Friday, May 06, 2022

The Convoy Party's Disastrous Debate

I missed yesterday's Con leadership debate live on TV. I forgot it was on, and by the time I remembered it was over.

And for a while I was sorry.

But then I discovered that I could watch the whole debate on YouTube.

And then I was REALLY sorry.

For it was an absolute clown horror show if ever there was one.

It was angry, it was ugly.

And what made it even more grotesque was that most of the Cons, with the exception of Jean Charest, were falling over each other to claim that nobody loved the terrorist truckers more than they did.

With Charest going after Poilievre for doing too much to support the hairy honkers.

Leaving Poilievre looking like a fool with a weird grin on his face.

While the SoCon queen Leslyn Lewis went after Poilievre for not supporting them ENOUGH!!!

Leaving Poilievre looking more like a pathetic pigeon than ever.

And to make matters worse, if that's possible, even the Con stooge Brian Lilley gave the Con debate a big thumbs down.

If your first introduction to the Conservative Party were the leadership debate on Thursday, there’s a good chance you wouldn’t come back for a second look.

Canadians need a solid alternative government-in-waiting to Trudeau’s Liberals, not a club for angry people to complain about the world.

While Charles Adler wondered where the Cons are going.

And David Hamer laughed at all of them.

As I did too. 

For now I'm sure that the bad blood between Poilievre and Charest is going to tear the Cons apart.

And that the Cons really are, as I have been calling them, the Convoy Party.

They're shuffling down the road to fascism. With every day that passes, they are more disgusting and less Canadian.

And when some of the hairy honkers are put on trial for treason, as they surely will be

They are going to take a lot of Cons with them, down to the hell where they belong...


  1. This is why the cons' artificially inflated polling as of this moment is irrelevant. Everyone on the sidelines is holding their breath to see what shape the Convoy Party of Canada will take, seemingly in denial that even someone as corrupt as old man Jeb! Charest could drag them kicking and screaming to the realm of rationality and respectful discourse. Please clap. It is a lost cause, and by this fall those Red Tories/Blue Liberals still waiting for the Great Pumpkin like Linus in the Snoopy cartoons will have to accept reality, at which point Skippy's numbers will likely deflate as the sane people decamp for the Liberals. They've lost Brian Yelich FFS. Dougie Doodle's Baghdad Bob. What's next, Putin telling them to cool their tempers and assert the primacy of facts?

    I said that Pepe the Pustule would supply the LPC war room with petabytes of material, and it seems he clearly has. The squawking bird has had one volume setting for almost 20 years, and will have at least three more to molt as pigeons are known to do. Someone alert him to the impending bitcoin crash because his Ron Paul gold-standard foolishness proposing to supplant the Bank of Canada with a computer commodity casino is loonie economics. "What is the nature of your thoughts, Skippy, when you move your beak in a particular way?"

  2. Anonymous10:58 PM

    And yet they gain more votes than sexual assault enthusiast PM Blackface.

    Justin Trudeau: He’s here for the women.

  3. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Sorry Jenni, there was no sexual assault and there was no blackface. Overhyped exaggeration of trying to hook up at a music festival and wearing brown makeup (without white circled eyes or red lips like minstrel shows) in homage to a fictional character.

    The purpose of the Parliament is to pass laws, and the best people for such a job are lawyers. PP is not a lawyer and seems not to understand the concept of a lawyer being paid to advocate for a client. Perhaps PP could say which amount would be unacceptable to him. If that amount is anything greater than zero, why would the amount be important?

  4. Pierre D.11:36 PM

    A+ alllitertion Jackie.

    Anonymous, take a hike with your venom, no one cared about those things and no one will bring them up on the campaign trail.

    Yes, the CPC "debate" hosted by soulless far right sooges Candace Malcome and Jamil Jivani, was a complete laugher. When the most cogent people are a backbencher and Jean Charest, you know CPC is in deep baba-sticky, as Balki Barthakhomous so aptly said in "Perfect Strangers" decades ago.

    But, as Simon aptly pointed elsewhere, the CPC is about to implode yet again.
    First the abortion issue, now these debates and then whatever other issues they fumble in the next three years. I hope Mr. Poilievre has a good therapist or workout regimen to parse that rage, because we're not buying what he and Frank Graves of Ekos are selling...

  5. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I could only stomach the "highlights" of this shitshow as each candidate vied for the affections of a decrepit Canadian right-wing that is so divided they could easily split into 3 different sects. Charest the moderate, PP the populist and Leslynn the holier than thou. A veritable dog's breakfast of the extremes of this once viable party. Joe Clark would have surely puked watching that. The next 4 months will be a dog eat dog, no holds barred free for all, (in its short form, Connibalism) that will determine where this party is going. I don't think it's good. If they choose PP(Pissy Puss) then they have surely lost their minds and the Trump party of Canada will be born. Abort mission!

    It will be interesting to see how much support Charest does get as it can be used as a guide to what percentage of the Cons are still with us here on earth. Again, I don't think it's good. However, it will be nice to have Charest plugging away at PP and Leslynn's crazy nonsense in the coming months. It will almost be music to my ears.


  6. Hi Jackie....Poilievre's behaviour during the debate was simply appalling. He spewed insults out of every orifice, and revealed what a coward he really is. Between Charest and Lewis they really did a number on him, and left him looking like the nerd he has always been. I was looking forward to helping to take him apart, but at this rate the other Cons will do our work for us. Damn. His attacks on the Bank of Canada, his kooky missionary preaching of bitcoin even as the currency tumbles, his plan to defund the CBC and privatize medicare, as well as limiting pensions are all bad enough. But his cowardly running away from the abortion issue tells us all we need to know about him.
    And when it all comes together, there won't be much left of him...

  7. Hi anon@10:58PM...You Cons really are pathetic. You are racists, you are misogynists, you are vile homophobes, you are riddled with ugly religious fanatics, but still you keep trying to smear the decent Justin Trudeau, and suggest that he worse than your slimy degenerate Cons. I know you are desperate, but give it up loser it's not going to work. Trudeau is not a racist, and with the kind of candidates the Cons are putting up, his road to his fourth victory in a row over your scummy gang should be his easiest one yet. Three years is a long time to wait for an election, and I'm worried that you might not make it. Please seek help before doing anything that could hurt you or others....

  8. Hi anon@11:23PM….Thanks for setting the record straight. There was no blackface. The Cons are so ignorant they don’t know what blackface really is ie. the kind of makeup Al Jolson used to wear. The media that should know better never pointed that out, and as a result the Cons are still beating that hollow drum. It’s truly pathetic, but then they are both pathetic and desperate if they believe it will make a difference. Or make people forget that they are the real racists and the scum of the world. Keep up the good work….

  9. Hi Pierre….as I was saying to the commenter before you, the Cons keep bringing up that fake “blackface” story in the hope that it will damage Justin Trudeau. When it’s just a metaphor for the mess the Cons are in. They keep reaching back to the past, not realizing that their future is slipping away. Poilievre may win the Con leadership, but not before helping to tear the Cons apart, and setting them up for their ultimate defeat. I’m sorry I have to wait three years to watch the Cons squeal like hogs, but I think I can handle it….😉

  10. Hi JD….By watching the debate on YouTube, and doing a lot of fast forwarding, I managed to reduce my exposure to that shabby debate by about 50%. Whew. Although I have to say that I really enjoyed the way Charest let Poilievre have it, and having Leslyn Lewis also start screaming at him was a bonus. She will probably throw her support to Poilievre in the final analysis, but the more damage she can do to him will make destroying him in the general election campaign even easier. And yes, Alice Cooper is the perfect soundtrack for that kooky leadership race…

  11. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Further proof that indeed, the Cons are all crazy.


  12. Hi JD….I was going to give Candy a break, after hearing she had Covid. But after seeing that idiot clip The truce is over…. 😎

  13. And there's Charest in the middle of that lunatic asylum, probably praying that there's still enough intelligent life remaining in the party. Even if by some miracle he manages to win, it will still be a lunatic asylum.

  14. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Meanwhile in Qanon land, we see this actually all being orchestrated by Jenni to get PP away from that witch he married instead of her. If he becomes PM she'll have to wait another 10 years. If he loses miserably his wife will hate continuing to live with Candy's sheets and towels, they will split up and PP will be reunited with the only one who ever truly loves him.

  15. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Hi Simon, It's funny how the msm ignores Candy's covid yet when JT had it, it was all over the news with some saying he was in hiding. The only thing I found on covid Candy was from the Winipeg free press and her video announcing it was in French which is rather weird. I'm reluctant to call the weirdness a brain fog from the covid as Candy has been in a haze since I've known her and that bizarre video I linked to earlier is proof of that. Now I wonder how many close contacts she's had(especially on Cougar nights) that will never know how they got covid, or that strange rash, etc. What exactly are you hiding, Candy?


  16. Hi Carl....Jean Charest will tell us whether there is still any intelligent life left in the Con Party. For I thought the most stunning moment of the debate was when he called the occupation of Ottawa wrong and illegal, and was loudly booed by the crowd in the room. Even though the debate was taking place in Ottawa, where so many people had suffered so much for so long. It was just incredible, and if Charest exposes the true horror of the Cons he will do us all a favour. I wish him luck, but I fear the Con mob are going to do their utmost to destroy him....

  17. Hi anon@8:13 PM…..Qanon is such a big part of the Con base that I could believe anything, especially if it concerns Candy Bergen who is the most revolting religious fanatic and toxic Trudeau hater. But Byrne is pretty smart Con operative and a cut above most of the rest of them. However, she is managing Poilievre so the brownie points she had built up with me since her brutish days on the Harper campaign are rapidly dissipating. So II would say she’s on probation, with HER reputation on the line..

  18. Hi JD…You’re right, the media has all but buried Bergen’s Covid diagnosis. Maybe they are worried that it might bring back bad memories of the shameless way she partied with the hairy honkers. I was going through my files on her the other night and was reminded of what an ugly Con she is. The fact that the Cons made her interim leader says so much about how low they have fallen…

  19. The QAnon cons are also ranting and raving that PMJT's surprise visit to Kyiv took place on Mother's Day because 1) he doesn't care about Canadian mothers, and 2) he and Sophie are not together anymore anyway. A faction are convinced that Sophie is dead or missing like the wife of the Scientology CEO, and that Freeland's "Nazi grandfather" was either George Soros or Klaus Schwab. If you held a drinking game with every time they recycled one of their conspiracy boogeymen, you'd end up with liver poisoning in 20 minutes.

    I'm not entirely convinced that the ones "just asking questions" about the order of ministerial succession should the PM and deputy PM suffer an "accident" in Kyiv are trolls from the GRU cyber cafes either. There are plenty of homegrown sickos to go around, and they're more than happy to amplify cruel Ballzinger memes about death by avalanche. Ironically he might be safer in a war zone than among the assholes in his own backyard.

  20. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "Ironically he might be safer in a war zone than among the assholes in his own backyard."

    You're probably right about that, Jackie.
    They say timing is everything and I believe that Bono and Edge being in Kyiv at the same time as Justin & co. was more than a coincidence. I'm picturing them away from the cameras, all together with Volodymir, sharing a toast or two to better days ahead. To better days ahead indeed.

  21. Hi Jackie….the Cons are becoming more desperate and more degenerate with every passing day. I don’t know where they get their disgusting ideas from, but they don’t seem to have a modicum of decency. Every time I am in exposed to their filth I feel I need to have to have a shower. My only consolation is that they must be really miserable all the time, and when I think of that I feel so much better….😎
