Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to Destroy the Con Brand

Well now it's official. If we want to demolish the Con Regime.

And enjoy a buh bye/ boo hoo/f**k you speech like this one. 

All we have to do is demolish Stephen Harper. Because he's the Con brand.

“The thing to watch is the brand of Stephen Harper. This mandate has been built around him. It’s the linchpin of the Conservatives’ success,” pollster Nik Nanos told The Hill Times. “They have to try to protect that brand, because if they allow any damage to the brand of the Prime Minister, it will make things more difficult for the Conservatives come re-election time.”

Which should be an enjoyable challenge eh?

And not too hard. Because if Great Ugly Leader can call Tom Mulcair DANGEROUS...

Even before he was TOTALLY humiliated.

Can you imagine what he must be planning to call Mulcair now? And can you imagine what we could call Harper?

So I did. Just for fun I put together some old and new video and made this little number tonight...

As I said, just for fun. But you can imagine the possibilities eh?

We couldn't ask for a more dangerous leader. Or a better monster.

Let the demolition job begin...

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  1. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Brilliant as always.

    1. hi anonymous...I'm glad you liked it. As I said I only put this video together to respond to Harper calling Mulcair dangerous. But hopefully the next one will be better....

  2. Anonymous1:19 AM

    dumb and dangerous worst combination life can concoct...

    Hello you idiots that voted Harper con, go back to sleep and remember to vote Thomas Mulcair next time around when are done with break-fast...

    1. hi Mogs...yes it's a nasty combination isn't it? And I'm not surprised the future of the regime now rests entirely on Big Brother's shoulders. Because when you look at the Con cabinet they've got nothing left...

  3. Outstanding work, Simon! Thanks for the inspiration. I'll circulate this as widely as I can!

    1. hi Lorne...thank you, as I said I was just having a little fun. But I belong to an artist's collective that is preparing some videos, to try to take attack ads to another level. They are much more talented than I am, and have better editing equipment *sigh* But I'm going to make some videos that focus on what we've lost, and are much more personal than the ones you usually see. If the bully Harper wants a war he is going to get one...

  4. WOW! Brilliant video, Simon.

    1. hi Beijing...thank you I'm so happy you like it. I usually make videos for my friends that have nothing to do with politics. But after I saw that anti-Mulcair ad I decided that since it's probably too early for the progressive parties to make attack ads, I'll try to see what I can do in the meantime. Stephen Harper introduced foul attack ads to Canada, so I think it's time we gave him a dose of his own medicine... ;)

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Your attack ad gives me severe nightmares.

    That's a good thing.

    Now, if only the NDP (or any party for that matter) came up with something that scary to air on TV against Harper, he'd be gone for good.

  6. If ever there was an emperor with no clothes, it's harper. All the man did during his last election campaign was repeat the word economy, but nobody was astute enough to point out that he "didn't see the 2008 recession coming". Really? Only to go on and gut the civil service and institute policies to obliterate the manufacturing sector which again, nobody is holding his corrupt regime accountable for. I have to give credit to the cons for their brilliant manipulation of the message, but the very people who vote and support these criminals are the ones who are being robbed blind and don't even know it. Not a lot different than the mind-numbingly stupid tea party advocates in the US.

    1. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Very astute bcwaterboy....

  7. Anonymous10:52 AM

    And the good news is a con party revolt is in progress...

    "Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre states: “In all cases, science and facts should rule our decisions.” When did Stephen Harper make this stunning 180-degree complete reversal?"

    Ahh some sanity at last in the con ranks...
