Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Ugly Con Games Of the NDP's Jagmeet Singh

He's a multi millionaire who likes to pose as a man of the people. 

He's the creepy king of Tik Tok who is always claiming credit for the ideas of others.

He has shown over and over again that he doesn't understand how this country works.  

And he's always smearing Justin Trudeau just like a Con.

But this is the absolute limit.

Now he's treating our new indigenous Governor General like his personal servant. 

Demanding that she reject any request from Trudeau to dissolve Parliament.

Even though the Governor General has no choice but to accede to that kind of demand from a Prime Minister. Even though her refusal to do what he wants could cause her to be targeted by rabid right wingers.

And even though Trudeau has every right to try to end the way the opposition is obstructing his government.

“When Conservatives in the House used every procedural tactic to try and delay, to block, to slow things down, the NDP stood aside and watched,” Trudeau said.

“They could have stood with us to move forward faster on these important progressive pieces of legislation. They didn’t.”

Pieces of legislation stalled by the Tories, and cited by Trudeau, included bills that would ban the practice of conversion therapy and eliminate mandatory minimum penalties to address systemic racism in the justice system.

For which Jagmeet Singh and his good buddy Erin O'Toole can never be forgiven.

And as if that isn't bad enough, there is also the way Singh lies about everything:

Suggesting that he is the real Prime Minister. What?

Or blaming Trudeau for issues that are the responsibility of Con premiers.

Which make him look like he's either too dumb to understand how this country works, or is just  another vile toxic Trudeau hater.

As for his "famous" Tik Tok videos, they may make him look like a social media star for 12-year-olds.

But 12-year-olds can't vote, and as far as I'm concerned, those videos make him look more like Mr Magic Mushroom...

Rather than a Prime Minister in waiting.

But that hasn't stopped the Con media from trying to promote him as the man who could bring down the Trudeau government, by splitting the progressive vote.

And sadly, that is a very real threat.

For the multi millionaire Singh is at heart one of them 

He spends his days attacking Justin Trudeau, like Erin O'Toole and the Con premiers do all the time.

And if we want to keep our country safe and progressive.

Now it's our turn to give him a taste of his own medicine...


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Wow, mud slinging at everyone. Look forward to the the new commissioner into internet hate speech to pull your ass off that net.

    Won’t that be ironic, silenced by the own party you support.

  2. Hi anon….I’m a hatemonger? The Commissioner is going to close my humble blog down? Great. That would triple my readers overnight. Dream on Con. And please get a life….☠️

    1. Anonymous12:44 AM

      Actually, to file an appeal would require you to file in public and drop cloak of anonymity.

      I wonder if you would….lol

  3. None of the Opposition Parties want an election and they are throwing out whatever they can to try to delay it. You cannot really blame them.

    The Conservatives are showing signs of an open revolt against Mr. O'Toole. Ironically, he has not even been their leader for a year yet.

    The NDP is broke and I noticed that they have only managed to nominate one-third of the necessary candidates so far.

    The Green Party is a dumpster fire on a train wreck that is sitting on the deck of the Titanic.

    I believe only the Bloc is in any shape to face an election and if the Liberals decide not to call one it will be because their data analysis will indicate that they will not be able to win sufficient seats in Quebec to win a majority.

  4. This is the NDP's fallback tactic, Simon. Diluting legitimate racist actions such as the bigotry of Cons, by accusing Liberals of hate speech for pointing out the realities of the constitution and Singh's lying about it. Now we're onto "jurisdiction is racist." Oh, FFS.

    Give you an example of the populist, emotional hyperbole that he has been exploiting: I fought vigorously in other comment sections to defend the reforms to the medically assisted dying law. Reforms that the NDP themselves once supported, when it was JWR's awful bill in 2017. Once she came out against the new bill, the NDP were quick to rush to her defense and cape for her. The annoying orange trolls were out in droves labeling anyone who supported Bill C7 as a Nazi who wanted to exterminate disabled people. Vile. I remember these types well from my side of 49, as the cult who accused anyone who didn't vote for Magic Grandpa of wanting poor people to die of cancer.

    Jagmeet Jocks are the Canadian version of Bernie Bros. Notice the copycat rhetoric being lifted: "Chrystia is a Nazi" is the new "Kamala is a cop." He is so immersed in American political discourse that he expects President Trudeau to sign an executive order abolishing the filibuster. He is a vapid narcissist and tankie authoritarian who's let his 15 minutes go to his empty head. He's the pied piper candidate intend upon marshalling the youth vote (that never turns out otherwise) to push the Overton window so far to the left that Canadians fall off a cliff. Drop the writ already, and send him back to Queen's Park on a bicycle trip to nowhere!

  5. Anon troll, maybe the Internet commissioner will require users to submit proof that they tested positive for IQ. You flunked. I just rang up Clippy and he said it's off to the Recycle Bin you go.

  6. First off as a none tik tok user I did some research, the majority of tik tok users are actually adults, not children.

    2 Jagmeet Sigh does deserve alot of the credit for pushing Trudeau to do more for people.

    Do you understand our system? Because you don't seem understand basic concepts like the balance of power in the minority or the role of opposition leaders isn't to cheerlead for Trudeau, but rather to hold his feet to the fire.

  7. Hi Ottlib....Yes, it's obvious that the opposition parties are scared shitless about an election, but two years is pretty close to the average lifespan of a minority Parliament, so they shouldn't be surprised if the Liberals go for one. I agree that the Bloc is a major problem, but I'm more afraid of the NDP splitting the vote and allowing the Cons to win a minority government. Of course, if the polls tighten then we might not have an election, which would give me even more time to have a great summer. But people forget that Trudeau is a great campaigner, and he might go for one anyway...

  8. Hi anon@12:44 AM....My name is out there, so what are you talking about loser? And if you are dreaming about me being convicted by some kind of Hate Commissioner you must be even more deluded than I had imagined. Your Cons are the hate mongers in Canada and hopefully by strengthening our hate laws we can take them all down...

  9. Hi Jackie....I find it hard to believe how right-wing the ConDippers have become. It started with Tom Mulcair, and the narcissist Singh only serves to boost the Cons. I find it interesting that disaffected Cons usually opt for the NDP rather than the Liberals, that tells us all we need to know about the poseur Singh and his rotting bitter party. You are also right to point out how Singh's American upbringing has affected his politics. I sometimes get the impression he'd rather be running for the Democrats than the NDP. Pathetic...

  10. Hi Gyor...I chose Singh's most "adult" Tik Tok. I didn't want to embarrass him by running some of the others that are so childish you have to see them to believe them. There is one where he is lying in his bed, and is clearly aimed at young girls, that is absolutely obscene. So much for your "research." But then I wouldn't expect anything better from an angry old toxic Trudeau hater like you. I dare say I understand politics better than you "teacher." And the fact is Singh is a rich dilettante, a shameless narcissist, and a poseur, who doesn't even understand how this country works, and all his good idea are stolen from Justin Trudeau. And for his part in delaying the ban on the torture of gay kids, I can never forgive him. No decent person should either...

  11. An election while COVID is still a danger is the height of irresponsibility. It was wrong when the BC-NDP did it and it will be wrong if the federal Liberals do it.

    Your tsunami of posts testing the waters for an early election are simply partisan hackery.

    And it's a close race between laughable and nauseating when you fearmonger about "splitting the progressive vote" when it's Trudeau's fault that that's still a danger. (Your own incoherent babbling and excuses on the subject notwithstanding.)

    You're a joke Simon. You now support fossil fuel subsidies; armed invasions of First Nations' territories; Israeli barbarism and Crystia Freeland's pro-fascist foreign policy. How much did the Liberals pay you for your soul?

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Simon had soul to sell? Now Thwap you are being far to generous.

  12. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Nice work MS. You've hit the bulls-eye. How do I know? The amount of bile spewed is commensurate with the accuracy of your words. Thwap for example never addressed any of your points. He offered no rebuttal. All he could do was personally attack you.

    During this pandemic the NDP have offered nothing but the lies and misrepresentations of their leader. They offered nothing constructive. Singh claimed the government did nothing and then turned around and claimed full credit for everything that was done. It can't be a shock to the opposition that the PM has had enough of their games and wants an election. The CPC have voted against the government numerous times. The have stated they have no confidence in the government. They should be thrilled when an election is called. Unfortunately the NDP have served no useful purpose for a long time.

    I would just add that the NDP teamed up with the cons to destroy a homegrown children's charity and they did so for the basest of reasons. For that they and the CPC deserve every ounce of opprobrium which comes their way.

  13. @Gyor -- Pushing Trudeau to do what? Things that are the premiers' responsibility, or require the hard work of negotiating with the recalcitrant Resistance that Singh doesn't want to do? Things that aren't constitutionally feasible or would cause a constitutional crisis? Things that are downright impossible (like taxing American billionaires or confiscating their wealth)? Things that have been going on for decades or centuries and can't be fixed overnight? Or things that Trudeau was already in the process of doing, that Singh took undeserved credit for?

    The "adults" on Tik Tok might be of majority age but they're children psychologically. And I saw that stoner bedroom video, it was disturbing. He's not careful, he's going to end up being remembered in history as the champagne socialist version of Tony Gazebo.

    @thwap -- It's not Trudeau's fault if NDP diehard cultists don't accept mathematical reality or their own role in hijacking the electoral reform committee for their own gain. Let it go already and stop holding a bitter grudge that you didn't get your Holy Grail prize from the Christmas wish list. The Liberals have accomplished a lot more -- heck, Trudeau has on his own -- than the NDP have in 70 years. Why don't you just pack up the circus tent already and give up the ghost. The NDP are useless for anything other than grandstanding with No Damn Plan and helping Cons get elected by attacking the wrong enemy. You're jealous because Trudeau has made the NDP irrelevant.

    I knew the rose bros and their handful of handmaids would come after Chrystia Freeland with the same line of vile attacks leveled at Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton. Brocialist swine, no wonder you lot ride Horgan's coattails while throwing Notley and Horwath under the bus and downplaying O'Toole's courting of so-con fetus fetishists. You torpedoed childcare in 2006, and you don't care if you do it again as long as the Liberals don't get to claim credit.

    As for "Israeli barbarism" you guys are massive hypocrites. You talk a good game about the apartheid state, yet you want Canada to adopt the same system that kept Bibi in office for 12 years, and currently has a joke of a parliament where Bennett and Lapid are playing tag team musical chairs. Like I said I'm sure Singh would love such an arrangement, as it's the only way he'd get to play pretend prime minister in a position he's too immature to deserve.

    The Narcissistic Dilettante Party are just the Greens with better packaging and brand recognition. A grab bag of single-issue obsessives and pie-in-the-sky zealots, whose penchant for purity policing and allergy to pragmatism ends up alienating the only allies they ought to have. Piss off with your self-righteous moral sanctimony and quit sabotaging the gears. You say you want a revolution? Well, we'd all love to see the plan!

  14. Anonymous2:40 PM

    For the edification of Thwap. It was the NDP who scuttled electoral reform. They teamed up with the Cons in demanding a referendum. As Brexit demonstrates, referendums can often turn into a catch-all for everything but the question posed. It was also the NDP who demanded PR or nothing. The Cons wanted nothing. There is a dimes worth of difference between the NDP and the Cons. The NDP and their precursor the CCF have never formed a government in this country after decades of futility. They attained the OO and that was only because of a confluence of events that could not be repeated. Quebecers were fatigued with the BQ, mad at the libs and voted for "Bon Jack" Saint Jack brought down the Martin government and Kelowna and child-care were lost. The NDP can always find common cause with the cons because truth be told they hate them more than the cons do.

  15. FYI: David Moscrop has an interview with two of the NDP's loudest junior rabble rousers, Matthew Green and Leah Gazan, in tankie porn rag Jacobin. Avoid if you're not prepared for a rage stroke, but feel free to dig in if anyone wants an in-depth profile into the radical psychopathology of the NDP base.

    The two comrades talk about public ownership, central planning, and relentlessly attacking the Liberals for being centrist neoliberal capitalists as though that's the worst thing in the world. Trudeau didn't take a vow of poverty while nationalizing the whole country and abolishing private property. Therefore, he's literally Hitler. Is there really a difference at this point between the NDP's rhetoric and whatever Skippy is spewing on Twitter as of late?

    Singh is a dangerously persuasive CON artist who I'm sure doesn't believe the shit he's selling, but Green and Gazan are hardcore zealots who have fully drank the vodka-laden kool-aid. Orangeade? Red Bull (I mean Bear)? Or Juicy Juche. Frankly, they're all pushing different flavors of poison, but I'm not sure which is worse.

  16. He makes the late Jack Laytons search for power overall that gave us a decade of harper look principled.
    BTW Jason Kenney has allegedly outlawed the corona virus. If the people of Alberta re elect this idiot I will ask them to become the 52 state, because in Canada we are full up with crazy.

  17. Anonymous9:49 PM


    This slander of you and JackieBlue.

  18. Simon...I would not worry too much about the NDP splitting the vote and allowing the Conservatives to win the next election. It is very unlikely.

    Every time that has happened two conditions needed to be met. The electorate had to be sick and tired of the Liberal government AND the Conservatives had to be considered a viable alternative to the Liberal government. Sorry NDP, Canadians only believe the Liberals and Conservatives have what it takes to govern this country.

    Neither condition seems to exist.

    If the desire to get rid of the Liberals was anywhere near critical mass the pollsters and the pundits would be shouting it from the rooftops at EVERY opportunity. They are not doing that because there is no great desire to throw out the Liberals at this time. Indeed, I would say that the Liberals actually gained a great deal of good will because of their handling of the economic fallout from the pandemic and the acquisition of vaccines.

    As for the Conservatives I can honestly say that in almost 40 years of observing politics never have I seen a political party actually talk about getting a former leader, out of politics, for five years to come back. Even when the Liberals were at their their lowest ebb no Liberal suggested bringing back Jean Chretien. Yes, Pierre Trudeau came back but that was after nine months, before the Liberals could elect his replacement and after Joe Clark lost the confidence of The House forcing an election.

    I would say the Conservatives are as far away from being considered a viable alternative as they have ever been and I think most Canadians would agree.

    I really wonder what a Conservative campaign is going to look like. It seems apparent that not many Conservatives believe Erin O'Toole has what it takes to win so the election could very well see many of his potential replacements beginning their campaigns to replace him instead of campaigning to win the election.

    I still say that the biggest obstacle to a Liberal majority is the Bloc. They were the ones that denied the Liberals a majority in 2019 and if they are denied again it will likely be because of how Quebecers voted.

  19. So just looking at recent polls, it doesn't seem that the liberals are in a good position to win a if i were them I wouldn't want to call an election now, instead push for a non-confidence vote...🤔

  20. Hi Thwap..... You are the joke. An angry old man who is the stereotypical loony sitting on his porch shouting at people going by. You are the most vile misogynist I have ever encountered in the Canadian blogosphere. You hate Justin Trudeau because he stands up for the rights of women, which is absolutely disgusting. What a low creature you are, and what a loser. Somebody referred me to your latest post on your blog where you call me "Montreal Shithead" and insult me and Jackie like only you could. And then you have the nerve to accuse me of losing my soul. May I suggest that you are losing your marbles, and urge you to seek help. And please you pathetic loser, take a hike and don't ever come back....

  21. I'd like to thank all the decent commenters who defended me from the ugly scumbag Thwap, and pointed out the shabby record of the NDP and its poseur of a leader. As I said in my previous comment Thwap is a vile internet bully, who has the nerve to suggest that once he was a teacher, and lecture others as if he knows what he's talking about. But nobody reads his blog, and I assure you that rabid squirrel will never intimidate me....

  22. TheHammertownElitist10:38 AM

    Everything wrong with Canada is PMJT's personal fault, and everything good that's happened in Canada is Singh's personal achievement. The CPC is a made up bogeyman to scare people in voting LPC.

    I can't back peddlers in falsehoods.

    And don't get me started on these professional "influencers" - online politicized peer pressure

  23. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Wikipedia provides a factual review of the electoral reform chestnut. There was no consensus on a how to improve the electoral system other than to cobble together a few proposals and send it to referendum. As we have seen with other referendums on this subject it was a long drawn out way of letting the referendum kill any hopes of reform. If anything Trudeau can be faulted for initially being overly optimistic / naive on the collective ability of Canadians and their representatives to set their selfish emotions aside and make fact based decisions.


  24. LOL, I just read Thwap's asinine blog post so I made a diss track of my own. H/T Papa Trudeau for the post title. Ah ha ha ha ha ha.

    And JSB, please once again ignore polls until the actual writ drop comes along. I won't go into detail about oddities in those polls but just note that it's actually better for the Liberals not to peak too early. Go have a break and enjoy the rest of the week.

  25. Hi HammertownElitist….if we had a decent MSM Singh’s absurd show would have been given the hook a long time ago. But we don’t so Singh is allowed to get away with one lie after the other. I expect that from the Cons, but not from the NDP. And I refuse to stay silent no matter how unpopular that might make me. Singh may have fooled many progressives but he will never fool me….

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      So a ‘decent’ MSM would parrot the same biases as your blog?

      Is that what you want? Simply uncritical and fawning coverage of Trudeau?

  26. Hi RT….i agree, I think Trudeau underestimated how easy it would be. But he did have a proposal ready to go, until the NDP gave in to a demand from the Cons for a referendum. The Cons wanted a referendum because they knew the proposal would be defeated. A defeat would have buried any chance of electoral reform for a generation, so I believe that Trudeau actually kept the idea alive, for the day when Canadians support it, which they certainly don’t now…

  27. Hi Jackie….I’m sorry you had to read Theap’s ugly post, because although he took enough shots at me, his virulent misogyny went after you in a manner that would make most decent people vomit. So while I liked your diss track, you were far too generous. When I think of Thwap I can’t help thinking of crap. But as you can tell Thwapper Crapper is not all there. My guess is that he is an intel, and is probably suffering from some kind of dementia. He has always been a loser, even before he left Progressive Bloggers, but now only the NDP could welcome him with open arms. I am terribly tempted to write a post about him, but the less publicity he gets the better….

  28. Hi anon@5:55PM...Wrong. I freely admit I'm biased, even though I don't lie like Jagmeet Singh does all the time. What I expect the MSM to do is just tell the unvarnished truth, and expose Singh's lies and appalling ignorance before he fools more Canadians. But if they can't rise to the occasion, I'm more than willing and able to do that myself...

  29. I dont know the future but I see what happened in the past, and Jack Layton gave Steve Harper nearly ten years and power, and in some jurisdictions that would be a crime.
    But he was a pol and that is like the frog and scorpion, policts you can never cross a river or maybe even a creek safely with another party.
    Jag NDP is being irronsblise IMHO, Jack would never have gone that way. Jag
    seems to think winning is the best social media.
