Sunday, January 05, 2020

Donald Trump and the Rush to War With Iran

It couldn't be a more disturbing sight. The depraved Donald Trump soaking up the love of the religious right, bragging about the assassination of the Iranian general Qassim Suleimani.

And claiming he ordered the killing to stop a war.

When in fact the evidence suggests the opposite.

Red battle flags are being hoisted, the cries for revenge are deafening. 

It's already a strategic disaster.

And like most experts, this former national security adviser believes Trump's reckless move will have dire consequences.

One thing is clear: Americans are not safer, as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued on Fox News the morning after. Rather, American citizens are at greater risk of attack across a far wider battlefield than before.

And as Trump reacts to one attack after the other, avoiding a catastrophic all out war will be increasingly difficult.

When Iran does respond, its response will likely be multifaceted and occur at unpredictable times and in multiple places. President Trump will then face what may yet be the most consequential national security decision of his presidency. If he reacts with additional force, the risk is great that the confrontation will spiral into a wider military conflict. If he fails to react in kind, he will likely invite escalating Iranian aggression. 

It’s hard to envision how this ends short of war. 

Especially since Trump's threats have been escalating. 

“Iran has been nothing but a problem for many years,” Trump tweeted. “Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!”

And he sounds like he's losing his marbles.

His son Eric, who was tipped off about the killing before Congress was, called it a "big ol' can of whoop ass."

Some whoop ass, some maniac...

He's now telling his religious fanatics "I really believe we have God on our side."

But not even Godzilla can save him now. That's why he wants war so badly.

And why he must be removed from office by whatever means necessary.

Before he destroys us all...


  1. I was right that the Russia Gate was a total farce. The Ukranie was daily biz in the Game of Thrones World we live in. The bold move by Trump will not be met by anything. Lets look at home, Trump put his will over the NFTA treaty, we surrender.

    1. Hi Steve....You and Scheer should start a Trump Fan Club. But it won't change anything.. Trump is a dirty old man, a crook, a low bigot, and a traitor. And you should be ashamed of yourself for praising him in such a disgusting manner.....

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Trump's threats to hit FIFTY TWO different targets including cultural ones can only be seen as a sign that he is now too mentally ill to be allowed anywhere near the nuclear button. Anyone who doesn't get that is as crazy as he is.

    1. Wait, wear was it said that the 52 targets included cultural targets? I know Trump is a scumbag, but could he do something that fucking stupid? He'd turn most of Middle East against him, even alot of nations outside of the Middle East.

    2. Hi anon....I don't know why more Americans don't realize that Trump,is either mentally ill of suffering from the first symptoms of dementia. But all I can say is he never fooled me. No Con ever does...

    3. Hi Gyor....not only did Trump threaten to destroy Iran's cultural sites he has since doubled down on that, even though international law considers that a war crime. I've warned for years that Trump is medically unfit to be president, now it's probably too late...

  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    The 4 + 1 horsemen of the Conapocalypse otherwise known as the global mafia decided on how to divide up the middle east. Trouble is the 200 million Shiites as well as many others with a life or death stake in the outcome were not consulted and only represented through self appointed proxies. In response a game of "tit for tat" was started and has been slowly escalating. Recently its been " because you killed an American contractor I will raise you one and kill your highest ranking general...the next move is up to you". From Trump's myopic perspective its a perfect ploy. Attack Americans and Pavlov's patriotic response cements in Trumps leadership position, fail to respond and they are viewed as weak against the stable genius again cementing in Trump's position. Surely the Iranians must be smart enough to know that they cannot win a tit for tat game against a mafioso mentality that has far superior firepower; that is unless they are suicidal and saving face is everything. Hopefully for the sake of humanity the Iranians will pause and abandon the "tit for tat" game although it was semi effective in the past against more sophisticated game masters. That was then this is now, Trump has brought the game down to a very simplistic level with his methods and motives entirely transparent for others to read and manipulate to their advantage if they can ignore the ding ding of Pavlov's dinner bell. Time will tell but for all of us lets hope that in spite of all of their bluster the Iranians are not suicidal.


    1. Hi RT....Unfortunately the Iranians are the kind of people who welcome martyrdom, and may very well do something suicidal. But there are many ways they can damage western interests without being too obvious by using their many proxies. And the whole thing is so unnecessary and insane. The Iranians, the Russians and the Chinese are holding joint military exercises today so the chances that Trump's folly could get out of control is something everyone should worry about..l

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The first picture of Trump being blessed, exorcised or wirelessly charged by those religious leaders is incredibly disturbing and hypocritical when given the pussy-grabber's record of indecency. Forgive and forget and their fortunes will amass, I'll bet.
    As for Trump wanting to end the endless wars, well, he ensured that will never happen in the foreseeable future, if ever, and his assertions that this will make Americans safer is a complete load of bullshit. He just painted an even bigger, neon blinking bullseye on any American serving in the middle east so if they were feeling somewhat safe before, I bet they're now engulfed with paranoia and sleeping with one eye open.

    1. Hi JD....I was stunned to see pussy grabber praying with those corrupt Christians after having taken steps to drench the world with the blood of the innocent. The notion that killing an Iranian hero will make the world safer is simply insane. But there is some good news. Trump has been forced to beg the evangelicals not to abandon him because apparently many have been doing just that. So who knows maybe some of them really are Christians...
