Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Excellent Humiliation of the Con Coward Doug Ford

He wasn't in the Ontario legislature today. The Con coward has gone into hiding. He knows what he has done, knows that he has mishandled the pandemic, and what that is doing to his once sky high popularity.

In my last post I predicted that Justin Trudeau would get a boost for his exemplary leadership, which has made Ford look like a bumbling buffoon.

Well guess what?

It looks like the surge has already begun.

For those are stunning numbers.

And if we had an election tomorrow, the Liberals would almost certainly have themselves a massive majority.

Unfortunately, because of the pandemic. we won't be able to have an election for a while.

Which is lucky for Erin O'Toole, because not only are his polls are tanking, he's like the guy at a shipwreck with an anvil around his neck.

The poor desperate Outhouse has been humiliated over and over again

And now so has Doug Ford...

Who has clearly lost control of the crisis, and himself.

The mask has come off entirely. This is a government that has been completely overtaken by events and has lost control — not only of the crisis, but of itself. It is flailing helplessly, and in such dramatic fashion that no one who’s paying even the slightest attention can have any doubt that this is so. It is pathetic and pitiable, and, because of the current danger, it is frightening. 

This is panic. This is chaos. This is a flailing, uncoordinated response to an emergency that, even if we failed to avoid it, we certainly knew was coming. The ship is blazing above decks, taking on water below, and there’s no one alive on the bridge.

But then who can be surprised eh?

With Team Canada's vaccination campaign taking off like a rocket.

And Chrystia Freeland's brilliant budget set to make the Liberals even more popular.

The first federal budget in more than two years extends Ottawa’s COVID-19 "lifeline" for those still struggling after a difficult year — including aid for laid-off workers — another few months as it aims to pull Canada through the pandemic once and for all.

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s first crack at a budget plan is also widely viewed as a pre-election platform. There is more than $100 billion in new spending over the next three years targeting a wide variety of voters. There are promises for seniors and their caregivers, working parents, students and business owners.

What a team. What a triumph.

Money to help Canadians still suffering, Money to help our economy come roaring back. Money for a serious childcare program, at last. Money to invest in a greener future. 

The Cons and the other toxic Trudeau haters must be grinding their teeth like cicadas.

But their pain is my pleasure, so I've never been happier.

There are still some rough waters ahead for Team Canada...

But the  universe is unfolding just as I hoped it would.

And we are on course for victory....


  1. It has been a rather difficult late winter, early spring for Conservative politicians in this country has it not?

    Not to worry though, the CPC is gearing up for another round of Committee meetings on WE and SNC Lavalin. As well, they will start talking about Harrington Lake again. Hell, it will be a collection of the Conservatives' greatest hits. That should take everybody's mind off of the cluster$%^& that is the Ontario government's handling of the pandemic.

  2. You'll appreciate this, Simon. That nasty misogynistic hack Ivison is eating crow, with a side of shards from the glass ceiling that Freeland just shattered. I hope it leaves a bad taste in his mouth and he gets GERD from it. He needs to be repeatedly tweeted this reminder of his epic wrongness about DPM/FM Girl Boss. She should frame these tweets for the wall in her office. Like Trudeau, people underestimate her and then they're left with rotten egg on their face. They are a dynamic duo indeed.

    How it started (August 19, 2020). Screenshot for posterity.

    How it's going (April 19, 2021). Another screenshot for the record books.

    Oh, and another thing to be happy about today: That thug cop who murdered George Floyd is going to rot in prison until the heat death of the universe. Good riddance to bad rubbish all around.

    An old saying often attributed to Gandhi: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then... you win."

  3. Hi its Doug Ford, how about giving me some vaccines, I can pay you , I will promise to pay you but its unlikely in the end I will keep my word.

  4. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Best comedic line of the day when Christine Elliott was asked where's Dougy Doolittle? "The premier is devoting all of his time trying to acquire vaccines". I wonder how many obscene phone calls he made today? Did he get up someone's wazoo in Kalamazoo or up someone's ying yang in Da Nang? What an embarrassment of international proportions. Last I checked there were 1.2 million doses in the freezers yet Dougy keeps trying to have us believe he's almost out. Same with the tool. His repeated lies about vaccine acquisitions are grounded in the hopes that Canadians are stupid(besides his base) and don't know what's going on. But we do Mr. Tool. You lie like a cheap toupee and re: said toupee, it makes you look stupid. But please keep up the narrative as it only deepens the holes you clowns are digging for yourselves. Once they're deep enough we can throw some soil and grass seed on top and celebrate the death of two ill equipped political careers.

  5. Hey just wondering if anyone checked out the comments on MSN news (you have to use edge)... makes the national post almost look like a socialist paper...🤔😬

  6. One thing that CoVID has done is exposed a lot of people for who they are. In particular the right wing tough guy populist that many Cons these days think define leadership. Inept fucking chickenshit clowns and/or selfish toddlers the most of them.

    Dear Dougie,
    Can't bully/browbeat a fucking virus (unlike your cabinet of feebs/dipshits/morons), Dougie. CoVID don't care what you think or give a shit about the pain businesses are feeling. Save the people and business will follow along.

    If you had the sense and the spine to do the right thing (which is tell your business and religious buddies to shut up and fuck off like you do everyone else) then maybe CoVID wouldn't have exploded and (FSM forbid) Ontario would have elected you again. Instead you showed Ontario the real you, the inept stale moldy Timbit.

    But you didn't. So here we are hoping that we'll survive your ineptitude.
    Go To Hell
    Stuck in Ontario

    I wanted to comment on your earlier resign post Simon; I agree, but I don't know who the hell among the Ford's Tories would be able to do the job of running Ontario and stifling his gang of ignorant goons (that's just his cabinet let alone his backbenchers.)

  7. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Sports fans often project themselves into the game and imagine what they would have done to win. Most realise it is only projection and that they are totally incapable of replacing a professional player. The same type of projection occurs in politics but for some reason people delude themselves in to believing they have all the answers and would be stellar performers. This delusion is then expressed as support for a totally unqualified candidate that projects their views. In a just world these unqualified egotistical buffoons would be elected into professional sports where the bruising would be localised to the unqualified rather into government where the general population is victimised due to their incompetent egotistical performance.


  8. Hi Ottlib....Yes just what we need as the third wave surges, a collection of the Con's Golden Oldies. It's absolutely disgusting, but it does demonstrate one thing, they've run out of ideas and have no idea where they are going. If they think that digging up old fake scandals is going to help them instead of hurt them they must be even closer to The Abyss than even I had hoped...

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I was hoping for UBI in the budget. Trudeau said Covid-19 shined light on inequalities facing Canadians and now was the unique opportunity for change. Very disappointing.


  10. Hi Jackie...Thank you for those two quotes from Ivison, that make him look like an absolute. I'm going to have to use them in a post, before framing them and hanging them on my washroom wall. And yes, I watched the conclusion of the George Floyd murder trial, and enjoyed ever second. The look on that cowardly cop's face as the sentence was read, and the sight of him being led off in handcuffs. So many good things are happening, I sometimes feel a bit spoiled. But then when I think some more I feel I deserve it, we all do...🥳

  11. Hi Steve....I can’t imagine how that EU representative felt having to speak to Doug Ford. I’m sure he remembered how Ford threatened to shove a firecracker up the “ying yang” of the Phizer CEO, and must be spending today reviewing his personal security. I wouldn’t mind if Ford only embarrassed himself, but embarrassing Canada is the absolute limit...

  12. Hi JD.....
    You’re right about this:

    Best comedic line of the day when Christine Elliott was asked where's Dougy Doolittle? "The premier is devoting all of his time trying to acquire vaccines".

    And you have to be a real flunky like Elliott to read off such a howler. It takes me back to the days when Rob Ford was dragging the reputation of Toronto through the mud. Some people thought he was hilarious, but I got calls from people in Europe laughing their heads off, so I was ashamed and disgusted.
    But as you say, the Cons are only digging their own graves....

  13. Hi Jsb.....I don’t know why so many Cons spend so much time writing such ugly comments all over the place. I don’t mind them criticizing Trudeau and his government, but they could be a little more polite, or a little more Canadian. Instead you get the impression that they would kill Trudeau if they had a chance, and that’s poisoning this country for all of us....

  14. Hey so I don't want to nag, but the latest nanos poll showed the liberals declining, and the cons and NDP increasing...🤔

  15. Hi Dan...That’s a brilliant letter, and I’m sure that there are several million people in Ontario who wish they had written it. I still can’t make up my mind whether the Fordzilla is really stupid or really evil or both. But I guess it doesn’t matter, he’s indirectly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of old and vulnerable people for which one day I hope he will be held accountable. As for who could replace Ford should he be forced to resign, i must admit I’m stumped. I used to think that Christine Elliott was at least half human, but now I’m not so sure. Maybe Brian Lilley might want to volunteer...🤡

  16. Hi RT....I think that Ford was seen by many Cons as our Donald Trump, and that and a big helping of misogyny and exhaustion with an aging government helped settle our fate. I can honestly say that I couldn’t believe that one of the Ford brothers was running for premier. But you know what’s worse Dougie has the delusion that he is fit to be Prime Minister of Canada. I suspect his vaccine games have something to do with that, which makes them even more outrageous..,

  17. Anonymous4:23 PM

    What a great thing uncle Joe said about Justin today. "Then he mentioned a half-hour phone call Wednesday with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, describing him as "a fella who is working really hard to take care of his country and deal with this." Thank you, Mr. President.
    And no surprise that more vaccines will be forthcoming.

  18. JSB, stop hyper focusing on individual polls. MoEs, ranges, noise, house effects, and aggregators are a thing, ya know. Here's another. Add it to the pile and then go check Polltracker and 338 when it all gets crunched in.


  19. Another version of that Ford pic :) https://twitter.com/Beth_Levy66/status/1384625639345565711?s=20

  20. Hi JD....Yes, it's great that we once have an ally in the White House, instead of the debased Trump who went out of his way to try to make sure that the U.S. couldn't share any vaccines. I think Biden could be one of the great U.S. presidents and I look forward to seeing what him and Trudeau can do together....

  21. Hi Jackie...Thank you for encouraging Jsb to stop looking for polls to fuel his fantasy that Trudeau is in trouble, when in fact he is soaring over the rest of them. Jsb says he's not a Con, but if he keeps denying reality and acting like one, I will have to block him. Life is too short to have to answer the same question over and over again...

  22. Hi Unknown....Thanks for that picture of Ford. It's stunning that he apparently doesn't know how to use a laptop. But it is a measure of how ignorant he is, just like his late brother. And it should be yet another warning to those who voted for him, never to make that mistake again...
