Monday, August 03, 2020

The Fake Scandal and the Desperation Of Andrew Scheer

I knew the fake WE scandal wouldn't stand the test of time. I knew it would crumble like a sand castle, as the truth caught up with it.

Starting with the moment Justin Trudeau testified at Pierre Poilievre's ugly little star chamber, and made the Cons and their NDP stooges look like a bunch of goons, who would destroy a highly respected children's charity just to try to destroy him.

For it was easy to see that Trudeau's statement had taken the air out of the fake scandal.

All you had to do was look at how these three members of the Conservative Broadcasting Corporation reacted seconds after Trudeau had finished speaking.

Their disappointment was only too obvious. The fake scandal, or as I prefer to call it The Big Smear, was dying, and they knew it.

Trudeau did take a small hit in the polls. 

But I suspect that for most Canadians this is the only poll that counts:

For whether the media likes it or not, the pandemic is the Big Story, not the Big Smear. 

And by bombarding us with fake scandal stories, and all but ignoring the pandemic, our shabby shuffling media are playing with the lives of Canadians. 

As this real journalist points out...

Despite that, Andrew Scheer is still trying to keep up the pressure, with wild claims that reek of desperation...

When in fact no stink could be more disgusting than the stench of that religious fanatic, that wretched racist, that miserable misogynist, that vile homophobe,,.

But then I suppose one can't be too harsh on him. He has less than three weeks to go before the Cons choose another leader.

As I've mentioned before, the thought that he's running out of time to destroy Trudeau, must be KILLING him.

Just look at those cold dead eyes... 


And then of course, after almost ten years of living in big tax payer funded mansions, there must be that growing feeling of impending humiliation...

Which, after all the ugliness that Scheer has inflicted upon us, all the division, all the hate, seems only fitting.

Once he was a contender. Once he was sure he was going to be Prime Minister...

But Justin Trudeau saved us from that fate worse than death.

And in the end Scheer's own evil destroyed him.

Isn't that delicious?

See you at the pig roast...


  1. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Yankee Doody Andy, we hardly knew ye. Maybe he'll go move to Oklahoma with Rempelthinskin. I really hope this bullshit smear attack fades with the summer, and Trudeau has enough time to recalibrate and claw his way back up in the polls.

    I mean, if he even wants to. He did really well at that kangaroo court, but you can tell he's exhausted, and he must be gutted about the attacks on his family. His poor mom. His kids. His wife. His younger brother. His half-brother. Even his dead brother. I am horrified seeing the trolls cry out that the wrong Trudeau died in an avalanche. But all this gets ignored in favor of a one-sided narrative that he's "guilty" of whatever and needs to be "punished."

    The media hates him so much that they don't give a shit that someone tried to kill him. Heaven help us if that sausage-making maniac gets out on bail! A wannabe Oswald, riled up by the perverse narratives of the MSM and QAnon dog-whistles about Trudeau's "access to youth" from who else but Andrew goddamn Scheer. I will never forgive him for fanning the flames of WK's sick conspiracy theory about "why Trudeau left" Grey Point Academy. Un-fucking-conscionable.

    19 more days until this feckless asshole has to pack his bags, move out of expensive public housing, and get a real job. Then we'll have to turn our attention towards either MacToole or O'Kay. It's blatantly obvious as to why he pulled this stunt with help from his useful idiots. He destroyed a charity and made Facebook shut-ins believe Trudeau is a crook and a pederast. All so he could knock Trudeau's numbers down in time for the "leader boost". Shame on him and I hope that when September comes, creepy Blanchet and Bernie Singh-ders make good on their election threats during a pandemic, the Liberals win a majority government, and the two saboteurs follow Schameless Scheer's sorry, lying ass out the door.

  2. For scandals to have any impact the facts have to support the hype.

    The facts of Adscam supported the hype around it. The facts of the Senate Expense Scandal supported the hype around it too. Both would be contributors to the governments of the day being relegated to the Opposition benches. In both cases there was actually something to the scandals and both governments deserved their fates.

    The SNC and WE "scandals" on the other hand are not backed up by the facts. The Opposition and the media does try to hide the facts as much as possible but they trickle out regardless.

    I remember talking to one of my flying buddies when the SNC scandal first broke. He was upset with the Liberals. He was questioning whether he would support them in the next election. A few weeks later we talked about it again and he stated that he was wrong. When I asked him what changed his mind it was the fact that JWR herself indicated that no laws were broken. He reasoned if the PM and the Liberals did not break any laws then there was no scandal.

    I suspect the same will happen with WE. The facts will trickle out despite the bests efforts of the Conservatives, the NDP and the media and that combined with the ongoing pandemic will cause the WE "scandal" to fade away.

  3. Don't be too hard on the poor pundits. If they were real reporters, they would have found that the Ethics Commissioner was down with Sophie and reported it . They didn't because their jobs , bonuses and raises depend on vilifying the Trudeaus. Power and politics has devolved into an information free slanging match by edict from above and the so called journalists are too cowardly to say reveal the facts. Their salaries depend on bringing Trudeau down and they are enthusiastic participants.

    Justin has put the poor Ethics Commissioner in a corner. Building an empire ( and Dawson before ) depends on finding fault no matter the truth. Here , the poor boy has been checkmated before he really got going. If he comes out villifying Trudeau, Justin has the receipts and can make him look incompetent. If he exonerates Trudeau he looks weak and ineffective and leaves open the question about why we need ( and pay ) him. It all looked so easy but karma is a bitch.

  4. Anonymous4:00 PM

    In US QAnon and Russia disinformation active under cover. Atlantic and other mainstream media detailing activities alive to destroy democracy.
    In Canada there is a planning and organization under fake WE. The goal to create chaos in Canadian democracy by overthrowing Trudeau.
    In a year the easily duped Ottawa media won’t remember how to even explain WE.

  5. There is a hint of a scandal here. Rich people doing rich people things without thinking about how it looks to every Canadian. This was more a scandal the SNC laval, but on the beach it would be the same sandcastle make in kindgergateen but supposedly the opposition. SHAME SHAME for polluting the delicate body politic with such germs.

  6. Hi JW

    You are absolutely right about right-wing networks abusing fake scandals and control of media to topple democratic leaders. I have written extensively here in these comments about how the patterns regarding Justin Trudeau's "controversies" all seem to fit those applied to the Clintons and particularly Hillary Clinton.

    Clinton Cash, the speaking fees, the use of the Sanders cult (NDP) as pincer warfare and a kamikaze candidate to attack the centrist candidate, the "two solitudes" of messaging whereby the MSM reports on "corruption," a palatable narrative to pocketbook voters, while social media sausage makers get riled up with conspiracy theories about child abuse and crimes of a sexual nature.

    It all fits. Look up IDU, Harper, the Arthur Finkelstein method of political warfare, Steve Bannon's comments on "flooding the zone" and how Russia uses the "firehose of bullshit" propaganda method. That's the real corruption here. That's the "blind spot" that the MSM refuses to address. And certainly Jesse Brown, Canada's version of Matt Drudge with a sick 20-year vendetta aided and abetted by Conman Black.

  7. Sylvia J. Wilson8:31 PM

    As usual Simon you "nailed it". However, the Con's still did what they set out to accomplish and that was to do damage. Their supporters will only remember the wild, outlandish claims they've made against Trudeau and as usual completely ignore the "facts". They couldn't bring Trudeau down with their constant, vile attacks so they found a way to try to get at him by attacking his wife, mother and brother. What's next? Attack his children? Just when you don't think the Con's get go any lower? They do!!!!

  8. Sylvia, they already have attacked his kids. Not the party official -- not YET -- but their vile orcs online.

    First was, when Didi went dressed as Paw Patrol poodle for Halloween because he was wearing pink. I think it was Ezra who tweeted the phone number for Child Protective Services and the mob accused Justin and Sophie of trying to groom Didi to be transgender. A common phrase being used was "the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree".

    Didi babbled into a CBC reporter's microphone on Canada Day last year and commenters said he was just as r*t*ded as his father. It had been only a couple months prior that Rempelthinskin mocked Justin's bilingual stammer on the floor of the HoC. Just like Trump making fun of the disabled reporter and now, Joe Biden's speech impediment. Gone are the days when Cons were decimated to 2 seats after they made fun of Chretien's Bell's Palsy.

    Next was when someone threw an object at Justin during the Greta march in Montreal. I think it was an egg or water balloon or something. Xavier got scared and cried after seeing his dad attacked, and he was mocked for days on social media. Prior to that, a tweet sent to Ella last year on her birthday, was flooded with perverse garbage about FGM and "daddy having her 'ears' pierced" before she is forcibly converted to Islam.

    In 2018 Justin sent a tweet commemorating the 20th anniversary of his brother's death, and it was bombarded with comments saying that the wrong Trudeau died in an avalanche. So yes, they are even so low as to come after his dead brother. Reddit's metacanada is now gone but on some Canada Proud, yellow vest pages on Facebook, they write all sorts of garbage accusing Justin of raping Michel as a child while Pierre watched, and then ordering a hit to keep him quiet. It's sick.

    This is all happening in real time all over the Internet, and it's crickets from the media because they're running interference for the Cons. I am dead serious that the Con dark-money troll farm groups are using the WE story to feed QAnon conspiracies that the organization is a front for Justin to groom young kids. They have Epstein fever, and have latched onto the notion Margaret was pimped to Mick Jagger and Sophie is a Ghislaine Maxwell type, a madam who was going to sell Ella to Idris Elba. Thank you very much Robert Fife, you hack, for setting that spark in motion by retweeting Murdoch gossip rags back when Sophie got Covid-19.

    Scheer started this crap when he gave tacit approval to Pizzagate and hired Kinsella to float that trial balloon about Grey Point Academy. Then he did it again by dog-whistling on Power & Politics that the supposed "benefit" Trudeau gains is that he has an audience of young people. He knows damn well who he's playing to and how he couches his words.

    They're radicalizing people and they won't stop until he's dead or someone shoots up the kids' elementary school. I am sick over this whole thing and I have a pit in my stomach worried that PMJT won't survive until the end of the year or the next election. Heaven help us if Hurren gets out on bail, or some other sausage maker picks up where he left off and finishes the job of making mince meat of the PM. Then will the CBC be happy that they got their ratings coup?

  9. Anonymous10:30 PM

    The only thing missing on their CBCon faces is the reflection of dollar signs as their pay per click ad revenue and associated bonuses are slowly eroded away by the incoming tide. Scheer's expression on the other hand is way past dollar signs and he seems to be locked into some sort of destructive spiral of hate with Trudeau at the gravitational center. Although the incoming tide may disperse the grains of sand in this type of castle along the shore line its projection transcends time and can be reassembled in an instant. Hopefully as the result of repeated replications it will loose some of its virility and at some point in the future become nothing more than a minor memorial bump on the shoreline with multi generations of Scheers buried underneath.


  10. So I guess it isn't quite over yet. Trudeau is going to be asked more (repetitive) questions at QP on August 12, and Skippy and Charlie want to call every staffer in the PMO from the copy guy to the janitor to their farcical Benghazi committees.

    My hope is that a couple weeks off, hockey back on, and trepidation over school reopenings, will be enough for people to tune out whatever rerun coverage the media tries to puff into it. I don't remember the reaction to Aga Khan or how long it stayed in the news. Did people find it stale and move on to other things after about a month or so, even though Drona and co. kept making the circuit pressing for "answers"?

    So sick of this already. Quit beating a dead horse into glue. It's over. There's nothing new to report. Other than the fact that their Trudeau-derangement witch hunt may have destroyed the entire charity sector in Canada. Good job, DipperCons.

  11. I do want to say one more thing.

    I bet the people in Beirut today wouldn't give a fuck about some goddamn celebrity charity headline.

    The fact that the Canadian media is so myopically focused on this trivial minutiae shows just how "out of touch" and "elite" they really are with things that matter to real human lives. Watch this video and tell me this is less important than a cancelled aid program

    Vichy interviewed Leslyn Lewis the so-con nutbar who said Trudeau has lost people's trust. Delacourt is simping for the new management at ToryStar, while the Probe is wanking about optics and appears to have shifted the narrative to Trudeau being incompetent rather than corrupt. Meanwhile, a devastating explosion killed people, but it's not a story because it's just brown people halfway around the world. The fucking caucasity of the privileged press gallery just makes me fucking sick. THIS should be the top story. Charitygate is DONE.

    I am at a point where I abjectly hate media people and want them to have their own encounters with friendly sausage makers. See how they report on one of their own. Selfish pieces of shit.

  12. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Our corporate driven right wing media is a complete joke for calling this a scandal in the first place which reinforces the fact that balanced journalism is dead in this country. This is a scandal just because the Cons said so? No, the real scandal is a charity that's done great work in the past is now fighting for its existence because of Peckerhead and Schmeer's partisan witch hunt. I hope the Kielbergers sue the asses off all of them for the insinuations, the lies and damage this has caused the charity. I would love nothing more than to see Mr. voter suppression, racist, POS Poilievre and his sidekick Andy the embezzling fraud artist in court on slander and defamation charges.
    The sickening aspect of all this is that the party that's devoid of any ethics is once again grilling up some nothing burgers for our hapless media to drool over. I hope they choke on them. We're in the middle of a pandemic and that is what they should be focusing on. Not another fake scandal cooked up to sate the vengeful delusions of the soon to be homeless Andrew Scheer.

  13. Oh, I'm sick. I know I shouldn't freak out about polls outside of a writ drop but it's instinctual. Another poll shows even the testimony hasn't helped him. The damage has been done and facts don't matter. As Simon & Garfunkel said of "The Boxer" a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

    That being said, 1) SNC did damage too, but ultimately recovered; 2) I say bring on an early election and get this bullshit over with, because in the middle of a pandemic I just know it would backfire; and 3) if he does get tired of the smearing and negativity and calls it quits, or he gets pushed out the door, as far as I'm concerned, he has every right to walk away with his head held high.

    JD, I also wrote Trudeau to say that he should file a lawsuit as well, that he has my full support and I am 100% convinced he is yet again the innocent victim of a smear campaign just like Clinton and Biden (especially Clinton, Hillary that is). I was happy to receive a reply from his office saying my support was appreciated. I sincerely hope he does get lawyers involved, especially considered the vicious attacks upon his family. And that whatever he chooses to do in the near future, he's able to find some peace in his life.

    "Can anyone doubt this guy would have been a lot happier staying as a teacher?"

    No, I don't. Politics has become the refuge of scoundrels, and Cons and their enablers, including the garbage media, are completely devoid of ethics or concern for regular people. You have to be a real son of a bitch to get ahead in this profession. Justin Trudeau should be proud that he is a genuinely good person who has unfortunately been sent on the road to hell paved with the best of intentions. If the Liberals want to push out the man who rebuilt their party from scratch and pulled them from third place to victory, that's on them. My respect for backroom party brass is next to nil in the first place, but it would sink to less than zero were they to chew him up and spit him out as it appears they are clamoring to do.

    But I would reserve the utmost contempt for Schmear and Peckerhead, who, for all their bitching, bullying, and conspiracy theorizing about Trudeau's "access to youth" and never having done anything meaningful before entering public life, are career hacks who've never had a real job. They and either MacToole or O'Kay may end up getting a Pyrrhic victory in forcing Trudeau's early departure, but they'll be sorry they did and so will their feckless enablers Singh, Angus and that pervert Blanchet, if Freeland steps up and fires their shriveled nutsacks out of a cannon into the sun.

  14. Hi Jackie....Scheer is now looking more and more pathetic, and it’s only a matter of time before somebody figures out that he’s only sticking around as an ordinary MP because he wants to be the spiritual leader of the con’s large social conservative caucus. Both O’Toole and MacKay are doing what they can to try to win the support of the two social conservatives in the leadership race, so it will be called the Jesus Party and it will go down as such...

  15. Hi Ottlib....I agree, the WE affair doesn’t have enough in it to last very long. Nothing happened, no money was lost, it’s all hype and smear, and at a time when a deadly pandemic is still stalking the land, I can’t see Canadians getting excited about this worn out “scandal.” The real scandal is the media speaking with one voice as one might expect to see in a totalitarian country...

  16. Hi Rumleyfips ....I agree, the poor Con media stooges are just trying to please their corrupt bosses and hopefully avoid being tossed into the street for not trying to get Trudeau hard enough. The Ethics Commissioner is in a bind, but I have zero respect for Dion. like the others he’s just trying to justify his job, and his ruling on the WE is likely to resemble something out of Alice in Wonderland. Hopefully his decision will come while Scheer is still leader so he can play the Mad Hatter....

  17. Hi JW....I totally agree.. in a year’s time the media won’t remember what they were going on about. And long before that Canadians will tire of a fake scandal in the middle of a pandemic. Trudeau can rightfully claim that he was just trying to help more than 35,000 young Canadians in the middle of a pandemic, and there’s nothing the morally corrupt opposition can do about that....

  18. Hi Steve....Everything about this fake scandal has to be seen through the visor of a murderous pandemic. More than 35,000 young Canadians needed help in a hurry, and Trudeau cut a few corners to get it to them. The Con media blew the whole thing out of proportion and distracted the government at a critical time in the fight against the pandemic, and for that they can never be forgiven

  19. Hi Sylvia...thank you. And you’re right, the Cons have managed to damage the Liberals with their insane smear campaign. But I doubt the damage will be long lasting, Trudeau can rightfully claim he was just trying to help young Canadians, and since nothing happened, the Cons can try to keep hyping that fake scandal, but it will be like trying to blow up a balloon with a huge hole in it....

  20. Hi RT....I am greatly enjoying the ugly spectacle of a desperate Scheer watching the WE scandal waft away, and slowly realizing that he will not be able to destroy Justin Trudeau before his time is up. As for the CBC, they have some explaining to do, for they disgraced themselves and we need to find out where their Con bias is coming from. Especially since the Cons have made it clear they would defund the CBC if they should ever win another majority government.....

  21. Hi JD....nice to hear from you, and I agree with every word you wrote. The real scandal is that a decent children’s charity is now fighting for its life thanKs to the smearmongeriing of the Cons and their shabby media. The WE may not have been perfect but it has inspired tens of thousands of kids to think about others and try to remain faithful to our Canadian values. I know a couple of kids who have attended WE days and they truly believe in the good the organization is doing. So I feel bad for them and all the others, and the filthy Cons are going to pay for that...
