Saturday, December 04, 2021

The Wonderful Humiliation Of The Con Clown Pierre Poilievre

Pierre Poilievre has always been a thorn in the side of human decency. 

He is an ugly right wing extremist, a cruel bully, and a toxic Trudeau hater of the lowest order.

Once he would say crazy things like "the root cause of terrorism is terrorism."

Now he's the Con shadow Finance Minister, and he's still saying crazy things....

He won't listen to the experts.

Former Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz says government spending and stimulus are not to blame for increased inflation.

I think that's not right," he said during an interview on CTV's Question Period airing Sunday. "In fact, what the stimulus did was to keep the economy from going into a deep hole in which we would have experienced persistent deflation."

Even the Con friendly Globe accuses him of running over the facts. 

Pierre Poilievre has sunk his teeth into a hot economic issue, inflation, and the Conservative Party’s shadow finance minister can point to a cost of living that is rising at a rate Canadians haven’t seen for years. But he still insists on stretching facts to push his point.

He is a big presence, blustery House performer, and many Conservatives will tell you he’s the best one they have. He needles ministers. He treats partisan politics like combat. And sometimes the facts get lost in the fog of war. 

Other countries are also battling rising inflation rates, but he doesn't care. He was suckled by the ghastly Stephen Harper... 

And like him, he believes that the truth is relative.

So it wouldn't be too surprising to find out, as the Beaverton suggests, that some MPs might have some dark fantasies about what they'd like to do to Poilievre.

An independent study tracking how our elected Members of Parliamentspend their day has found that, in average work week, the majority of MPs time is spent sitting at their desk, thinking about how, when and where they would punch Pierre Poilievre right in the face.

“I would never physically strike a fellow member of parliament, let’s be clear about that,” said one MP who wished to go unnamed. “But I can’t deny that when we’re in Question Period or a committee hearing I sometimes let my mind wander and it always ends up in the same place. My foot up his ass.”

It's a happy thought, but it's too violent for me. And besides, if I lost a shoe up Polievre's ample ass I'd be humiliated eh?

So I'd rather use the truth to humiliate him.

Canada's economy added 154,000 new jobs last month, surging past expectations and enough to move the jobless rate down to just six per cent.

Statistics Canada reported Friday that the jobless rate fell by 0.7 percentage points, to six per cent. That's the lowest jobless rate since the pandemic began. 

For that has got to REALLY hurt.

And this can only make him look like an idiot.

But even knocking Poilievre off his bully pulpit wouldn't be enough for me. I'd still have to listen to his grating Republican voice, corrupting our Parliament in some other job.

Like junior Minister of Transportation, or Minister of Junior Transportation...

So all things considered...

I'd rather see him cleaned right out of there with Rick Mercer's magic Smug Wipes...

And the seriously good news?

Making Poilievre his shadow Finance Minister was another of O'Toole's fatal mistakes. 

For no sane Canadian could ever allow a Con like him to get his grubby paws on our economy.

Nor ever trust the judgement of the man who appointed him.

So as I've said before, they're all going down together...


  1. Aaron Wherry seems to be hedging his bets that Skippy becomes the next con leader. ('Course, the CBC brass is trying to make fetch -- I mean Chrétien/Martin -- happen, and wouldn't let Wherry do that without also throwing in an obligatory "Trudeau is done and Freeland is inevitable" angle.) The Liberals are united but O'Foole is desperate not to get supplanted, as his latest backlash to Batty Batters and the other party councillor demonstrates. Problem is, the faction that wants him gone isn't going away, and while putting Skippy up might be "entertaining" for the pundits and a sop to the base, it annoys mainstream voters (and even the business community, who find him an ignorant, populist, overcompensating joke).

    Tool might be thinking that by letting Skippy make a fool of himself, he's damaging any hope that Skippy might have of replacing him. On the contrary, the only thing that will get inflated with his restored public profile is his ego, and the frothing base's desire to turf Tool in favor of their pigeon messiah. Tool is hoping to rag the puck to the next election by playing whack-a-mole with the "dissidents," instead of just getting it over with and ripping off the band-aid. I remember a country song from the '80s which says, "if you cling too tightly, you're going to lose control."

    No one "quivers" in Skippy's presence, except Liberals who try to stifle laughter when he opens his beak to make grand pronouncements in his squawking helium voice. I'm beginning to think he has a humiliation kink: he probably got stiff in his softwood when Freeland spanked him this week with, of all things, a rolled-up copy of the National Post. Reminds me of a certain other bigly tremendous business genius who had a fetish for getting whacked with copies of Forbes. Shoo bird, shoo bird, go away!

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Didn't O'Stool fire PP as shadow finance minister before the last election? So why the flip-flop? The press should be hounding O'Stool with that question.

  3. Hi Jackie…I don’t know what’s happening to Aaron Wherry, he was once a reasonably reliable journalist, but now seems to feel that his journalism isn’t enough, and needs to be hyped to attract more comments or whatever. Sad. I have heard the theory that O’Toole wants Poilievre to make a fool out of himself, so as to eliminate him as a leadership contender. But I find that hard to believe, since the more Pee Wee makes a fool out of himself the more damage he does the party. While researching this post I looked at quite a few Poilievre videos, and I couldn’t help feeling that something is not quite right with him. As you know I believe that his last minute withdrawal from the leadership race had nothing to do with his family and everything to do with a threat from some high ranking civil servants to expose him as a foul bully. And the only reason O’Toole brought him back is to try to pacify his bestial base….

  4. Hi anon@12:34 PM….Yes, Poilievre was the finance critic until O’Toole demoted him, only to bring him back to try to soothe his rabid base who would much rather have him as their leader. And you’re right the media should be asking a lot of hard questions, and looking into the infiltration of far right fanatics into the highest levels of the party. Eventually they will be forced to ask some hard questions, but don’t expect them to act like real journalists until they have no choice…

  5. Anonymous1:32 AM

    I would love to see PP run and win the next version of the Con's "Amazing Race, Stornoway". My main reason being that maybe then someone will dig deep into his finances to see how an otherwise buffoonish, incompetent individual can become a multi-millionaire on a politicians salary. A CRA deep forensic audit would be nice to. Besides the Harper blow-up doll, I believe there are many skeletons lurking in PP's closet and that is the reason he slithered away from their last "leadership" race. Secondly, with PP as leader, the Con's would devolve even further towards a full-on GOP shit-show. Which, in itself is not a bad thing as most Canadians would be repulsed by it and would vote ABC. Sadly, that would mean having to hear PP's whiny, fecal tinged voice on a regular basis with the odd coronal mass ejection thrown in there. However, it's a small price to pay if the end result is the Cons splitting up or losing Stornoway altogether. The thought has me quivering with delight.

  6. Pee Pee only wants a goverment paycheck

  7. Hi JD….I agree with you, having Poilievre as Con leader would strip away the moderate mask O’Toole is trying to make us believe is the new face of the Cons, and reveal the true horror of the RepubliCon beasts. The Con media is trying to make it look like the sham vote on conversion therapy means the Cons are now a moderate truly Canadian Party. But anybody who believes that is either a Con or an idiot. The good news is that just that fake hint of moderation is giving the Bernier racist party a boost, and if that continues the Cons could lose a fair chunk of their ugly base. That would definitely make the Cons a slightly more moderate party, but unfortunately for them would leave them fighting with the NDP losers for second place way behind the Liberals. Stay tuned, I predict the race Is going to become a demolition derby….

  8. Hi Steve….Poilievre doesn’t need the money, he is already a multimillionaire, don’t ask how. But I’m sure he’d love to live at Stornoway, which he no doubt would rename the northern White House….

  9. William Woodcock2:50 PM

    Pierre Polymer is a slick, shiny surface with no depth in his chest of intelligence. Without rudeness, ignorance and falsehoods he'd be speechless.

  10. Wow, that was quick. I'm so glad to see #Justincredible trending. Equally amused to find that the twitterverse has picked up the emerging and easily debunked field of mythological studies known as #Pigeonomics. Bwaha.

    Happy to contribute to the air war effort in Canada, that up until now was being swarmed by a silly bird and his flock. And to think, Canada's own dime-store Ben Shapiro and his stans say liberals can't meme.

    By the way, while on the subject of Skippy's latent interests, our friends among the twitterati have also come to the conclusion that the pigeon's obsession with the PM must mean that he's... #JustinLove...? 😏

  11. Hi William....I completely agree with you. Pierre Polymer is a slick, shiny surface with no depth in his chest of intelligence. He's also starting to display signs of megalomania, and sounds more like a tin pot fascist with ever passing day. But he's also the most popular Con Gauleiter, so we must hope that he becomes Con leader one day, for it would be the end of the Harper Party....

  12. Hi Jackie....Oh no, the thought of Pigeon Pierre being in love with Justin Trudeau is too horrible to even think about. And I can only imagine what Trudeau must think about that. But luckily Pigeon is just too Con and too ugly for anyone to fall in love with him. So you know it's going to end badly...

  13. Well, I searched for an image of megalomania and found this. Might wanna keep this image in your archives Simon, #JustinCase the inflatable pigeon puts on a phony act of being humble. (He won't.)

    "He is risible!" is more like it. Antichrist Superstar.

    So uh, who's gonna tell him JT's birthday is in 19 days? Something something, Maggie's boy child. That'll ruffle his feathers all right.

  14. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Hi Simon

    Have written a few RT signed comments about the Con's new strategy of downsizing the Big Tent but they have not appeared in the comment section. Some sort of glitch?
    The Cons are essentially jettisoning some of the SoCon ballast so they can pretend they are all about economic prosperity for the little guy and lever that into a minority government coalition with the usual single issue suspects. It really does't matter whether they are inside or outside the tent as they are just useful idiots that can be called up on a moments notice. Whether its a Con majority or minority government the strategy is the same; undermine our democratic institutions in favour of perpetuating a Con friendly environment.The Herr Harper transformation of Canada "You wont recognize Canada .... "

  15. Hi Jackie ….I have noticed that Poilievre has been directing some of his hollow speeches to appeal to the many Con religious fanatics. And so has Candace Bergen whose first speech to the new Parliament sounded like a sermon more than anything else. I think that Poilievre and Bergen are gearing up to replace O’Toole, and with those two involved it should resemble Con Armageddon, so needless to say I can hardly wait….😎

  16. Hi RT….I have no idea why your comments did not appear. But Incan assure you that I have never deleted any of them. Could they have landed on a previous day’s blog post? I will take special care to make sure your comments are published, and I apologize for
    What has happened…

  17. Paul Wells is an asshole. The media really, really wants to make fetch happen. In fact, just because of this full-court press, I want JT to run again and win just to piss them off and prove them wrong.

    "In conversation, senior Liberals were remarkably candid about discussing the last days of Justin Trudeau’s government, and the prospect of a government led by somebody else."

    I have it on good authority that the "senior Liberals" Wells spoke with at a hipster coffee shop were John Barron and David Dennison. Fake news, nasty reporter is a dopey, crooked loser. Sad.

  18. Pierre D.10:32 PM

    The fun part is even if most polls have LPC and CPC close to even, with some with LPC at +3 to +4, this only works in LPC favor. The Liberals go up to 167-168 seats and have another near-majority.

    At some point, Tik-Tok Singh will bleed members to the Liberal Party of Canada, members who want to be on a winning team instead of an indebted also-ran party.

    I would like to pause for a moment while these winter holidays pursue their inexorable course, to thank Maxime Bernier? Thank Max, is he mad, you say? Not at all. PPC is gobbling up close to 11% of the total vote in polling. They will gnaw away at the Conservative base and condemn CPC to perpetual opposition. After all, when your best showing is Pigeon Pierre and another member forces her staff to paint her really are just a placeholder for a real, cogent official opposition.

  19. Batters' petition has accrued more than 7,000 signatures in just 3 weeks. They need just a hair under 14,000 to proceed, and they are halfway there. Léger this morning has the LPC up by 9. But all Wells wants to fantasize about is the denouement of Trudeau's career? SMH, this guy is a total hack. If Dougie and Kenney get turfed, there'll be no one left of "The Resistance" but Curly Moe. Any regrets, Paulie?

  20. Anonymous9:19 AM

    #97 ❤
