Saturday, October 31, 2015

Stephen Harper and the Last Propaganda Show

One of the many great things about having toppled Stephen Harper and his Con regime, is that we'll never again have to watch their ghastly propaganda channel 24/Seven. 

Which spent millions of dollars of our money, glorifying our self styled Great Leader in a manner that would make the dictator of North Korea envious.

Or make the original Big Brother scream with frustration...

So I'm glad to report that 24/Seven's last show, after the crushing defeat of the Con regime, and the humiliation of its Great Leader, was considerably more hilarious.

Gawd. We're not going to miss these scenes are we?

Thank goodness we stopped Harper.

And our depraved master's voice has finally been silenced...

Now I what I want to know is just how much of OUR money did the Cons spend that ghastly propaganda show?

When will the forensic audit be completed?

And when can we expect a refund?

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    102. "The 24/Seven videos summarize the activities of government for interested Canadians. As Mr. Teneycke [Conservative campaign spokesman] said: 'We’re better than news, because we’re truthful. '"

    Although the Conservatives have never disclosed how much their 24/Seven project cost to produce, the Prime Minister's Office has said between three and four staff members from the Privy Council Office were assigned to the project, meaning their salaries were paid for in full by the Canadian taxpayer.

    Mark Bourrie writes in Kill The Messengers: Stephen Harper's Assault on Your Right to Know (2015): "Pundits said the television show, aired on the prime minister’s website and on YouTube, was meant to soften his image. It might have been edited to make Harper look more human, but the program itself was part of the plan by Harper to replace the mainstream media with words and images that are under the complete control of the prime minister and his staff."

  2. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Canadian Election (HBO)

    1. Damn! I just watched that and couldn't stop laughing throughout! Worse, I was sipping some coffee at the moment when they came back to Oliver from the Harper Netflix bit and the look on his face caused one of the worst spit-takes I've done in many a year!

  3. Justin out with his Family last night was the highlight of the week........awesome!

    1. Justin dressed as Luke Skywalker and Sophie dressed as Princess Leia.

    2. Hi Kathleen and David...yes that was a really cute sight. A whole lot better than Harper's halloween which if you remember had kids going through metal detectors at 24 Sussex Drive before they could receive treats from Great Leader...



  6. e.a.f.7:11 PM

    the picture of harper with B.C.'s photo op queen bring memories back. they go rid of harper now B.C. need to get rid of Christy. 4 children have died in care recently and all we get from chrstie and her rolling cabinet minister, is its under review, we will do better. in the meantime short 100 social workers. Since the federal election is over we are more focused on "sparkle queen" of LNG and her minions, turns out there isn't much in the way of records for the provincial government and the entourage. Turns out they've been deleting them and triple deleting them so no journalist, blogger, citizen, tax payer can request information Its not there. How good is that. Guess Christy learnt a few things from Steve.

    In B.C. there are no records on the Highway of Tears meetings. No records on a highway, with no bus and over 40 women murdered in the past 30 yrs. Oh Christy doesn't want to put out the $250K a yr needed for a bus. So thank you for including the photo op queen in the picture with steve.

    1. hi e.a.f...I knew you'd like that one. I only wish I had used a shot that showed how much the woods were burning while Great Leader gathered the firefighters around him for his ghastly photo-op...

  7. Anonymous11:51 PM

    In view of recent allegations that Quebec cops have forced native women to perform sexual acts, is it possible some BC cops are responsible for the missing women last seen near the Highway of Tears???

    1. hi anon...I have no idea, but it's such a tragic story I do blame the police for not doing more to prevent it, or catch the killers...
