Thursday, October 21, 2021

Erin O'Toole and the Moral Depravity of the Cons

Well, Erin O'Toole finally crawled out of the place where he has been hiding, looking like a talcum powdered mannequin.

And in an interview with TVO's Steve Paikin tried to make Canadians believe that he wasn't humiliated by Justin Trudeau.

And that he would have won if Trudeau hadn't bribed people with CERB payments.

Which at least was partially true, because if you remember O'Toole was opposed to any plan that helped suffering Canadians.

But that wasn't the only lie that showed the grubby Con hasn't changed a bit.

For that's a whopper. 

And this just shows the depth of his Con's moral depravity.

The federal Conservatives—the only caucus yet to confirm how many of its MPs remain unvaccinated—have come out in opposition to the new mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy announced by the House of Commons.

Or as Susan Delacourt writes, the depth of their entitlement.

No matter how Conservatives are trying to package their vaccination resistance as a matter of personal liberty or democracy, the bottom line is this: some MPs are insisting on putting their own privilege above public-health duty. Which is, frankly, kind of the opposite of what being a member of Parliament is all about.

Or the depth of their shameless hypocrisy.

All legal technicalities aside, though, the idea of any Conservative MPs standing against vaccinations — whether it’s a few or a couple of dozen — should be a political offence at least. Not so long ago, this was the party arguing in the House that the Liberal government wasn’t doing enough to make sure that everyone in the country had access to vaccinations against COVID-19. Day after day, Conservative MPs complained that Canada would never get back to normal until the government stepped up efforts on mass vaccinations. 

One election later, apparently the tune has changed: Conservatives are now spending more time standing up for the rights of those who don’t want to be vaccinated — some of them their own MPs, it seems.

For who can forget this?

And the good news?

Even the former Harper flak Andrew MacDougall can call on O'Toole to do something about the Con's vaccine problem.

You have to hand it to the Conservatives. Having just lost to Justin Trudeau and his Liberals in the federal election they’re now working overtime to ensure the Grits win the next one by refusing to come clean on vaccines.

We’re now 20-odd months into this pandemic and seven months into the era of mass vaccination, and the Conservatives still won’t say how many of their MPs are vaccinated. Given vaccines are the best way out of our current heavily-prescribed reality, this is akin to admitting you don’t want to drink water after wandering for years in a desert. It’s enough to make the neutral observer wonder if you’re really just messed up in the head.

But sadly for him, the fact is that O’Toole can say that he will respect the parliamentary mask mandate, but with so many in his caucus opposed to that, he risks ending up knee deep in his own bullshit.

So he’s stuck. He can't continue, he can't get off.

We have him where we want him. His Cons have never looked so beaten.

And we ARE going to destroy them...


  1. The irony is except for the really, really hard core anti-vaxxers, who will give up anything resembling a pre-COVID life for...(I do not know what to put here) vaccinations will not be an issue during the next election.

    Really, in 18-24 months more than 90% of Canadians will be double vaxxed, including children, because even the hesitant Canadians will see the writing on the wall by then and do what is necessary, even if it is done grudgingly, because they will want to participate in society.

    So this bending over backwards for the anti-vax crowd just does not make any sense. Not that I am complaining. The more Canadians see that the Conservatives are on the wrong side of this issue and the longer they remain there the better off it is for the Liberals. However, I am astounded by the short sightedness, bordering on myopia, of their position.

    As for inflation we are going to have to live with it for another year and then it will come back down. The economy almost deflated last year and it would have without programs like the CERB (and then our economy would really be in the shit) and now it is bouncing back, or reflating. If inflation is still above the 2% average this time next year then we might have to worry but by then the Bank of Canada will probably be on it and all or at least most of the fiscal measures that the government implemented to prop up the economy at the beginning of the pandemic will be long gone, which should reduce inflationary pressures.

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    How’s the weather in Tofino? ��

  3. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Todays weather in Tofino is scattered showers with a 100% chance of a Federal Liberal government. Tomorrow's forecast is the same. Etc. etc. etc.... The weather in Trollfino is dark, dank and dreary with a 100% chance of Con tears, wahhhhhhh!!!!

  4. Anon, nobody gives a fuck about Tofino anymore. Learn to keep up.

    I am looking forward to seeing the results of the eventual vote in the Commons that the Cons will lose. This is literally a life or death issue, and not some arcane dispute over "parliamentary privilege." We don't know how many MPs and staffers are immunocompromised and therefore at risk. I mentioned a few names the other day that I only know off the top of my head.

    But we don't know either how many Cons are refusing to get vaccinated, thereby putting their colleagues at risk. And constituents. Charge them with manslaughter if someone dies from being in the vicinity of their bad breath. I give it all of five minutes into the first session of QP before one of them rises from their bench to deliberately cough on Trudeau. Or one of his ministers/MPs who's recovering from cancer. But remember, they're "pro-life". Yeah, and I'm Dog the Bounty Hunter.

    Either Dumbfuck O'Toole puts his foot down and fractures his caucus, or has to wear the public humiliation of having the entire party deservedly tarred as anti-vaxers when they lose the battle in November. I'm kind of hoping for the former, because he seems to be a better liar than weak Andy and I want him to get turfed.

    I'm of partial Irish extraction. Look up the word "blarney" in a dictionary and you'll see his mug there. It's an old Celtic word meaning bullshit with a smile. This duplicitous leprechaun with a shit-eating grin has no reason for even wanting to be PM besides proving something to his high school classmates. So he lies with impunity, over and over again, to his own reality-averse party and to Canadians writ large, even to the point of risking people's lives and the public health, because he's a craven hack who will say anything to keep his job. Neither he nor the rest of the disease-spreading deplorables deserve the title "Honourable".

    This asinine stance on vaccination is no different from his climate change "directive" that the party ignored at the convention. He's a spineless weathervane who talks out of both ends of his orifices, and is only being propped up by Pusmedia and their anti-Liberal propaganda. If the media wasn't so corrupt, cons would be circling the drain at NDP levels in the polls. Gotta keep that artificial horse race alive, even though the pale blue horse represents Pestilence and Death. The media's unquenchable thirst for ratings and Trudeau-bashing clickbait will usher in the apocalypse. Maybe what Annie Okie really meant when she was screeching like a drunken banshee at the PM, was that her own party wouldn't get vaccinated until 2030. Perhaps a journalist should ask her that, except Canada doesn't have any. Just Pusmedia PR.

    Disband the Covidiot Party of Canada. It is beyond saving.

  5. Anonymous12:00 AM

    There's no destroying the Cons. Half the population is of sub-average intelligence and will always need a place to park their vote.

  6. destroy them at a molecular level

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The Texas North Cons share the same alt reality universe as their southern cousins. Their problem is that Canada's population is relatively small and diverse so it is impossible to create a mega dome of Texas style disinformation where the GOP get to spin whatever reality they want. Instead the Canadian contingent is increasingly viewed as a curiosity cult that pitched a tent in Ottawa's back yard. The Tool's problem is they are so high on oily Texas kool-aid they won't even allow him to dress them up with a seductive coat of blue lipstick.


  8. Hi Ottlib....Vaccinations may not be as big an issue as they are now, but Canadians will remember how when people were dying the Cons let them down. And O'Toole's latest flip flop can be added to all the others, and will not make him more popular with most Canadians, as well as his own fanatics. In his TVO interview O'Toole blamed the vaccine issue for his election defeat, so I still think it's such a moral failure that its stench will endure. Next up, climate change...

  9. Hi anon@10:08 PM....I told you that Tofino would be the shortest fake scandal ever, and once again I was right. You poor desperate Cons can go around saying "but...but...Tofino" but nobody is talking about it, and only you poor losers and Chief whatever her name care. You all must be so disappointed but that's life, and I can't stop chuckling...

  10. Hi JD....Brilliant. And so true. You know I actually spent four days with a few friends in an expensive cabin right on Tofino beach, and it was so dank and dreary if it wasn't for the fireplace I would have left after one day. I realize that Trudeau has a sentimental attachment to that place, but I would rename it Con beach and avoid it like the plague...

  11. Hi Jackie....Yes, O'Toole seems to have folded, but who knows how some of his potential place carriers will react? Probably not well. And a vote in the Commons will make the Cons look even worse, and the sound of sharpening knives practically deafening. I watched the whole of that TVO interview and it was actually quite scary. O'Toole is as you say, a much better liar than even Andrew Scheer. But sadly for him most Canadians can see through his endless flip flops and know that he can't be trusted. The Con media have managed to keep him alive all through the election campaign, but they have been so discredited they won't be much use to him anymore. So all the blarney in the world won't be enough to save poor old O'Toolie...

  12. Hi anon@12:00 AM....When I say destroy the Cons I don't mean exterminate them. Just mock them and cripple them until they are no longer a threat to this country and its values. For you are right, many Canadians are so dumb that if the Cons didn't exist you would have to invent them....

  13. Hi Steve....As I just said, there is no need to physically destroy them, just shrink them down to a molecular level so you will need an electron microscope to see what they are up to. They are pretty close to that right now, but we can do better...

  14. Hi RT....Yes you are right, the Cons may be a pathetic beaten bunch, but they are more American than Canadian so they must still be considered dangerous. The election earned them some extra SoCon seats, so it won't be long before they're up on their feet, wailing and chanting and demanding that they replace the Charter with the Ten Commandments. They are a mortal threat to women and LGBT Canadians and no amount of blue paint will ever cover that up....

  15. I couldn't help sharing this comment from a Con in today's Globe and Mail:

    Mr. O'Toole is respecting freedom of choice, health privacy, and the Nuremberg code. I'm shocked at the willingness of the apparent majority to allow this enormous government overreach. Once rights and freedoms are willingly sacrificed in the name of covid, we will never get them back. Just ask a refugee from a country ruled by an oppressive government, a holocaust survivor, a refugee. We are in dangerous waters here.
    I will never carry a health passport, just on principle alone. I refuse to be identified by a qr code which, according to my Catholic education from decades past, could easily be considered the sign of the beast.

    Can you believe that? No wonder some of those losers run around screaming "But...but...Tofino!!!!"

  16. That is some seriously mind-boggling cognitive dissonance. Sgt. Schultz is so respectful of the "Nuremberg code" that he used a Nazi dog whistle "Secure the Future" as his campaign slogan. Just 11 words shy of the full 14. As the late, great Molly Ivins (PBUH) once said of a Pat Buchanan speech, I'm sure it sounded better in the original German.

    BTW according to the tinfoil chuds on Fashbook, Tofino is an Epstein getaway where Trudeau keeps his mythical harem of "students." It also wasn't Sophie in the picture it was Katie, who is supposedly the Ghislaine Maxwell of the "Lie-beral pedo cult." That's just the tip of the iceberg about the kind of crazy-stupid we're dealing with here.

    MSM is content to whistle past the graveyard and pretend like these are all Mad Maxxers, while the CPC are just a party that abhors inflation and deficits. Meanwhile, this goes ignored and continues to get worse:

    "As far as I’m aware, the first call to kill Justin Trudeau came on October 23, four days after the 2015 election. ... Here we have individuals wishing and calling for the death of a man, our prime minister, for the sole reason that they disagree with his policies. What this says about the culture of the Conservative Party today is reflected by the fact that these comments are rarely challenged by others, while the party itself maintains a silence. And so we find a remarkable situation in which Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition allows calls for the prime minister’s assassination from its Facebook page."

    That article is from 2016 and the vitriol has only worsened. But according to the oh-so-wise pundit class, this is what passes for "principled, moderate conservatism" in polite and friendly Canada.

  17. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Hi Simon, that's quite the Con comment you shared with us. Sadly one we've all heard too many times during this pandemic. It is so typically Con though, "it's all about me". I'm picturing a Con choir practicing their scales, "mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi....". Gawd they're pathetic.
    One can only imagine what their selfishly abhorrent behavior would be in a truly dire time of crisis. Let that sink in for a minute. To me they've been and are the enemy of the people, the overwhelming majority and in our darkest hours, they would be even more so.
    I think those breaking the law and creating bedlam by flouting masks, vaccines and mandates should have, as part of their punishment, a big bold S tattooed on their foreheads and let it be the international brand for dangerously stupid people. If only it were that easy.

  18. Well, that didn't take long. Leslyn is the boss and she must have made him have a come-to-Jesus moment. Thing is, Jesus wasn't too fond of hypocrites and liars. Perhaps he should pray that he grows a spine.

    Might be time for the Liberals to make an "O'Toole vs. O'Toole" version of those "Kenney vs. Kenney" meme templates popularized by the ABNDP. Or start having fun at the LPC swag shop and put his face on a pair of flip-flops.

  19. Hi Jackie….Yes, I thought you guys would enjoy that kooky Con’s comment. I’ll never be able to look at any of my new QR code’s the same way. It’s truly an explosion of insanity, and I only hope our security services are ready to deal with it. It’s stunning to think that Walrus article was written in 2016, and five years later the Cons are still threatening people and getting away with it. Just judging from the kooky comments I receive Trudeau’s victory has driven many of them over the deep end. The police are going to have to jail a lot of Cons to keep this country safe…

  20. Hi JD….you’re right, those kooks can say what they want, but it’s just plain selfishness. Like many Cons they don’t give a damn about the lives of others. So I have no sympathy for them, and I believe that the authorities need to crack down on them. For a while this summer I had to look on helplessly as hundreds of anti vaxxers marched through my neighbourhood chanting “Freedom Freedom” and escorted by at least a dozen police officers on bicycles. It was bizarre and I could barely contain myself. But like a good Canadian I did nothing. But you’re right they are the enemy of the people, and none of those unvaccinated Con MPs should be allowed into the House of the People….

  21. In case anyone wants to share this image feel free. I made this mockup product in less than 5 minutes on The Liberals should really start fundraising by selling something like this.

    I don't know the rules under Elections Canada for if parties are allowed to use the likeness of anyone in another party to hock merchandise. But I do know that down here, it worked for the duplicitous, hypocritical Republicans, who sold these props like hotcakes for the 2004 party convention. Swiftboating was the major nuclear attack, but this meme was also a weapon that ultimately sunk the unfortunate John "American Iggy" Kerry.

    What I'm saying is the Grits should start cribbing from their enemies' playbook. Unlike the cons who are always nasty and angry at all things Trudeau, Liberals could have fun doing it. "Flip-Flop O'Toole."

    A new report says cons are dominating social media by exploiting the algorithm. Fight back by tagging O'Toole's name with the sandal emoji. Every time they start tweeting about Trudeau's "scandals," start tweeting about O'Toole's sandals. Works well as a contrast to the beach theme from a couple weeks ago. He flips and flops like a floundering fish. He flips and flops more than the pancakes at Kenney's COVID stampede. No, forget that: he flips and flops more than Kenney. Period.

  22. Gary Mason today offered up some early hope for the holiday season. Anybody happen to know if the supply chain bottleneck is affecting popcorn futures?

    Already playing out, I would argue, is a fight for the soul of the Conservative Party of Canada ... It is a battle that could become a war that could, I believe, lead to an implosion of the tenuous coalition that was fused 18 years ago, when the Canadian Alliance (the successor to Reform) merged with the Progressive Conservatives.

    There is nothing less than the future of the Conservative Party of Canada at stake.

    And at this point, I’m not sure it survives.

    Caveat: An animal is most dangerous when it's cornered, so don't anyone get complacent. But should this come to pass, that would be a great gift for Canada, and a lovely 50th birthday present for Justin Trudeau! Ten more years... ten more years...
