Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Voter Apathy: When Complacency is Collaboration

(click pic to enlarge)

Well I must admit that on a gloriously warm Indian Summer long weekend, it was easy to forget that I'm living in Stephen Harper's monstrous Canada.

Easy to imagine that I was living in some paradise, where Toronto is Tahiti, instead of a decaying city run by a grotesque idiot.

Easy to become as complacent as just about everybody else.

Even though it's strangling our democracy.

At the end of the day, we must realize we will all pay for our cynicism and disengagement. When our politics is ill, as it is now, we delude ourselves if we fail to realize how it affects us in our daily lives. Only people who turn out to vote are taking part in the decision-making. Bad governments don’t happen by accident.

Easy to understand why so many Canadians feel that if it ain't broke why fix it?

Except of course that you'd have to be living in a treehouse not to understand that having a crazed right-wing regime try to change Canada beyond recognition, with the support of less than forty percent of Canadians, is an outrage.

Horrible things can happen in beautiful places.

And complacency is collaboration.

Which is why I'm so excited about this.

I don't know what shape this movement is going to take in Canada. Whether it will take root in this smug country, or will be smothered by complacency, and the contempt of the right-wing media.

Because in a country where people can seriously debate the merits of violence in hockey, even as players brains turn to jello, anything is possible eh?

But if it gets Canadians off their asses and into the streets it will be worth it. Because in the great darkness of Harperland only massive protests will stop the Cons from destroying this country, and turning it into a prison state.

And if it can happen in Tahiti Toronto.

It can happen EVERYWHERE...

h/t Far and Wide 


  1. Toronto is a beautiful city, not decaying and in need of Tahiti imagery! But one needs to acknowledge that Toronto, like many of Canada's cities including Montreal (the most obvious example), is struggling to keep up with infrastructure maintenance.

  2. infrastructure maintenace is largely due to people choosing to use automobiles for transport/transportation rather than trains, metro,cycling,and walking
    this automobile use costs us billions, STATS Canada: 2005: the social costs of driving: $187.5 Billion
    Meanwhile, Montreal has 35,000 homeless persons and 55,000 on a waiting list for affordble housing
