Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Why Are The Cons Still Doing Nothing To Stop Covid From Spreading?

As the Omicron variant keeps spreading like wildfire, many hospitals in this country are teetering on the edge of collapse.

Burnout and staff shortages have created a dangerous situation, and everyone knows that the only way we avoid straining the system further is by getting more Canadians vaccinated.

Which makes what Erin O'Toole is doing even more disgusting and criminal.

For while Justin Trudeau never stops urging Canadians to get vaccinated, O'Toole has yet  to even mention the word vaccination.

But did use Christmas to make idiot videos like this one...

Can you believe it? 

Putting out that kind of senseless video, complete with a shoutout to the gun lobby...

At a time when hospitals are struggling to survive...

Is that evil or what?

And what makes it even worse is the reason O'Toole has yet to issue even ONE message to his supporters urging them to get vaccinated, is because he doesn't dare.

Old jelly belly is scared that if he does do the right thing many of the Con anti-vaxxers out there will turn on him, and end any chance he has of staying on as their dilapidated leader.

So far our shabby Con media has pretended not to notice O'Toole's abominable cowardice which makes a joke out of his fraudulent claims to be a Great Warrior Leader.

But the pressure is mounting, he is caught between a rock and a hard place, and sooner or later when more Canadians realize how he is sabotaging the war on Covid, and threatening their lives, it will be all over for Shiny Big Boy.

They will scream out in disgust: Dirty, smelly, cowardly, Cons, stop killing our people !!! 

And they will give thanks that at a terrible time like this one. we had a real leader who never stops urging Canadians to get vaccinated.

And despite all the vile threats the toxic Trudeau haters are always making against him.

Is doing his best to lead this country out of the darkness and into the light...


  1. Anonymous6:10 PM

    It's a takeoff of a successful Christmas movie...one that you pathetic hypocrites and crybabies probably laughed at yourselves at one time or another.

    Hilarious seeing just what an insufferable bunch of trolls the I Stand With Trudeau cult is.

  2. O'Toole also refused to condemn Ezra's tweet calling for a "bounty" to be put on doctors. People tried reporting it to Twitter but Twitter shrugged. How interesting that Twitter did, in fact, flag Freeland's video but does SFA about the filth and disinfo being spewed by Cons. Their inaction makes sense considering the fact that Con operative Michelle Austin is a bigwig at Twitter Canada. Facebook is another sewer and for good reason: none other than Rachel Curran is a higher-up with that wretched hive of scum and villainy.

    Cons don't like the idea of the Liberals bringing down the hammer on online hate and COVID disinfo with new legislation, because they've already started their takeover of the Internet just like they did with MSM. What MSM doesn't report, or doesn't feel deserves wall-to-wall coverage on par with their obsessive drumbeat of every fake Liberal "scandal," speaks volumes just as much as what they do say.

    Further to that effect, O'Toole said nothing to condemn Rachel Harder's anti-vax disinfo, and the story was quietly dropped save for a buried afterthought in the Globe and the local rag in her riding. I guess it's up to the Liberals themselves to turn up the volume and shout from the rooftops, because Con silence is louder than Liberal facts. As the old saying goes, a lie can fly twice around the world in the time it takes the truth to tie its shoes.

  3. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Why Are The Cons Still Doing Nothing To Stop Covid From Spreading? Easy. First, they lost the election and have no power to do anything about Covid or anything else. Second, we pay then to oppose government policy and shouldn't be surprised when they do so. Maybe we should discuss why the Libs haven't introduced a guaranteed basic income to allow Canadians to better weather things like self-isolating to prevent Covid spread.

  4. So what are you saying to the people who claims that we should quit freaking out and claiming via all sorts of vlogs from Youtube 'specialists' or populists radio hosts from Quebec City that Omicron is not dangerous and that any lockdown is a farce for useless dictatorship, thus trying to contradict situations where people have to wear masks in restaurents but don't need it in the Bell Centre. I'm being hassled by pals about this and I need to convice about the benefits of getting vaccinated and why we need to lockdown.

  5. > It's a takeoff of a successful Christmas movie...one that you pathetic hypocrites and crybabies probably laughed at yourselves at one time or another.

    You can enjoy a movie while still finding parts of it incredibly problematic. Giving kids guns to play with is NOT OK in any capacity, whether it's Macaulay Culkin or Jack O'Toole. It's especially NOT OK for a political leader who wants voters to think he can, you know, lead. Ask yourself what the reaction would be if Trudeau and his family pulled a stunt like this? Bad enough the mouthbreathers went ballistic when he took the kids trick-or-treating. What a pathetic and irresponsible bunch of trolls the I Stand With Tool Man crowd is.

    > Why Are The Cons Still Doing Nothing To Stop Covid From Spreading? Easy. First, they lost the election and have no power to do anything about Covid or anything else.

    That's not what Simon was saying, ConAnon. He was saying that O'Toole hasn't uttered a peep about vaccinations since the election, and continues to ignore the disinfo being pushed by his MPs. The majority of antivaxxed are Cons. Trudeau telling people to get vaxxed will only make them dig in their heels. It needs to come from their own side, and it isn't because O'Toole is desperate not to lose support from his covidiot caucus. He could give Skippy the boot for going on Jordan Peterson's show, but he won't. Because he's a chickenshit and a failed leader who isn't even respected by his own party.

    > Second, we pay then to oppose government policy and shouldn't be surprised when they do so.

    A poor use of taxpayer dollars, if the result is paying elected officials a hefty sum to oppose common sense public health policy just to own the Libs. It's like the GOP with Obama: If Trudeau came out in support of breathing, Cons would hold their breath until they turn "true blue." Trudeau could introduce a simple declarative motion that says kicking puppies is bad. Cons would vote against it because "the purpose of the opposition is to oppose."

    > Maybe we should discuss why the Libs haven't introduced a guaranteed basic income to allow Canadians to better weather things like self-isolating to prevent Covid spread.

    Figure out a way to pay for such largesse without 1) hiking taxes on the middle class; 2) draining the coffers of the 5 or so "super-rich" in the entire country who Singh wants to "go after" even though it wouldn't even pay for half of his Christmas wish list, or 3) incurring massive howls of poutrage over exorbitant spending and "Justinflation" thus turfing the Liberals from office. Read the numerous expert analysis panels showing that UBI is an unrealistic unicorn policy requiring a nonexistent money tree, and a fool's errand that could actually end up harming the very people its proponents claim to want to help. Start with Lindsay Tedds, who is an actual, you know, economist, and work your way away from low-info polemicists at the extremes like John Ibbitson and Christo Avialis.

    Maybe you should discuss why the mostly Con premiers, whose wheelhouse most of these support systems are in, haven't done SFA about things like paid sick leave, or allowed Trudeau to have more input on directing their pandemic response every time he's been on a conference call and asked if the feds should take the reins. Ford won't even sign on the childcare plan and he cancelled the mincome pilot, so stop giving premiers a free pass and blaming only Trudeau.

    Or, you know, you could just be a contrarian anonymous coward on a blog, because after all, the purpose of the opposition is to oppose.

  6. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Anon 6:10pm, it's actually a copyright infringement of a successful Christmas movie whose producers may be quite interested in being apprised of. Same goes for the Griswold's copyrights. The use of these classic movies as a means to portray themselves as a fun loving, average family is for one, a crock and for two, an attempt to fundraise under the guise of being ordinary, fun loving citizens. So they are using this to improve their image which in turn improves their fundraising abilities which in turn enriches their coffers at the expense of these classic movies. I see a strong case to sue the tool and the CPC for once again stealing the ideas of others for self gain and is another prime example of a party with absolutely no original ideas. Their wit flows like molasses in Edmonton. I will give the tool props though for his plugging in the lights and the house exploding. Very funny as I pictured it as him trying to unite the CPC. Kaboom!!!
    As for us being trolls and hypocrites, that would be you Anon. Look up the meaning then look in the mirror and then, get a life.

  7. Hi anon@6:10PM... Do you think that we Progressives are as dumb as you Cons? Do you think that we don't know that the O'Toolefamily is trying to act out a scene from Home Alone or in a previous video a scene from National Lampoon Christmas Vacation ?
    The point is why are they doing that in the middle of a brutal epidemic? Why aren't they using all that Con ad money on a campaign to convince their supporters to get vaccinated? And the answer as I point out in my post is because O'Toole is a cowardly custard, and a joke of a leader...

  8. Hi Jackie...Ezra Levant and the Cons are very worried about the new anti-hate legislation and I don't blame them, for it will be used against them, and it will help stop them from turning the internet into a sewer of hatred and bigotry. The Cons have done incredible damage to this country and its values, and it's about time they were reined in. And in the case of the deranged anti-vaxxers, arrested, charged, and sentenced to jail. I visited a big hospital in East Toronto the other day, and was shocked by what I saw. Burned out nurses and doctors, who in addition to their terrible working conditions, are also been terrorized by deranged anti-vaxxers who are accusing them among other things of killing children. It's the worst thing I've ever seen, it makes my blood boil, and the Cons must be made to pay for it.

    P.S. Thanks for straightening out the two Cons in your inimitable fashion. I've been bombarded by vile messages from them and their kind, so I'd rather have nothing to do with them, and appreciate any help I can get...

  9. Hi anon@9:00 PM....Honestly, how literal can you Cons get? I realize you lost the election, and I know you have done nothing but try to undermine Team Canada from the very start of the pandemic. But all I'm asking is that your morally corrupt leader put out a message asking his supporters to get fully vaccinated. For as long as con anti-vaxxers are obstructing those risking their lives to defeat Covid, the pandemic and the necessary lockdowns will go on forever...

  10. Hi MyWorld1916....I don't blame you for being confused. Every province in this country seems to be doing something different, and the Cons are trying to spread disinformation to try to undermine Justin Trudeau, even if that confusion ends up killing tens of thousands of Canadians. But luckily I know what's going on, so let me just say this:
    (1) You don't have to panic. It seems that omicron may have found it's ideal mutation, that makes a lot of people sick but doesn't kill them. So if you are in reasonable health, and are triple vaccinated, chances are that even if you get it you might feel really sick, but you won't need to be hospitalized. On the other hand if you are elderly and frail, and are immune depressed or have other so-called comorbidities like heart and lung disease, cancer, and diabetes you could get very sick and die. So the best thing to do at this stage is restrict your social circle as much as possible, wear a tightly fitting mask when you leave the house, and you should be fine. I know it's a drag but it won't be forever...

  11. Hi Jackie....Thanks again for sorting out those two Cons. I couldn't have done a better job, no matter how hard I tried. I think that the Cons are now such a bizarre Trump-like cult, they can't see the trees for the forest, or tell the difference between Canadian and American politics. They are doing terrible damage to this country, but luckily they are also damaging themselves. For no decent Canadian could ever vote for a party like that one. They are heading for The Abyss and they don't even know it....

  12. Hi JD...It's funny those ridiculous loser Cons are always calling us trolls, when they are the ones who act like real trolls, and disgrace themselves. I guess it's just another projection where they accuse others of what they are guilty of doing. Honestly, has there ever been such a fucked up party? And thanks for setting those Cons straight on those two videos. They just don't get it. Although I must say, somebody should give them a TV sitcom when old Erin finally gets the boot, because it could be quite amusing. O'Toole trying to restore order and failing, little Jack with his gun on the landing trying to get one of those rubber bullets to stick to his head. And my favourite, the Soup Maker staggering around with a glass of booze as big as a goldfish bowl. When the true story of the O'Toole family is told it will be a real scandal...

  13. We're coming up on two years chasing our tails on this thing.....lockdowns didn't work except to make the rich richer and the poor and marginlized poorer. Now that it's well established that SARS-CoV-2 is airborne we know why the useless masks didn't help. And that vaccines that we were told were our "ticket back to normal" have failed to do what we were told they would do....breakthrough infections were supposed to be rare but now they're the norm.

    The vaccines were supposed to leave too few people vulnerable to infection for the virus to continue spreading widely. And like before the vaccines, it's the elderly and health compromised (typically both) who are filling up the hospitals, whether vaxxed or not....

    And the saddest part of all is that this should be a health issue, but instead it's all about politics for most.....putting people into camps and engaging in mindless name calling.

  14. Anonymous10:19 AM

    If Trudeau produced a similar video his whole family would become instant targets. Is the Tool just dumb or does he believe that all the hate targeted at Trudeau’s family and other members of the Liberal government and medical advisors is limited to them or is the video clip an open invitation to respond in kind by targeting his family? It certainly conveys an air of incredible entitlement but are his sponsors after a darker “tit for tat meet hate with hate” democracy destroying outcome. My vote is on the side of insensitive stupidity but who knows what his handlers are up to.


  15. Hi Gordie…l.if we hadn’t had lockdowns before most Canadians were vaccinated we would have had many more deaths. And if so many weren’t using masks, many more people would have been infected. For if you fit masks well they do provide protection. But I think where you (and many other Canadians) are confused is thinking that vaccines can stop you from getting infected. When in fact the most important thing they do is greatly reduced the chance you will get really sick and die.Tens of thousands of lives could be at stake, so please do what you can do to help spread the “get vaccinated” message. Thanks….

  16. Hi RT…..I must confess I have no idea what the Con propagandists were hoping to accomplish with that video, except to try to “humanize” the grubby Erin O’Toole. And you’re right I can only imagine what the Con hatemongers would have done if the Trudeau family had made a similar video. I know that they are finally realizing that O’Toole has taken their ugly party to a very bad place from where they may never recover, and those trolls are screaming like ninnies out there. I have had to delete so many comments because they are so vile, and interestingly enough so sexual, so full of pornographic words, that I have to wonder whether their repressed feelings for Justin Trudeau, or yours truly, have driven them insane. They are such losers I hope they don’t have access to children, and I’m predicting that a good number of them will eventually end up in jail…

  17. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Why do people engage in anecdotal bullshit rather than simply follow a reliable source of Covid 19 information such as Public Health Ontario. I realise that accurate statistical data can be skewed to lead people to a desired conclusion but by any metric the case for getting vaccinated to protect yourself, those you love, as well as everyone else is obvious.
    Ontario public health statistics ... In the past 30 days, unvaccinated adults 60 years of age or older were approximately 33.0 times more likely to be hospitalized due to COVID-19 compared to fully vaccinated adults 60 years of age and older. https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-epi-confirmed-cases-post-vaccination.pdf?la=en

    If a few terrorists were randomly attempting to kill one or two Canadians on a daily basis the Con outrage and response would be ballistic but they cant even spend a few minutes to get vaccinated in order to protect against a much more deadly viral invader. Obviously governments should use fabricated terrorist threats rather than viral threats to enslave people.


  18. Hi RT.... I will never understand why Cons can't understand the science of Covid, even if their ignorance can kill them. As you point out:

    In the past 30 days, unvaccinated adults 60 years of age or older were approximately 33.0 times more likely to be hospitalized due to COVID-19 compared to fully vaccinated adults 60 years of age and older. https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-epi-confirmed-cases-post-vaccination.pdf?la=en

    I have tried to warn them one and over again, but they just won't listen. I know that Cons have a larger fear gland in the brain so maybe they're too scared to do the right thing like their cowardly leader. Some of my learned friends have suggested child abuse, incest, or just low intelligence. Certainly judging from the screeching comments I receive (and delete) I think they're not just dumb, they're desperate. But I've given up trying to save them. Let the cowards die along with their diseased party, and the more the merrier...

  19. Visitor - Pierre D.11:04 PM

    CPC doesn't care because they are religious accelerationist fundamentalists. They believe that the whole big marble is theirs to exploit as needed, and that their faith acts a shield to all illness and wrong-doing. They see those getting ill as heathens etc., and obviously they would not be ill if believers (circular reasoning....) so there is nothing to do but relegate them to minority status, have them squabble internally and eventually splinter.

    I see it as inevitable that if (when...) the Liberal Party of Canada is returned to power in 2-4 years, that the Maverick party will start sweeping AB and other Prairier seats, a sort of Western Bloc Québecois.
    With less success, b/c we can get oil elsewhere, I guess.

    Oh, did you catch the grotesque shill Evan Soldoutman trying to throw PMJT off-message, only to have Justin correct him and stay calm and focused. Soldoutman was furious, and likely did not get a bonus because of his failure to rile the Prime Minister...

    Wishing you all a Happy New Year 2022, and to the Cons here, formulate some policy already, it's your only hope.

  20. Hi Pierre….Yes, thanks to the appalling coverage of our corrupt media, not many people aware of how many SoCons there are in the Con caucus, and how much influence they wield. I don’t mind if they kill themselves, but what bothers me is how many innocent Canadians they could be killing by refusing to encourage people to get vaccinated. If people knew what was going on in our hospitals, they would call them criminals like I do. And yes, I saw part of Solomon’s interview where he asked Trudeau if he was planning to stay on, and seemed shocked when He said yes. What a loser. But we’ll go after them harder than ever in 2022. Happy New Year to you and yours !!

  21. The original wigged out man.

  22. Pierre: JT must have turned Evan down for an art sale. Evan is such a clueless numpty and corporate toady that he either doesn't get, or doesn't want to acknowledge, just how severe the rot in the Con party is. Poilievre has all the makings of a rancid antisemite. He uncritically retweeted Kerry Lynne Findlay's conspiracy tweet about George Soros. At the peak of WeGhazi, he tried to connect Katie Telford and her husband to some asinine "corruption" scandal, calling it the "Silver Triangle" (of all the shapes to use for his infographic, he picks the insignia of Nazi concentration camp badges). Dion threw it out as rubbish but Skippy wasn't done. He later went on and on about the Great Reset and "Davos elites".

    Now he's attacking the (((central banks))) over inflation, and of all the pundits who put paid to his bullshit, he singles out Evan alone for a Twitter flame war. Is Evan deaf to the sound of those loud dog whistles, or is he just as dumb as he looks? 'Cause that bird dog hunts, and the pigeon has been getting a lot of German Shepherds to howl as of late!

    BTW, anyone have the over/under on Madam Maxwell giving up her little black book and causing Conman Black to tremble in his footie pajamas? Now there's a story the media boy's club won't go near with a 100-foot pole...

  23. Good read (US-centric but has global implications) on what's really causing inflation. Spoiler: it's not Trudeau. It's not CERB and it's not carbon pricing It's monopoly collusion and price gouging to pad executive profit margins in a pandemic, while feeding pro-austerity BS to corporate-friendly media that social spending is to blame.


    Who among that same corrupt corporate press will quiz Skippy? "Do you support everyday Canadians or the position of Larry Summers?" No one, that's for sure. They're all as corrupt as the day is long.
