Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Donald Trump and the Canadian Trumpanzees

It took Donald Trump a long time to even hint that he was finally ready to admit he lost the election.

He didn't dare. No doubt worried that if his rabid supporters didn't kill him, he might have to kill himself. It's THAT embarrassing eh?

But this is close enough.

So it's now at last possible to imagine Trump leaving the White House...

And for many Cons in this country who worship him, and were so sure he was going to win, his downfall must be devastating.

Take Erin O'Toole, who was so sure that Trump was going to win that he has been trying to imitate him, and as Bob Hepburn points out, is even copying his playbook.

  • First, O’Toole’s leadership campaign slogan of “Take Back Canada” is an echo of Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again.” Catchy? For sure! But one can easily ask, “Take back from what — or whom?”

From the absurd to the ridiculous...

Trump made huge headway in reaching disaffected voters by demonizing elites. That’s exactly what O’Toole has started to do with attacks on “elites” in business, politics and the media, although the truth is the Conservatives are the party of business “elites” and many media “elites.”

With lots of God and religious bigotry.

Like Trump, O’Toole has openly courted social conservatives with such moves as signalling a willingness to allow his MPs to reopen moral issues, such as abortion.

And of course more guns than you can count.

In another Trump-like strategy, O’Toole is stepping up his pro-gun reputation, promising gun lobbyists that he would weaken — not strengthen — firearms laws.

And it's not just O'Toole. 

The Trump infection is spreading like wildfire through the Cons, with the ghastly Michelle Rempel making White Power signs, and banging away accusing Trudeau of "murder."

While posing as a health critic.

And then there is the creepy Pierre Poilievre, who has been keeping busy peddling far-right QAnon conspiracy theories about the so-called Great Reset.

In the wilder corners of the Internet the “Great Reset” has become code for an alleged plot by a cabal of globalist elites to impose a new socialist order on the unwitting masses. In its most extreme form, the theory posits that the pandemic was deliberately let loose by those same elites looking for an excuse to carry out their nefarious plans.

That’s the kind of thing you expect from the tinfoil-hat set that lurks in the darker crevices of social media. Disappointing, sure, but no surprise.

But what on earth is a prominent member of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, doing by giving oxygen to that very line of thinking?

It's beyond belief, and the obvious question is what does it say about Erin O'Toole?

So far Erin O’Toole has been edging the Conservatives back to the political centre. He’s going to have to decide if one of his chief lieutenants is helping or hurting that goal by so openly flirting with the wackier elements of the far right.

Or what does it say about the future of the Trump Party North?

And the answer to both questions is not much, and not good.

Especially since so many of its MPs are now on the new far-right social media platform Parler...

The ugly home of groups like the Proud Boys, neo-nazis, homophobes, and other bigot scum. 

And to me the situation couldn't be clearer.

The Cons are no longer a Canadian political party. They are a branch plant of Trump's dangerously violent MAGA movement.

They must never be allowed to govern this country again.

And thank god almighty, so far so good....


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    The Cons are mourning Trump's loss but the assholes will ensure his memory lives on by their actions that mimic the creature from the orange lagoon. If they think Canadians, who overwhelmingly detest Trump, will put up with the Cons mimicking their idol then they are in for a big surprise. Our useless MSM will, once they're shamed into it, start reporting on this as the Cons devolve further into the abyss of conspiracy fairies that whisper sweet nothings in their ears. We've watched the Trumpster fire for the last 4 years and it's been brutal but the beast has been vanquished, fair and square! I can't wait until we can do the same with our despicable Cons. Until then, they will further denigrate themselves by thinking a majority of Canadians are dumb enough to fall for this bullshit which will ultimately lead to a thorough thumping at the polls.

  2. The auditor general ripped Dougie a new one today. In the Toronto Star crickets

  3. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Free speech alert!!! Parler is censoring posts! Cancel culture is out of control!!1 Break out the weapons cache, this means war.


  4. The vaccine-timing trutherism is another concern. Trudeau has been making it explicitly clear that Canada does not have manufacturing capacity because of cuts and privatization by Cons. Harper chased away so many companies, muzzled scientists, and sabotaged a potential partnership with Bill Gates, while Mulroney sold off Connaught Labs. "My kingdom for a brown envelope."

    PMJT nuked Rempel in QP today, so in response she called him sexist. Last time it was Jody and Jane pulling the "but he hurt me!" card. Two pathetic damsels in distress, a disgrace to women everywhere. People of any gender should be able to recognize that correcting bullshit with facts is not bad feminism, no matter how much Susan Collins concern trolling comes from Rempelthinskin and the drooling media men like Solomon and Akin who cape for her in bad faith.

    But the reason this vaccine trutherism mirrors Trump is because he's been claiming (with zero evidence of course) that a COVID vaccine was timed for the election and that "big Pharma" are Democrats in the "swamp". Rempel accused Pfizer of lying, and a scientist of being a "Liberal donor". Most of their base are anti-vaxers anyway who treat COVID like a hoax, but at the same time will jump on anything to bark at PMJT.

    All of this is why the useless pundits claiming that Trump leaves a void that O'Foole and his tin foil tools won't be compared against are either lying, stupid, or both. The Cons at all levels of government are every bit a MAGA menace. The bigger problem however, is what can be done about their IOKIYAR agitprop acolytes in the media who are essentially Fox News of the north?

  5. Anonymous9:24 PM

    The Cons attraction to the Parler swamp is not a bad thing. Perhaps it will empower them to express their true objectives instead of hiding behind a wall of carefully crafted double speak that strokes the base and is inoffensive to the uninitiated. Also just perhaps the loss of the tin foil hats will prompt Facebook to find a new more inclusive business model and abandon the revenue generating algorithms that promote divisive antagonism to engage people.
    One aspect I find perplexing is that the Mercers would sponsor a covert anti-Semitic platform but then again most Cons believe there are only winners and losers, so the only option is to defeat the enemy or face Armageddon. They seem totally unaware of the possibility that they are their own worst enemy. Lets just call it the Kenney syndrome where Cons kill Cons with others as collateral damage.


  6. Hi JD...I must admit that at first I was surprised that O’Toole was channeling Trump. But then I figured that he probably has no choice. A lot of his supporters also support Trump, and Bernier’s Bigot Party has been given a small boost by the pandemic, so he had to do something. But I still think it’s disgusting, and makes no sense. He might get some disenchanted working class people, but most Canadians will just see it as more evidence of his blatant opportunism. I didn’t think I could despise a Con leader as much as I despised Scheer, but it’s getting close...

  7. Hi Steve....I was lucky enough to see a live feed of Boss Ford reacting to the AG’s report, and I thought it was hilarious. Ford looked like he was about to blow a gasket. Now let Ford try to explain why he is sitting on more than $9 billion in Covid from the federal government, in what
    Is a clear attempt to make himself look good after the crisis is over....

  8. Hi anon @8:37;PM...I read the Newsweek story but I couldn’t figure outnwhat exactly is going on. But that doesn’t matter, just keep spreading the word that Parler is really a Biden front run by Hillary Clinton...

  9. Hi Jackie.... The way the Cons and their NDP and Bloc stooges are trying to create confusion over the vaccine issue is absolutely disgraceful they really are human scum. A lot of Canadians are really stressed out, mental illness is surging, and those bastards are trying to make things worse. Every time I see Rempel screeching away I feel like vomiting. But it only makes Trudeau and his ministers look better, so I doubt all that hot air will go anywhere. In fact I suggest that once Canadians start getting vaccinated might be a good time to start talking about the need for an election again..,😉

  10. Hi RT....You’re right, the Cons are so disgusting they can’t see that they are their own worst enemies.Apart from myself of course.😉 it’s reverse Darwinism, the more time that passes the dumber they become. Soon they’ll only be able to communicate with grunts and crude hand gestures. Unfortunately I have no idea what excrement they are spreading all over Parler. I started to register, but aborted after I became alarmed at the amount of personal information the site was requesting. And I’m lucky I did, because shortly afterwards the site was hacked, and some of that information ended up splattered all over the internet. As I said ,reverse Darwinism is a drag...

  11. The tool thinks he has found a new lever to dislodge our Government. Why Canada is going to watch other countries get the vaccine first. The facts as I know them go back to the Mulroney sell off of Canada. Now the tool wants to blame Trudeau.

    Also Simon can you please expose the Ontario Wheat Board, how are they buying up hours a day in AM radio?

  12. Steve it's not just the Tool, but his useful-idiot sidekicks of the No Damn Principles party. Don Davies has been echoing Rempelthinskin's bullshit ever since they backed that fishing expedition at the health committee. Now he reveals his failure to do math. 110 million Canadians should be inoculated just like the U.S.? So... every Canadian three times over? Did he learn that from Jaggy and AOC (Always On Camera)? Rome burned and the Dippers played video games. But Trudeau is dithering, sure.


    Believe me I live here, and when I say the vaccine rollout is going to be a shitshow, it's going to be a shitshow. Trump was a symptom of the chaos. America is the problem. Rugged individualism, tin foil paranoia, profit-minded healthcare, and a lack of availability of medical services (particularly in minority communities). Biden won't be able to plug all these holes on his own. It's bad enough you have, what is it, six or seven Con premiers fucking things up and creating a distraction by blaming the feds. Now imagine 30-35 UCP governments touting "state's rights" over national cohesion, creating chaos in a country with a third of a billion people, and a public health response all but guaranteed to turn into a race war thanks to Republicans fanning the flames. And just wait until the anti-vaxers chime in.

    Canadians don't know how good they have it with Trudeau at the top. I might be even more disgusted with so-called "progressives" because at least Cons are somewhat honest about being assholes, while the purity left wags their finger claiming the moral high ground.

  13. Anonymous1:27 PM


    This should shut Rempel's fat mouth and any other Con POS who are politicizing the W5 on vaccines.

  14. Hi JD....Yes, that should shut them up, but because they are such sleaze bags they’ll probably keep on playing their dirty games. And will in due course be punished by Canadians...
