Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Covid-19 and the Smoking Gun

I was happy to be able to spend the last few days of my vacation on the Toronto islands, and go swimming for the first time this summer.

And although I was supposed to be in Scotland, visiting my parents.

And had been looking forward to getting far away from Canada, and trying to forget the horror of Covid-19, by breathing in the fresh air of the North Sea.

On a beach like this one, not far from my highland home.

But even if I had been able to go, I would have known that feeling wouldn't last long,

Because no matter how far you go, you can't get away from this monstrous killer.

For it's still all around us, it will be with us for years. And because not enough Canadians are wearing masks, or are acting like lunatics... 

It's surging again, even in places like British Columbia. 

And this fall and winter could be its most murderous season ever.

As for me my conscience is clear. My friends and I have been fighting the beast for months. 

And I've also done my best to convince people I know, and even total strangers, why Covid-19 is a deadly threat.

I carry pictures like this one of a lung ravaged by Covid around on my mobile...

As well as this picture of a tiny alveolus or air sac where you can see little blood clots sprouting like mushrooms.

Getting ready to set sail around the body, and damage  brains and/or hearts 

But most of all I have warned them about this smoking gun. 

Skeptics of the notion that the coronavirus spreads through the air — including many expert advisers to the World Health Organization — have held out for one missing piece of evidence: proof that floating respiratory droplets called aerosols contain live virus, and not just fragments of genetic material.

Now a team of virologists and aerosol scientists has produced exactly that confirmation of infectious virus in the air.

Because it changes EVERYTHING.

A research team at the University of Florida succeeded in isolating live virus from aerosols collected at a distance of seven to 16 feet from patients hospitalized with Covid-19 — farther than the six feet recommended in social distancing guidelines.

And makes wearing masks even more important.

But what chance do I and others have to change any minds, when so many Canadians are so deliberately and proudly ignorant? 

And most of them are filthy Cons:

Political affiliation is also correlated with a person’s categorization in the Index. Past CPC voters are four-times more likely to be Cynical Spreaders than those who voted for the Liberal Party or New Democratic Party in 2019.

Who not only satisfied with trying to destroy this country with their ghastly fake scandals, are now trying to kill as many people as possible.

And that's where I'll leave it, with this final warning.

Unless we can flatten the curve, and the filthy Cons, tens of thousands of Canadians could soon be taking a trolley to the morgue...

I hope and pray that won't happen, but from what I know and see I can't see how it can be avoided.

I can't see how anyone with a serious respiratory problem is going to survive for long.

And yes, if it does happen, it will have been  preventable...

I hope all the readers of this blog are safe, and I just want to say I'm happy to be back with you.

Please enjoy the last days of summer, because it's dying too.

And it like life itself, is too precious to be wasted... 


  1. I hope you're keeping safe too, Simon. It's going to be a long six months if and until Trump is ejected from the White House, and then it's a long haul to get the pandemic under even a modicum of control.

    That poll about Cons being Covid "skeptics" or "casual spreaders" doesn't surprise me in the least. While I'm enthusiastic about Trudeau and Freeland's plan for a massive overhaul of the social system using the pandemic as a backdrop, I'm keenly aware of the threat that Cons and their enablers pose. And yes, that goes for the NDP toom who are no doubt livid about the Liberals coming up to steal their thunder. They would rather end up with nothing and leave Covid victims "martyrs for the cause" than see a constructive concrete plan take shape, and the "centrists" get credit for it. We Statesiders, could have been well on the way to improving Obamacare had Sanders not thrown his tantrum four years ago. I know, party unity and all that, but for the long term I will still keep in my mind that the 150K+ people whose blood Trump has on his hands, that blood is on Sanders too. If the NDP sabotages the Maple New Deal because "Trudeau bad" and "muh revolution," then they have only themselves to blame.

    Public health is essential, and Cons just want to get rich off blood money by privatizing it and pandering to low-info rubes. They don't believe in "society," as Margaret Thatcher said. They're selfish and hyper individualistic, and a chunk of them are disbelievers of science. "Egghead stuff" clashes with suspicion about vaccines containing microchips or causing autism. Mask-wearing, did you see that protest in Montreal with people saying it was some kind of subversive plot to normalize Islamic face coverings. One hopes that reason ultimately prevails, but stupidity is the real stubborn pandemic that humanity has never been able to cure.

    Now as an aside will you have a post on the Maple New Deal, Chrystia's glass ceiling precedent, and the grumbling about prorogation? Seems to me that's exactly what the government needs to get out of the Benghazi Emails Clinton Cash trap and focus on more important things, like A PANDEMIC.

  2. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Isn't it nice to know that Toronto's "mandatory" mask bylaw is more of a suggestion? It provides exemptions for, among other things, a "medical condition, mental health condition, cognitive condition or disability that prevents wearing a mask or face covering." It then bars businesses from asking for proof of an exemption. To add insult to injury, it doesn't apply to businesses that are not open to the public, such as factories and offices. What a joke!

    I was in a store recently when a guy strolled in without a mask and told the clerk who challenged him that he was exempt. The clerk let him continue to wander around the store putting everyone at risk. Since the store had a sign outside saying masks were mandatory, I asked the manager to remove him for violating store policy. When the manager refused, I handed him my half-full shopping cart and left. If a store won't serve a shirtless customer, I see no reason why they'd make an exception for a more important article of clothing.

  3. anti maskers should be sterilized

  4. Hi Jackie... I'm keeping as safe as I can, but my mood has definitely improved. I know what I have to do to stay safe, and barring some accident I'm beginning to think I might survive. Which is more than I can say about this country, which thanks to the Cons and their NDP stooges and the grunting hogs in the media is in a real mess. Still, proroguing parliament will help, Pigeon Pierre Poilievre can squawk all he likes, but the Cons aren't going anywhere, and the NDP as you point out isn't either. I think Trudeau's New Deal will just about finish them off, and if they want an election I'm sure the Liberals will be only too happy to oblige. I'm also encouraged by what's happening in the U.S. I'm not going to declare victory yet, but Trump is looking more and more like a loser. So despite the Con lynching of Bill Morneau, and my bitter disappointment at not being able to get to Scotland, I'm ready for battle and determined to take no prisoners...

  5. Hi anon...I share your frustration. I can't understand why our mask laws are so lax, when the reasons for wearing them are more compelling every day. I would like to see those who don't wear them fined, but I admit that apart from giving the anti maskers dirty looks (which isn't easy with a mask on) I don't bother arguing with them since so many are either religious fanatics and/or mentally ill and I don't want to get killed, or lose my temper and kill them. Something will have to be done though, especially as flu season approaches, and masks are the best way to fight both illnesses. As I tried to explain in this post, I think we need to have a massive and very graphic PR campaign to really drive home what can happen to you if you get ill. And good for you for standing up for your rights and the rights of others...

  6. Hi Steve....I don't know about sterilizing them, but something needs to be done to forcefully discourage them before they kill more people. One idea I have suggested is that they be forced to get a doctor's note explaining why they can't wear a mask, and if they don't have one they should not be allowed into places like supermarkets. It's not fair for other customers, and above all those who work in them. I have to admit I'm more scared of supermarkets than I am of hospitals, and that's crazy...

  7. Good morning, Simon.......I've been self-isolating for quite sometime now.I'm in small town NS without a vehicle, so my biggest fear is getting food without meeting too many people in my travels...10 minute walk! Early morning is the best time to go and I plan ahead to how much I can carry and what I simply can't do without.....namely basics like coffee and blend cream! haha

    I spend most of my days reading, watching Netflix, chatting on the phone or online with special friends. Do housework when absolutely necessary! My bubble is very small!

    As long as my senior's cheque is deposited in my account, I'm OK! I'm blessed with good health so have much to be thankful for in this crazy world we are living in. My final comment: There is no or ever will be a vaccine for STUPIDITY!!!!!

  8. Anonymous9:50 AM

    As long as the leaders of our provinces allows these Covidiots to parade around maskless, which is basically giving the rest of us who follow the rules the middle finger, we will never get this virus under control. Even when a vaccine becomes available they will more than likely not take it. They are a clear and present danger to public health and need to be dealt with accordingly. An immediate minimum 2 week incarceration is a good place to start and being tested for the virus. If after 2 weeks they haven't learned the error of their ways then they should be moved to internment camps to live with their fellow Covidiots until the danger has passed. It may sound crude but what other choices do we have? School is about to start back up and the children of these Covidiots will also be back with the same attitudes as their moronic parents. I fear it will not end well.
    I know the likelihood of these measures taking place are about nil. Having said that, we will have to take great caution as we wait for the vaccine. Once we're vaccinated, the virus will still be attacking and killing non-vaccinated individuals and putting great stresses on an already stressed health care system. The Covidiot herd will be thinned up to the point where they either awaken from their stupor, or they're dead or severely debilitated. They will eventually reap what they sow.

  9. Why can't you go to Scotland? I was able to fly to Europe without much problems last month...?🤔

  10. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I think the thing to do is take pictures of the maskless, very convenient that you can see their faces. Ideally they will challenge your right to do so in a public place. It is simply collecting information so that if you get sick you have a good idea who did it, and either the government or vigilantes will go after them.

  11. Hi Marmalade....I’m glad that you are taking care of yourself.and doing your shopping in the morning is the right thing to do. Most shops do their cleaning after they close in the evening. I advise all seniors to do that and I haven’t lost one yet. Also studies show that older Canadians are able to handle self isolation better than younger ones, especially if you have friends to talk to on the phone. Maybe you could try Skype for an extra experience. Although then you have to look your best and that’s not always possible 😉

  12. Hi JD....I think you and I would make good commanders of the Covid concentration camps, because like you I often wish we had places where we could isolate the Covidiots for their sake and ours. The size of this country and the low quality of some of its premiers is a real problem. And some people are so dumb I despair for our collective future. I find myself dreaming about living in a small stone hut in the most barren part of the Highlands. But my mother told me that those isolated places have been invaded by hordes of English people in campers who don’t even bother to bag their garbage. As for vaccinations, I really do believe that governments have to be firm and find someway to force people to choose between vaccination or isolation. I am presently involved in encouraging seniors to sign up to get vaccinated including my Mum. She’s not an anti vaxxer just sceptical and stubborn. But she has signed up so victory!! These days I live for those small victories, and hopefully this nightmare will end some day. Take care of yourself...

  13. Hi Jsb....I have two problems, the airline I use to get to Glasgow is grounded, so I have two first-class tickets to nowhere. But the bigger problem is that the Scottish government is very strict and enforces quarantines with the help of the police. So I would have to spend my two weeks confined to my parents house and garden, for if the police should come by and find me away I could be fined more than a thousand pounds. But as soon as everything stabilizes I will drop everything and go....

    1. Germany they didn't ask for anything though when I arrived there in July...🤔

  14. Hi anon @9:36 pm....I don’t think citizens should do that, some of these anti maskers are crazy and violent so just suggesting they wear a mask could be dangerous. We need officials to do that, and what can do is find ways to collectively shame them. I’m surprised that we have so few ads onTV to get the message across. We have to do better...
