Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Ezra Levant Goes After Omar Khadr. Again.

Ezra Levant is the most grotesque bully I have ever encountered. A porcine right-wing extremist who peddles bigotry for profit.

And the money he makes attacking Justin Trudeau, is only matched by the money he makes attacking the former child soldier Omar Khadr.

So when he heard that Khadr would be part of a panel discussion on child soldiers at Dalhousie University, he set off for Halifax to confront the man he hates so much.

Only to find himself on the same plane.

And cause an ugly scandal at the airport...

After watching that video, I could only think of two things:

One, thank goodness for the professionalism of those Halifax police officers, who gently but firmly held Levant back, and exposed him as a bigot beast, again.

And two, thank goodness for Omar Khadr, who despite all the suffering he has endured... 

And despite all the abuse he continues to receive from our sleazy AmeriCons, is able to remain classy, and restrain himself. 

"I always have to carry myself in a very professional way and I have to carry myself in a way that I'm always trying to convince people that I'm not bad," said Khadr. 

 "I have to always be rational. I can't be emotional because I'm worried if I'm emotional people are going to think he's manipulative, and that's so burdensome."

"You can't live lightheartedly," he said. "Everything you do you have to be aware of what you are doing and it's tiring at some point."

Which can't be easy when confronted by an ugly bigot like Levant...

Especially when you know that greasy hate monger is only using you to make money.

And that he doesn't give a damn about the danger of inciting some of his many deranged and violent supporters to hurt you or your family.

But then, as Neil MacDonald suggests, it may just be that Levant is losing his marbles.

Or as I like to think, he tried to poison Canada and its values so feverishly, he ended up poisoning himself. Like so many dirty Cons do.

It's a pleasant thought, but let's not kid ourselves. Neither our country nor its values will be safe until we strengthen our anti-hate laws.

So we can send this hate mongering monster to the place where he belongs...


  1. Arrest this fucking terrorist and shut his website down.

    It's not sufficient to simply hope that he ends up like Rush Limbaugh.

    1. Hi Jackie....If we had the same anti-hate laws they have in Britain, Levant would have been out of business a long time ago. The Harper regime stripped away our ability to control those hate mongers, while at the same time encouraging them to act out. So if we don't do something and quickly things are only going to get worse....

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Ezra Levant paved the way for the Cons that we have today, and their party should really be called the Rebel Party. They are racist, they don't believe in the rights of women and gays, or the need to fight climate change. They are all far-right extremists and the sooner Canadians understand that, the better off we will all be.

    1. Hi anon....Yes, Ezra Levant did help shape the Cons. Not only did he make anti-Muslim bigotry a core Con value, his work with Ethical Oil helped turn it into the Oil Pimp Party. They are all human scum and more American than Canadian....

  3. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Given the atrocious upbringing no child should have to endure and given that Mr. Khadr has somehow managed to survive and rise above it all, I have to say. The only monster Levant has exposed for all to see is himself. A pitiful excuse of a man who feeds off of the misery of others in order to prop himself up. Ending up like Limbaugh may not be enough, Jackie. But it's a start.

    1. Hi JD... I wrote many posts on the Khadr case. My research convinced me that he could not have thrown the grenade that killed the special forces soldier. But my main point was that because he was a child soldier he never should have been tortured in a place like Guantanamo. I never received more death threats, but I refused to back down. We were the first to sign the U.N. Protocol on child soldiers and the first to violate it. And having the grotesque Levant persecuting Khadr to sell a book absolutely disgusted me, and made me even more determined to stand up for our Canadian values....

  4. While Ezra rants like a low budget Alex Jones, Khadr just laughs and smiles .I can hardly wait to vote for him for PM.

    1. Hi rumleyfips...l have been really impressed by the way Omar has grown into a fine young Canadian. And of course even more pleased to see that he is studying gombe a nurse. So he can treat others who were as badly wounded as he was....

  5. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Toxic Trudeau hater and Con lover Christie Blatchford has passed away.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Good riddance. The Con loving media is a slightly better place today.

    2. Hi anon....Yes, I saw the story. I'm sorry she died still relatively young, and apparently quite suddenly. But she was always a Con tool, so I won't miss her.....

    3. I feel the same as Simon. Yes she was a pistol but it was always pointed at a liberal head.

    4. ezra,christie it's a matter of degrees...
