Friday, June 04, 2021

Erin O'Toole's Fake and Fraudulent Attempted Makeover

As you may know Erin O'Toole has hired Boris Johnson's campaign team, the ones who made Johnson look like a nice guy, and won him a bloody majority.

And O'Toole is hoping they can do the same for him and his ugly Cons.

But sadly for him it's just not working out.

Not when his promise not to reopen the abortion debate has already been shown to be nothing but hot foul air.

A majority of the federal Conservative caucus backed a bill banning “sex-selective abortion” — legislation some see as a step toward limiting access to abortion in Canada — despite leader Erin O’Toole’s avowed pro-choice position. 

Almost 70 per cent of the Conservative caucus voted in favour of Bill C-233, a private member’s bill put forward by Saskatchewan MP Cathay Wagantall, Wednesday afternoon.

And don't be distracted by the “sex-selective” part because it could be used by a Con regime to criminalize ALL abortions.

And if that isn't bad enough, then there's this obscene charade.

From the leader of a party that reeks of homophobia, and whose many religious bigots are presently engaged in a murderous attempt to prevent the banning of conversion therapy.

One of Erin O’Toole’s Conservative MPs presented a petition opposing proposed legislation outlawing anti-LGBTQ “conversion therapy” initiated by a far-right pastor who has called on Christians to “disobey the government” if the bill becomes law. 

 Bill C-6 would make it a criminal offence to coerce minors into conversion therapy programs that seek to “change an individual’s sexual orientation to heterosexual, to repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviours, or to change an individual’s gender identity to match the sex they were assigned at birth.”

Conversion therapy is nothing less than the torture of gay kids.

It's a a cruel abomination if ever there was one, one that has driven many young gay people to kill themselves.

But despite that Pierre Poilievre and other bestial Cons were still trying to filibuster the bill this morning to prevent it from passing.
Can you believe those smarmy bigot Cons?

And who can forget this genocidal message one of those fighting conversion therapy recently had for LGBT Canadians?

Which was so disgusting it could have been written by one of her fellow religious fanatics Andrew Scheer...

Who made his hatred for LGBT Canadians only too obvious during his time as Con leader, and continues working to deny them their human rights.

But still O'Toole would have us believe that his party has changed, and is just as progressive on gay issues as the Trudeau Liberals.

Good luck with that one...

No prime minister in Canadian history has supported the rights of LGBT Canadians as has Justin Trudeau.

And when the next election arrives most of them, along with other decent Canadians, will help him win another majority.

Happy Pride Month everybody !!!


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    That filibustering was a major letdown. I thought they'd read at least try to hit the "cancel culture" highhat by reading "banned" Dr Seuss books into the record. Those Con fratboiz are culture wars junior varsity.

  2. Anonymous10:28 PM

    The tool is suffering from a bad case of one step forward then being dragged two steps back by his band of misogynist, bigoted homophobes. Whether he's sincere(which I highly doubt) about his stances is a moot point when the majority of his MPs are living in the dark ages. Given that, I applaud his caucus for showing us Canadians who they truly are. The sum of their parts equals nothing in their hearts. Callous and cruel, being led by a tool.

  3. What was it that old '70s soul classic said? Smiling faces tell lies. Don't forget the big asterisk he put on his participation at Pride: he won't bother unless they invite the same pigs who've oppressed them. I'm sure the LGBTQ community is very eager to extend a warm embrace to the same forces that operated "fruit machine" torture devices and didn't give two shits about Bruce McArthur. This blarney-spewing shitweasel can take his rictus grin and fuck all the way off.

    Worth noting also that the bill they were filibustering wasn't even the conversion therapy ban. It was C-10, the CanCon bill that Cons and some tinfoil academics cosplaying as crustacean crank Peterson have been fearmongering about. They spent so much time filibustering that, they never let the conversion therapy ban come up for a vote. Because why would they support artists when they can whine about losing their "civil right" to spout hate with no consequences? Arts are, you know, "artsy." Creative. Cons don't support the arts. Not when they've spent the better part of a decade dog-whistling about Trudeau being a draaaaaama teecha.

    To make matters worse, some other Con was actually laughing while Skippy and Garnett the Bigly-Brained Genius did their little Vaudeville tag team routine in the HoC today. Gay kids' suicide is really funny, asshole? Go sit on a whoopie cushion, you noxious bag of hot air. Looks like they've written off Quebec -- again -- and the rest of progressive Canada, just to "own the Libs." And I'll hear of no more tut-tutting from white male politicos that the GQP North has closed the door on the abortion debate!

    Trudeau this afternoon, at a Q&A following a press briefer where he risked getting excommunicated by issuing a threat to haul the Catholic Church into court (!) for their complicity in genocide, had some things to say about Dumbfuck O'Toole being such a big tough guy with rock-steady principles:

    "It's harder for me to find things to align on with Mr. O'Toole [than other party leaders]. Perhaps because Mr. O'Toole doesn't always know where he aligns on things. But that's another issue."

    Now... I guess it's not the evil leprechaun's fault that he suffers from a deformity, whereby he has no spine and his head is permanently lodged up the gaping maw of his posterior. It's also a condition that afflicts the entirety of the Con caucus and their diehard voting base. The only solution to prevent this curious malady spreading elsewhere in Canada is to permanently quarantine them on the opposition benches, so that it doesn't become another pandemic. With a little luck of the Irish, the only thing at the end of the old fool's rainbow will be an election loss and a search for a new job.

  4. There is not a critical mass of anglo saxons in Canada to carry the tribe to power. In the USA and UK they still exist in large numbers.

    Please post a picture of Jason in his Sky Palace.

  5. Queen Kenney taking flak from within his skirts, what will happen next?

  6. And now with C-10 soon to be out of the way, he's decided to let the religious bigots filibuster C-6 itself. A Muslim family was killed by a hate-filled white guy today. Wonder if he regrets his vote against M-103 on grounds of a "semantic argument" that nobody can define what Islamophobia is. How about this: A fucking intentional hit-and-run, by someone no doubt radicalized with "free speech" talking points from the likes of your party and its attendant media mouthpieces, Erin... is that clear of a definition enough???

  7. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Some 70 to 90% of corporate mergers fail primarily due to lack of communication, no common vision, cultural differences, loss of talent and unrealistic expectations. The con merger has all of these problems in spades and will ultimately fail. The only real question is will they survive long enough to get into a position capable of taking the country down with them.
    In desperation the Tool is playing the good cop, misunderstood (alias bad) cop game that got him elected as leader. Pretend to be a red Tory to pull in votes that refuse to vote for the wackos and then pull in the Leslyn / Sloan wacko votes on the third & second rounds. Although the Federal election is not based on ranked ballots he is pretending to be a moderate leader (good cop) in order to attract votes in the belief he will control / educate the party majority of misunderstood cops should he win. In reality he is a one trick pony that will sell out again once the election is over. The strategy made him leader so why not try and fool a bigger audience. The Reform-Tory merger has already failed, the big win is the only glue left.


  8. Did you see jagmeet's speech today? He definitely showed that he is a better orator than Trudeau and the other party leaders IMO...🤔

  9. I didn't hear it, but I'm sure it was a lovely speech full of "pretty words" that are otherwise empty.

    If he was really sincere about taking action against racism, he wouldn't spend so much time attacking and lying about the only party that 1) can actually form government (2011 was a once-in-a-millennium outlier), and 2) actually has sincere intent of doing something about it (however limited they may be by the strictures of realpolitik).

    Instead, he obfuscates about jurisdictional realities to smear Trudeau as an uncaring, racist sociopath who is "taking Indigenous kids to court," and treats cons at all levels with a different standard than he applies to Trudeau. When the pipeline protests were going on in B.C., did he say boo about Horgan? No, he again went after Trudeau despite the RCMP's actions being that of a provincially contracted police force. Where is he now on the old-growth logging dispute? Attacking Trudeau as usual.

    The armchair wokesters of the NDP are so quick to say that silence is complicity. Yet they remain silent themselves about the complicity of their non-leader, and accuse Liberals of being racist for pointing out hypocrisy. Just because he's brown doesn't make him above reproach. It didn't make JWR immune to criticism either, no matter how much she abused her identity as a shield to wear as a false halo. All they're going to do is bloviate about the Aladdin photos until the cows come home so that they don't have to examine themselves.

    Maybe ask him how well the Kelowna Accord would have worked out, had Saint Jack not colluded with Harper to kill Paul Martin's government for personal gain. I mean as long as we're having a reckoning over dead prime ministers and party leaders, and denouncing the false divinity of anointed holy men, let's exhume Jack along with Johnny A. Singh knows full well what kind of a sticky Kobayashi Maru situation Trudeau is in. He leads the fourth-place party that is riding a bespoke bike in circles, going nowhere fast. He could say something about Bill 21, because unlike Trudeau he has nothing to lose in Quebec. He could be a better partner. Instead he grandstands, he gaslights, he talks pretty words and says nothing. In short, he lies.

    How much money was wasted on umpteen committee witch-hunt hearings chasing Margaret Trudeau's emails on Hunter Biden's laptop, that could have been better spent on anti-racism initiatives? When will he issue an ultimatum to Charlie to either apologize or get booted from caucus, for his complicity in the death threats sent to the Jewish couple that owns Speaker's Spotlight? What about the doxing and racist venom aimed at Bill Morneau's daughter, who is Black, and who survived the most horrific treatment in her home country, only to face more invective from the supposedly woke supporters of the NDP?

    Have you seen what Skippy has said about Indigenous people? Why are NDP supporters so quick to cape for the dishonorable member for Timmins, Ontario who acts as "white savior" to Indigenous people there, as he accuses the Kielbergers of the same thing and gangs up with an absolute scumbag like Skippy the pigeon? Why should anyone take the NDP seriously on race relations? They've shown themselves to be just as deplorable as Cons or MAGAs. I said it last year and I'll say it again: their shade of orange is indistinguishable from Trump.

    So no, I didn't hear what Singh had to say. But honestly, I don't care. I'm not here for his melodramatic soliloquy, and it matters not a whit to me whether or not he's more articulate than Trudeau or Blanchet or the Tool or Paul or Mad Max or the Wexit/Maverick guy or Harper or whatever cartoon spoof character leads the Rhinoceros party. Not while he's aiding and abetting the enemy with his actions that speak a whole lot louder than his "pretty words."

  10. Hi anon@10:11 PM....I didn’t listen to what Poilievre and Genuis were saying. I can’t stand either of those smarmy Cons. But it is interesting to see Poilievre teaming up with the SoCon Genuis. O’Toole can claim that the religious fanatics aren’t taking control of his caucus, but we will use the ugly truth against him during the election campaign....☠️☠️☠️

  11. Hi JD....I like this a lot:

    The sum of their parts equals nothing in their hearts. Callous and cruel, being led by a tool.

    Despite having monitored the Cons closely for over a decade, I have no idea where Erin O'Toole (or Stephen Harper) is leading them. Boris Johnson's boys are clearly trying to soften his image, but without his predictable anti-Trudeau attack ads, I think Captain Outhouse is only confusing his supporters. And hopefully driving many of them to Mad Max Bernier's party.

    It looks like the Con brain trust is having some kind of meltdown, but Johnson's toadies are good at what they do, so it's possible that they want Blue Liberals and others to be confused, so they can more easily fool them into voting for O'Toole and his filthy Cons.

    I haven't seen any evidence that their Erin is a nice guy campaign is working, but these days anything is possible....

  12. Hi Steve....I want to write a post about Kenney's problems, but I'm recovering from a mild case of sun stroke, so I don't know if I have the energy to wander through the ruins of his once shiny fake cowboy regime. But I will get to him sooner rather than later. For there's nothing I would like to see more than a desperate Kenney falling out of the sky, and hitting the ground with a sickening thud...

  13. Hi Jackie@ 11:51 PM....I regret that more Canadians don't watch Question Period, because the Cons are making it look like the Island of Doctor Moreau. They are out of control, making no sense, and clearly unfit to govern. But it will catch up to them, and this from Justin Trudeau is perfect:

    "It's harder for me to find things to align on with Mr. O'Toole [than other party leaders]. Perhaps because Mr. O'Toole doesn't always know where he aligns on things. But that's another issue."

    My theory is that O'Toole's foreign advisors have thrown the Cons into confusion, and Captain Courageous has never looked so pathetic. Bring on the election....

  14. Hi RT....My guess is that the Cons and their deep data diving foreign advisors are learning a lesson Stephen Harper learned long ago, but not soon enough to save himself. When you attack Justin Trudeau like a pitbull or a deranged attack budgie, you can end up hurting yourself more than you hurt him. The question is, will O'Toole be able to attract more Blue Liberals to his cause than repel the toxic Trudeau haters who live for the slobbering hate that has come to define the Cons? If Mad Mad Bernier is able to attract some of the crazies the Cons could be caught between a rock and a hard place....

  15. Hi Jsb....I hate to disappoint you but I saw some of Singh's speech, as much as I could stand, and I thought it was horrible. His arguments were flawed, he doesn't know how this country works, and the tone was practically hysterical. The man is a performer, but he doesn't seem to have what it takes to be a real leader. And using a tragedy for shabby political purposes is truly disgraceful...

    1. Seriously? I think that you liberal partisans are a bit too convinced of your infallibility... recent polls show that the liberals would not be in a position to form a majority government... and the NDP are gaining, while the liberals are falling...
      Anyway, attacking Singh so much will most likely backfire for liberal partisans like I said, I am not a partisan, but the liberals are not exactly behaving like they try to appeal to more voters than they already have..🤔

  16. Hi Jackie @5:14... Singh's speech as absolutely disgraceful. There were no pretty words and was completely unseemly. At one point he seem to break down and it looked horribly fake. The man is an absolute Con artist and will have to be taken down before the election campaign begins. Some in the NDP accuse those who criticize their guru of being racists, but that's only because they are desperate. The man doesn't even know how the country works and he wants to be its leader? I don't think so....

  17. JSB, how many times does it have to be said: Stop focusing on individual polls, particularly outside of an actual campaign. The NDP just lost another incumbent to retirement, and the Liberals just poached Jenica Atwin from the self-destructing Greens. But if you must obsess over polls, note that a partial Nanos topline was published in the Hill Times, which had the Liberals at 38 and Cons at 27 with the other parties remaining in neutral.

    The NDP are on track to lose 20% of their caucus. They've reduced themselves to a regional "Bloc B.C." Singh is a showman but not much else. The campaign itself is going to be about COVID and the road ahead -- and about minority governments producing chaos and obstruction instead of getting shit done.

    NDP always inflate when there's no actual campaign, then come back down to normal levels by e-day. Canadians like the idea of what the NDP advertise themselves to be. But usually they come around to the party that actually does things, because the NDP have No Damn Plan and can't actually deliver. Trudeau acknowledged in his town hall interview: do you want a party that does things right even if it takes longer through the process, or a party that does things quickly but rushes through a slipshod job?

    NDP are tankies who believe in central planning, which is why they focus entirely on what Trudeau supposedly did "wrong" that's in the provincial wheelhouse, while giving slug premiers like Ford and Kenney a free pass. And yet, even Singh won't say boo about Bill 21, even though he's so clueless he doesn't realize that Bill 21 is a major factor of why the NDP are nonexistent in Quebec. Their disregard for the federation would still be an issue, even if Singh were not a visible religious minority.

    Nobody said anything about infallibility. They simply said that the NDP aren't all they're cracked up to be, and those cracks are going to show. Wait for the campaign and forget about Rasmussen Canada, aka Bogus Reid.
