Friday, June 10, 2022

Pierre Poilievre's Delusions of Victory

Ever since the deadline for selling Con leadership memberships came and went, Pierre Poilievre has been acting like he is already the winner.

The new King of the Cons.

His campaign is claiming that he sold more memberships than almost all the other candidates put together, in what is clearly a blatant attempt to try to turn the election into a coronation.

But many observers are not convinced that he has the numbers he claims he has, or even if all of them are really Cons.

Which is not surprising since as in all Con elections the threat of corruption hangs heavy in the air. Did many of those who bought memberships buy them to vote for Poilievre, or to vote against him?

The Con friendly pollster Tim Powers says the claim the Cons signed up 600,000 supporters sounds dubious:

Since hearing the 600,000 figure, I’ve thought often of Saddam Hussein’s legendary information minister Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, a.k.a. Baghdad Bob. You remember him. The most outrageous and oft-satirized propagandist who told the world Saddam’s Iraq forces were walloping its allied invaders, even as the statue of his boss was being pulled down on live television. He sold his story hard, even while sinking into a pile of turd.

Now, I am not calling the Conservative leadership race a pile of turd, nor am I saying that the global figure of 600,000 is off base. But I do have a feeling, based on past experiences, that in some leadership camps there is some Baghdad Bob-level spinning going on—whether that is about memberships sold and paths to victory—and it is not just me who feels that way.

So,what is in a number? A lot of things; some of them, however, may or may not resemble the truth.

And of course his recent bitcoin meltdown made Poilievre look even more like a dangerous fraud...

So who on earth could trust him, when he can't even count?

But the big question is whether those who did buy memberships will actually vote for Poilievre, when the time comes.

Or will many, as Gary Mason suggests, be turned off by his naked hypocrisy?

This idea of someone taking over in Ottawa and bringing the elites to their knees has obvious appeal. So when Mr. Poilievre say he’d fire the governor of the Bank of Canada and all the “gatekeepers” preventing Canadians from enjoying their true potential, the freedom fighters cheer him on. When he boasts about putting forward a private member’s bill that would “scrap all vaccine mandates and ban any and all future vaccine mandates,” they applaud even louder. 

The fact that his supporters are blind to the gross hypocrisy that underscores much of Mr. Poilievre’s public persona is just good fortune on the candidate’s part.After all, we’re talking about a career politician who qualified for a gold-plated government pension at the age of 32. He has been a wealthy, full-fledged member of the Ottawa elite since he was elected in his 20s. 

And either vote for another leadership candidate, or don't bother to vote at all.

As for Poilievre's criminally irresponsible private bill to ban all vaccine mandates...

Even Andrew Coyne can see it's just another crude attempt to firm up the support of his trucker mob buddies.

So imagine what Canadians are going to think about Poilievre's bizarre attempt to pretend that climate change isn't a threat, as the days get hotter and hotter.

Or imagine what they will think when an inquiry exposes the way he helped the trucker terrorists who tried to overthrow a Canadian government.

The Toronto Star editorial board has this warning.

At the moment he is riding a tiger. It looks like it’s carrying him to the Conservative leadership, but he’s feeding forces that he may not be able to control down the road.

It’s time for Poilievre to get serious and make clear where he stands on all this. Becoming leader of one of the country’s national parties carries with it great responsibility. Fuelling fringe theories and casting doubt on whether he would fight a future pandemic fails that test spectacularly.

But since I don't believe Poilievre can change, when you add it all up it should provide Canadians with a real easy choice, when the next federal election finally arrives:

Thanks to his far right extremism, and his contempt for our Canadian values, Poilievre and his ghastly Cons have made the next election a referendum on whether we want to remain who we are.

They will find out that we do.

And it will mark the beginning of the end of the Harper Party...


  1. I hope you will help us all around here demistify how everyone is getting cranky at anything governement, regarding our airports and certainly healthcare, which I consider as too much into the spotlight since my peers keeps shoving this up when it will come to the Quebec elections coming up this fall. In other words, the cons will do anything to falsly expose our government as sleeping on the job and for mocking their promisses to health issues when in fact it's their own administrative pitbulls who are responsible for the deadlock. And yes, throwing a tantrum against the healthcare system and it's monopoly manic with the promiss of making it like in Germany where people would have a choice, keep in mind that although what it's like working in public health is so greyish and I feel lost in a maze regarding the quality of work, keep in mind I got fired from an ophtalmologist private clinic for not executing the tasks faster. Thus, another tip on the iceberg regarding the danger of private not only on the wallet but on jobs.

  2. Hi Simon, who is more truth, the Saker or the NYT
    who gave you weapons of mass destruction?

  3. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Which country is currently the freest country in the world. How many countries are freer than we are?

  4. Anonymous9:25 PM

    why do political parties allow such abuse as signing up as many members as possible just before a leader election.

    members than can elect a leader should only be those registered at last 12 months before a leadership contest iscannounced.


  5. Anonymous10:25 PM

    anon @ 8:59
    from memory 1) finland 2) norway 3) sweden
    7) canada

  6. It doesn't matter if Damien "The Omen" Poilievre sold 300,000 memberships or 300. Anyone who's listened to the reports from the CPC's "fixers," and followed the ongoing saga (unsurprisingly, yet shamefully, ignored by #cdnmediafailed) of the #KlondikePapers, knows that he's the "chosen one" of the backroom string-pullers. Judging by their desperate "backup plan" of calling in a contracted hit on PMJT, it would appear that even the anointed cabal of high priests, consisting of Harper et. al., isn't convinced Pigeonmania will materialize and carry a flock of easily-duped dodos to the PMO. "Take out Justin Trudeau by any means necessary" is the mission. Whether that's through another rigged leadership contest of shredded or stuffed ballots, or another wannabe January 6th incident, is immaterial to the cons' mission, delivered on high from their oily god of Mammon.

    Skippy will become "leader" whether legitimately or not, because this farce is simply entertainment for the bored and feckless access journalists who are either too stupid or corrupt to cover real news if it paints their preferred party in an unfavourable light. Only the cons could pick September 11th as the date to commemorate an impending disaster. Pervert Pat will high tail it back to Brampton and take his cynical appeals to diaspora communities with him. Jeb! Charest will drive his time machine back to 1995 and retire. The rest are irrelevant save for Lay Preacher Lewis, who will get a cozy position in Skippy's shadow cabinet where she can pronounce fire and brimstone against all-and-sundry stripes of sinners, and rail against the communist antichrist Trudeau through copious op-eds in the Irrational Post.

    Since Skippy is an unelectable asshole who even stokes emetic sensations in his own party, his only options after that will be to cheat (which he already has a record of doing, just ask Elections Canada), or incite stochastic anger among his virulent base of 4chan trolls who are probably out there hoarding guns while the cons stonewall the Liberals' firearms legislation. If Rempel can campaign from Oklahoma, perhaps PMJT should stay in California until 2025 and campaign remotely from a studio in Newsom's basement (taking a page from Hologram O'Toole's "plan".). Apple could set him up and he could deliver a keynote dressed as Steve Jobs. I say this because there remains a clear, nonzero possibility that one of Skippy's braindead Bitcoin bros or friendly sausage makers attempts the unthinkable, while the #cdnmediafailed to offer little else but a shrug.

    All of these people are corrupt and a menace to democracy. They belong in jail.

  7. Anonymous2:00 AM

    One thing for sure and that history has proven time and time again, when the Cons, especially PP, make a claim, it is either somewhat tinged or completely saturated in bullshit. They simply cannot be trusted, period. If they choose PP as their dear leader, they will officially become the biggest threat to democracy this country has ever seen as they spew their nonsense from PP's rabbit hole of dire delusions. The question now is how many Con MPs will follow him down that hole and subsequently drag their constituents along with them. Playing make believe was fun as a child knowing that it was after all, make believe. When supposed adults actually believe PP's make believe, it's entirely a mental health issue borne from the bowels of the internet and gleefully exploited by the populist assholes of the world with PP easily in the top ten amongst them. PP is human garbage for what he is doing and I hope he pays dearly for it by ensuring his legacy is one of utter shame and embarrassment.

  8. Hi Myworld1916....The first thing we need to acknowledge is that the pandemic has psychologically scarred many people, here and al over the world. And that rather than trying to help heal our country the filthy Cons are trying to use it to destabilize the country. They would try to make us believe that Justin Trudeau is personally responsible for the situation at Pearson airport, when he has nothing to do with it, and the same thing is happening at airports all over the world. Secondly the Cons are trying to undermine our health system so that they can try to further privatize it. The Cons long ago ceased to be a Canadian party, and they think that by causing chaos they will be able to overthrow the government, like they tried to do with the trucker terrorists. But we will defend our precious country and we will prevail...

  9. Hi Steve....I have no idea what you are talking about. But as I have told you before, stop trying to spread your Russian propaganda on this blog. I believe that Putin and his new Nazis are committing genocide, and I will aways stand with Ukraine and its heroic defenders, as do most decent people. So smarten up...

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      The only reason you support Ukraine is because Justin does too. If the CPC was in power you would be rootin for Putin.

  10. Hi anon@8:59 PM...There are several organizations that rate countries on how free they are, and Canada is always near the top of the list. Pierre Poilievre is always suggesting that we are not, but that's only because he's a sleazy fascist who wants to turn us into a police state. Canada is a big beautiful country, and the only threat to its freedom are the ugly Cons...

  11. Hi UU... I understand why the Cons hold such a long registration process, so they can stir up the pot like Poilievre is doing and attract many more members than they actually have. But as you point out their system leads to abuse and corruption, which is exactly what they want. Remember that in last election they had, the ballots were burnt as soon as they were counted, so nobody could appeal the results. or determine how many were fake. Mobsters will be mobsters, and the Cons are the most corrupt party this country has ever known....

  12. Hi anon@8:59...Thanks for trying to help. I Googled the question and saw that some have Switzerland as the supposedly freest country in the world with Canada in fifth place. But whatever the minor differences, the fact is that Canada is one of the freest countries in the world, so when Poilievre suggests it isn't he is just playing dirty politics and lying like a thief. A Con who if he ever became Prime Minister would turn this country into a police state. Our shabby Con media could have made it clear where we stand, but so far at least they have allowed Poilievre to get away with murdering the truth for which they can never be forgiven....

  13. Hi Jackie...I agree with everything you say, our country is under a full fascist assault, with the main target being Justin Trudeau, for having the guts and the decency to stand up to those far right extremists. And a comment I received this morning makes it only too clear what kind of human scum we are dealing with. The Con commenter claimed that Del Duca was being treated in a well known mental hospital, and added that he was delighted. Now I don't know whether his mother was suffering from syphilis when she gave birth to him, or whether he was suffering from from fetal alcohol symptom, or whether he even knows who his daddy was, like Poilievre who was abandoned by his 16-year-old mother and handed over for adoption. But there can be no excuses for that kind of behaviour. What we are dealing with is a diseased death cult, more American than Canadian. But if they think they can get away with it, they will be bitterly disappointed. We will fight them harder than we ever have before, and when the battle is over I suspect many a Con will be staring out at the world from behind prison bars...

  14. Hi JD...I completely agree with you, the Cons are the greatest threat to democracy this country has ever known, and the low life Poilievre is our would be Fuhrer. A would be tin pot dictator who is so kooky and so annoying I'm not surprised his mother dumped him so soon. His legacy will indeed be shame and embarrassment, not just for him, but for all the Cons who voted for him. His latest campaign demanding that Marco Mendicino be fired for invoking the Emergencies Act to stop the trucker terrorists from holding this country hostage, will blow up in his face. The inquiry will clearly show that he was guilty of aiding and abetting the terrorists, and that the only place he belongs is in a jail cell, along with his sleazy leader Candy Bergen. I look forward to the battle ahead, and urge all progressives who love this country to show the Cons no mercy....

  15. Hi anon@12:47PM....Your comment is completely absurd. I support Ukraine because I loathe bullies, and these days there are no more cowardly bullies than Putin and his fascist gang. Secondly, why on earth would I support the Russians if the Cons were in power, when the Russians are the ones who are trying to get the Cons elected? And if they did succeed in getting the Cons elected I would hate them even more than I do now, if that's possible...

  16. Anonymous10:15 PM

    The Huckster convoy temporarily consolidated diverse groups of emotionally distraught Fringies under the Freedumb political banner. In true buzzard fashion PP was quick to realise they were his ticket to stardom and promised all they had to do was to become a card carrying Con, vote for him and Freedumb will become whatever they think it is. Guns, oily pollution, disease spread, Evangelical justice, targeted prejudice what ever anti social freedom floats their boat as long as it is not considered Liberal.
    PPs problem is that although its a quick vote grab the Freedumbers are a collection of propaganda/conspiracy hyped special interest groups with nothing more than Liberal hate to bond them together. Even if he exploits the Liberal hate card to the max the various groups will tire when he fails to deliver on their unique visions of freedom. Will his scheme blow up before the leadership vote or afterwards? Before would minimise the social damage but afterwards would be more spectacular and longer lasting assuming there are any decent people interested in entering politics by then.


  17. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Hi Simon, That's hilarious yet unsurprising that PP's mother dumped him as a child. Was her name Rosemary by any chance? I'd love to hear the details of that story though I suspect she dumped him because he wouldn't stop crying and now he's made a career out of it. Maybe he just needs to be held, constantly. As in restraints. If she is a decent person, she must be mortified at what PP has become and I feel very badly for her.

  18. Pierre D.1:19 PM

    With the resurgence of the Freedumb people in Ottawa yesterday and a bomb threat, it's only a matter of time before people irrevocably tie them to Pigeon Pierre and his endless poop drops. Although I imagine there are a fair number of people tiring of Mr. Trudeau, the fact they are out of the media right now and that Mr. Singh is making a really good case for helping average people means we're likely heading to some permanent (?) LPC-NDP-BQ-GPC alliance of some sort, which is great for Canada.

    Not so great for CPC and their limited bag of tricks though; and if CTV or a news outlet ever gives #KlondikePapers some serious traction, it's all but over in Mudslingingville...little PP has struck out.

  19. Hi RT...I agree that the trucker rabble can't be counted on for anything. They may hang in long enough to make him Con leader, but I don't think they will have the patience to support him all the way to the election. One long meth weekend and they will have forgotten why they are still marching around, demanding an end to vaccine mandates when they are long gone. I of course am hoping they stick around because if Poilievre is forced to carry those kooks on his back, it will make our job of destroying him a lot easier. In fact after yesterday's terrorist scare in Ottawa Poilievre is now running baby pictures to try to make Canadians believe he's not a terrorist sympathizer. Good luck with that one...

  20. Hi JD....Yes, it's not surprising that his birth mother dumped him almost as soon as he was born. We're trying to track her down to find about more about her, and whether she can remember who his father was. But I suspect that Poilievre's sense of abandonment explains a lot about his angry obnoxious personality, and why he hates Trudeau so much, for not only having a father, but a famous one too. It would also be nice to find out more about PP's birth father and whether he spent any time in prison, for I'm pretty sure that's where Poilievre the terrorist sympathizer will one day end up. I know it's a sordid story, but it's one that must be told...

  21. Hi Pierre....Yes, the first first thing I thought about when I heard about that terrorist scare, was what has Poilievre done now? And I'm sure I wasn't the only one. As I told RT, Poilievre was so spooked by that scary incident that he is now running baby pictures to try to fool Canadians into believing that he harmless. But if our useless media dares to look into who was responsible for that terrorist threat, or who is responsible for the Klondike Papers, Poilievre's political career will be over in a hurry. And a lot of decent Canadians will agree that it's about time...

  22. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Astroturf Jenni is at it again. Remember the "Blogging Tories", who would pounce on anyone who was against the cons? The pile on sort of ruined the "widespread support" thing, since they always travel in packs and with about the same few dozen people.

    Now it is more about full spectrum thread dominance, especially in the Globe since commenters there have to have bought a subscription, or borrowed one that a print subscriber never uses. The couple dozen regulars are much more focused in recent months, all on the same topic as she assumes greater control over the con war room but uses it for PP.

    Tells include different commenters using similar phrasing, such as several different people saying the liberals must be "sent to Coventry". An English idiom, it is likely some of the commenter id's in her stable are operated by Stack Data, the UK company the cons hired for their social media strategy, then fired after Scheer or Otoole lost. So it looks like she has engaged them or their people.

    The membership numbers, claims of defection, and claims of huge and huger rallies, unstoppable inevitable victory are typical. The sneering contempt and insinuation you must be stupid if you don't like PP or his bitcoins, it all has Jenni's fingerprints on it.

  23. Hi anon@6:16 PM....Yes, I'm afraid you're right. I thought Byrne had improved herself after her loyal service to Stephen Harper. But I'm afraid she has reverted to being the beast she once was, and is now crawling through the gutter on all fours. I can't understand why, unless she still has the hots for him like she once did. *Shudder* Or maybe she's just rekindling her love for Stephen Harper. Remember when she used used to waddle around wearing a t-shirt with "I've got a crush on Harper" emblazoned on the front, along with a big heart. I've got a great photo of Byrne wearing that groupie t-shirt, and I intend to run it a lot to remind Canadians that a vote for Poilievre is a vote for Harper. And I think you're right, the campaign shows every sign of being of being organized by foreigners, and Byrne is smart she should jump off it, while she still can...

  24. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Although tit for tat Con inspired muck raking feels good it is also unfair to others with difficult family backgrounds. PP is an ass by choice who defines himself through his destructive self serving political responses to serious issues not his family history.


  25. Hi RT...I understand your concern, and you're right about not being unfair to others with difficult family back grounds. In more than ten years of blogging I have always tried to avoid playing dirty like the Cons are always doing. But you don't see the terrible comments that Poilievre supporters write to this blog, taking aim at Trudeau, his family, and yours truly, in the most vile manner. So although I delete most of them on arrival, I have decided to give them a taste of their own medicine, and see how they like it. I don't like doing it, but Poilievre is part of a vast fascist conspiracy, so until him and his fellow Nazis are destroyed they will get what they deserve....

  26. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The main thing about PPs birth mother giving him up for adoption is that he is easy prey for the antichoice who will claim the abortion law saved his life. Especially if they can get a sound bite of her saying she would have had an abortion had it been legal in 1979
