the most feminist PM ever, the two Connies are betraying the women's rights movement and should be ashamed of themselves...

    3. Anonymous1:41 AM

      "What branch of medicine is Philpott's field, I wonder?"

      If I were to hazard a guess I'd say Disruptive Proctology, Jackie.

  10. Anonymous12:24 PM

    They sat on their butts long enough to destroy the party from within and when it came to be intolerable and ridiculously uncooperative, they were shown the door.
    We knew there would be blowback as a result of being fired.
    Welcome to another chapter in Canada's greatest HR problem.

    By the way, I see there is movement afoot to have an intense pundit booted from Progressive Bloggers. What are your thoughts on this Simon?

    1. Hi anon...thanks for alerting me to the blog by my old friend WILLY calling for Progressive Bloggers to give Kinsella the boot. But although I agree with him that Kinsella's ravings are debasing that aggregator, I really have nothing to say about the problem. And suggestions I have ever made to the PB administrators have been peremptorily rejected. So all I can do is avoid that aggregator as much as I can. I check it out after I file a post to see if it was published. But that's it, with the exception of the Anti Racist blog, there are no others I care to read. The place is like a senior residence full of grumpy old Trudeau haters, with each more senile than the next. It's sad, it could be so much better, but it's just not my problem...

    2. Hi Simon, fwiw, I just want to make you aware and consider that the Prog Blog aggregator site's front page is where I found you. (so, I'm thinking of those, like me, who look for the progressives' voice/pov, but don't use Twitter or Facebook. The "intense pundit" is on a non-stop anti-Trudeau crusade and with a barrage of posts, (and bragging about it). The quantity of his posts pushes other content such are yours quickly off the front page. I counted 5 of them the other day. The hashtag used to do so, IS the real "scam" being perpetrated. So, here we have a Prog Blogger AVOWED to making sure the fake scandal doesn't die.

    3. @brawnfire

      I wonder if he hired Hamish's troll farm to spam the aggregator and social media in turn. Or he's on a coke -- er, adrenaline binge. Hate + ego combine for one helluva powerful speedball.

      All this because he didn't get to jump onboard the Heave Steve movement in 2015? Sheesh, if he's that unhinged and obsessive and that much of a dirty trickster, is it any wonder Justin didn't want him part of the Positive Politics team?

      Intense Pundit or should I say Incensed Stalker needs to switch to decaf, get some help and get a life. Seems he misinterpreted "just watch me" and took it way too literally...


  11. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Con leaders are not marketable to anyone other than their base so they need intense propaganda campaigns to bring down the opposition. One method that worked extremely well in the US election is to split the opposition. There were various attempts but the one that worked the best was the leaked documents revealing that the Democratic party sabotaged Bernie whether it was true or not. Possibly the current non scandal started without any help but it certainly has a lot of help and coordination to keep it going ... the duo should check out their steed and verify it is still the same purity pony they started out on!


  12. Hi RT...yes, that's why Andrew Scheer is so determined to keep the fake scandal going. If he can drive enough Liberals to the NDP he can split the vote and hope to win the election. You'd think that progressives could see the danger, but some of them are either so blind or so dumb, that they are quite capable of falling into that trap, and waking up in a fascist country they don't recognize....

    1. Political parties monitor blogs such as yours Simon. As long as there is traction on the topic, they will continue with it. It divides and conquers. once no one is talking about it, it will die a quiet death.

    2. Hi Simon,
      I note that (the turncoat), that "intense pundit" Anon @12.24pm refers to, wrote a book back in 2012 warning against just such a split as you do now: Fight the Right: A Manual for Surviving the Coming Conservative Apocalypse.
      A reader comments "he is absolutely on the money regarding the need for the Liberals and the NDP to embrace math and to realize that as long as they divide the progressive vote, the Conservatives will ......." win.

      (Evidently the author has no problem with helping the Con Acops happen this time around.

  13. Justin gave them rope and they hung themselves

  14. a few years ago my father told me to expect Conservatives to be in power at all levels of government within a few years. I didn't believe him and told him not to be so pessimistic. Hmmmm, maybe the old man was right.
