Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Cons and the Parliament Hill Horror Show

It was always going to be an ugly spectacle, an assault on the values that make this country great.

A Con convoy demanding the end of vaccine mandates that are allowing us to at least hope of winning the war on Covid. 

And threatening to bring down the government, and even kill Justin Trudeau, if they don't get their way.

But when they arrived in Ottawa it became a real horror show.

The ugly Cons behaved like a conquering army.

They paraded around with their swastikas and F**k Trudeau flags.

Oozing fascism out of every orifice.

They defiled the statue of our great  Canadian hero Terry Fox...

And as if that wasn't bad enough, then there was this...

Which was so disgusting, it enraged me, as did this:

But then what can we expect from those ugly hog Cons, when the grotesque Con MP Michael Cooper cheerfully had his picture taken, with an upside down flag mutilated with swastikas in the background.

Showing his support for the fascist convoy, as did so many other Cons.

While this Con showed his ass to all those those who might want to admire it...

As well as his "Trudeau Treason" sign.

Which helps explain why the RCMP decided to move Justin Trudeau and his family out of the reach of people like him.

Only to have the Cons accuse Trudeau of cowardice.

Instead of accusing themselves of cowardice, for wanting his family dead.

But then that's who those Cons are. The dirty dirties.

The kind of people who were defecating all over Parliament Hill...

The kind of people who would try to hurt or kill a reporter just trying to do his job...

The kind of human scum who would try to steal food from a homeless shelter.

The kind of people who would consider a shoutout from this bloated  bastard an honour.

When it's just another level of disgrace, and only shows that the Cons are as Canadian as a three dollar bill.

And the good news?

This hatefest will come back to haunt them.

By convincing even more Canadians never to vote for the Cons again.

And this is a fine way to end the weekend...

The Terrorist Con convoy was a total bust.

The government is still standing.

And out on the frozen Toronto harbour this evening. all is peaceful.

And my beautiful Canada still lives...


  1. Anonymous6:17 PM Evan Solomon is a reporter just trying to do his job?

    Strange, whenever media just trys to do their job but it involves some controversy surrounding the Liberals it's all about the shabby Con media, fake news and scandals, and how mean everyone is to the PM. Matter of fact Jackie is cursing Solomon on your last blog entry for just trying to do his job.

  2. I'm fed up with CTV. If either Evan or his corporate owners at Bell Media don't keep trying to softpedal and bothsides this absolute mess of the country that the Cons, and only the Cons, have made, then screw them, they're about as reliable as Fox News and nobody should lend them any credibility whatsoever. Nik Nanos has become a complete and utter disgrace of a pollster. The comfortable bubbleheads in their studios couldn't be more out of touch than ever. Supriya Dwivedi hit the nail on the head. Stop making this the Pepsi Challenge between equal choices of red and blue. Only one party supports these chuds throwing Piss Blue Ribbon at your head. Idiot.

    And Max Fawcett is still pushing his Trudeau resignation porn, saying that him quitting is the only way the temperature can be brought down. Fuck that noise. Why should he give into their demands and feed them that satisfaction? No, he needs to stay and show them he isn't intimidated, just like his father did all those years ago when confronted with the FLQ. These so-called patriots are unpatriotic scum and we can't let them win.

    O'Toole, that spineless coward, is done. Skippy is on deck and he's going to run the NaziCons into an unrecoverable ditch. A pox on the media, but good riddance to bad rubbish and thank the gods for Justin Trudeau.

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    At last count, the rally organizers had raised some $7 mil, yet they didn't order Porta Potties or additional security as protest organizers normally do. Protestors were complaining there was no place to go and blaming it on the city, Trudeau, antifa, etc. Then they dropped trou and went all over the national monuments they claim to revere. The Cons ought to be ashamed of their full-throated support for this shit-show.

  4. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Now what? If this was an ordinary Canadian protest the FREEDUMB truckers and weekend tag a longs would claim they taught Trudeau a lesson and go home to spread their fame across the land. Not likely, as this is a US style protest that demands a victor or a martyr if all else fails. Fortunately unlike the Cons, Liberal Canada is not into martyrdom so unless things get totally out of control the government will not send in the army and roust them by whatever means necessary. Instead look for a longer, frustrating but effective controlled deescalation. The strong Con tie in with these lawbreakers and the possibility of several lawsuits are icing on the cake. In addition future projections calculate the anti-vaxxers will cost the Canadian health care system another $ 9 billion before the current wave ends. Assuming there are 4 to 5 million and a 2 month time frame it translates into an extra cost of 1000 per month per individual. Rather than postpone surgeries and other services to accommodate them lets bill the bastards! Its not as if we can add more short term capacity to accommodate them, they are squeezing out people who played by the rules and have done the right thing. In true FREEDUMB style if you act like an idiot pay like an idiot!


  5. Anon 6:17, that's not what I said. I said Solomon nearly got pelted with a beer can yesterday and now, today, he goes on TV and does his usual JAQ-off routine (just asking questions) to Omar Alghabra. "Was it a mistake for Justin Trudeau to call them racists?" Really????

    Did you not read Supriya Dwivedi calling out this feckless bothsiderism that Solomon and his colleagues have done for so long, that allowed the CPC to get to this point? They knew they could get away with murder for as long as the media remained hyper-focused on Justin Trudeau and allowed nonsensical fake scandals to lead them by the nose. Or do you not recall that when Scheer and Poilievre were giving a pep talk to Nazis the last time, the media ignored it in favour of JWR's public tantrum? Or how the friendly sausage maker got ignored while the media hyperfocused on WeGhazi?

    This is the formula that allowed Trump to thrive, and I am not going to let up in calling out the media for creating this fertile ground by refusing to do due diligence on the only party that is an existential threat to democracy. A media that wasted months on an email server while literal fascism was at the doorstep. No, I'm not going to let that slide in Canada after what happened to my country. Trudeau is the last breath of democracy in North America and I intend to hold the corrupt corporate media accountable there. They created this by not calling Nazis for what they are. The CPC and its provincial offshoots, the "resistance": Brown shirts in blue suits.

  6. It probably hasn't hit the news much down east, but for the last two days truckers have blocked the Alberta border crossing south of Lethbridge in Coutts - the only 24-7 crossing between Alberta and the United States - and today Premier "FreeDumb" Kenney was pleading with them to go home because they are messing up the Alberta industry and economy.
    Even though an Alberta cabinet minister turned up at the border for a photo op, I guess the Alberta government has now decided it doesn't really support the trucker protest very much any more. And as one tweet I saw put it "But I never thought the leopards would eat MY face!"

  7. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Anon 6:17pm, It takes a certain upper level of intelligence, and over time, examples, to disseminate, understand and conclude on how our Con media operates. Like children, they deserve praise when reporting the facts and vilification when they overwhelmingly deceive Canadians by following the corporate agenda. Sadly, I believe Jackie's right and I fear they will revert back to their old narratives by way of omission. It was simply impossible for them to do so at the start of the rally, they we're saying how many great people were there while your buddy's nazi hate symbols were flying in the background. And lest we forget, the other of your "very fine people" who were terrorizing innocent citizens of Ottawa and desecrating our monuments. Hopefully the despicable actions of the Cletus Convoy will force the media to reexamine their priorities and maybe, just maybe, some will rediscover the art of balanced journalism and the soul satisfying benefits of possessing integrity.

  8. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Anon 8:16pm, I had heard the organizers didn't order the porta potties until Friday afternoon and surprise surprise, they were having trouble getting there. Don't know if they did make it but if so, I'm sure the numbers brought were inadequate and they were probably overflowing by Saturday with no way for the honey truck to get in and pump them out. I pity the person having to deal with that.

  9. Anonymous2:10 AM

    My my, the freedumb loving Karens were in a feisty mood today, fighting for our freedoms, while, denying them.

    Another assault on our senses to round out "the weekend the walking dead came to Ottawa". Although some of the truckers have pledged they'll be there for months if need be, parked on Wellington, occasionally having a dump on the street, I highly doubt that will happen. In fact, the ones that haven't vacated the area by now are likely being towed away as I write this and as someone wrote on twitter, "Ottawa tow truck drivers will tow away a tricycle if there's 300 bucks in it for them" so it should go quickly. Just watch out where you step! The city can then begin the mass disinfection of the city's core. I don't envy the ones tasked with that job. Just make damn sure your mayor sues the asses off of them.

    I was wondering if Skippy would show up on the hill with his freedumb donuts to provide some aid and comfort to the enemy but all I could find was him with some of his overpass trolls eating donuts. I'm thinking he had specialty ones made just for the occasion/photo-op. Boston Scream, Honey Crazed, Apple Critters, etc. With all the sugary goodness to feed the conspiratorial mind. I actually went on his twitter feed to find this out and now I feel violated. It's wall to wall conspiracy bullshit. The extreme hatred towards JT is disturbing to say the least and in a nutshell, everything wrong with the world is Justin's fault. God I hope some images of him emerge with a swastika in the background. That would be political gold.

    All in all, I believe the hit the Con's will take for supporting this terrorizing of Ottawa will be enormous. Maybe as bad as making fun of Chretien's Bells Palsy. They earned it. As I head into Ottawa this morning(not the core but pretty close to it) I hope the bulk of the freedumb fighters are gone and/or they stay the fuck outta my way.

  10. Hi anon@6:17 PM….what are you talking about you dumb Con loser? I don’t always agree with what Evan says, but nothing can justify throw a full beer can at his head. Only Con cowards like you can’t understand that. I know you are desperate to see the Cons going down in flames, but get a grip on yourself. loser….

  11. Pierre D.11:43 AM

    Yeah, Evan is what he is. He has a job with a media outlet and he needs to get hits to keep his job. It's what it is.

    I found it most amusing to see Pigeon Pierre trying to denounce the Nazi and Confederate flag while trying to skate toward the Convoy but the Convoy leader called out white supremacists in the crowd to loud cheers so the convoy wasn't a Nazi/Confederate backdrop but it was because because...

    Hopefully the Prime Minister rides this to another crushing majority.
    Fawcett is leaking...logic drops. QC will not vote for Chrystia Freeland. The votes will flip over to CPC or BQ or NDP. We will have a CON minority government, is that what he wants?

    The wisest thing to do would be to win the next election and then, if he wishes, cede to Ms. Freeland. Then she can start a charm offensive in QC and Maritimes and perhaps get a majority.

    But I do believe all this isn't necessary, as the CPC and PPC will split yet again, and Justin, Sophie and family will once again be able to steer Canada to a brighter tomorrow...

  12. JT has covid. Cue the conspiracy theorists wishing death on him.

    I hate these people.

  13. Hi Jackie....Yes CTV wants the Cons to win so they can kill the CBC, and they can eliminate its biggest competitor and steal its advertising money. Its pathetic, but the MSM doesn't have the clout it once had, and they are certainly not going to get Trudeau to resign. Not when the Cons are in disarray, and his future never looked brighter...


  14. Hi JD @8:16PM....Yes, with all the millions the fascist convoy raised, they should have been able to supply the protest with more than enough gold plated toilets. And the fact that they didn't, is in my opinion more evidence of either grift or total incompetence. And yes, shit-show is the right word to describe this gathering of Con clowns...

  15. Hi Cathie....Yes I saw that story and I was amused to see how Kenney is reacting. He couldn't encourage them enough when they were on their way to Ottawa. But now one of Alberta's border crossings has been blocked and he has changed his mind, thus showing himself to be a grotesque hypocrite once again. And I really love that quote: "But I never thought the leopards would eat MY face!" If only they would....

  16. Hi RT....Yes, they probably should have declared victory the day after they arrived in Ottawa. But as you point out, many of their leaders still believe they can overthrow the government if they block traffic, honk their horns, and defecate all over the place. It's such monumental idiocy I fear my own brain might shrink if I think about that too much. And I agree, this ugly protest is costing a fortune. I saw the Ottawa police have calculated it is costing them $800,000 a day. So that convoy needs to fork out some of their dark money to pay the piper. For if they don't, you can be sure the Maverick Party is going to end up a whole lot richer. It's such a scandal it almost needs a public inquiry...

  17. Hi JD@2:10 AM....That deranged Karen is really something. Does she think that she and her dumb fascist rednecks now own Parliament Hill and control the media? I hate to imagine how she is going to react when she realizes that all that fetid huffing and puffing is going to get them nowhere. As for those losers claiming they are going to stay there for months, that's just another example of how delusional they are.
    And when they run around screaming "freedom" and claiming they are winning, I just hope someone runs after them with a very large net...

  18. Hi Pierre....I don't know what Fawcett and others keep suggesting that Freeland should replace Trudeau, when he has the Cons where he wants them, and isn't going anywhere in a hurry. It's good to have bench strength unlike the Cons, but there is only one star at the present moment, and that's Trudeau. And he can still flatten the Cons with one arm tied behind his back. I'm looking forward to seeing the polls after the trucker's horror show, but I think I can predict that the Liberals will be up, and the Con collaborators will be down...

  19. Hi Jackie@12:43 PM...Yes Justin Trudeau has Covid, but I saw him on TV today and he looked just fine. His Covid kids might drive him up the wall, but the Con losers certainly won't. So don't let the Cons get to you, let them hate all they want, but I delete all their comments, including the ones directed at you (please take a bow) and when I think of how they keep looking for them long after they have gone, I have a good laugh and you should too....

  20. Anon 6:17, have a look at Supriya owning David Akin for doing exactly the kind of feckless "fair and balanced" bothsiderism she condemned in her column this weekend. Whataboutism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. In journalism, or the sorry spectacle of what passes for it nowadays, it's called... chucktoddery. Never go full Chuck.

    It really didn't take long for this washed-up SUN-TV stenographer to prove my/her point, by carrying water and running interference for the cons again and in doing so, protecting the institutionally racist status quo that they represent. Anything to decouple the association between "conservative" and "Nazi" from the thesaurus. Funny, I thought we had settled the "debate" over Nazis in 1945. Guess Dave and his cohorts at Goebbels News and other propaganda outfits didn't get that memo? I can't qwhite figure out why!

  21. The Hitler argument, Godwins law. Parading around with NAZI flags unopposed. I want credit for this, Its Goebbels Law

  22. Ouf! 🍿

  23. Hi Jackie....You know what I always say, good things come to the good people who deserve them. It 's been reported that what sparked the SoCon revolt was O'Toole's failure to endorse the torture of gay kids. When the Con supporters understand what's going on, and what is about to happen to their party, I look forward to hear them squeal like pigs....

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Let the social conservatives go. Perhaps we'll end up with a more moderate party. But then again it will never matter who leads the party. We'll still see the same attacks from the Liberals.

  24. Perrie Penis expected to be hard on Federal Leadership of his party.

  25. Hi anon@1:49 PM....The social conservatives won't go, they want the other Cons to go. And if the Cons had decent leaders the attacks on them would be completely different, and are even at this time far less aggressive and vile than the Con attack ads. Are you so blindly partisan that you can't see that? With so many people like you, I fear for the future of this country. But be sure of one thing, you and your zombie Trumpy bullies will NOT win...

  26. Hi Steve....Pierre Poilievre does look like he wants to run again, and seems to have forgotten why he dropped out of the last Con leadership at the very last moment. We know the real reason he dropped out, and how ugly it is, and if he needs to be reminded, we stand ready to do that...

  27. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "Drumpfh Truckers" no offence to regular truckers. A very important profession for all of us. Time to move the garbage out. For christs sake once the RCMP pepper sprayed protesters at UBC so Pinochet could give a speech?
