Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Day Pierre Poilievre Showed Us Who He Really Is

Pierre Poilievre has been making a lot of kooky videos recently, that are both deeply disturbing, and strangely enough also hilarious.

Like the latest one where he compares our banking system to a parking meter, that is always stealing our money. 

Or the one where he looks like he's about to make love to a piece of wood. *Shudder.*

But don't be fooled, he's no comedian. 

For Poilievre's decision to welcome the far-right wing truckers to Ottawa with open arms, has just blown up in his face.

Now that we know that some of the truckers he coddled, could be potentially dangerous terrorists.

The Ottawa convoy occupation served as a breeding ground for “violent extremists” looking to recruit and radicalize convoy supporters, according to a newly disclosed internal intelligence report from a Canadian counterterrorism organization.

“Violent extremists who support or are attending the protests include a range of IMVE adherents including white nationalists, accelerationists, separatists, radical libertarians, conspiracy theorists and others who justify violence to achieve ideological objectives.”

Poilievre needs to explain why his hatred for Justin Trudeau caused him to not only support the convoy thugs, but bring them coffee and donuts.

So does Candy Bergen who took her love for the hairy honkers to obscene lengths...

By practically throwing herself at them.

And as for the Con claim that Justin Trudeau jumped the gun on invoking the Emergencies Act that's also wrong.

The former chair of the Ottawa police board says she was not aware of any negotiations that could have ended the so-called “Freedom Convoy” occupation around Parliament Hill last winter, and that the federal government was right to invoke the Emergencies Act to deal with the crisis.

In an interview with the Star on Thursday, Diane Deans — who was chair of the city’s police board at the time — said she was surprised by the reported reference to a potential breakthrough with Ottawa protesters. 

Deans said the only talks she knew about were “very targeted” negotiations between the city and protest organizers to accomplish one goal: move protesters’ vehicles out of residential areas and closer to Parliament Hill. 

“I never understood those discussions to be about ending the protests,” Deans said, arguing the movement of vehicles should not have deterred the federal government from invoking the Emergencies Act. 

And the Con claims to the contrary are just more evidence that they are now the Convoy Party

Except that now they are covering up for potential terrorists, and hanging out with some of the most deranged and dangerous far right extremists in Canada. 

Here is Poilievre meeting the other day with Jeremy MacKenzie, a founding member of the terrorist/accelerationist group Diagolon, who is awaiting trial for weapons offenses.

And who has recently been harassing Rachel Gilmore, and other female journalists in the vilest manner.  

While constantly talking about how he would like to overthrow the government.

Racist Plaid Army vlogger Jeremy “Raging Dissident” Mackenzie spent Wednesday evening screaming over his livestream about burning Parliament down. He also claimed that America has entered a race war, blamed the media, and repeatedly said people should be hanged. 

“I’m this close to deciding, you know what, let's just burn everything down. Let’s just go to Parliament Hill and burn it down. Let’s just burn all of it down. Because they don’t care anymore.  

And to make matters worse, Poilievre isn't sorry. 

Pierre Poilievre is ignoring calls to clearly disavow a man identified by a federal counterterrorism organization as a national security threat after Poilievre shook hands with the far-right extremist at a meet-and-greet in Nova Scotia. 

And why? 

Answer: Because he is too chicken to offend his many other right-wing extremist supporters.

Which needless to say makes Poilievre and his Convoy Party unfit to ever govern this country again.

When the inquiry into the trucker horror show begins, there will be more revelations about the activities of the far right extremists and religious fanatics who are now running the Cons. And trust me, they will be devastating

I don't know if the grubby Poilievre will end up in a place where he truly belongs...

But one thing is for sure.

He has shown us who he is, and what he might do to Canada.

And he will never, ever, ever, be Prime Minister... 


  1. Arrrrgh! I wish people would stop calling White Supremists "White Nationalists". It diminishes the seriousness of their hateful ideology.

    First of all, being white is not a nationality. I am white and I do not belong to a white nation.

    Second, I am a Canadian nationalist, which means I love my country and take great pride in it. However, that does not mean I believe all other countries and their citizens are inferior to Canada and me and that I do not have to take into account their feelings, beliefs, and values. Or worse yet, that all other countries should be either enslaved or eliminated from the planet.

    White Supremists firmly believe that straight Christian whites are superior to everybody else. They hate my Jewish wife as much as they hate a Muslim Arab or a black man or a gay person. History has demonstrated that people who adhere to this ideology can and will participate or at least stand aside while non-Christian whites and others are persecuted and sometimes executed for not being one of them.

    Stop diminishing that fact by providing them with the cover of the relatively innocuous title of "nationalist".

    Note Simon that I know you did not do that but I find it disheartening when official government agencies use that term instead of the correct one.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      How can you be a ‘Canadian nationalist’?

      There is no Canadian nation, our own Prime Minister has declared Canada the first post-nation state.

  2. Have you ever built a Martin house. I am talking about a bird house for martins that eat mosquitos like they were right wing pisatous. P P is the builder of such a house where they fly all the time screaming at the sun, let me determine when it should be dark.

  3. This incident reminds me of when David Duke endorsed Trump, and Trump deflected by saying he had never heard of the man in his life. Which is total BS because David Duke is synonymous with the Klan and hate, and has been so for close to five decades. Ironically, Duke's name is now as synonymous with hate as Trump himself and the infamous Austrian and Russian despots he so admires.

    What was even more infuriating, however, was the uncritical stenography that MSM did in taking his non-denial denial at face value. Which is what the cowardly so-called "centrist" white male talking heads Stephen Maher and Martin Patriquin did on Twitter with PP. I'd love to be proven wrong but I'm sure other talking heads will soon follow, as PP's fanboys rush to defend his pandering to avowed racists and anti-government extremists with juvenile whataboutism pertaining to Trudeau's yearbook. Last I checked, nobody in an Aladdin getup ever attempted or threatened to, you know, overthrow the Canadian government or execute journalists. But hey, "there are very fine people on both sides," as Donnie Decision Desk once said. "Fair and balanced".

    MSM needs to do better, but they're so drunk on bothsiderism and ratings that I worry they're going to sleepwalk Canada into a Dweeb Trump disaster just like we got. By the way, while we're at it, I guess nobody is going to talk about the cons weaponizing "intersectionality" in bad faith, to shield a black lawyer from criticism for comparing vaccines to Joseph Mengele's butchery in the Holocaust??? "No Nazi, no Nazi, you're the Nazi"? "Person, woman, man, camera, pigeon"? Brownshirts in blue suits. The Canadian Republican American Party is unfit to govern so much as a lemonade stand, let alone a country!

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Intersectionality has always been used in bad faith to set off squabbles about who is more oppressed. It's why straight, white, middle-class people started identifying as TQ+ to give themselves some victimhood cred. Intersectionality has divided both feminist and same-sex rights movements. It's no wonder the Cons have latched onto it.

  5. Hi Ottlib...I understand how you feel. As you point out, the term white nationalist makes absolutely no sense. We seem to have trouble in this country calling a spade a spade. Poilievre and his gang of racists, misogynists, and homophobes have profited from that, and as a result we are now overrun by white supremacist Con cockroaches and it will take a major effort to fumigate this country. But fumigate it we will. I am happy to report that the security services have started to arrest some of those white supremacist kooks, and we can all look forward to a very enjoyable fall...

  6. Hi Steve...No I have never built a a Martin house, but if it's good for pigeons as well, it sound like a good place to lock up Pierre Poilievre. The man is a menace, and in my opinion can't be jailed soon enough...

  7. Hi anon@5:23PM...Gawd, you Cons are like organ grinders standing on street corners playing the same old tunes over and over again. Yes, there is a Canadian nation, Justin Trudeau's comment referred to how far it has evolved from its colonial state. And you and your scummy Cons would know that, if you didn't hate Canada so much...

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Is no Canada nation, he’s said so himself. There’s a Canada state, but not a nation.

      Justin Speaks:

      “There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada.”

  8. Hi Jackie...yes, Poilievre has been hanging around with far-right extremists since he has knee high to a grasshopper, or in his case Stephen Harper. So the notion that he didn't know Jeremy MacKenzie is simply absurd, and yet another lie. And the sight of the Con media trying to defend him is enough to make me feel like vomiting. Stephen Maher and Martin Patriquin have fallen a long way in the last few years, and are now crawling along on their bellies in a final act of degradation. They have clearly staked what's left of their reputations on a Poilievre win, so they like him are going to be very disappointed. You and I were right all along, so I think we'll both deserve front row seats when the Cons go down screaming....

  9. Before you cast too much blame on individual journalists with regard to the media's whitewashing of PP's involvement with white supremacists let us remember Lisa Laflamme has proven that none of them are safe. They all have to tow the corporate line. They have the added disadvantage of the MSM in Canada being so small that if they get fired from one job there probably is not another one they can go to.

    We all have to make a living and these folks have chosen to do that working for a steadily failing industry, governed by corporations who do not care one whit about the people who are the consumers of their products. That is their choice so they are not completely free of blame but they also cannot be solely blamed for the situation.

  10. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Welcome to the big tent, for the paltry sum of $10 to $15 you can play the Freedumb vanity game where in exchange for a vote a politician of your choice will stroke your ego and proclaim that you are the real deal and so much smarter than scientific and other knowledge based institutions. Typically this type of game has two basic outcomes a) the Con artist gets the votes, becomes leader, and moves on leaving the suckers behind b) the Con artist is a narcissistic asshole who needs the adoration of the group as much as they need him setting the stage for an abusively destructive relationship for all concerned. Perhaps PP will ghost the Freedumb crowd after the election but the dynamics in his rally videos suggests otherwise. Compared to his nerd like solo videos he really gets off on adoring crowds. Smith is playing the same game in Alberta but her track record suggests it could be a sucker play rather than some sort of wonky mutually destructive synergism. We should know very soon as unlike PP in waiting she will be jettisoned into a position of immediate power and if of the same narcissistic ilk the competition to out crazy each other will be fierce.


  11. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I am not seeing anything about the cons leadership vote. How many are still not sent in? Sounds like the not yet counted are becoming a problem and standing in the way of the upcoming Coronation Day.

  12. Hi anon@11:51...Please consider this, before you continue to try to portray Justin Trudeau as a traitor, or just out of touch. Canada is a big country with First Nations, and a French nation, and goodness knows how many others. But we still manage to live mostly happily together
    so my advice is relax and enjoy it....

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      How can he be a traitor to a nation that he doesn’t even believes exists?

      And how many nations inhabit this Canadian state, by your own admission?

      How can a nation-state survive in the long term without a core identity?

      Justin offers no answers on those questions.

  13. Hi Ottlib...I am not casting all the blame for the precarious state of our country on our shabby media. And I recognize that there are still some decent journalists out there. But far too many of them have sold out their principles, if they ever had any, and served as de facto Con propagandists. As a result the country is more divided, and far right extremists are running wild. I believe, but can't prove it, that some of those so-called "journalists" are being secretly subsidized by right-wing/Big Oil groups, and when that is revealed one day it will be one of the biggest scandals in modern Canadian history. As for Lisa Laflamme, I never watched her program, and I'm disgusted by the way she was treated, but was she any better than the others? Con bias is killing this country, and I intend to hold those responsible accountable...

  14. Hi anon@7:50 AM…..I have never had any time for the absurd little quarrels of the left. I have always tried to unite progressives against the growing threat of the far-right Cons. The Cons are no longer a Canadian political party, they are more like a cult, and they hate this country with a passion. However, I look forward to seeing the Cons fight each other, and hopefully destroy the Harper Party once and for all…

  15. Hi RT….I see some are suggesting that Poilievre will be able to pivot after he becomes Con leader and adopt a more moderate approach, but I don’t believe he will or even can. He is in there too deep, and he knows that he would lose most of his far-right support to Bernier’s fascist party. And he has been attracted to far-right extremists since he was a teenager, and was sucking up to Preston Manning and Stephen Harper. He is caught between a rock and a hard place and hopefully he will be crushed like a bug…

  16. Hi anon@7:52AM…..I have no idea how the Con count is going. But I believe the votes are still coming in, and we will only know the totals not long before the winner is announced. Since it is a Con election some time will have to set aside to stuff a few ballot boxes. They also like to burn the ballots as soon as they are counted, presumably so nobody can check for fraud. So brace yourself for what’s coming because it’s not going to be pretty….

  17. To the anonymous person going on and on about Canada not being a state I ask the question: Since when did we want politicians to define what is our nation and its people?

    Canada is the great, tolerant and highly respected country that it is DESPITE its politicians not because of them. And I say that as a supporter of the current government.

    The simple fact is countries where politicians are a large contributor to how they are defined as a nation tend to be "shithole" countries. The best countries in the world are the ones where the people define what is their country and nation. The politicians just get in the way.

  18. It is all over but for crying for Pigeon Pierre, his unhinged wife and his party.
    Conservative boosters are in a panic are being asked to till their land in a sustainable fashion, reducing emissions somewhat.
    Conservative pundits, despite their hard work, cannot lift the CPC to above 30-33% of national vote intentions, and this will decrease with PP becoming leader and having to talk to people day in, day out.
    And soon we'll have a national dental care program; then some form of pharmacare program. And with more and more cities going to electric vehicles, the sunset of fossil fuels in on the horizon.

    And, with it, another Liberal-NDP minority or perhaps even a Liberal majority, to finally put the nail in the coffin of the Harperites Zombies.

    As for Lisa LaFlamme, she was very good at her job, breaking news stories and being a critical eye. Like Rachel Gilmore, she is being targeted for being a woman doing a needed and tough job while Andrew Coyne (sometimes cogent, often irrelevant) retweets stories of twins marrying each other...

  19. Anon@11:24 AM....Excuse me. Are you a junior philosophy student? Nothing in your comment has anything to do with the post. Please stick to the topic or I will be forced to delete you. Thanks....

  20. Hi Ottlib....thanks for taking the time to try to educate anon@11:24AM. Maybe his intentions are good, but trying to steer the comments away from the story of Pierre Poilievre far-right extremist AND terrorist stooge into a sterile discussion on Canadian nationhood only serves the interests of Poilievre and his Convoy Party. The far-right threat is all too real, Poilievre appears to be losing his mind, and this country is in real danger...

  21. Hi anon@10:06PM....Almost everything you say in your comment is absolute nonsense. And for the last time I'm telling you either stick to the topic or be deleted. I don't have the time to read your comments, let alone reply to them. Summer is fading alarmingly, and I'm just not interested. So please run along and bother somebody else....

  22. @Pierre D. and don't forget Melania Poilievre's drive-by smear of the PM (which she is getting deservedly eviscerated for on the bird app), and Mackenzie facing new charges that should see him arrested soon. Footage that will play in every LPC attack ad. If Missus Pepe is as vile as her husband, which it looks like she is, decency prevailing should mean a kind of emetic reaction among the electorate that sees them both looking for work elsewhere. Maybe Jenni aka Kellyanne put her up to it, so that they'll break up when PP loses and he'll come rushing right back into the she-Hulk arms of the shrieking beast who "loves" him the most. (And hates everyone else, but the feeling is mutual.)

  23. Indeed, indeed Jackie Melania P. is putting one of the last bricks into Peter Popinjay's wall of isolation, deceit and madness. She's getting excoriated for her dirty play, he's getting excoriated for allowing a white supremacist near him and the only ones hanging on now are the largely irrelevant Jenni Byrne and other Harper loyalists, who will likely lose another election in three years.

    And three years from this date, Prime Minister Trudeau will have passed Stephen Harper for time spent in office, taking that last prize from the CPC and putting the final nail in their coffin.

    But, as Simon says (no pun intended) Summer still has some legs so I am going to stretch mine anon.
