Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Wonderful Humbling Of Pierre Poilievre

It's almost too good to be true. Like a Con version of the story of the Hare and the Tortoise. 

Pierre Poilievre gets off to a flying start, leaves the other leadership candidates in the dust, only to run into a brick wall. 

And have his campaign start to fall apart.

For he has been truly humbled.

For months he has been on a crypto crusade. Preaching about the glories of bitcoin like a sleazy Con man at an old time revival meeting. 

Trying to make us believe that it was the cure for EVERYTHING.

But not any longer.

People who put their hard-earned cash into a tumbling cryptocurrency unit that is at the heart of the latest sharp decline in digital coins may be regretting they did not read a recent paper by Canadian financial technology scholar Ryan Clements demonstrating why it was bound to fail.

"Crypto assets are risk assets, they're not stable assets, they're not stores of value," Clements said. "And so that's why we're seeing a general market sell-off."

Now it's a disaster that makes Poilievre's claim to be a great economist, sound both hilarious and fraudulent. 

Like somebody running to be the president of El Salvador.

So he's suddenly stopped talking about it, dropped bitcoin like a proverbial hot potato.

Just like he's suddenly stopped talking about his vow to fire the governor of the Bank of Canada.

Which was also earning him some really bad reviews from even the Con media, like this one from the Globe's Konrad Yakabuski.

With his vow to fire Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem if he becomes prime minister, Conservative Party leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre has crossed the Rubicon. There is no turning back for him now. His frontal attack on the central bank chief’s independence is no longer just a gratuitous political talking point: It is a policy statement that speaks to his recklessness.

Or this one from the National Post's Kelly McFarland, who suggests that Poilievre is too big a risk to become Con leader.

Conservatives have traditionally argued for keeping government fingers out of too many pies. Poilievre’s instincts appear to trend in a different direction. His impulses are to destroy, and then to experiment in replacements. That might serve well in launching start-ups from the garage. But it’s too dangerous to run a country on that basis, especially one so badly in need of sound, intelligent management as Canada. Conservatives have had a crush on Poilievre for some time, but they need to take a whole lot closer look at the alternatives in the months ahead.

Or this one from Warren Kinsella who warns that Poilievre is leading the Cons to disaster.

Pierre is busily recreating the Conservative Party in his own image, you see. And — while he will likely be successful at that — the resulting abomination won’t be. Under Pierre Poilievre, defeat at the hands of Justin Trudeau (who is dislikable, but not as dislikable as Pierre) is certain.

And who correctly points out that his support for the trucker thugs who tried to hold this country hostage is his greatest weakness.

He says he’s in favour of law and order — but there he will be, in a Liberal attack ad coming soon to a screen near you, chumming it up with those who defaced a statue of Terry Fox, danced on the War Memorial, stole from a soup kitchen, threatened law-abiding mask-wearing Ottawans, held an entire city hostage, and blockaded our borders, thereby costing the country billions in trade. Not so law-and-order, that.

For it can only encourage the trucker terrorists to attack people like Justin Trudeau, and now Jagmeet Singh.

And unless Poilievre is reined in will eventually threaten all of us, our democracy, and our country.

So I'm really glad that he is finally being exposed for who he he really is...

A Con clown who is making it up as he goes along. 

An ugly demagogue who sucks up conspiracy theories and helps spread them.

A terrorist sympathizer who whatever him and his Con cult say.

Will NEVER be fit to govern this country...


  1. Poor Wormtongue just can't write an honest piece about his preferred party on the verge of committing electoral seppuku without getting in an obligatory dig at PMJT. Actually, let me abbreviate that: Poor WK can't write.

    Oh well, it's a long road to Tipperary and the dead-end of the September leadership vote, but now that bitcoin and appointing some YouTube guy to displace the fed chair have been thoroughly discredited, if PP's list of crackpot "ideas" has run out of gas (or electric energy) this early, what more could he possibly go on for the next three years? Just the same old, same old hate memes, conspiracy theories, and repetitive fixation with owning the Libs.

    At least it appears that even the hapless Singh has finally seen the light of what the NDP's enemy-of-my-enemy strange bedfellows really are. Perhaps he'll have cause to reflect upon his own role on stoking fact-averse negativity against the PM ("he pocketed your student loan interest"; "he only cares about his rich friends"; "he's dragging Indigenous children into court"), even as the rig pigs were throwing rocks at him on the hustings, calling him a pedophile, and hollering unprintable vulgarities about Sophie. Because speaking of a swamp full of deplorables, anyone happen to notice that the latest teenage Nazi massacre in the States made use of a "Buffalo manifesto" touting the Great Reset/Replacement as the shooter's M.O.? And paying tribute to Christchurch (Michael Cooper's subject of interest) which in turn was inspired by Quebec City. Parentheses Pete sure is courting some very fine people on all sides.

    Even Chantal has come around to admit that the dirty Pigeon and his flock of vultures, chickenhawks, and Twittering cuckoo birds are on the brink of pecking the big blue tent to shreds. So thanks Skippy, for all your efforts at making the Conservative Republican American Party go the way of the dodo -- or the Dogecoin. Now that's what I call a Pierrhic Victory. Keep calm and carrion.

  2. Anonymous9:52 PM

    The Freedumb bride to be needs a suitor, PP is lonely for good reason. Another marriage made in hell? Hey, if Scheer can win the leadership race by courting a few dairy farmers in the Beauce think of the several 100000 Freedumb members PP can sign up for half the price of a FU Trudeau T shirt. All he has to do is prove he is the real deal and not someone who will seek out before sunrise. Dog whistle words such as Freedom and Unity can be interpreted several ways but unfortunately for a master of double speak the Freedumb bride has unequivocally clear meanings and actions attached to those words. To be successful the bride demands a genuine suitor needs to put his courtship on full display and prove himself by trashing the elite and their sheep like followers, essentially everyone else including other members of the CPC party. Perhaps Poilievre did not think this one through. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.


  3. Okay. Why an i laughing so hard I could puke? You said it. Simon. It made me wonder once again: Why does the CRAP Party have so many "great economists"?

  4. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Isn't it delightfully quiet from camp PeePeeKaka now that his financial acumen has been laid bare for all to see? I wonder how many RWNJ's invested in crypto currency because of PP, only to watch it go twirling down the virtual toilet. As they say 'a fool and their money are soon parted'. I always felt that bitcoin would turn out to be a gigantic scam and I still can't figure out how on earth money can be created by having huge amounts of electricity sucking servers solving complex problems. And neither, apparently can PP. The only man I would ever trust to invest my life savings has come out very strongly against bitcoin in an easy to understand way.
    “If you ... owned all of the bitcoin in the world and you offered it to me for $25, I wouldn't take it, because what would I do with it? I'll have to sell it back to you one way or another. It isn't going to do anything.” Warren Buffet, May 2, 2022
    Warren's got more financial genius in his pinky than PP will ever have. The same applies for integrity. If you haven't seen the documentary 'Being Warren Buffet', then do so. He's a remarkably gifted and incredibly generous man.

    As for that disgusting spectacle with Jagmeet and Pierre's people, ugly, disgusting, racist filth. And has PP condemned their behavior? Not that I'm aware of. I guess he doesn't want to piss off his core supporters because they're doing what he wants. They're clearly unhinged and their existence is based solely upon being in a perpetual state of rage. A rage that has been sown and exploited by the Cons and their odious tentacles, the rebel, sun, proud babies, etc. A quick look at the Buffalo shooter's bio suggests he would be right at home here with PP and the Cons. How can anyone knowingly be involved with a party that caters to these sub-human assholes? When they are in fact one and the same.

  5. Hi Jackie....It's like a time warp. Now that Poilievre has been forced to drop his two favourite subjects, his platform is eerily like the one Stephen Harper might have used. Jenni Byrne must be in Con heaven. But as you point out, it's going to be a long three years, and I honestly can't see the pigeon making much progress with such a slim platform. I am however glad to see that Chantal has finally seen the light. For weeks she sounded like a cheerleader for Poilievre, but now she's finally recognizing the danger. I have always believed that the Cons are heading for The Abyss, so I only hope she's right. Finally...

  6. Hi RT...I have noticed in the comments of different MSM publications the start of a Con backlash, with the relatively sane starting to question where Poilievre might take them. I believe many Cons are only supporting him because he's the loudest anti-Trudeau mouth on the block, and when you strip them down the Cons are the Trudeau Hate Party. Although I like to call them the Convoy / Big Oil Party these days because that is the hill they will die on. Poilievre has been able to get his feeble minded cult to completely ignore climate change, but he will pay a big price for that if we have a really hot summer. And if he does win the leadership, good luck trying to peddle his climate change denial for another three years. As you point out, Poilievre doesn't seem to think or care what the consequences of his reactionary policies could be, but they will come back to bite him...

  7. Hi John...Yes, that';s a good question. I guess they all want to model themselves after Great Leader Harper, who tried to fool us into believing that he knew what he was doing. When in fact he was no great economist, and was reduced to selling GM shares at a loss to dig himself out of the huge hole he had dug for himself. Scheer was a dud, and so was O'Toole, but Poilievre is the most extreme case. A loser who would take down our economy to try to make himself look good. If he ever got a chance to implement his wacko policies, Canada would quickly resemble a broke Banana/Oil Republic. I fear he has a manic condition that makes him feel that he is smarter than the rest of us. So needless to say it's only a matter of time before he comes in for a very hard landing...

  8. Hi JD....Yes, it is remarkably peaceful. Poilievre is trying to carry on as if half his platform hadn't gone down in flames, but he's not the same pigeon he was only last week. And I'll be very interested to see where he goes from here. For when the attack ads start raining down on him his feathers will start flying. I wish that could mean a peaceful summer, but unfortunately we now have Doug "Meat Loaf" Ford to worry about, who with the kind of opposition he faces seems to be heading for an easy win. However, as long as we can deny him a majority we might be able to save Ontario, until him and his gang are charged with at least a thousand counts of corruption. I don't know how the provinces ended up being run by so many Con clowns, but it is truly tragic to see the damage they are doing to this country. Thank goodness for Justin Trudeau and his Liberals...

  9. That video of Singh was impressive. Bunch of ass## and Jagmeet held it together with dignity. I may not like the guy as leader of the NDP but kudos there. He carried it off well.

  10. Hi jrkrideau....Yes, I agree. Jagmeet handled himself well, he faced those convoy zombies fearlessly, and showed great dignity and class. That's not easy, not when you're faced with that kind of insane range. The Cons and other far right extremists are working together to try to destabilize the Trudeau government, while trying to minimize the actions of the convoy thugs, who tried to do the same thing. A lot of people don't take the far right kooks seriously enough, but as we've seen most recently in Buffalo, that could be a fatal mistake....

  11. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Poilievre is attempting to distinguish between the Freedumb crowd that believes in the Great Reset Conspiracy supposedly sponsored by the World Economic forum and those that believe in the Great Replacement Conspiracy sponsored by white supremacists. The man is a nut-bar connoisseur.


  12. Hi RT....It seems that Poilievre is really feeling the pressure. His darling Jenni must also be a mess. Some in the MSM are finally going after him, and he's losing his marbles. The ones he hasn't lost already. As I have tried to document over the years, he emerged from the primordial slime of the Reform Party and is a low creature who operates today in the fetid air of the right-wing swamp. The image of him and his wife staying up late to listen to some bitcoin guru with neo Nazi tendencies will stay with me for a while. The more people know about that Harper toady, the more they will despise him...

  13. Hey, Bumbles got humbled too! Best summer ever! 😁

  14. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Kenney stunned to discover he only empowered the Freedumb crowd rather than exploiting them for his own benefit. Wonder if PP is taking notes?


  15. Poor Jenni B. She's just Jenni from the Block, trying to turn back the clock, catering to the old stock. Just Jenni from the Block.
    She'll at least be able to get together with Herle and his conservative buddies for a good cry and hug session after Pierre loses again.

    Maybe they'll generate some self-awareness after another loss to Junior?
    Probably not, but if we're lucky the party will split, NDP/LPC/GPC forevermore!

  16. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Jenni is busy working on new talking points, "Jean Charest is a loser who couldn't get it done. Despite his help, Huawei got banned. What's the number, how much did they pay for your failure, Jean?"

    When actually, the timing looks like Trudeau still cares about all the online con trolls. He just saved the Kenny war room staffers about to be laid off. Now we can look forward to the same people who shrieked at anyone against the "pump every barrel" ethos, will now whine about how many Canadians will be hurt by a Huawei ban.

  17. OT but comedian Mike Myers, who epitomizes the quality of the humble and friendly Canadian (he even wore a Sabres jersey as an homage to the people of Buffalo, NY) was on Stephen Colbert tonight, promoting his new series that mocks conspiracy theorists. Like Ryan Reynolds, he seems to still have a foot in the home country keeping up with the often absurd political arena, so it makes me wonder if he knows about Poilievre. The premise of the series is that there is, in fact, a tiny cabal of "elites" pulling the strings of global society... but they're friendly and amiable Canadians, rather than the nefarious dark wizards conjured up in the demented and small minds of Poilievre, Peterson and their fellow travellers (or sausage makers).

    Too bad Kenney is gone, otherwise this would be another Netflix show he could holler at, like he declared war on Bigfoot. Perhaps someone should tell Skippy that the major players in Hollywood have come up with the perfect plot to impose utopia upon the trucker troglodytes and malicious masters of the IDU (currently having a hate orgy in Hungary where Harper's pal Orban reigns supreme). I'd love to see the feathers fly when he realizes what Myers and his creative team consider the glue that holds civilization together: a world government commandeered by people with the personality of... Justin Trudeau!

  18. Hi Jackie….Yes, I feel blessed. What have we done to deserve the number of Cons who are now in trouble? But I figure we deserve it, and I’m now waiting for Boris Johnson to hit the floor with a sickening thud, which will definitely make it the best summer ever…😎

  19. Hi RT….Yes, it really is like a morality play. Because he is such an atavistic right winger, Poilievre embraced the trucker terrorists. But I’m pretty sure that like Kenney he will come to regret it. For anyone who would tie their campaign to such a collection of freaks deserves to be punished, and is clearly unfit to be the leader of any Canadian party….

  20. Hi Pierre….The way Poilievre’s campaign is going I wonder if Jennie Byrne is still in charge. For I find it hard to believe that she would encourage him to drive his clown car all over the road. I can only think of two reasons she might still be managing his deranged campaign. One, Harper commanded her to help Poilievre. And two, she’s still in love with him. Which of course would explain EVERYTHING. 🤡

  21. Hi anon@7:01 PM…..As I’ve said before, I couldn’t care less about the Huawei faux scandal. I don’t believe that their equipment can spy on you, or follow you around the room. And I don’t think most Canadians care either. I think it’s just an excuse for anti-Asian propaganda. And is laughable more than scary….

  22. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Surprising that they would ban the handsets. The concern was only in the switching equipment, sitting in the cell towers and also in the interconnect gear.

    This kind of equipment receives software updates, just like Windows and other computers do. In the old days before forced updates, you could look around online and see if anyone is complaining about the latest windows update. Even so, a backdoor could have been added years ago. Peer review of code goes a long way, but reviewing millions of lines of code for a 5G switch is not a reasonable proposition, even if they provide it in source form which they likely won't. These computers not only maintain voice data streams between phones and other towers, they have a user interface, you can go in and clone any conversation to another phone and listen in at what ever phone you copy it to. There is sufficient CPU power in a 5G switch to do real time voice recognition on numerous calls simultaneously. Those are some of the known functions.

    China's government is actually correct in whining that most governments can force telecom suppliers to provide information on demand. The main difference is that I can vote against such a government abusing such powers, if it is a democracy.

    Just like the current Russian trolls tell us how evil the US has been in the past, conveniently forgetting that none of the leaders at the time are still in power here, and glossing over the fact the US is not currently invading any country neighbouring or not, while Russia is in the midst of an invasion of a country where the people are not greeting them with flowers.
