Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Ugly Cons and the War On Women

It's another American horror show, in a country where there are so many. But this one is different.

It's a horror story on an epic scale, a genocidal scale. It's a crime against women everywhere.

And it's yet another sign that the long shadow of fascism is upon us.  

And not just in the United States, but also here in Canada.

For the same dark forces are also working to undermine this country and its values.

And the Great Divide couldn't be clearer than when Justin Trudeau reached out to the women of America, with this moving message of solidarity.

While from the Cons there was only silence.

Nothing from Candy Bergen, for obvious reasons...

She's a  religious fanatic who believes that abortion is murder, and Trudeau is Satan. 

And loves some of her hairy Jesus honkers more than others.

And nothing from Pierre Poilievre for another obvious reason. He can't afford to annoy any of the SoCons whose votes he needs to make him Con leader in September.

Or for that matter offend any other more moderate supporters, after he told them he had no plans to reach out to the new convoy, now about to invade Ottawa again.

Only to be made to look like a liar and an idiot.

And then be further embarrassed...

You know, it's sickening to see how low the Cons and the religious fanatics and other kooks have fallen. And the contempt they have for women.

But it shouldn't come as a complete surprise.

There are so many Con uglies...

Candice Bergen doesn't dare stop them from attending the hate party.

Even if she wanted to, which she doesn't.

And as for Pierre Poilievre, these are the two slogans of the so-called Canada Day convoy...

And these are the two t-shirts Poilievre is flogging at his swag shop.

And yes, what a coincidence.

So now we know that he'll do or say just about anything to try to keep the support of those religious fanatics.

But what will he do next?


And is he a monster?

Or is he just a dangerous clown?

It's so hard to tell sometimes, the ugly Cons are not who they once were...

But at least we now know some more about those who having been pulling Poilievre's strings right from the beginning. With more to come later. Praise the Lord.

And one thing is for sure.

Pierre Poilievre is not, and NEVER will be fit to be the Prime Minister of Canada.

And sooner rather than later, him and his ugly misogynist Cons, and his blessed Con Convoy, will go down together...


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Man, imagine if Maggie had flushed a certain fetus down the toilet when she had the chance.

    What a wonderful world it would have been.

  2. Hi anon@1:55 pm….Thank you for showing us what a low con creature you are. From other comments I know you are a vile homophobe, a grotesque misogynist, a deranged religious fanatic, and above all a pathetic loser. Your life must be so miserable, and quite frankly you deserve it…

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Dude, you are going to burn in hell for your ‘life style’ at the end of day.

      So frankly, you ain’t got shit on anyone.

  3. And then the convoy stenographers of the Postmafia rags whined that PMJT had no business commenting on the USA's laws. Even snarked that he was "interfering in the judiciary" with lame comparisons to the SNC fake scandal. Matt Gurney in particular urged Canadians to pay more attention to the con media's latest fake scandal involving the RCMP. Something something blah blah Trudeau is corroding institutions blah blah Matt's disappointed that women are deciding what matters to women and not what Mr. Man says women should care about. Especially since it's quite obvious those incompetent Mr. Man cops are smearing their lady boss who they never wanted as their superior in the first place.

    CPC will never hold the women's vote and it's not because Trudeau is handsome. It's because he expelled the old guard of anti-choicers and prohibited new ones from running for the LPC. It's because of the Child Benefit, the national childcare program, the promotion of women to high-profile roles (even if JWR and Jane ended up being poor hires it doesn't reflect on Freeland, Anand or Joly, nor should it). And yes, it's because of gun control, something that the gun lobby and police structure that is invested in toxic masculinity will do anything to sabotage. Including turfing the first female commissioner and attempting to depose the feminist prime minister who appointed her.

    In short, women support Trudeau because he legitimately gives a damn. In fact, the patronizing and sexist assumption by Mr. Man columnists and Conservative operatives that women are only attracted to his hair or his fashion sense or his movie-star good looks is another reason why women will continue to reject the Mr. Man Testosterone Tories. Women have long memories and women will vote accordingly for policy. Sure, there are some exceptions, handmaids like Bergen and Lewis and obnoxious mean girls like Jen Gerson and Rupa Subramanya. But women by and large are not interested in the CoatHanger Party of Canada. Women are not interested in Tiny Testicle Trump or Pipsqueak Penis Poilievre.

  4. Sorry anonymouse. Simon has something important to say : you don't.

  5. Hi anon@4:38 PM….So know we know you are a religious fanatic, a misogynist, and a homophobe, and of course an ugly Con, who apparently believes that Jesus said “blessed are the hatemongers.” It’s also obvious you are a lonely loser, looking on forlornly as life passes you by. But it’s never too late to try to better person. And if you try and fail, there’s always medically assisted suicide…😀

  6. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Anon 1:55pm, Imagine a world where hate filled pieces of shit were flushed down the toilet by decent Canadians. Oh, wait a minute. You don't have to imagine, it's already happening.

  7. Hi Jackie….I wouldn’t worry about anything Matt Gurney has to say about anything. From my present location in vacationland I can assure that the RCMP fake scandal isn’t getting any traction. None whatsoever. Gurney is just an old hack desperately trying to hang onto his job like so many others, while Trudeau soars above him laughing as he goes. The Cons have never been so weak, Poilievre is losing his pigeon feathers even before he is anointed leader. My advice to progressives is relax and enjoy it. Summer is so short, let the Cons ruin their summer, while we rest up for the battles ahead…

  8. Hi Rumleyfips…Thank you, that poor Con troll is a real mess, and it doesn’t know what it is saying. It has been obsessed with me for a long time, but I have decided to stop publishing its comments, so that will probably kill it. And I can’t think of anything more merciful…😇

  9. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Simon: You should be flattered, you've hit the big time. I believe you have come to the attention of the "lovers twain" campaign and they are frankly alarmed at your effortless and regular production of graphic art that skewers the cons and their foibles. You can't be accused of doctoring pictures or taking things out of context, and it is all original work, they can't even use it against you.

    So they are trying to bait you. Unfortunately it worked, you skated close to counselling suicide, which of course is their own strategy. You two anons 1:55 and 4:38 are the ringleaders. I think Jenni was 1:55, trying to get you to talk about PP's birth mom and whether abortion was a question for her being single and young. Then PP saw she riled you a bit and went for the good old burn in hell meme. That got some more reaction, trying to sap a little more of your energy. Let your readers roast them, because they will.

    She is delighted she had an excuse to talk to him and coordinate this, all on a Sunday to boot. Anything to get him a away from the witch he married instead of her.

  10. Hi JD….Thanks for telling that poor Con troll to take a hike.I deleted four or five of its comments today, but still it keeps typing away, with one hand on the keyboard and another on its you know what. I made the mistake of publishing one of its comments a few days ago, and now it thinks it can get away with spewing more garbage. But my patience is finally exhausted, and it will never be heard from again…

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi anon@11:12 PM...I'm hardly flattered, but you may be right. The Poilievre gang might be trying to bait me, so they can claim that I am just as bad. or worse, than they are. But good luck with that one, because before I delete any comment I save it for use later if necessary. And anyone who reads that record, along with its identifying numbers, will recognize who is the evil one. As for Jenni Byrne, I doubt that she is directly involved, she is too smart to get caught up in a scandal like that one. But she must surely recognize that she's on a sinking ship so maybe she's desperate. And since I am on holiday I will henceforth delete all their comments on arrival. And will let them write their filthy homophobic comments on the walls of toilets where they belong....

  13. Hi anon@4:38 PM….So now we know you are a religious fanatic, a misogynist, and a homophobe, and of course an ugly Con One who apparently believes that Jesus said “blessed are the hatemongers.” And you call yourself a Christian? Don't make me laugh. What you are is a lonely loser, looking on forlornly as life passes you by. But it’s never too late to try to be a better person. Although in your case that won't be easy...

  14. Anonymous7:56 AM

    "Dude, you are going to burn in hell for your ‘life style’ at the end of day."

    Bothered by low IQ hate spam filling your in box. Get an auto reply bot, relax, sit back and listen for the sound of their heads exploding.
    "I love you… I love you and I adore you… We'll hang out and share all night."


  15. The difference between PMJT and Campaign Life Coalition?
    Justin Trudeau has stated in the past he hoped no woman would feel the need to have an abortion, but he states and has stated it is her right to choose and he respects that.

    This war isn't won in Canada though, and that's why the Liberals will load their guns on this for the debates in 2025 and it will hang like a millstone around Pigeon Pierre's head, just as the RCMP stuff dissipates in the warm Gatineau Hills air. All they have is scandal and reaction; no policy outlooks, no ideas, nothing. As much as I detested Harper, at least he had a team that could write (Horrible, anti-people) policy. The only smart person in their party is Michelle Rempel-Garner and they want to vote her out.

    Keep losing those winnable battles, CPC...

  16. OT: I couldn't be more disgusted with how #cdnmediafailed to vet their sources AGAIN. If anyone is exploiting the deaths of 22 people in Nova Scotia for political gain, it's Bob Fife and his ilk. Read this play-by-play from a lawyer in the province who's been following the inquiry closely and finds it just as detestable that a stubborn, paranoid, entitled culture entrenchment that Lucki and Blair sought to reform, has been manipulated and twisted into a nontroversy to protect the RCMP's "brand" and get heads on platters that aren't Scanlan and Campbell's. Nobody in the national media gave a shit about these families until that psycho bitch PR bunny Lia the Liar invoked the magic word "Trudeau."

    Then read Evan Scrimshaw's scorching takedown of the latest fake scandal and the absolutely cancerous corporate media model in Canada that is eroding democracy. I fundamentally disagree with him about the validity of the WE and SNC fake scandals, but the rest of the piece is spot on. In fact, according to a new poll of journalists as reported by (cough) the National Post (puke), Canadian media stooges feel under siege and "harassed" -- because they can dish out craptastic "reporting" but they can't handle the truth.

  17. Hi RT....Maybe a answering bot might keep my comment box from overflowing with Con garbage, but I actually enjoy deleting their comments. I can imagine how disappointed they must be to keep returning again and again to see if their comments have been published, only to finally realize that they haven't and never will be. WAAAAAH....

  18. Hi Pierre....So many Con MPs have voted to reopen the abortion debate, that combined with Poilievre's failure to condemn the American decision, should do them enormous damage in the next election. They chose to become a far right cult, and now they must be punished. Canadians definitely don't want to see this country turned into a theocracy, and Justin Trudeau will be able to use that to great effect. Poilievre was already kooky enough, and with so many women vowing never to vote for the Cons, his abortion party is doomed...

  19. Hi Jackie....I share your disgust. The Cons are trying to turn the deaths of 22 people into a cheap fake scandal, which reeks of misogyny and makes absolutely no sense. Canadians are worried about a lot of things, but that fake scandal isn't one of them. Why wouldn't the government want to know what weapons were used to kill so many Canadians. How could that request or demand affect a criminal investigation when the killer is dead? And why would the Cons claim that gun control is a partisan Liberal project, when the aim is to protect all Canadians? The fact is all the Cons are doing is protecting the criminal incompetence of the RCMP in Nova Scotia, and their good buddies in our grotesque gun lobby, who are like the Cons are more American than Canadian. They really are born losers, and it's going to be like shooting fish in a barrel....
