Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Day Justin Trudeau Made The Opposition Look Like Fools

Pierre Poilievre and Erin O'Toole must have thought they had Justin Trudeau where where they wanted him, judging by the way their feathers were flying.

They had drafted a grotesque bill to create a so-called Anti-Corruption Committee, which they hoped would revive the corpse of the fake WE scandal, and take down Team Canada.

So they could blame the deaths of thousands of Canadians on the Trudeau government.

And of course go after Margaret Trudeau again. 

But sadly for the cowardly misogynistic Cons the Liberals called their bluff by making it a confidence vote. 

The Liberals say they are prepared to send Canadians to the polls to stop a Conservative attempt to put the government’s ethical controversies under further scrutiny, risking the possibility of starting a new campaign on the first anniversary of their re-election.

That didn't stop the sleazy Cons and their Bloc stooges from tempting fate, but only because they knew that Jagmeet Singh and his NDP losers wouldn't dare vote for an election...

And sure enough they didn't, for obvious reasons.

The NDP doesn't have the money or the support to take part in an election campaign, so Singh claiming he was just doing the right thing is both dishonest and pathetic.

But while the Con motion went down in flames, nobody was more dishonest than our shabby media, who as Dale Smith writes, failed to point out that the motion was not "pedestrian." It would have paralyzed the government.

It would have given the committee first priority for all parliamentary resources, and compelled production of all documents they wanted and witnesses to appear, no matter who. This essentially means that both ministers and the civil service would be at the committee’s beck and call, and that they would have to drop everything to attend it – which is what Pablo Rodriguez meant by the committee being meant to “paralyze” government.

They could go on unlimited fishing expeditions with little to no ability to push back, and given the fact that there aren’t any smoking guns here, it would be constant wild goose chases while Parliament was unable to get anything else accomplished. More than that, it would also have enshrined that the prime minister’s extended family – meaning his mother and brother – would be considered legitimate targets, and have their financial information put into the open for no good reason. 

And funnily enough, not one story from yesterday mentioned these facts – not the Star, not the National Post, not CBC, nor The Canadian Press. Yet this seems like some pretty vital context for why the government would so strenuously object to this “pedestrian” motion. 

Which as I said on Twitter is simply beyond belief...

And only serves to prove that the Con media is now so corrupt it's a clear and present threat to our democracy, and must be reined in if our country is to survive.

And the good news?

Justin Trudeau has finally lost his patience with those who would play cheap politics in the middle of a deadly pandemic.

And if the traitor Cons and their grubby stooges play the same dirty game again, as they will, as early as today.

The Official Opposition is using its second opposition day this week to debate a motion calling for a probe by the House of Commons health committee into a host of issues relating to the government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. If passed, it would force the government to hand over a trove of documents, emails and other records from a range of government departments and the Prime Minister's Office.

Thursday's motion is so broad and the demand for documents so massive that the Liberals are expected to argue that its passage would paralyze the government — the same argument used to declare the first Conservative motion a confidence matter.

Hopefully we will get the election we need.

And Trudeau will get the majority he so rightfully deserves...


  1. Have you seen the NDP's motion? It's ridiculous. It's no different from the Cons in that it draws in other pseudo nontroversies like the Telford/Silver conspiracy theory and God knows what else. I saved an image from Twitter and uploaded it to a blog post. Here's the text:

    At this point Simon, if the NDP keeps sucking and blowing and voting to "uphold" the government for no other reason than they're too chickenshit or broke to compete, Trudeau should just forego the pointless repetitive exercise in confidence votes and head to Rideau Hall to call an election himself. Charlie Anus has proven himself a psychopath. Check out what he said to a CTV reporter when asked about how he plans to continue pursuing WeGhazi:

    Media are being absolute dicks per usual, because they're mad that the committee filibuster is depriving them of juicy WeGhazi headlines, so they've decided to make the filibuster and confidence vote itself into a "scandal" just like they did with prorogation. Attacking democratic institutions for fun and profit. Oh, and have you seen this? Absolute pure Trump!

    I've had enough of this dicking around and sabotage and it looks like Trudeau has too. Especially since this has gotten so personal with attacks on his mom. As Bugs Bunny used to say, "of course you realize this means war." Like you said, not necessarily an election but an election if necessary.

  2. Aw shit, they're not making the health motion a confidence vote. There must be a reason why not. Maybe they figure they can out that c%nt Rempelthinskin on the floor for jeopardizing people's lives just like the NDP.

    If the vulgar opposition try to use this as a backdoor for getting WeGhazi documents there's going to be a big showdown.

    1. So I guess you didn't read my reply to your post...πŸ€” I mean yes there's loads to criticize about the conservatives moves, but this arrogance by the liberal partisans like you are showing doesn't look that great either... particularly towards the NDP, which seems to be the party that the liberals actually could work with... instead partisans like you look to insult and belittle them ...πŸ€”πŸ™„

  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Now the Cons want to investigate "learn from" the governments response to the pandemic. Where have these these f**kers been for the last 6 months? Were they demanding more border restrictions, more money and hiring for health care, more money for ppe. No, sadly they only thing they seemed interested in was getting all the MP's back to Ottawa. We are still in the middle of the pandemic, if they were genuine they would be championing ideas that can save lives and pushing the government on things such as rapid testing, more financial support for those in Covid vulnerable situations, etc. Nope, all the Cons want to do is pick the Covid response apart and market the idea that they could have done so much better while completely ignoring the reality that we are still in the midst of the pandemic. Too stupid to wait, attempting to make political mileage from the Covid response during the crisis borders on the criminal.


  4. @JSB, the NDP has been just as troublesome on this file if not worse than the Cons. Jagmeet went on PnP and tried to memory hole his own party's abuse of Margaret Trudeau, but it won't be so easy to forget that it was Angus who got that particularly nasty track going when he backed the motion to drag her personal life into this. Now he's proposing an NDP motion at the ethics committee that is almost no different from what the CPC wanted, complete with more dead-horse beating on the tired WE issue and the same tangential conspiracy theories about Telford and Silver and other nothingburger nontroversies.

    Based on what Elizabeth May said recently on CTV, the Liberals and the PM in particular are incensed with all the opposition mudslinging at Margaret, and that includes the NDP. I'm sorry if you think I'm being too harsh on them, but they are not the morally righteous "conscience of parliament" they pretend to be. Charlie even quit Twitter saying that it was "toxic"; boy, is he one to talk. Apparently he can't take what he sadistically dishes out.

    @RT -- I was surprised and disappointed that the Liberals didn't make the health/COVID motion a confidence vote, but judging from their noncommittal responses to Rempel's shrieking, I don't expect them to cooperate either. Chantal last night made a good point that Trudeau now has a "narrative" he can take to the GG himself regarding parliamentary paralysis: stealing from Harper's playbook about the "strong stable majority".

    It's become clear that the NDP are too deep in debt and polling abyss to vote down the government, so it's theoretically possible that the Liberals have caught onto the fact that if Trudeau wants an election he will have to take the initiative on his own. It could therefore be that he is playing rope a dope and letting this one go through, but not without a fight, so that he can then justifiably say that the Cons have crippled the operations of government and put an onerous burden upon the public service, and he needs a new mandate to govern effectively through the pandemic. I was right about him allowing the by-elections to go through first, so that when an election call does come (if sooner rather than later), it will be a complete surprise.

    What is clear is that the Liberals have finally gotten some spine in them and aren't just going to roll over and die.

    1. Idk...I get what you are saying, but it still seems that your partisanship is too strong IMO... I get it that you're from the US and thus used to a two party system, but I still think parties should cooperate if they share common interests, like the NDP and liberals...

  5. Is there any reason to be nasty to Jagmeet Singh? It just seems like you were nasty for no other reason then to be nasty.

  6. The reformatories are going straight conspiracy theory. They have adopted the Trumpaloonie belief that if any emails exist that is proof of wrongdoing.

    The fact that Hillary's emails revealed nothing hasn't stopped the right wing nut jobs and the innocuous documents we saw with the WE star chamber hasn't deterred the old tool from spouting lies and nonsense.


    Nanos and Graves say mark your calendars for a three-month countdown, and Mainstreet and Leger are out next week. I really am wondering if Rempel's fishing expedition at the health committee is a trap of the Cons own making that the Liberals are letting them walk into. Canadians writ large won't tolerate tin foil Trumpist bullshit vilifying Dr. Tam and the civil service and portraying Trudeau as Raymond Shaw. The K-bros maybe, but not public health officials.

    Pathetic that instead of making constructive suggestions to improve the COVID response, the NDP has thrown in their lot with "Sleepy Joe -- er, Sleepy Justin is weak on China, failing loser, sad". There's your answer Gyor, Jagmeet deserves what he and the New Deplorable Party are dishing out.

    The wild card this upcoming week is the broken record Angus at ETHI. If his asinine duplicate anti-corruption -- sorry, "COVID accountability" measure gets stalled and spills over into the HoC, that could be exactly what the Liberals need to tell the NDP to piss off.

    BTW, did anyone see Don Martin and John Ibbitson getting annoyed that Trudeau fils is his father's son, after having spent five years vilifying him for being/not being his father's son? Ibbitson's dig at Margaret was particularly vile after what's transpired these past few months, but it really speaks volumes about just how commonplace this crap is, and who it comes from.

    Maggie and Hunter really should meet up and compare war stories.

  8. Anonymous3:27 PM

    It would be nice if our useless media would state the obvious reasons why the libs could not accept the latest meddlings of our useless Con party and make it a confidence matter. However, throughout all of these fake scandals there is the one constant, they've proven they're not interested in the facts and they're twisting the story to make JT look bad, period. They don't need a bailout, they need to be kicked out, permanently.
    Dale Smith deserves a much larger platform as his takes on what's actually happening in parliament is lost in the fog of the right wing hacks churning out their vomit, corporate driven directive to oust JT. What I particularly like about Dale is that he doesn't give JT any free passes either and calls him out when he feels he needs to. If that doesn't prove his unbiased reporting is real then I don't know what would. That's why I've shared his link with everyone I know and I urge everyone to do the same. We deserve the truth, nothing more, nothing less.

  9. Hi Jackie....As the polls show the NDP is now desperate. If an election was held tomorrow they would almost certainly lose party status. Jagmeet Singh is leading them to disaster. He is the new Scheer, and the sooner the NDP gets rid of him the better. As for the Con media, I notice that they are in a feverish frenzy to try to destroy Justin Trudeau before Christmas. I suspect the the Big Oil operatives that have helped keep them afloat are growing impatient, and hopefully a crippling round of layoffs will be coming soon....

  10. Hi JsB....for over six months Jagmeet Singh has been smearing Justin Trudeau in the most disgusting manner. During that time Trudeau has never once returned fire. So although I would like to see the Liberals and the NDP to work together I think somebody needs to criticize Singh for his cheap partisanship so he can change course before he damages the Liberals and buries the NDP.....

  11. Hi RT....all the. Cons are doing is trying to bait the Liberals into getting into the gutter with them. Unfortunately for Erin O’Toole Trudeau doesn’t play that dirty game, and all Toolio is doing is hurting himself, as Harper and Scheer did before him. What makes it even worse is that they are deliberately trying to cripple the government’s response to the pandemic, which is absolutely unforgivable. If the Cons want to hold an inquest into the pandemic they too must be put on trial and made to answer for their crimes against Canada. ...

  12. Hi Gyor....I’m not trying to be nasty to Jagmeet Singh. As I’ve told you before the NDP was my party, and I like Jagmeet as a person. What I am trying to do is poke fun at the way he is behaving. He is always claiming the credit for things he had nothing or very little to do with, and he smears Trudeau all the time like the Cons like to do. If he keeps that up he is going to destroy the NDP, as you can see from the lates polls. Canadians are turning against him and it’s all his fault....

  13. Hi Rumleyfips....As I’ve been saying for a very long time the Cons are now more of an American party than a Canadian one. They speak the language of Trump, they smear their opponents, and they lie like thieves. It’s disgusting, but fortunately I don’t think most Canadians will be impressed, and the Cons will pay for that sooner or later....

  14. Hi Jackie....I am now betting on January as the likely date of the next election. Although it could come sooner if Trudeau can clearly demonstrate that the Cons are sabotaging the battle to defeat the coronavirus, This minority government is just not what we need at such a critical time in Canadian history. So I’m changing my slogan to we need a majority NOW !! πŸ˜‰

  15. Hi JD....That’s what the most. The Con media is making I
    T sound as if the squabble is just over a committee. When in fact the Con plan is to force the Liberals to spend all their time testifying about nothing instead of helping to fight the pandemic, and trying to get the economy going again. It’s criminally irresponsible behaviour, and we need to teach the Cons a lesson they’ll never forget. I already hate O’Toole almost as much as I despised Scheer, and that is saying something...πŸ˜‰

  16. Simon lol. Dale Smith really is the best. The photo alone, OMG 🀣

    "The only material changes between Scheer and O'Toole these days are that O'Toole's shitposts have better Photoshop."

    I. Am. DEAD. πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

  17. Simon, thank you for your blog and Twitter presence.Sometimes, we, progressives feel very alone and not heard or represented in the Media.
    As a "follower" of Fisman, Volpe, and Bogach, on Twitter, I was thrilled to see their response to the Remple motion. I was appalled by the media response to these heroes!
    I have termed a new phrase on an old take for the majority of our MSM, and it is "Pork Barrel Journalism".
    As a proud 'Bluenoser", I am ready to go to the polls as soon as possible, but am not feeling very trustful of many of my fellow Canadians. I hope that I am wrong!
    Mary Wright

  18. Hi Mary....Thank you for your kind comments. Like you I feel like the Canadian media doesn't represent me anymore. Most political reporters are so right-wing they don't seems to recognize that this country is centre-left, or refuse to accept. I woke up today to find that I had been blocked by the Con stooge John Ivison for daring to criticize him. So your description of their behaviour as "Pork Barrel Journalism," is I'm afraid right on. Although I can't prove it yet, I believe that many of them are receiving money from Big Oil and other right-wing sources. But there are still more of us than there are of them, and hopefully we'll soon get a chance to prove that at the polls. Keep fighting the good fight...
