Monday, January 23, 2017

The Women's Marches and the I Can't Keep Quiet Song

I can't remember a more inspiring sight than the sight of all those millions of women and their supporters marching in Washington and all over the world.

Or one that cheered me up more. 

I was worried that the ghastly predator Donald Trump would get away with all his crimes against women.

But the women made it clear he won't.

And as Charles Blow writes, that couldn't be more of a slap in the face of the Groper-in-Chief. 

The marches, whose participants vastly outnumbered inauguration attendees, offered a stinging rebuke to the election of a man who threatens women’s rights and boasts of grabbing women’s genitalia.

They were a rebuke of bigotry and a call for equality and inclusion. They demonstrated the awesome power of individual outrage joined to collective action.

This is the beginning of an uprising...

And it was a message to America that the majority did not support this president or his plans and will not simply tuck tail and cower in the face of the threat. This was an uprising; this was a fighting back. This was a resistance.

It sends a clear message to Trump and his Republican trumpanzees.

Members of Congress, laboring under the delusion that they operate with a mandate and feeling compelled to rubber-stamp Trump’s predilections, should heed well the message those marches sent on Saturday: You are on notice. America is ticked off.

And if all this energy can be channelled into the formation of a mighty resistance movement, as I'm sure it can, it will mark the beginning of the end of them and their deranged leader.

And what I liked the most about those marches was the presence of so many young women and girls... 

For their future is being threatened by Trump, as he prepares to appoint a reactionary Supreme Court Justice to make abortion illegal.

Even if that could kill thousands of poor American women.

And this wonderful song is also a great message of resistance...

We can't keep quiet. 

We will resist.

The women of America are leading the fight against Trump. Isn't that fantastic?

And with the help of the many men who support them.

The ghastly hog will be defeated...


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    All I felt was despair after trump won the election. On Friday night, as I was looking forward to the march in my town, I saw a video of a Nazi getting punched and it made my day.
    I don't care what anyone says, someone who advocates genocide and attempts to bring discussions about destroying Jewish people or the black man into the mainstream only deserves to be met a a flying fist. He is now scared to go out in public, I think that is fantastic.

    1. hi anon...I understand how you feel. First I was shocked, then I was sad, and then I was angry. Especially since I feel that the election was stolen. And if that punch keeps Richard Spencer in his basement or in a "safe space" that would be a good thing. I however won't attack anyone, unless they attack me first. But if Nazis start infesting our society, I would be forced to change my approach...

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    So where were all these women on election day?


    1. hi MC...I don't know where they were, most of them were probably voting. And as for the others, you can be sure that they will also be voting next time....

  3. I’m With Our Sisters

    Survey: 100% Of People Marching On Washington Were Not Aborted

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    It was nice to see all those women giving a big fat raspberry to the Gropin'Fuehrer on the day after his inauguration, but in the bigger scheme it doesn't matter much.

    Trump knows that he captured the majority of white women's votes, and those are the only women's votes he or his party care about. He knows that march organizers couldn't get out enough people in the right states to win the election, so he can safely discount their message.

    Until women (and men) show up to oppose specific bills and actions by Congress, real change is unlikely. To illustrate, it was thanks to Code Pink and 9/11 families pressuring Congress day after day after day that the GOP finally caved and ordered the 9/11 Commission. Without that kind of sustained pressure, the GOP will simply advance its agenda. Sadly, the organizers of the march didn't ask for, or talk about organizing, that sort of sustained action. Until they do, it'll be a joke to talk of resistance.

    1. hi anon...I agree that one day of protest won't change anything. But I understand that a lot of data was collected by the organizers, so it can be used to create a movements all over the country. And if progressives are already so stirred up before Trump really does anything, imagine how they will react when he starts implementing his fascist policies. The march was just a start, but don't be surprised to see it lead to something even bigger....

  5. Thanks, Donald Trump. You Actually Brought Jews and Muslims Together.

  6. Anonymous5:09 PM

    That was a joy to behold to see this massive crowd which greatly outnumbered Peeresident Trump's regurgitation day crowd.
    I know we'll have to wait for the alternative facts to get Trump's numbers once they arrive from his alternative universe but I'm celebrating anyway.
    Take a well deserved bow ladies, your message will resonate and be carried on for a very long time.

    1. hi I said in my post, I was just so happy and impressed by all our beautiful sisters out there, and the pussy hats were absolute genius. I couldn't believe that Trump had won the election after the way he treated women, and his horrible vulgar remarks. But now I feel a lot better, because I know he won't win the next one...

  7. I think it was CNN's Jim Acosta who said last evening that an alternative fact is a lie!

  8. hi David...I always thought Jim Acosta was one of the best reporters CNN has, and after his incident with Trump my estimation has only increased. If Trump thought he could intimidate him, I believe he is mistaken...

  9. "Donald, We Resist!" (with apologies to Arcade Fire)

    Na na na na na na na
    Na na na na na na na

    You're walking around
    Head full of sound
    Acting like we don't exist
    You walk in a room
    And stare right through us
    Talking like we don't exist
    But we exist

    Donald it's true
    We're different from you
    But tell me why you treat us like this?
    You've turned away
    What do we say?
    Not the first betrayed by a kiss

    You know it's true
    We're staring at you
    When you walk in a room
    Tell us it's fine
    Stare if we like
    We look through you
    We look though you

    Na na na na na na na
    Na na na na na na na

    We're up on our feet
    To march in the street
    Knowing that we will resist
    Donald you whine
    We know it's time
    And tell us you'll resign like this
    And you can do it like this

    You know it's true
    We're staring at you
    When you walk in a room
    Tell us it's fine
    Stare if we like
    We look through you
    We look though you

    We will stare, we will stare
    It's all we need to do
    We will not lose heart
    We must turn away from you
    Oh Donald please go away
    Your ego's just too big
    And we don't need a clown
    You know you're going somewhere
    You need to leave this town
    We know you are confused
    You need to leave this town
    Your mind is what you have to lose

    We're up on our feet
    To march in the street
    Knowing that we will resist
    We're up on our feet
    To march in the street
    Knowing that we will resist
    We resist!
    We resist!

    We're up on our feet
    To march in the street
    Knowing we will resist
    We're up on our feet
    To march in the street
    Knowing we will resist
    But we resist!
    We resist!
    We resist!
    We resist!
    Na na na na na na na
    Na na na na na na na
    Na na na na na na na
    Na na na na na na na
    Na na na na na na na

    Maybe if we work together
    We can make the changes in our land
    And if we work together, you can't change us
    Just where should we start?

