Monday, February 21, 2022

Why The Cons Are The Big Losers Of The Battle of Ottawa

It's amazing what a difference a few days can make. Just three days ago this poor loser might have thought the Con terrorists were winning.

As he bellowed and belched and pulled chunks of roast pig out of his teeth.

Like so many trucker fascists he probably still thought that he could terrorize the long suffering people of Ottawa, topple the duly elected government, and put Justin Trudeau on trial for treason.

But Trudeau had no intention of giving in to them, the police had a brilliant plan, and Ottawa was liberated at last.

And real freedom never felt so good.

The terrorists were smashed, and only their stench remained.

Which should serve as yet another reminder that the loser Cons are the dirty dirties.

As well as some of the worst bullies this country has ever known....

They tortured the innocent people of Ottawa with their honking horns, their diesel fumes, their racism, their misogyny, and their vile homophobia.

While making it clear that their screams of  Freedumb!!! Freedumb!!! didn't apply to people wearing masks, who were viciously and repeatedly assaulted.

Or to members of the media just trying to do their jobs.

But despite that, and despite the continuing terrorist threat, the Cons want to end the Emergency Act, even though without it police could never have got the tow trucks to remove the big rigs...

Or blocked the bank accounts of those fuelling the insurgency.

Or made grown Cons cry....


But then who can be surprised?

When SoCons like Lianne Rood are comparing the horror of the bestial occupation to a big Canada Day.

Which can only be described as depraved.

And as for Andrew Scheer the leader of the SoCons in the Con caucus, who must have really thought that God was about to overthrow Justin Trudeau.

He is now so bitterly disappointed, he appears to be losing his marbles...

But pleading insanity won't help the Cons now. For in their feverish attempts to use the occupation to try to topple Justin Trudeau, they failed to understand how wrong they were:

They didn't have the decency, or the intelligence, to understand that simple message.

And now they are going to pay for it.

Even Bob Fife now agrees that the Cons are the Trump Party of Canada.

And since we need a Trump Party like we need a hole in the head.

We now have them where we want them.

And we are going to use ALL of the above to destroy them....


  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Please spread this far and wide via whatever means possible. Contact the RCMP and let them know. These CONservative MPs need to have their assets frozen and be charged accordingly.

    List of CONservative MPs who donated to the Clown Convoy...

  2. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Perhaps the Cons lost the battle of Ottawa but they did manage to at least partially sway public opinion away from a somewhat positive Covid success story that can be built on to one of government overreach and freedom suppression. Population adjusted Covid mortality statistics indicates the Canadian approach compared to the US saved approximately 50000 lives and significantly more when compared to mortality rates in Mexico and authoritarian Russia. Essentially a success story the Cons fought at every opportunity. Next up is the financial support the government provided to keep the people and economy from coming unstuck will be transformed into a propaganda fest on inflation and supply issues although the Cons supported supply blockades and the Freedumb racists are driving minority groups from an industry that is already short of workers.
    The tribal Cons are like a bully in a play room, while others are industriously trying to fit pieces of a jig saw puzzle together the bully is using a hammer to break it up with the intent of dominating a pile of broken pieces. The rules do not allow a time out so all the others can do is to try and interlock the puzzle in a manner that is harder to break. Perhaps it’s time for a change in strategy such as a few well placed kicks to the groin or at least limit his access to misinformation hammers. The bully has already accused them of suppressing his freedom so why not give him something to cry about. Propaganda amplified by bots and other nefarious methods is not free speech it’s just noise meant to confuse and drown out the real signals. Time to filter out some of the noise, quietly of course!

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Lianne Rood's Trumpy comparison to the occupation being Canada Day times 1000 is not only beyond reality, it's a direct slap in the face of every person who was terrorized by these moronic, selfish assholes. Here's a comparison for her, she's like one of peewee's freedumb donuts, useless, lard soaked pastry times 1000 with the equal risk of a massive myocardial infarction. And Andrew Sc-hear no evil, see no evil is equally repugnant. There's no argument to be had anymore, they are Canada's Trump party. When Bob "the knob" Fife says so you know you're in trouble.
    I see that the motion for the EA has passed in the house by a margin of 30 votes. Collectively and based on very good rumors, the Cons shit their pants. Hopefully it sails through the senate and the authorities can continue to follow the money and expose those behind this massive grift/terrorist occupation. Especially directed at who's funding the insidious hate groups that are entrenched in this country and were responsible for organizing the dumbfuck convoy. KKKanada Proud, Soldiers of Scrotum, Diagalon-anon-a-Con, etc. In fact, I expect and demand that the liberals form a significant group of anti-hate police and law experts to deal with them. That would entail enacting powerful laws to swiftly and decisively deal with these individuals by cutting off the flow of money and locking them up for a very long time. Enough is enough of this shit. I'm sure the NDP would be on board with it so it should pass easily. The Cons of course would be totally against it for fear it might harm their hate group supporters civil liberties. Meanwhile, they were okay with the terrorized citizens of Ottawa having theirs taken away for nearly a month. How low can they go?
    Thanks for the much needed levity by including the Qanon hoser image, Simon. I had seen a smaller version of it elsewhere but hadn't noticed the little Candace cheerleader in the background with her pom poms and maga hat. That'll have me chuckling for days but the image is also quite poignant. It is a priceless work of art imitating life.

  4. Obviously, the CPC and their provincial stooges will scream, whine and lie to no end to try and steal the narrative. They've already falsely claimed that some poor single mothers had their bank accounts frozen by the Emergency Act. I hope the ongoing investigations lead to arrests among them. Starting with Randy Hiller. This Nazi sympathiser belongs behind bars.

  5. Cons are deathly afraid of the inquiry. There is a nonzero possibility that they're knee deep in Kompromat the same as our GOP and BloJo's Tories. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I can't escape the coincidental timing (nothing is a coincidence) of what just happened in Ottawa (and elsewhere) with what is happening in Ukraine. Ask yourselves, who benefits from sabotaging Trudeau's government or forcing him out, only to have potentially the most high profile Ukrainian on the world stage other than Zelensky himself? Follow the money and I would not be surprised in the least if it leads back to Scumbag Steve, and from him directly to Donald and Vlad.

    Skippy will try to force an election before the inquiry comes down, or hijack it to become a partisan farce. Canada had better be ready for the biggest fight on their hands in all of Confederation. Cynics and trolls may see "Stand With Trudeau" as a cliche or a cultish hashtag but in reality it's the only thing standing between democracy and a descent into madness by the Cons, the Kremlin and the GOP!

  6. Anonymous12:38 PM

    This day keeps getting better. Tamara Lich denied bail, indefinitely. How sweet is that? Now I would find her much more believable when she's whining about her freedoms. I hope the same fate awaits her bigot buddy Pat King at some point today.

  7. Time to name and shame. We have to take control of the narrative.
    Simon, I'm not sure if you are aware but a Harperite Senator, Michael MacDonaldjis a seditious traitors to Canada.
    And let's be perfectly clear here, this man is a man who has never bern elected to any political seat even though he tried on numerous occasion.
    He was recently video recorded saying he didn't want the bigot brigade to ever leave Ottawa and that his wife was a 'Karen', behind her back no less, for making clear to him of her fear for their family with the hordes of hooligans at large. If that reprehensible act isn't a clear failure as a human being, or more importantly a partner or husband I don't know what is.
    He continued to slander Ottawa citizens as canine fornication experts who only working 20 hours a week for 6 figures.
    Before I retired I work in a major Ottawa hospital, frequently entering Covid areas and Cobid patient rooms working 40 to 60 hours a week depending in the infection rates, for 5 figures before the vaccine was available. I won't go into the grief and horror I saw but it's surreal that I get attacked by a sitting senator after all we've been through.
    The only job I know in Ottawa with that kind of cache is his job. The hypocrisy is appalling.
    He also claimed MY city is his city because it's the Capital.
    He's changed the whole welcoming feeling of Mi casa, su casa, making it a Reform Con thing now, Su Casa, MI casa.
    I think we should embrace his philosophy.
    I'm thinking of taking a trip to Cape Breton, finding MacDonalds house, blaring Hendrix at 11 while continuously honking my horn. I hope he has set up some portojohns set up because I plan on eating Taco Bell, ad naseum. All the while yelling
    The highlight will be when he comes out to confront us, where I will ask, " Senator, you wouldn't happen to have any bum wipe, I just took a dump in OUR rose bushes.
    Finally I'm left to wonder, how does a human piece of garbage who spouts sedition and encourages domestic terrorism, a traitor to Canadian values, to the very entity that pays him, an man
    with no moral compass or integrity attains one of the highest positions in Canada as a sitting member of the Senate? (Hint Harper) If this POS won't do the right thing and resign, (don't hold you breath) because he has no integrity than he should be forced to recuse himself from any decisions concerning the criminal blockade and terrorist assault of MY city.
    Please write to his boss the Speaker of the Senate, Senator Furey to tell him how you feel about Senator Freedom Freeloader

  8. What's going on with the phone pollsters? EKOS, Mainstreet and Naos. Is there really an insidious "sleeper" rise of Trumpism in Canada or is this the phone pollsters being weird again like in the last election? I'm going to wait for the online panels and to see what Scrimshaw has to say about it. But this trend, if real, and even if transient, is worrying.

    I don't think any deficits real or imagined are unrecoverable for the PM and Liberals -- they took a hit at the peak of Wet'suwet'en, and an actual campaign would see attack ads galore -- but the fact that *anyone* is willing to out themselves as supporting this chaos makes me sick.

  9. Hi anon@6:39 PM….I have seen that list and I will do what I can to spread it. I have no doubt that a lot of Cons encouraged the occupation and supported it any way they could. And they did that even though they knew that many of the trucker terrorists wanted to overthrow a duly elected government, and arrest and even kill Justin Trudeau. It’s up to all of us to make sure that they don’t get away with it…

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      It's already been debunked as a donor list. It's a list of those who supported the convoy publicly but they haven't made financial donations.

  10. Hi RT….Sadly you’re right. The Cons have cast a shadow over our battle to defeat Covid, which is a success story we should all be proud of. But the Cons were never onboard with that battle, they tried to undermine Team Canada, so it should come as no surprise that they would swear allegiance to the anti-vaxx trucker thugs who terrorized our capital city. But by doing that they closed their pro-Trump sympathies, and that should eventually destroy them. It’s all we can hope for at this time, for I honestly believe that the Cons are trying to take down our country….

  11. Hi JD....You're absolutely right on. Rood's outrageous comment was slap in the face to all the people of Ottawa who had to endure the horror of that long occupation. It's beyond bestial. And for encouraging that occupation instead of denouncing it, the Cons can no longer be considered a Canadian party, and must be punished to the full extent of the law. I'm still coming to terms with the idea that those far-right thugs actually believed they could topple a duly elected government. Who the hell do they think they are? Like you, I believe that we must step up the fight against far right wing hate, for they are out to destroy us, and for the sake of our country we have no choice but to destroy them first...

  12. Hi Carl...Yes, the Cons are wailing like banshees, and claiming that the Emergencies Act is a threat to all of us. When in fact the only people it threatens are the trucker terrorists and their Con supporters. Their attempts to claim that poor single mothers have had their bank accounts frozen has already been shown to be false, and sounds like the kind of fake news Trump supporters are always spreading. Which shouldn't surprise any of us, because the Cons are now the Trump Party North. As for Hillier, I also agree, the only place that thug belongs in is a prison cell...

  13. Hi Jackie...There is no doubt that the Cons are deathly afraid of an inquiry, and nobody can rule out the influence of "foreign actors" We know that prominent right-wing activists in the U.S. were cheerleading for the occupation. We know that a lot of convoy money came from the same people. And I found it interesting that RT, the Russian propaganda news service, was the outlet that spread the most news (and lies) about the occupation. We are up against a massive rightwing conspiracy, but at least for the time being, we are beating them...

  14. Hi DDR...Yes, I read about the good Con senator Michael MacDonald who ran for office four times and lost every time, but was still made a senator by his dark master Stephen Harper. And the fact that a Senator could accuse decent Canadians in Ottawa of being lazy slackers and living high off the hog, is almost unbelievable. I also agree that healthcare workers have been treated terribly after all the heroic work they have done, and nothing disgusts me more. It's not right, and it's not Canadian. And I must say I find this idea rather attractive:

    I'm thinking of taking a trip to Cape Breton, finding MacDonalds house, blaring Hendrix at 11 while continuously honking my horn. I hope he has set up some portojohns set up because I plan on eating Taco Bell, ad naseum. All the while yelling

    I'm so softspoken people are always asking me to repeat myself. But I'm sure if confronted by one of those terrorists, I could roar like a bull elephant... ;)

  15. Hi Jackie....I wouldn't worry about those polls. I just think there are a lot of non-terrorists in this country who are desperate to see the end of Covid restrictions. I believe that some of them are so desperate they are willing to lend the Cons their support. But as the restrictions fall away, that support won't last....

  16. I heard a person on a radio station in Toronto say, he was for the first time in a decades long carrier being told what to say about the Truckers. From Gods lips to the Rebel to the Sun and the National post and then everywhere comes a message of peace and love and surrender to superior thought.

  17. Hi anon@2:49PM…..Duly noted. But with Tamara Lich keeping the books we can’t be sure who donated and how much. That will have to wait for the public inquiry. But when 58% of the Con caucus publicly supported the terrorist convoy, we already know we have a problem…
