Monday, July 18, 2016

The Leadership Race and the Delusions of the Cons

As we all know Rona Ambrose and her Cons are having a really hard time attracting any star leadership candidates.

The only candidates they have managed to attract so far, like a candle attracts bugs, couldn't be more boring or more mediocre. 

And it seems, more delusional.

For there were three of them at a farm in southern Ontario yesterday, confidently predicting that they are going to win the next election.

Conservative leadership candidates Kellie Leitch, Michael Chong and Tony Clement each say the Tories can “absolutely” defeat Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberals in the 2019 federal election. And all three MPs say they have the right platform to mount such a comeback.

With Kellie Leitch pretending she cares about others. 

“It's going to take vision, organization and a team that is focused on making sure that Canadians that work really hard and go out and help others are supported,” Leitch, the second-term Simcoe-Grey MP said in an interview Sunday during Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Conservative MP Larry Miller's 12th annual Appreciation Barbecue.

As long as they're not barbarians, or the lazy poor.

And Tony Clement pretending he's a man of the people.

Clement, who entered the leadership race just last week, said while he has been in politics “for a long time” – he was first elected to the Ontario legislature in 1995 – he has maintained his “small-town sensibility” and understands the importance of staying “close to the people.”

And bursting with new old ideas after meeting with the millionaire Kevin O'Leary...

At his cottage mansion in the Muskokas.

And Michael Chong pretending he's almost new, and different, and a real nice guy.

While like the others failing to understand that one of the big reasons they're NOT going to win the next election was literally staring them in the face...

In the form of the host of this little Con gathering, the ghastly redneck Larry Miller...

You know old Larry, who most recently disgraced himself by comparing welfare recipients to animals. 

But despite that, and his many bigot eruptions, remains the Con's "Keeper of the Flame."  

And as long as he does, the Cons will remain the Harper Party.

The flame will burn brightly...

And none of those Con leadership candidates, or any others.

Will get anywhere near power for a long long time...

Delusions are delusions.

But when do they become madness? 

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  1. How many degrees of separation are Canada's cons from Eragon? This dark future was so close for Canada, the USA faces it today, and in England all is lost. Micheal Chong has some moral chops, Kelly snitch line lYNCH apostoate.

    1. hi Steve...I'm trying to ignore what's happening in Turkey, because with everything else going on I fear it might cause me to blow a fuse. But yeah it's bad, and thank goodness we got rid of our would be dictator in a peaceful manner...

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Kellie Leitch......LOL. An opportunity for women in politics and we end up with a Leitch, Downward and out Rawna with "screw the middle class Rait" pondering!!!!! Gazebo Tony is just a delusional nut job seeking acceptance by looking in the mirror!!!!! With these leading the morally depleted, bigot, self serving CONS pool Canadians will have no worries about any CON power anytime soon!!!! Enjoying your blog whilst on vacation Simon!!!!!! FS

    1. hi FS...have a good vacation, I'll be heading off soon myself, to a place where they've never heard of people like Tony Clement or Kellie Leitch. And believe me they won't learn about them from me....
