Friday, October 07, 2011

My First Thoughts on the Ontario Election

I'm sure I'll have more to say about the Ontario election.

Maybe. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

But tonight all I have the energy to say is that the bigot Tim Hudak is now officially a LOSER. The scummy little bottom feeder.

My riding, Trinity Spadina, helped scuttle Liberal hopes for a majority, and will force them to work with the NDP. Which is a good thing.

Ontario, like Canada, is basically a progressive place. No matter what the Cons say.

And of course, one down and two to go...

But wait...did I mention that Tim Hudak is a LOSER?

I did? Oh well. It bears repeating.



  1. "...and will force them to work with the NDP. Which is a good thing."

    I have a question. You assume the NDP actually is wanting to work with the Liberals. What makes you think they won't play with team Hudak when the first important confidence vote of this minority government comes out, like, say, a budget? Wouldn't be the first time we've seen dippers play with Cons, even Neo-cons; provincially or federally.

  2. Many believe that Hudak lost because his platform had no substance, and was very similar to that of McGuinty, despite the rhetoric. They wanted someone who would make deep cuts due to the very large deficits, and no platform had that in their opinion. After all, the Toronto Sun refused to endorse anyone...

    That likely was the cause of the pathetic turnout, as both the conservative base AND swing voters who voted Liberal last two elections but could have gone Conservative, stayed home.

    Hudak should definitely resign.

  3. Ck,What makes you think they won't play with team Hudak when the first important confidence vote of this minority government comes out, like, say, a budget? Wouldn't be the first time we've seen dippers play with Cons, even Neo-cons; provincially or federally.

    There is no doubt in my minds that they will. They have already proven that with the Harper cult and more than once since Harpy. T They will take every opportunity that they think will buy them a few more votes regardless if it is bad for Canada. Opportunists always lurking. Layton trained them well.

  4. Nice one! I really love the presentation.

  5. Judging from the result in all the recent elections, Harper was WRONG to assume that conservative values are Canadian values. And the Ontario NDP would be idiots to even consider siding with Hudak on anything.

  6. IvisonJ John Ivison

    Hudak will have a job on his hands keeping his job, judging by the number of PCs emailing me to say he should go.

  7. hi CK...I can't predict what will happen, but unlike yourself I don't demonize the NDP, and I am hopeful that the Liberals and the NDP can work together.
    Because let's be very clear eh? Only by working together or uniting will progressives ever rid the country of these ghastly Cons. And surely that's a goal we all share...

  8. hi Craig...some writer at the Star wrote that the McGuinty Liberals won because Ontario is a Progressive Conservative province, and the Libs are more PC than the Hudak conservatives.
    However, I'm trying to ignore that because it's too depressing... ;)

  9. hi CK I'm afraid you are too hard on the NDP. We really need to stop fighting each other and concentrate all our fire on the Harper Cons. If I felt the Liberals or the NDP could finish the Cons off singlehandedly I would vote for either one of them. But since I honestly believe they can't, I will keep on trying to unite them...

  10. hi Elizabeth...hey thanks a lot. I'm glad SOMEBODY liked it... ;)

  11. hi Beijing...yes I agree. Beyond the red or the orange the best news was that at the end of the day far more people voted for a progressive option than voted for the Hudak Cons.
    Did I tell you that I once found a pony under a heap of manure. Oh well. Some day... ;)

  12. hi Oemissions...oh no. We MUST keep Hoo Hoo as leader of the Cons. For as long as he's leader they don't stand a chance... ;)

  13. If you weren't happy with the oligarchy of the cons, libs and ndp, join the Socialist Party of Ontario
