Saturday, July 03, 2021

Justin Trudeau's Stunning Demographic Advantage

In my last post I looked at the latest Ipsos poll, which like so many others is suggesting that Justin Trudeau's Liberals are heading for a massive majority in the next election.

But I didn't have time to break down that poll, to try to determine clear where all that support is coming from.

And now that I have, I am absolutely stunned.

Because while those numbers make it clear where the loser Erin O'Toole is taking his Bigot Party, what stands out for me are the demographic results. 

Breaking down Ipsos’ results by demographics, we notice that the Liberals are leading among both men and women voters, as well as among all age groups. Among male voters, the Liberal Party leads the CPC by seven points (36 to 29 per cent). Among female voters, the Liberals take a 15-point lead over the NDP (40 to 25 per cent), with the CPC in third place two points behind the NDP (technically a statistical tie for a distant second place).

For while it's not surprising that female voters strongly support the Liberals...

Trudeau now has a lead among male voters.

And young Canadians... 

This is a real stunner...

Among voters aged 55 years old and over, a demographic tranche with whom the CPC usually performs well, the Liberals hold a commanding 11-point lead over the Conservatives. Needless to remind readers that, should the CPC lose older voters by such a margin at ballot boxes this fall, the Liberals could potentially secure a decisive majority, one that would dwarf 2015 LPC victory.

For I have never seen young and old united in their determination to defeat the Cons. And it's now only too clear where O'Toole is taking the Bigot Party.

What all these numbers from various sources suggest is that the CPC brand remains far more popular than its own leader and that, in fact, O’Toole may be pulling his party downwards.

How desperate those Cons must be...

How desperate is the scummy Con media...

Who are now just a parody of themselves, and deserve the contempt of all decent Canadians.

For there are many reasons Justin Trudeau is so popular.

The masterful way he has led Canada through the pandemic and helped protect vulnerable Canadians.

The way he is leading this country to a greener future.

But it is his decency and his defence of our Canadian values that will almost certainly earn him the majority he needs.

And so richly deserves...


  1. Urine O'Toilet's provincial acolytes KILLED older voters with pandemic mismanagement, all the while pointing the finger at the Liberals in Ottawa with a bullshit narrative about vaccines. The federal Dippers meanwhile, are content to turn a blind eye to them and give the likes of Dug and Jason a free pass for the blood on their hands. NDP does the equivalent of, if Bernie were to blame Biden/Obama/Hillary/"eStAbLiShMeNt dEmS" for underfunded infrastructure in Florida that led to the Surfside condo collapse, as though Ron DeathSentence and deplorable predecessors Rick Scott and Jeb! Bush don't exist. Jagmeet needs to take remedial civics and stop gaslighting, stop projecting his "Sir Talksalot" identity on Trudeau.

    When even Bricker's moneyball machine is showing that the fact-averse opposition's bogus attacks on the federal Grits aren't working (and in fact, may even be backfiring), it might be time for the "Conservative NDP coalition" to go back to the drawing board. Or, they can continue doing what they're doing and end up in the dustbin of history where they belong. They'll have to face up to existential irrelevance one way or the other. And where the hell did Ivison find these mysterious Liberal MPs who are afraid of their own party winning a majority? Were their names John Barron and David Dennison, and they spoke to him off the record from a hipster coffee shop? Must be the same backbenchers who told Fife (through Rupert Murdoch) and that idiot podcaster that JT and Sophie were on the rocks, because JT was going to testify about Tom Hanks at Hillary's pizza restaurant. NP really is showing its roots as National Enquirer tabloid trash.

    By the way, off-topic but did you happen to see a press conference by a member of the BC Union of Indian Chiefs? Apparently, he was bashing Pallister for being a moral scold to Indigenous people about statues, and then blasted the federal cons... but called out "O'Neill" instead of O'Toole. 😂 His comms team is all "bUt vOtErS jUsT dOn'T kNoW hIm yEt" -- no, they do, and they've seen enough that they don't WANT to know any more! 🤪

  2. Justin Trudeau is so unpopular his own MP are terrified he will win a majority. This is what passes as news from the Sundowner media.

  3. Visitor - Pierre D.10:43 PM

    It's not even his MP corps, if you read into the article.
    The article states "Some party members" or "party members", without naming MP's. The article is just rubbish to rile people up.

    Here's hoping for a Liberal majority, so we can see Pierre Poilievre or Michelle Rempel as head of the CPC.

  4. Hi Jackie….Sorry for taking so long to reply, but after my very short holiday break I have been too busy to think. Sadly though not too busy to notice how the Con media is promoting “Sir Talksalot” in a desperate attempt to try to split the vote. Despite that, the only reporter who regularly challenges Singh’s bullshit is Dale Smith, and I can only imagine what some of Singh’s groupies must be calling him. Luckily, I doubt that the Tik Tok gang will turn out in large numbers on Election Day, so I’m not too worried. But the Liberals need to make it clear that Singh is a shameless on artist, and fact check him to death, before dropping the writ. We’re so close to a massive majority we must not blow it now…

  5. Hi Steve…I actually read Ivison’s piece, and I have to say that even Con headquarters couldn’t have produced a more absurd piece of propaganda. But the Con media is desperate, Ivison’s bosses must be putting the pressure on all their employees, so it’s probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better…

  6. Hi Pierre….As I told Steve I have never seen a more shoddy article. It made absolutely no sense, and I can’t imagine what Ivison was thinking, since the piece can only finish off what’s left of his credibility. Like you I am hoping that a Liberal majority will put an end to all those Con games that are debasing our entire political system…

  7. Hey, so just looking at MSN comments, it really seems that the conservatives are feeling like the polls are wrong, and that they would win idk, either the polls are massively underestimating the conservatives, or the comments are not to be taken seriously...🤔

  8. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Populist cons are emotional buzzards that prey on the emotionally distraught. Groups such as those employed in dying industries, living in shrinking small towns and the elderly are natural targets. All they have to do is blame the elite liberals, promise that their omnipotent leader will magically reverse the distressing trends, encourage protest/revenge voting and presto a new group of devoted voters is born. A sense of belonging to a team of anti elitist rebels engaged in spirited revenge combined with the belief that things could not get any worse are strong motivators
    Covid demonstrated the assumption was wrong, things got worse in a hurry and the omnipotent Con leaders such as Trump, Ford and Kenney were not only useless but compounded the disaster. Although the Cons tried to keep the blame game in the forefront most people realised pandemics along with extreme environmental events belong to mother nature. Survival requires the best society has to offer not some carny barker enticing people into the big tent.
    Unfortunately memories are short, things change and new issues begging for populist solutions will arise. People will again think things cant get any worse. Hopefully the Liberals will take advantage of the currently deflated alt reality universe and the buzzard population will suffer a severe well deserved implosion.


  9. Malta is doing it better.
