Thursday, July 15, 2021

Andrew Coyne and the Road To Ruin

Andrew Coyne is a tortured toxic Trudeau hater for the weirdest of reasons.

The Con fluffer apparently hates Justin for something his father Pierre did; knocking up up Coyne's cousin Deborah, but never marrying her.

And he certainly never misses an opportunity to dump on our prime minister, or praise the Harper Party.

But something happened to him on the road to the election, somewhat similar to what happened to the Bible's Saul on the road to Damascus.

He suddenly seems to have realized who the Cons really are, and why they are going nowhere. 

But rather than blaming the Con leadership, or the party's racism, misogyny, and vile homophobia, he blames its impending destruction on its temperament. 

Beyond leadership or policy, the Conservative malaise seems even more to do with what I might call the party’s temperament: not just its image but its persona, the deeper qualities of disposition that are revealing of character. Something in the Conservative temperament has simply become repellent to a great many people.

While the Liberals, as the party of power and therefore of cabinet posts, have always been able to recruit individuals with a record of accomplishment in other fields, the Conservatives tend to get stuck with the lifers, people who have never done anything but partisan politics and are motivated by nothing so much as hatred of the Grits. Which may explain why the party’s leading lights so often look and sound like campus Conservatives.

If you don't have a Globe subscription you can read the whole thing here.

For it is worth reading, even if it is fatally flawed:

Of course, I fully expect Coyne to return to polishing Con knobs, as soon as he recovers from that blinding flash of reason.

For his hatred for Trudeau is so great it he can only be fed by our scummy Con media.

But sooner or later that beggar bowl will run out, as the Cons slowly wither on the vine.

A new generation is taking over.

And it demands better...


  1. I don't ever want to hear another garbage media outlet screeching about Trudeau's supposed "conflicts of interests" for as long as the Globe continues to employ angry cousin Andy. Not when a major manifestation of cons' perpetually aggrieved temperament involves playing "tough cop" towards Trudeau over amplified inside-baseball bullshit, while giving their actually corrupt Con buddies like Ford, Kenney and especially Harper a free pass. I'm so tired of seeing Deborah's miserable cousin on At Issue. Can't CBC find someone else?

    Speaking of Trudeau-deranged columnists: Wornout was on Ryan Jespersen's podcast, stinking up the place and concern trolling over a photo of Trudeau laying a teddy bear at an Indigenous child's grave. Moe and O'Toole did the same thing but WK went into overdrive bitching about Trudeau "exploiting a tragedy with a photo-op". Yeah buddy, you worked for Andy Scheer who was accused of telling an Indigenous constituent in his own riding "I don't need your Indian votes to win" so don't start bitching that Trudeau doesn't care about reconciliation. You helped the Fraser Institute princess almost hand over the government to that guy and hurt her own people, so GTFO.

    The media writ large needs to undergo some serious self-examination (or involuntary psychiatric commitment), to address their own role in fanning the flames of the "hatred towards the Grits" that Coyne mentions in his column. Starting with his scandal-mongering colleague Fife. One of those QMorons who showed up on the grounds of Rideau Cottage (not the sausage handler, a different one) posted on social that he wanted to "citizens' arrest" Trudeau for the SNC bullshit. That was Wornout and Fife's screenplay, with JWR as the weeping actress in the starring role. When will they all be held accountable for the stochastic shit they smear, before somebody gets hurt?

  2. OT, we've been through this rumor mill already and gotten Rickrolled each time. But if true, this might be enough to take attention off whatever shit Dion, Barrett and the MSM decide to fling at Trudeau. 👀

  3. Anonymous4:04 PM

    In a month, Dion will either go ahead with the fourth ethics investigation into JT or he won't. Not even sleazy Harper and Mulroney could top that. I doubt the media will be distracted by the wild thrills and excitement of a banker deciding to run for office.

  4. JT is not sleazy. Dion is stupid, and an anal-retentive hard-ass with an overly broad interpretation of his mandate. Cons weaponize committees and public offices for political gain the same way their GOP cousins do with Benghazi, Hillary's emails, Hunter Biden whatnot. That doesn't make JT "corrupt" by any sense of the word.

    In this case, they're weaponizing a committee and an office that didn't exist until Harper appointed a lapdog, who ignored the 80-some would-be violations under his watch. A committee and an office that he created to pay lip service to the idea of "cleaning up Ottawa". The only "error" Trudeau made is in not doing the same thing like he did, and Kenney just the same (the UCP ethics commissioner is a UCP stalwart, which shows you what a joke that office is).

    JT never had anyone in his government sent to prison, and he never gave anyone brown envelopes in a hotel room. He's just not allowed to have any friends whatsoever, lest he and they end up "investigated" for something or other, because the Tories are misanthropic and miserable and expect everyone else to be. They're also hypocrites, who go out of their way to "work the refs" and portray politics as usual as "Liberal corruption". But do go ahead and pretend like he's the most "unprecedented corrupt PM in Canadian history". Haven't you ever heard of "IOKIYAR"? Or projection?

    As for the garbage media, even Fife is tweeting about Carney rumors (for once, they don't involve Sophie). So who's to say he wouldn't attract at least some attention? Take off your true-blue blinkers and stick your head in the sand.

  5. Visitor - Pierre D.4:42 PM

    I mean, to be fair, Harper pro-rogued parliament so often no Ethics commissioner had a chance to do anything. Also, the current Ethics rules are...of Harper's making, a poison pill to the new regime.

    On Coyne, I find him strangely affable in a lost puppy-dog sort of way, especially when he frets on the CBC power panel. The mind wanders, wondering how he and Chantal Hébert would do a power couple, until the mind returns to reality and sees Hébert would never stoop so low.
    (No, this is not based in reality, just some poor humour.)

    The end is nigh for CPC's current incarnation. Harper is putting out fires among the UPC faithful, O'Tméagol is trying to pass for a fitness guru and Mark Carney might be the one to oust the living canker sore Poilièvre, once and for all.

    It is really a wonderful world...

  6. PS: ConAnon, what's that about sleaze and a government bereft of ethics again? Can you say "deflection"? I knew you could!

    Records of donations to the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario last month show the party benefited from what appears to be more than $50,000 in contributions linked to a single developer, in tickets to a single fundraiser.

    Oh, and do remind me of the good old days of Doug Trudeau's career as a dope fiend who put the "coke" in Etobicoke. Do go on about Ivana Telford, his chief of staff, being involved in a bedroom-politics arrangement with a reporter from the Toronto Star, and all the "exclusive scoops" said reporter gets from "anonymous sources speaking on background." That reporter is so popular with the Grits that Sophie cuts out his articles and pins them to her wall, right? Quite obviously, that's a conflict of interest that ought to be investigated by an oversight official worth their salt, isn't it?

    "Folks folks folks, Ottawa is open fa bidness!" That was the "supremely unethical" Frito Bandito cheesecake chef in the PMO who said that, right? A crook by his very nature who inherited a label making company, yet can't even make license plates as he would otherwise be destined to do? Clearly, it certainly wasn't a buncha CON yahoos who've got ethical transgressions comin' out da wazoo, was it? No, it was the DRAMA TEECHA! Everybody knows it was the DRAMA TEECHA! LARPing a one-man-show of Crime and Punishment!

    Give your head a shake and realize that you've been CONNED. That Dion continues to be led by the nose treating every crank call he gets like something worthy of a SWAT team does not make JT "sleazy" in the least. If anything, the Cons should be upbraided with violations up da ying yang for partisan abuse of the office. You can get charged for making phony 911 calls. They should face sanctions for flooding the ethics office (and committee) with a firehose of bullshit.

  7. Hi Jackie….Like you the Cons and their diseased games sicken me. And I have had quite enough of Andrew Coyne everywhere. Thanks to the Con media domination of this country political coverage is far too right-wing, and Coyne’s claim that it is too “liberal” is absurd bordering on the delusional. But I really do believe the Cons are so diminished that all their screaming and sliming will have very little effect. It’s summer, most Canadians are happy to have survived Covid, and pleased with the way Trudeau handled the emergency. So I don’t expect that to change before the election. That’s what is driving the Cons crazy. I’ve been getting and deleting some of the sickest comments I’ve ever read. One even claimed that Sophie had an affair with Carney. So I just try to ignore them and wait for the day when we will have the last laugh watching them going down in flames…🌻

  8. Hi anon@4:04PM…You poor Cons really are clutching at straws hoping that something anything will make Captain Outhouse more popular than Justin Trudeau. So let me be brutally honest, that is NOT going to happen. You Cons have overdone the ethics scam and Canadians are sick of them and sick of you. You’re going down, and going down hard…🥳

  9. Hi Pierre….The very idea that Harperite cult members should dare to mouth the word “ethics” after their sordid record in office is simply beyond belief. I grant you that Coyne is better than those Con thugs, but only because he’s slightly more refined. Also, his father might have been a Governor of the Bank of Canada, but Carney will make him and Poilievre look like performers in a flea circus. We have had to endure
    A lot of nonsense from those ghastly Cons, but now we will have a chance to see them humiliated beyond recognition. And you’re right, it really is a wonderful world…

  10. Anonymous9:15 AM

    As a journalist Coyne must find it soul destroying to work for an organisation that has no interest in contributing to the public good other than duping them into providing the next meal ticket. He is in an identical situation to the one described in his article. Its interesting they published it, perhaps someone was asleep at the kill switch or unlike the past there has been a moderate change in strategy.


  11. Operation Bluenose is goooooo

    Not to mix metaphors, but this seems like the last piece of the puzzle before the other shoe drops. That, and Mary Simon's official ceremony.

    Brian seems to be having some pillow talk about a potential childcare agreement with Thuggie Duggie. If the Dippers really aim to join up with the Cons to cry "corruption" again and quash childcare a second time out of selfishness, they will NEVER hear the end of it.

  12. At the risk of blowing my own horn I have stated a few times on my own blog that the pandemic changed politics in this country. As well, I stated that if any political party were to pursue politics like they pursued it before the pandemic hit us they would pay a price.

    Remarkably, none of the political strategists on the Opposition side or the political commentators in the media picked up on this. Not O'Toole, not Singh, not Coyne, not Lilly, not Kinsella, none of them. They all just played the game like a deadly pandemic was not gripping the ENTIRE F*&^ING PLANET. (Sorry for yelling and swearing but it seems appropriate in this case.)

    Elections are crap shoots so there is no guarantee on how they will turn out but it is very possible that the Liberals will win a majority government, perhaps a massive one, in the next few months. If that outcome does come to pass then the Opposition Parties will have no one to blame but themselves.

  13. Hi RT….I don’t think that Coyne finds working for the Globe soul destroying. At this stage in his career he is only fixated on one thing, doing everything he can to try to destroy Justin Trudeau, and for that the Globe is his natural home. If he criticizes the O’Toole Cons it’s only because they aren’t doing a good enough job to make his dreams come true. As you point out, once he resembled a journalist, and had some principles, but that was long ago….

  14. Hi Jackie….The Nova Scotia election call means a federal election can probably only take place in late September or early October, which is a little later than I had hoped, but on the other hand it also means that I can enjoy every last drop of summer. As for Doug the Thug Ihe’s caught between a rock and a hard place. If he agrees to make Ontario part of Trudeau’s new childcare plan he will deal a big blow to O’Toole who has apparently been begging the Con premiers not to sign up. And if he doesn’t agree, Trudeau can use that against Ford and O’Toole. I love those win win situations …😎

  15. Hi Ottlib….Feel free to blow that horn. The pandemic has changed politics in this country. Those who used it to play cheap politics are paying the price. They could not get over their diseased hatred of Justin Trudeau, they tried to undermine Team Canada, and basically screwed themselves. The only thing I wonder about is how long this pandemic effect will last? So the sooner we can have an election the better…

  16. So Brian says now he's heard that the writ drop could come the second week of August. I doubt anyone in the LPC caucus is actually leaking their plans to him, but IDK, maybe it's possible that Barrett's ticking timebomb stunt, and now JWR's book launch, could push Trudeau to move the schedule up a bit? There's nothing written in stone that says he absolutely has to wait until the NS election has wrapped up.

    Some Postmedia hack said that JWR's retirement meant she would have the "last word" on Trudeau. And yet she plans to go on a book tour reiterating "her truth" while omitting the inconvenient bits like all the files she fucked up. How can anyone say she has the last word on anything when she won't SHUT UP ALREADY?

  17. Hi Jackie.... I'm guessing that the election call will come a few days after the Liberals win a healthy majority in Nova Scotia. It would be a good time to kick off a campaign and it wouldn't get in the way of anyone's summer. Also, that's what Trudeau did in 2019, calling an election a few days after the end of an election in Manitoba. On his new blog Éric Grenier says that's not the best time of the year for incumbent governments, but I don't think that matters, and I am sure that JWR's book will have no effect on the election either. She is still under the delusion that people care about what she has to say. They don't, and trying to revive the SNC scandal could very well backfire on the Cons...

  18. Welp, no Carney. But apparently he did say he would announce close to the writ drop, so that at least must mean we're getting an election sooner rather than later.

    He did however endorse Trudeau, which is sure to make the Con heads explode. I mean, Harper appointed him so it's a great look for them to paint such an accomplished person as a "turncoat" because he chooses to go with the party of facts rather than Great Reset conspiracies.

    He also "does not rule out running in the future." FM to PM Freeland in 2025?
