Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Michelle Rempel and the Hideous Hypocrisy of The Cons

When Michelle Rempel was a screeching cog in the Con regime, she used to spend a lot of time trying to stop refugees from coming to Canada.

But since she was evicted from power, she now spends a lot of time accusing the Liberals of not accepting enough Yazidis, a Kurdish minority group in Iraq that has been singled out for particularly brutal treatment by the ISIS crazies.

Claiming that while the Harper regime cared passionately about their fate.

The Liberals aren't doing enough to save them.

Like she did about a month ago when she claimed that Justin Trudeau's son Hadrien would one day be ashamed of his father for failing to prevent genocide...

And like she does in this video recorded a day later.

But sadly for Rempel, data gathered by the Cons themselves shows that their own record couldn't be more appalling. 

As the Conservatives push for more help for Yazidis fleeing persecution at the hands of Islamic militants, new information suggests their efforts to do so while in government were minimal. 

Data from a controversial audit of Syrian refugee cases ordered by former prime minister Stephen Harper late last spring reveals of 546 people reviewed, three identified as Yazidi, a Kurdish minority group which practices an ancient faith.

And she couldn't be more hypocritical.

But then so was her depraved leader, who raised a fortune for his party by asking his supporters to send money so he could save the Yazidis and other religious minorities. i.e. Christians.

While at the same time waging war on Muslims...

Only to be revealed as a fear monger and a fraud.

Data obtained by The Canadian Press under access-to-information laws suggest the vast majority of landed Syrians whose files were audited were Sunni Muslim, as is the refugee population at large. About three dozen were Christian. 

That few Yazidis arrived under their watch is a fact the Tories haven't dwelled on as they have been pushing the Liberals for more action.

But then that's who he was, a monster who would play political games with the lives of others.

And this is Michelle Rempel...

Just another grubby Con playing the same kind of dirty power game.

Just another screeching cog or hog of hypocrisy.

And just one more reason the Harper Party should never be allowed to form another government...

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  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    'If Only Rempel Had A Brain/Heart/common sense" she would be somewhat human.....maybe??????? Confirmed fear mongering fraud Simon. Obviously something missing from her gene pool!!!!! ....FS

    1. hi FS...Rempel has a brain, but unfortunately like most Cons she lacks a moral compass, she hasn't an ounce of empathy, and it's all and always about herself...

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    There is a genocide going on. Yazidis and Christians should be the first in line to get help, they are the ones being targeting by ISIS.


    1. Your perspective of Middle Eastern cultural relations is limited. ISIS is made of up Sunni Muslims. They have a 1000+ year old grudge with Shia Muslims. The Yazidis and Christians are really a sideshow compared to what ISIS does to Shia Muslims.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      I've seen videos of what they do to Yazidis. I'm researching a bit more now and looks like you're right. Thanks for letting me know.


    3. hi MC...yes, Dan is right. The ISIS crazies have treated the Yazidis in a genocidal manner, but most of their victims have been Sunnis. We need to do what we can to help the Yazidis, but we are helping the Kurds and the Iraqis fight ISIS, and we should let the UN determine who are at this time the most vulnerable...

  3. That the con media continues to butter her up as a better Kenney amazes me, whatever happened to metrocorcay.

    1. hi Steve...Rempel continues to get good press from the MSM for no good reason, other than the fact that she is a young woman, and some of the old geezers in the press gallery are infatuated with her...

  4. You can't stop a scorpion from stinging. It's the same with this particular group of Cons. Can't stop being really big hypocritical a-holes.

    Although to be 'fair', all sides of the political spectrum have issues with hypocrisy, but with the CPC this is deemed to be a feature not a bug.

    1. hi Dan...yes it's true, it does seem to be in their nature. But that's just as well, for it does mean the Cons will remain the Harper Party, and they will go nowhere...

  5. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I am not sure you are correct MC. I have heard that ISIL is not particular in letting you live if you do not follow their brand of extremist Muslim beliefs. I personally doubt it has little to do with religious fervor and more to do with revenge, anarchy and hopelessness.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Read what you just wrote. You totally contradicted yourself.


    2. Anonymous10:14 PM

      My apologies MC, I was not clear. Any who do not follow the extremist views of ISIL are threatened, not just Christian and Yazidia's, so it is hard to say any groups should be given preference. The Western powers were wrong to go there, it was wrong to conduct regime change (is that not contrary to UN Charter?) and I believe it is insane to stay in the belief we can solve the problem through force. GS

    3. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Abraham Lincoln once posted to his blog that it does not matter the truth, if the faithful want to believe falsehoods, they shall. No amount of contradiction shall sway them if they find it agrees with their perception. Or as another great leader said "We make our own reality." GS

    4. hi GS... yes the great Lincoln is right about that, and the Cons definitely definitely do exist in their own reality. They will will believe what they want to believe.And as long as they do their chances of renewing themselves are practically nonexistent...

  6. e.a.f.11:33 PM

    Off topic, but speaking of Cons, the federal Liberals just re shuffled the diplomatic corp and guess who got fired? the old con from B.C., Gordon Campbell, el gordo. Now he may have to come back and find a job. This ought to be fun.

    He lied to the B.C. voters regarding the HST, got turfed by his own party and Christy, got anointed to a taxpayed job in London. Lived like royalty on our tax dollars and has now been brought back to earth by Dion. Unfortunately he isn't come back in hand cuffs, but at least he is out of that job.

    1. hi e.a.f...I'm glad to hear that Campbell got turfed, and I'm quite encouraged by what I hear about that diplomatic shuffle. For it seems it may mean that we might finally play a more neutral and more useful role in the Middle East...
