Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Is The Election Call Only Days Away?

When I saw a magnificent Lancaster bomber flying over my place yesterday, for a moment I thought the election had been called.

For it is going to be like a war, and the future of Canada will be at stake.

But it wasn't E- Day. The Big Red Machine may be roaring like that Lancaster.

But only Justin Trudeau knows when that call will come.

Although the Hill Times is claiming it could come in less than a week.

With politicos across the country caught in election fever, Liberal MPs, candidates, and campaign managers are preparing for an election campaign to get started on Aug. 8 or Aug. 15, with the election date set to be Sept. 13 or Sept. 20.

“‘Be ready for the writ to be dropped on Aug. 8’ is the message I’m getting from cabinet ministers and MPs,” said one Liberal source who spoke to The Hill Times on not for attribution basis.

My guess is that Aug. 15 will probably be the day, to give the Liberals a bit more time to see where the Delta variant is going.

But at least now we know why Erin O'Toole is looking so awful, and so beaten...

His polls suck.

A recent three-day rolling tracking poll by Ekos Research suggested that the Liberals had the support of 39 per cent of Canadians, followed by the Conservatives with 28.6 per cent, the New Democrats with 17.9 per cent, and the Greens with 4.2 per cent. The poll was conducted from July 26 to July 28 and had a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

His party is on the verge of collapse.

The poles holding up the federal Conservatives’ big blue tent are wobbling, raising questions about whether the huff and puff of the next election could just blow it down.

Multiple party sources tell the Star that discussions within their ranks these days bring to mind the early 2000s and a fractured right that rendered conservatives incapable of taking down the governing Liberals.

And worse of all, so many of his own Cons want him to lose.

In conversations with the Star, two sources close to O’Toole said they believe there are elements and individuals within the Conservative party who would be happy to see the rookie leader lose. “We have certain people who want to see us lose. There’s no question,” said one source, who agreed to discuss internal party dynamics on the condition they not be named.

Yikes. No wonder he's always running these days.

And who can blame so many Canadians for running away from him and his Bigot Party?

After the Cons tried to make them believe that the O'Toole 2021 was a new/nouveau model. 

When as it turned out it was still the same old Harper.


Also sad, it's the same old Jagmeet Singh, who after smearing Justin Trudeau day after day, is now so desperate to avoid an election, he claims Trudeau has no reason to call one.

Because, wait for it, he says he still has "confidence" in him.

When the real reason is that he's scared shitless...

And with good reason.

For both Singh and O'Toole know that if even if they manage to hold the Liberals to a minority, they won't be leaders for much longer.

Which suggests to me that the time is NOW.

Trudeau is the people's overwhelming choice for preferred Prime Minister.

With more support than all the others put together

So fuel up your Liberal Lancasters.

And prepare to go to war....


  1. Ahhh, the muted roar of four Rolls-Royce Merlin Engines flying overhead is a sweet sound indeed. Although, I would personally like to fly the two aircraft that had only one of those engines bolted to their noses.

    A post about politics and flying. What's not to like.

  2. Well, with this lingering headache out of the way, now Trudeau can go whenever he wants to. Barrett must be in the fetal position. The Cons were counting on another phony ethics scandal to kick off the campaign under a cloud, and now they've got nothing left. Womp womp.


    So EKOS is pointing towards a majority, Nanos is showing similar sunny ways, and even Leger is finally starting to kick the bugs out of its moneyball machine, though not without some leftover oddities to keep things "interesting." From what I've heard, the Red Machine internal gauges are a lot more fine-tuned and accurate than the public polls. The Liberals have been underestimated the last two elections and it's possible that trend will continue this time.

    As for the exact date, obviously no one knows but Trudeau and maybe the family dog. Rumor has it, however, as heard on Herle Burly podcast, that federal LPC volunteers are going to help out Ian Rankin's team for the last stretch of the Nova Scotia provincial election, so there might still be a few days of overlap. I still can't see a writ drop in September though, delta or not. The iron is roaring hot and the other parties are "just not ready."

    The Cons and Greens are a dumpster fire, while Singh and his merry band of Dipshits' polling masks structural weaknesses. The sooner the Liberals go, the better to catch them with their pants down.

    Much as I despise Trump Jr., if the Liberal Party of Canada are staring down a majority and Justin Trudeau a repeat of his father's trajectory, I'll make an exception for a phrase that Dump the younger was known to have said at one point: If it's what you're saying, I love it, especially in the late summer.

    Gentlemen (and ladies and trans/non-binary folx), start your engines.


  3. BTW, I believe that Mr. Trudeau should be wary of that Unsure person. He could be a dark horse in the election.

  4. Drop the puck already and let the Replicaients blow it up and start again with even smikery lizards.

  5. I hope not, I have better things to do then deal with an election no one needs right now.

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      So do most Canadians……

  6. Anonymous11:13 PM

    If a Liberal campaign rally turns into a super spreader event? Then what?

  7. Anon, maybe you should check which end of the political spectrum has the bulk of anti-vax and anti-mask sentiment, the most resistance to COVID precautions.

    Hint: it's not the Liberals.

    The word "resistance" should be a big clue. Just ask Paul Wells.

  8. Hi Ottlib......I am fortunate to live on one of the approaches to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton, so I get to see that magnificent plane a few times a year. And whenever I do I wonder what it would have been like to hear hundreds of them in the night sky heading off to bomb the Nazis. One of my grandfathers was in Bomber Command, and flew with the pathfinders who guided Lancasters to their targets, so there is also a sentimental connection, and the day he saw that plane fly by was a day to remember....

  9. Hi Jackie....Yes, that latest fake scandal went down in flames in record time, as I predicted, and that hysterical fascist Barrett must be in the fetal position. He has rapidly become one of the Cons I despise the most. As you say, the Cons have at last run out of scandals, and the road is clear for Trudeau to set out and try to destroy the ugly Cons. Elections are always nervy affairs, but the only thing I'm worried about is the shameless poseur Jagmeet Singh splitting the vote. Apart from that every light is flashing green, and I can't see a better moment to try to rid ourselves of this shabby pizza Parliament. Thanks for that video, but of course I can only march off to war to this tune...

  10. My father was a Coastal Command pilot mainly in Halifaxes. He did however get to fly Landcasters a bit and ,once, a Spitfire.

  11. Hi Ottlib @6:28 PM....Yes that shady unsure contingent is a bit concerning, but it's probably made up mostly of those who are still worried about Covid. And hopefully with a good campaign, most of them will come over to Trudeau. There really is no other serious choice....

  12. Hi Steve....Smikery lizards? Aren't those Kenney's supporters? And from what I hear there aren't too many of them these days...

  13. Hi Gyor....The country needs an election to deal with pizza Parliament that cannot be trusted to reconstruct this country after the pandemic. And what is there to deal with? All you have to do is turn up on voting day and vote for Justin Trudeau... ;)

  14. His anon @9:56 PM...Most Canadians will be fine with an election once it gets underway. The only ones who really don't want one are the Cons and the NDP for obvious reasons. Two years of a minority Parliament is when most elections happen, so what's different this time? Relax, enjoy it, and it will be over before you know it....

  15. Hi anon @11:13 PM...There is no reason a super spreader even needs to happen during the election campaign. The Cons would love one, and they may try to infect as many people as possible. But I live down the street from the Roger's Centre where thousands of Blue Jay fans gathered the other day with no apparent consequences. Rallies can be safely held outside, and failing that they will just have to be virtual. Covid has screwed up a lot of things, but it can't be allowed to interfere with our democracy....

  16. Simon...Your grandfather flew Pathfinder aircraft for the heavy bombers which probably means he flew Mosquitos. That is another aircraft I would not hesitate to fly if given the opportunity. Coincidentally, they also powered them with twin Merlin engines.

  17. The proud hate sites suddenly like jagmeet & the NDP....https://www.facebook.com/480690348805429/posts/1753216871552764/

  18. Anonymous1:38 PM

    We really need to take advantage of the lull between the worst of Covid and the new/old challenges hurtling towards us. Its clear the Cons have no interest in addressing the issues other than twisting them into propaganda while waiting to pounce on a favourable poll. Many Liberal and NDP priorities overlap but timely success would diminish NDP support so its move forward at a snail's pace while waiting for a Liberal stumble either real or most likely manufactured. Canadians deserve better.

    Elections Canada says we can safely vote from the comfort of our own homes, who could want more .... except for millions of Trump supporters. Seems Canadians are much more comfortable with mail in voting, at least until the Cons lose.



  19. Ottlib:

    In the 50's, Mosquito moulded plywood technology ( and at least one project manager ) was used to build boats in Mahone Bay , Nova Scotia. Some of the shells they built were made into raceboats and I borrowed one during summer 1965. It started an enjoyable boat racing career.

    When the factory burned , the fire department had to run to and fro around town putting out flaming balls of glue shot from 45 gallon drums in the storage area.

  20. Hi Ottlib….My grandfather did indeed fly a Mosquito, as well as another reconditioned bomber the Stirling. I would give anything to fly a Mosquito, just not over heavy flak or a massive forest fire because as you know they were made mostly of wood. 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  21. Hi unknown@12:10….That link doesn’t work for me, but I’m not surprised the Cons are cozying up to Jagmeet Singh, he’s now their only chance of winning the election, or at least holding the Liberals to another deadly minority. I am very disappointed at the way the NDP is behaving, but I will do what I can to try to make sure their shameless opportunism is not rewarded….

  22. Simon please savage Doug Ford for his apparent Medieval decision on back to school vacinees, what is this the 12th century?

  23. Hi RT...Thanks for reminding me about the mail-in vote. I forgot to mention that when I tried to reassure a reader about precautions we an take to avoid a super spreader event. And agree with you, we need to think of this time as a chance for bold thinking, and take dramatic steps to deal with the pandemic AND climate change. In that regard I see it as an exciting time. That's also why I am hoping for a Liberal majority so that Trudeau can take the bold steps that are needed without having to worry about the cheap politicking from the Cons and the NDP...

    P.S. I wonder if you know anything about JD? He seems to have disappeared and I'm worried about him...

  24. hi rumleyfips...Wow, your dad got to fly Lancasters and Spitfires? I'm turning green with envy. I used to tell my grandfather that his generation got to fly all the best planes, while all we got was jets. Also your Mahone Bay story was really interesting. I had no idea you liked racing boats, and the image of those flaming balls of glue flying through the air was also amazing. One of the members of my clan had a beautiful Chris Craft on a loch in Scotland, but we weren't allowed to go too fast because it was so expensive...

  25. Simon, here's an Archive link to that Facebook post from Canada Proud glorifying Singh's anti-constitutional rant. More than that, they're pumping Coyne's tires as much as he, in turn, is fluffing Singh's.


    Think you should remind your readers about the Horseshoe Theory of Politics, and why the right-wing papers are so desperate to simp for an ostensibly socialist party. The fact is "left" and "right" are kabuki theatre labels. The Cons and NDP are both undemocratic authoritarians engaged in political pincer warfare.


  26. Is this better?https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-theres-a-law-against-snap-elections-and-the-governor-general-is/

  27. Hi Jackie....Thank you for the link. My God, the Cons really have gone over the deep end. And so have Andrew Coyne and Jagmeet Singh. They are both trying to stir up animus against the country's first indigenous Governor General, and it's absolutely disgusting. What arrogant racism, and what appalling ignorance. With every day that passes the NDP acts more like the Cons, and if they had any decency they should be ashamed of themselves....

  28. Hi Unknown...Yes, thank you. I see it's just the Con fluffer Coyne trying to boost the NDP and split the progressive vote. He can't even get his facts straight, and sounds even more desperate than O'Toole. What a loser...

  29. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Hi Simon

    Sorry I do not have any info on JD but share your concern as it is unlikely he would simply drop out without saying so. Took a brief journey through the archives to see if focus had changed but the only thing apparent is the number of commentators and the quality of some of the posts. Perhaps he decided to hand over the baton but the issues are the same so its unlikely.
    My hot button was your coverage of the senseless un-Canadian warmongering that Harper engaged in some 10 years ago. I am still supporting your effort as they are still the party of death and destruction. The only thing that changed is they revealed themselves to be all inclusive as its not just limited to foreigners.


  30. Hi RT....Thank you, there is no reason you should know what has happened to JD. But I just wanted to get it out, and let JD know that I am worried about him. He probably got tired of reading this blog, and I don't blame him. I'm tired too, and thinking of moving permanently to Twitter. But I like writing, and making silly little photoshops, so I'll probably keep on doing what I'm doing, until one day I'll be gone too....
