Friday, May 04, 2007

Jamaica's Homophobe Zombies Strike Again

Well yo ho' blo me battyman bumbaclaat.!! It looks like the homophobe bigots of Jamaica are back with another horrifying episode of Attack of the Killer Zombies.

Isn't that disgusting? What kind of barbarous, backward country is it....where even the injured can be attacked?

... The man was admitted to hospital. However, a police spokesman said last night that a group of people, who wanted to beat the man on his release, were waiting outside the hospital, which, he said, could delay his release from the health facility.

When will the MSM make this a bigger story? When will more Canadians care? When will Jamaica be exposed as the homophobic sewer it is? When will the Jamaican-Canadian community speak up against those who lynch black others once lynched them?

I'm not holding my breath. I figure since their own government doesn't care about the oppressed gay people of Jamaica, the only way to MAKE them care is to hit them where it HURTS. By boycotting their tourist industry.

You can write to newspapers and your MP and ask them to take an interest in this story. Or warn Canadians not to go there.

You can write to the Jamaica High Commission in Ottawa and tell them what you think.

Or you can do like me....print up a few dozen pamphlets like these....

And distribute them outside travel agencies. Ask people why they would want to go to a place where gay people are murdered.

And crime is so out of control NOBODY is safe.

Hopefully decent Jamaicans will also join in the struggle and remind us all that once upon a time Jamaica was a better place.

And where now the message is hate, once it was love....

Hopefully one day it'll be a beautiful paradise the Great Bob would have want it to be.

But right now it's just an ugly toilet of violent intolerance, filled with low life zombies, and criminals.

So let people know what's going on there. Make the Jamaican government account for its actions, or lack of them.

And in the meantime make them PAY for their bigotry.

Over and over again...


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I had a discussion with some coworkers a while back about Jamaica as a tourist paradise and they had no idea about the carnage taking place there against gay people. It is a case in which this despicable country needs to be hit in the pocket book. I don't think Canada's new government has issued any warnings either. The word needs to get out there that the Jamaican government and law enforcement supports lynchings

  2. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I was originally going to stay away just because of the heat & humidity...but this is a much more compelling reason.

  3. Hi Waterbo!! Yeah that's what bothers me the most...this story just doesn't seem to be going anywhere. The MSM media doesn't give it enough attention. And we can't expect anything from the homophobes of the Harper government. But ultimately it's up to the Jamaicans to clean up their own act. But that won't be easy because the jamaican church is riddled with homophobia and one of the main reasons for the maintreaming of homophobobic attitudes. Anyway I've printed up some more pamphlets(not the jokey one I put up) just a plain tract explaining the dangers) And I've written to my MP so we'll see what happens....

    Hi Jay!! you know the worst thing is that Jamaica is so fuckin beautiful.The mountains, the flowers, the water, the music. It was the first caribbean island I ever saw, on a one-day stopover, and it just blew my mind. I'd never seen colours like that. As I said if they could take the hate and the violence out of that country it would be a paradise...
