Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hillier's Hellish Hockey Day in Kandahar

Talk about an obscene image. The rogue general and suspected war criminal Rick Hillier showing off the Stanley Cup in Kandahar. Kissing his bloody fingers and then touching the cup. While complaining that all this talk about torture is pissing off the troops. Talk about a hellish mix of horror and Canadiana.

"They're angry that these allegations have detracted from the overall mission here … on the enormous amount of good that's being done, on the incredible things that are happening here in Kandahar province and around the rest of Afghanistan..."

Oh what? Since when do generals and soldiers tell Canadians how to think or what to say? And when you hand off prisoners to savages who torture or kill them what do you expect?

And what good things? The demented yankee loving chickenhawk Hillier may try to make the war sound like Hockey Day in Kandahar brought to you by Tim Hortons. A fuzzy kind of Canadian feel good thing. When it's just a doomed mission floating like a turd on a sea of corruption, religious extremism, torture and barbarism.

Reconstruction is a farce. This isn't a humanitarian mission anymore. It's a killing ground.

Aerial bombing of a valley in western Afghanistan several days ago by the American military killed at least 42 civilians, including women and children, and wounded 50 more...
“The report says that some women and children were drowned in the river, and it was maybe in the heat of the moment that the children and people wanted to escape and jumped into the water..."

We like to talk about building schools and helping civilians. And winning hearts and minds. But as for some of our soldiers...... they can't wait to try out our big guns.

"That was one of my first choices, just to fire the big guns and see (stuff) blow up...""It was pretty cool..... so I said, 'Oh yeah, let's do that.' It's a big rush to fire the big guns. That's why I like it."

I'm sure gunner Small meant to add that he also likes reconstructing all those mud huts after he blows them up. But Hillier wasn't around to remind he just forgot.

The Americans on the other hand don't have any illusions left. Out on the frontiers of the Amerikan Empire their legions are almost at the breaking point. They're not there to help anyone anymore. They're just there to kill.

Or survive.....

Apocalypse Afghanistan..

And remember these guys are on OUR side. Just like the torturers are...

Whatever this doomed mission in Afghanistan is, it's not noble and it's not Canadian. Not only is it NOT like a hockey game....with good guys and bad guys. In Afghanistan you can't tell them apart. Not only is it completely idiotic and doomed to fail. Not only are Canadians dying or being injured for nothing. It's now threatening to destroy some of our most precious Canadian values.

It won't be long before our troops start acting like the American ones. All occupation forces end up acting like that when things don't go their way. And when it does Afghanistan will still be lost.

But all the things we value the most in this country will be lost too.

If Hillier and his soldiers can't behave like a proper Canadian army...and keep handing over prisoners to be tortured or killed.

Then they should get the hell out of Afghanistan before they disgrace us all...


  1. Those goddamn Liberals got us in this mess, and knew prisoners were being tortured. Why is it the left has fucked everything this country ever stood for, then the Conservatives are in power for two minutes, and Liberals start blaming them for everything.

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Imagine what things would be like if the Conservatives were in power when this whole thing started. You honestly think it would be better?

    Simon, Excellent video, we have to get the fuck out there. This is a hopeless war with no end and none of our altruistic hopes and dreams will change what this does to real people. As long as we’re there we fuck them and we fuck ourselves.

    It seemed like a good idea at the time, I’m over that, way fucking over it. We will never make the difference we fooled ourselves into believing, if we pulled out tomorrow the situation wouldn’t get any worse.

  3. "if we pulled out tomorrow the situation wouldn't get any worse,"
    now that's altruistic dreaming.

  4. Hi harbinger!! you're right about that...the Liberals do deserve a lot of the blame for getting us into this mess in the first place. And of course for helping extend the mission when we had done our part and could be out of that doomed mission. On the other hand you have to agree that the way the Conservatives have handled the issue has only made things worse...

    Hi Bruce!! I'm glad you liked the the absence of any real tv reporting out of there sometimes these little slices of reality can tell you a lot. I admit I'm terribly conflicted about this war....more than anyone can know. Sometimes I feel one way sometimes I feel the other. But then I put emotion aside
    and the fact is this mission can't succeed. We don't have enough troops, there isn't enough reconstruction money, other countries aren't interested in helping, the Americans don't even want to be there, so how long can you beat your head against a wall and fool yourself into thinking we can WILL ourselves into winning. It just ain't going to happen...If we want to win the struggle against Islamic extremism there are better and more intelligent way to win...

  5. But there is no better training for the final act.

  6. This is why you don't declare wars unwinable sitting on your sofa:

    An Open Letter to Senator Reid on His Declaration of Defeat
    Posted: 21 Apr 2007 10:25 AM CDT

    The following letter was written by Lt. Jason Nichols, a Naval officer who is currently serving in Baghdad. He is also the head of Appeal for Courage , a group of American active duty and reserve service personnel who are appealing to Congress to stay and finish the war.

    Senator Reid:

    When you say we've lost in Iraq, I don't think you understand the effect of your words. The Iraqis I speak with are the good guys here, fighting to build a stable government. They hear what you say, but they don't understand it. They don't know about the political game, they don't know about a Presidential veto, and they don't know about party politics.

    But they do know that if they help us, they are noticed by terrorists and extremists. They decide to help us if they think we can protect them from those terrorists. They tell us where caches of weapons are hidden. They call and report small groups of men who are strangers to the neighborhood, men that look the same to us, but are obvious to them as a foreign suicide cell.

    To be brief, your words are killing us. Your statements make the Iraqis afraid to help us for fear we'll leave them unprotected in the future. They don't report a cache, and its weapons blow up my friends in a convoy. They don't report a foreign fighter, and that fighter sends a mortar onto my base. Your statements are noticed, and they have an effect.

    Finally, you are mistaken when you say we are losing. We are winning, I see it every day. However, we will win with fewer casualties if you help us. Will you?


    LT Jason Nichols, USN
    MNF-I, Baghdad

  7. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Sticking around based on the reason we went in isn't altruistic dreaming?

  8. Sticking around because we gave them our word. You lefties sounding more and more like americans every day, I thought your tenent was to shun Americans, but you emulate every move they make.

  9. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I live in America and by and large, in my area, support for sticking around is verrrrry high. And 99% of the time, the reasons given for staying lack any rational backing.

    To be honest, you sound more like the "typical American" that I've met...awesome chair notwithstanding. :)

  10. The goddamn liberals at least kept us out of Iraq, which Harper wanted us to be in. That would have been cool, eh! Stuck in the middle of two bullshit wars! Yeah! Yeah! Kick their ass! Kick it good! Yeah!
