Thursday, March 19, 2015

Is the Canada Revenue Agency Helping Build the Monument to Harperism?

Last night I told you how more and more decent Canadians are joining together to denounce the monstrous Memorial to the Victims of Communism.

The ghastly monument Stephen Harper is building to himself.

Just to pander to the ethnic vote, and stick another knife into the Supreme Court.

Well today it seems that the builders of that monstrosity may be getting some help from the Canada Revenue Agency. 

The charity behind the campaign to erect a monument to the victims of communism has declared zero political activity in its five-year history, even though it originally told the Canada Revenue Agency some of its work would be political.

A review of Tribute to Liberty’s official filings with the CRA reveals a clear intention to engage in political activity. When asked if it planned to engage in political activities, it answered “Yes” in its 2009 application for charitable status.

For even though the absurdly named Tribute to Liberty charity made its intentions clear. And its ties to the bloody Harper regime couldn't be more obvious.

Tribute to Liberty has close links to senior Conservatives, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered a speech last year at a fundraising dinner for the charity. Conservative senators have hosted and organized fundraisers for the monument – which in recent months has been criticized over its design and site – and Wladyslaw Lizon, a founding member of the group, is a Conservative MP.

The CRA seems to be giving it a monumental break:

The charity says it was audited by the CRA and that the agency concluded last year that all rules were followed. Citing privacy reasons, the CRA will not confirm an audit took place, and Tribute to Liberty declined to provide a copy of the report.

Buffing the asses of the friends of the Con regime, while going after its "enemies."

Dozens of Canadian charities have faced scrutiny since the 2012 Conservative budget set aside $8-million for CRA audits to determine whether they are following rules regarding political activity. The CRA has not published a list of the 60 charities it has identified for auditing. However, some of the groups that said they were audited were critical of government policy.

Like environmental groups and bird watchers...

A small group of nature lovers in southern Ontario enjoy spending weekends watching birds and other wildlife, but lately they're the ones under watch — by the Canada Revenue Agency.

And really what more can I say? Except that something is terribly wrong in this country.

And don't let that monster get away with it.

Or say what I said last night.

Defeat his ghastly un-Canadian regime.

And turn this foul monument into a monument to his victims...

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  1. As Conservatives have previously labelled Canadians advocating for the environment as “eco-terrorists,” I imagine Harper has speech 2.0 already written:

    “It is the eco-terrorists who endanger our security and would take away our freedoms. It doesn’t matter what the age of the person is, or whether they’re in a garden, or planting a tree, or whether they’re in a forest watching birds or somewhere else. When you are engaged in activities that explicitly promote or advocate clean air and clean rivers, lakes and streams, that is a serious criminal offence no matter who you are. We cannot tolerate this.”


    Little Tin God -- According to several idiomatic dictionaries, a LTG is a self-important pompous person or someone or something held in excessively or unjustifiably high esteem.

  3. Anonymous8:24 PM

    My only comment is why are the Liberals and NDP not putting their selfish interests aside and working together to remove this disgusting government?

    Instead of their attacking each other, the Libs and NDP should be co-ordinating their attacks on a daily basis to remind Canadians how disgusting this government is.

    Instead they are quarrelling about who said what about potentially forming a coalition. You have to wonder who are advising the Libs and NDP ..... Cons moles?

    1. Anonymous12:18 AM

      Yup, opposition is a pair of narcissistic milquetoasts and one loose cannon.

  4. Little Tin God (with apologies to Don Henley)

    An income split is dawning
    On fewer than expected
    "Business as usual"
    That's how the headline read
    Some selfish neo-con saviors
    Have now been resurrected
    In all this excitement
    You may have been misled

    People want a miracle
    They say "Oh Lord, can’t you see us?
    We’re tryin' to make a livin' down here
    And keep the children fed."
    But from little robocall rooms
    To exceeding spending limits
    How are the mighty fallen
    So the Bible said

    You don’t have to pray to a little tin god
    Step out of the way for a little tin god
    You might fear C-51, you might fear the rod
    But you never have to get down on your knees
    You don’t have to holler, please, please
    No, you never have to get down on your knees
    For a little tin god

    The cowboy's name was Stephen
    And he knew that there was trouble
    So in a blaze of glory
    He rode out of the west
    No one was ever certain
    What the Action Plans were sayin'
    But they loved it when he told them
    They were better than the rest

    But you don’t have to pray for a little tin god
    Step out of the way for a little tin god
    He loves C-51, he hates the niqab
    But you never have to get down on your knees
    You don’t have to holler, "please, please"
    No, you never have to get down on your knees
    For a little tin god

    Throw down a rope from heaven
    And lead the flock to water
    The man in the middle would have you think
    That you have no other choice
    But to wander in the wilderness
    Of all the upturned faces
    If you stop and listen long enough
    You will hear your own small voice

    But you don’t have to pray to a little tin god
    Step out of the way for a little tin god
    You fear C-51, he fears voter fraud
    But you never have to get down on your knees
    You don’t have to holler, "please, please"
    No, you never have to get down on your knees
    You don’t have to holler, "please, please"
    You never have to get down on your knees
    For a little tin god

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM

    That is one butt ugly chunk of concrete. If the Harperites really, really want this monstrosity, then they should build it in the riding of Stephen Harper in Calgary.

  6. With friends and mentors like Netanyahoo teaching fat Steve how to break the hypocracy meter and still win, you know we aint seen nothing yet. I see false flags blowning in the idot wind on the horizen.
