Saturday, September 26, 2020

Erin O'Toole's Criminally Irresponsible COVID Bomb

When I first heard that Erin O'Toole had tested positive for COVID-19 I felt sorry for him, or at least as sorry as I could ever feel for the leader of Canada's Bigot Party.

I hoped he would make a quick recovery, and that for the sake of others he would stop bellowing at people, or at least have the decency to wear a mask.

But the small reservoir of sympathy I had for him quickly evaporated when I found out how he got sick.

For it's a COVID horror story.

Erin O'Toole says his COVID diagnosis demonstrated the need for Canadians to remain "extremely vigilant" — but social media postings and conversations with people who met with O'Toole before his COVID diagnosis show that he interacted with dozens of people in the course of one day of travel and events in Montreal.

Social media posts show O'Toole making an attempt to socially distance at the events — but also show he removed his mask during indoor gatherings on several occasions.

Can you believe it?

O'Toole was supposed to be setting an example, but instead he was dashing around having in-person meetings with hundreds of people, and not always wearing a mask.

The result was a COVID bomb.

While the Conservatives say they won't "speculate" on how many people connected to the multi-day Montreal visit earlier this month might have contracted COVID, a source who spoke to CBC News said there are approximately 15 COVID cases related to the trip, including staff members, O'Toole himself and his wife.

A COVID bomb brought to you by the Harper Party of Canada, where about one third of its supporters are adamantly opposed to wearing masks.

Which is why O'Toole doesn't dare criticize them.

But will criticize Trudeau for trying to adopt a national standard for long term care homes.

To which I replied:

You know, believe it or not O'Toole is still trying to sell himself as Mr Nice Guy.

But after only a short time as leader he is already revealing his inner monster...

He is not what he pretends to be.

His "compassionate" conservatism is a sham. 

He is being held hostage by far right extremists and religious fanatics,

And those who believe anything he says will regret it forever...


  1. Erin O'Toole doesn't even have to do anything and you smear him as a bigot. I'm far from a Tory, I vote NDP, but most folks I know are getting sick of the woke for abusing terms like bigot. I think you were unfair to him, but it doesn't matter what he says or does, you will go after him not over policy, but over what tribe he belongs too.

    Me I'm policy and abjectives first, party loyalty last kind of guy. The NDP are a means to an ends. I wasn't always like that.

    And I will look at Erin O'Toolw the same way, how can he be of use.

  2. O'Fool keeps signal boosting Postmillennial and their fawning coverage of anti-mask "freedom" protests. Cons don't believe in science and don't give a damn about healthcare. Plus, O'Trump just sees COVID as another thing he can use to bash the Liberals and stomp his feet about Ghina Ghina Ghina. It's all written in Hillary's emails how Trudeau funneled money from the K-bros to the secret lab in Wuhan where Bill Gates was harvesting adrenochrome to put into the 5G vaccine. Source: CPC policy platform, otherwise known as graffiti smeared in shit on a gas station bathroom stall.

    COVID "skepticism" is also a big deal in Quebec (QC-Anon?), which probably explains why the macho creep YFB ended up with it too. Gives a new meaning to "Bloc Party" -- As George Bush might say, "the French don't have a word for nonchalant or cavalier." Although if the rumors are true, it's probably more than COVID why his nasal passages keep showing the sniffles...

    I have a generally low opinion of the NDP, to the point of rock-bottom disgust and even abject hatred because of their Bernie bro saboteur antics so traumatically reminiscent of the 2016 American elections, and Angus' abhorrent abuse of Margaret Trudeau. But if PMJT has to grab onto any port in the storm, then I guess it's better for the time being that it's a party whose supporters seem to value science, rather than the QAnon kooks of Canadian politics.

    If Singh doesn't call off the attack dogs, I hope the Liberals fin a way to pull out every procedural mechanism in the book to stifle or kick the can on those committees, long enough so that PMJT can recover a stable majority for the recovery phase and shove these public health hazards to the nosebleed section of the parliamentary bleachers once and for all. Conservatives -- and I count Yves Blanc Cheque in that category because he's an ethnic-nationalist, misogynistic jerk -- are literally a toxic infection of the body politic. Insh'allah, saints preserve us, Klaatu Barack Nikto, any deity willing, that Justin Trudeau is able to crush the curve and smash this widespread brain disease into remission!

  3. Anonymous10:25 PM

    The Tool cannot publicly state the Con objective is to undo 40 years of progress and bring religion back into governmental decision making, he also cannot support a climate action plan that limits the expansion of carbon intensive industries such as the oil sands or the redistribution of a small portion of highly concentrated wealth. So whats left?
    Considering the Cons are afflicted with unimaginative mental laziness the obvious choice is a Canadian version of Trump's play book. Essentially most contests have players, referees to enforce the rules, and the judges/voters to decide the winners. By politicizing/removing the referees ( investigative journalists, civil servants, judicial system) the political game is turned into a free for all where justice is determined by who you support. Although Canada is starting from a slightly different place in comparison to the US the path is clear. In order to reintroduce a religious state the independent power of the supreme court and its defense of the charter of individual rights and freedoms must be destroyed. Once perception of rights to a fair day in court is gone the rest is easy. Out of necessity people are forced to align with the best dirty trickster, which is an authoritarian of course. Harper tried to destroy the legitimacy of the supreme court through a constant barrage of doomed to fail legislation but was unsuccessful. The current Con strategy is to foster provincial divisions and let the conflict destroy it while they pretend to champion resolution. It seems good karma the Tool likely contracted covid while wooing Quebec politicians as he knows they will never permit religion back into government and are passionately anti big oil.Along with Alberta oil their nationalism however makes them a very useful stalking horse in order to bag the supreme court. Its a stupid destructive Trumpian type strategy coated in maple syrup with no real practical vision of where the path will lead in the future.


  4. Anonymous10:30 PM

    O'Toole needn't fear Covid-related brain damage. You can't damage what's not there.

  5. Anonymous1:10 AM

    The tool plays fast and loose with the rules et voila! Covid jumps on board. Let that be a lesson to the Covidiots, as pictured, who go out of their way to protest mask wearing but are too stupid to put the minimal effort required to wear a mask. We'll never get this virus under control until these assholes are either heavily fined or quarantined in an internment area called Camp Moron. Their so called "rights" are null and void when they put others at risk as much as one has the "right" to drive drunk. Until the authorities quit wagging their fingers and start coming down hard on them, this virus ain't going anywhere anytime soon.

  6. .. Hello again Simon.. hope you're well

    Any 'journalist' worth a pinch of coon shit should smell the stink re Erin O'Toole.. whomever exposed and infected him, his family, his staffers and the environment(s) where this occurred. The related light bulb firing up should be who did that O'Toole pack then expose and infect and in what environments or events. Then who did that sequence expose and infect.. and on and on per Dr Tam's daily advice.. to NOT DO

    So this is where CONTACT TRACING Erin O'Toole becomes involved.. and how many skilled and trained Contact Tracers does it require to handle the upstream and downstream exposure and/or infection vectors. In fairness I would say the same for Trudeau or anyone. But Trudeau and wife played by the Canadian Healthcare rules after a positive test.. O'Toole belly flopped into an empty pool, blew all the protocols of Masking, Social Distancing.. and here we are with an astonishing COVID-19 Vector

    Perhaps Dr Tan will estimate or guesstimate the astonishing number of 'Personal Bubbles' involved.. or the potential number of related individuals. My crude guess is O'Toole and whomever infected him, exposed 100 - 250 Bubbles.. thus thousands of Canadians exposed or infected.. that remains to be seen and proved out.

    BUT.. the new 'Leader' of the Conservative Party of Canada may be exposed as one of the greatest incubators and vector of COVID-19 currently in Canada..Just gather the group photos and selfies.. and start totalling up.. One photo alone has 31 people without masks.. jammed into the camera frame..

  7. @ Gyor

    Dude. This is why so many modern progressives are disgusted with the myopic class-exclusivist tankie left. The kind of people who are OK with racism if it's aimed at a wealthy person of color. And no, pointing out Jagmeet's flashy duds and Rolex collection isn't racist, it's pointing out his hypocrisy in branding Trudeau as an "elitist." He crushes hard on AOC and RiRi while blasting Trudeau with bullshit accusations of "rewarding celebrity friends" and ignoring the common folk, but does he know or care that his own poster girls were star attractions at WE Day? Maybe he can ask DJ Charlemagne the next time he goes on his NYC radio program to show off his bling. As John Lennon said, a working class hero is something to be.

    Calling out double standards by flaky fake "progressives" isn't racist. What's racist is the class-exclusivist tankie left calling people like Barack Obama a different N word than "neoliberal" because he didn't take a vow of poverty in "solidarity". It's just a different kind of bigotry, the other side of the deplorable coin. Because the kind of people who say intersectionality isn't a thing are... *checks notes* Jason Kenney and his minions. Stop being such a horseshoe Bernie Bro, it's a bad look for your party.

    Anyhow, enough about Jagmeet. How can you say the Tool isn't a bigot? He gloms onto American culture war crap, defending statues of dead racists instead of the living descendants of the people those dead racists abused. He abides anti-semitic Soros conspiracists -- including the finance critic -- and Derek Sloan (in a category of his own) in caucus. He hired Canada Proud and Post Millennial to run his PR team. He merged the iconography of the party with military insignia, a clear sign of fascism. (All the while he and Harper shat all over vets.)

    He shrugged off systemic racism because it "offends cops" and because it "doesn't have a clear definition". The same reason he voted against M-103 *the week of an Islamophobic massacre*. He's courting ethnic nationalists in Quebec. He's adopted Donald Trump's nationalist verbiage. Then again, Singh did make that ludicrous claim that Trump has done more to address racism than Trudeau, but hopefully he's had a wake-up call after what happened Friday night.

    Zero CPC MPs condemned the racist harassment of Singh on Wellington Street, while several Liberal MPs did. And not only because that same crank has been harassing Liberals but because it was the right thing to do. Instead, they remained silent while Conbots (probably on Jeff's payroll) trended a hashtag designed to foment even more animosity towards him. I think Singh is destructively incompetent, possibly a "tool" of the mediocre middle-aged white guy old guard like Angus and Julian who really need to hang it up and take a seat, but I don't want any harm to come to him. The Tool and his ilk are the ones inciting this to happen. If, as you say, you value the NDP as a "means to an end" for progressive policy-making, then you wouldn't be giving the Tool a free pass to foment the conditions whereby such virulent aggression towards your party leader is prone to occur.

    Cons are bigots, full stop. But by all means go ahead and continue to pretend that literally anyone from the party that made niqabs, barbaric-practices snitch lines, and "old stock Canadians" a ballot-box issue isn't a bigot from the party of bigots. The rest of us will be here in the realm of reality rather than fake news reality TV.

  8. He blames JT for testing which is a provincial matter/
    He has an Oklahoma causas which ironically it anti LGTB.
    He spreads anti science thought,
    bottom line he is an American loser

  9. Hi Gyor....I am not being unfair to Erin O'Toole. He was elected thanks to the support from far-right extremists and religious fanatics. Have you not seen what the surging religious right is doing to the United States. I just don't want to see the same thing happen here. On the other hand, since the Liberals and the NDP are now working together, I would expect you to support them both. The party system isn't perfect, but it's the only one we got...

  10. Hi Jackie...Every time O'Toole says something about COVID I first shake my head and then burst into laughter. He has made an absolute fool out of himself, by exposing himself and other Cons to the virus, and then getting it himself. And neither him nor the hapless Jagmeet Singh are a serious option in this pandemic time. While judging from the latest Leger poll Trudeau's Liberals are soaring...

  11. Hi RT...I agree that OToole's strategy seems to be to encourage provincial divisions. If you notice the Con's new logo is a ripoff of the RCAF logo but the left or western part of the maple leaf is slightly detached from the stalk, which seems like a nod to the Wexit weirdos, and if so is simply outrageous. The Cons have one thing going for them, their rabid hatred of Justin Trudeau. And when that doesn't work they've got nothing...

  12. hi anon @10:30 pm....Yes, I have always had the impression that O'Toole was not the brightest bulb in the universe, and his behaviour since he become Con boss has only confirmed that. He is dumb, but he is also dangerous...

  13. Hi JD...I agree with you. O'Toole's criminally irresponsible behaviour should serve as an example to all the other Covidiots. But what is that dumb O'Toole doing? Blaming Justin Trudeau because the Health Department won't approve rapid home tests, as if setting up a situation where we would be flooded with false positives or false negatives would make things better rather than worse. What we do need to do is crackdown on the covidiots who think they're standing up for freedom when all they're doing is threatening the lives of the old and the vulnerable. I realize that lockdowns are hard, and I feel so sorry for all the small businesses struggling to survive. But unless we can flatten the curve, the nightmare will only get worse and go on forever...

  14. Hi Steve...The inability of some people in this country to distinguish between provincial and federal responsibilities drives me nuts. I don't want to play the blame game, since it gets us nowhere. But O'Toole is being deliberately ignorant, he's playing up divisions in this country instead of trying to pull us together at this time. It's inexcusable, and for that alone he must never be prime minister....

  15. Hi salamander...Thank you, I doing as well as can be expected and I hope you are too. I am disappointed that O'Toole has been given a free ride by the media, despite his careless, idiot behaviour. What makes it even worse is that his not wearing a mask pleases about one third of his rabid base who don't want to wear them either. It's the opposite of what being a Canadian means to me. Or we are all in this together, or we will all go down together...
