Thursday, November 28, 2019

Will Andrew Scheer Be Able To Save His Job?

As you may have noticed Andrew Scheer has been keeping a very low profile, and hasn't been seen in public for a long, long, time.

But then who can blame him after what Warren Kinsella said about him in those secret recordings? 

"They (the Liberals) are heading towards winter. He's going to start saying all kinds of stuff to save his ass," Kinsella says of Trudeau, adding that Scheer "just needs to maintain a pulse" to win the election.

And all those people out there who are now wondering whether he still has a pulse, and whether he can still save his job. 

For although Scheer is still insisting that he's staying.

"I am staying on to fight the fight Canadians elected us to do," said Scheer speaking to reporters.

"Now is not the time for internal divisions or internal party politics – that is an unfortunate part of the Conservative tradition in this country."

Many Cons like Stephen Harper's former flak Andrew MacDougall, wonder whether Scheer really understands why he lost the election.
The Conservatives lost the last election because their platform was thin gruel served up by a man who wouldn’t stand out in a crowd if he showed up to a Pride parade dressed as a Catholic priest. 

Whether he really understands why so many Canadians don't trust him.

Of course, a big part of Scheer’s problem is that the one role Canadians do buy him in is that of the Catholic priest. 

To watch Scheer become visibly distressed every time someone asks him about gay people is to understand how those Japanese soldiers must have felt when they finally came out of the jungles of Guam 28 years after the end of World War II to find out the world had changed without them.

And why he believes Scheer needs an urgent makeover.

What we do know is that making cosmetic changes like swapping some of the help won’t be enough. Homeboy needs a serious makeover; the kind people make TV shows about. It’s time to swing for the fences and sock that dinger Scheer talked about in the last campaign.

But the last time Scheer swung for the fences, and claimed victory...

Most pundits in Quebec declared it was the night he lost the province. and probably the election. He was that bad. 

And besides, will even a radical makeover save him from all the Cons who want him to resign? 

A group of prominent Conservatives is setting up a non-profit organization to campaign for the immediate ouster of Andrew Scheer as federal party Leader. 

“When a political leader fails, they resign,” the Conservative Victory website reads. “Andrew Scheer should immediately step aside as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.”

I don't think so, but then there's this.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is appointing a Toronto-area MP who crossed the floor from the Liberals just over a year ago as his new deputy leader. 

The Canadian Press has learned that Leona Alleslev will be named this morning to replace former deputy leader Lisa Raitt, a longtime MP who lost her own Toronto-area seat in the October election.

Which suggests that Scheer doesn't want a deputy leader who could challenge him for the leadership.

Even if appointing a Liberal defector is sure to enrage other members of the Con Caucus.

And all I can say is, after all he has done to debase this country, and the decent people who live in it.

May the Ugly American have the ugly Christmas he so richly deserves...  


  1. Happy American Thanksgiving, Simon. Stick a fork in this turkey, he's done. Trump won't be pardoning him for his sins anytime soon either.

    But I'd love to get your take on Mr. Ford going to Washington as the new Sith apprentice in training. Yippie kai yay and ho ho ho...

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Hi Jackie, Ford, Kenney, and Moe are killing the Con brand. My prediction? In about 18-24 months the liberals will engineer their own defeat and ask Canadians for a majority to deal with the two fat out of control bookends (Kenney and Ford) and voters will oblige because they want a check on both.

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Happy Thanksgiving, Jackie. Scheer's done indeed. An (in)appropriate carol for Andy's leadership review, "Scheer's nuts roasting on an open fire, daggers poking in his back...".

    3. HI Jackie....Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!! The American people are going through a very dark time but the bestial Con Trump will be brought down sooner or later, and his downfall will herald the beginning of a new progressive era. There is no room for Cons in this world, the planet can't afford them, and the sooner they become extinct the better....

    4. Hi anon@1:36 pm....I think you may be right. The hardest part for the Trudeau Liberals will be holding off an election call, for when it comes they will almost certainly get another majority and it will probably be bigger than the first one....

  2. You know who is praying that Scheer keeps his job? Trudeau. Because if they get rid of Social Conservative Scheer for say someone like John Tory or Peter Makay, who the Liberals won't be able scare folks with, Trudeau is fucked, because a good chunk of folks will remember how promised hope and change and then delivered blackmail and extortion and without a boogeyman, they will be able to take their revenge.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM


    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      As long as Singh is still there, Trudeau will win.

    3. The Conservatives will not elect John Tory as their leader. Peter Mackay might have a shot but the social conservatives have made progress in taking over the Party, with the circumspect socon Stephen Harper followed by the more open one in Mr. Scheer. They will not want to reverse that progress.

      If no other viable and prominent socon appears between now and April I believe the social conservatives will stick with Mr. Scheer and they will push him over the 50% he needs to hang on.

      So, any Dipper living in hope that the Conservatives will somehow save the NDP from the folly of Mr. Singh's leadership is in for a major disappointment.

    4. Yeah, I'm old enough to remember when the GOP's "autopsy" after failing to satisfy Moscow Mitch's wet dream of making Barack Obama a one-term president was going to lead to a Kasich and Rubio ticket. If the Republicans doubled down on stupid, why would their inbred Canadian cousins, who share the same advisors and partial brain cell, "do politics differently"? At least now there's precedent for Canadians to look at to avoid a 2016 repeat and elect Doug Trump!

      Besides, blackmail and extortion sounds more like the Con tactics of Bernbro anarcho-shit disturbers who want to see RepubliCons destroy everything the Liberals/Democrats worked hard for out of Scheer pettiness and a sick desire for populist revolution. Beatings will continue until the Dippers form government or Bernie becomes president of the revolutionary Politburo. So basically, until porcine mammals sprout wings and become airborne, or whichever comes first.

      Horseshoe theory posits that the Dippers and Cons alike "share the same goals" just like Andy and Doug did. That goal is to see the Liberals lose, the rational center collapse and the contradictions be heightened, and Trudeau be defamed and disgraced the same way Sanderista saboteurs like Greenwald and Bragman are trying to retcon Obama as a duplicitous villain who abandoned the grassroots and abused public office to elevate his own celebrity status off the backs of everyday people. As far as you're concerned, Trudeau is just Trump with a better figure that he doesn't have to Photoshop onto Rocky Balboa, and of course, better hair. But not much else besides a pretty picture. How'd that line of attack work for Tom and Steve in 2015?

      Your rhetoric and your target of hatred is practically identical, as is your willingness to ignore or downplay the very real accomplishments of this prime minister and his team because they don't meet your unrealistic standards. Your invocation of "how's that hopey changey thing goin' for ya" is a Sarah Palin meme. Da tovarisch, I can see Russia from my house too, so why don't you just change the NDP's name to the Copy Cat Conservative Progressives or CCCP?

    5. Hi Gyor....You're right about Trudeau wanting Scheer to keep his job, as do I, for as long as he is leader the Cons will go nowhere. But you're wrong if you think that some moderate like John Tory will be able to replace him. As even Lisa Raitt said today, the Cons are not the party they once were. They are basically a uber right wing populist party more influenced by Trump than anyone else. And since Jiggy Singh will never be Prime Minister ( I saw him on TV today and he was terrible) I honestly believe that Trudeau will be PM until at least 2027. So I would stop dreaming of revenge, and surrender to the inevitable...

    6. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Hi Gyor.... Searched for Trudeau extortion and blackmail on the web and the only thing I could find was an article about the Tony Gazebo sexting blackmail affair and some opinion piece about if Trudeau is elected Alberta will separate but it should not be considered blackmail. Perhaps you have a special window to an alternative universe or fictional land where everything is what you imagine. Would appreciate a link as Google is so boring.


    7. Hi JD....Thanks for that Everly Brothers video. I hope Gyor finds it soothing especially the chorus "dream,dream,dream,dream...."

    8. Hi Jackie....please forgive Gyor, he knows not what he says. Like so many other Dippers and Cons he was sure Justin Trudeau was going to lose, and his bitter disappointment has him seeing things. As I told him I saw Jagmeet Singh on TV today and I was shocked. He clearly does not not know what he is talking about, and he is sounding more like a Con every day. Pity, I had such high hopes for him..l

    9. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Read the speech Leona Alleslev made when she crossed the floor. She certainly knows all of the Con code words to inspire the hands off my money crowd while sounding like its the elixir of prosperity for the masses. Normally these Cons do fairly well with their enema sales and kickbacks until the crowd gets tired of the rich life. With Scheer and the thumpers in the drivers seat its hard to predict how the revised 2 for 1 deal of a religious state with prosperity as a after thought will work outside the evangelical crowd. Especially with Dougie selling the same brand of bottled prosperity on every street corner. Just imagine what it will be like when all of this comes to pass, Ontario a super virtuous and prosperous mini heaven right here on earth!


  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Poor Andy, caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, it's clear what the Con boss wants - former Harper catchfarts Kory Teneycke and Andrew MacDougall have both told Scheer to get packing. And on the other hand, She Who Must Be Obeyed is telling him that he better not leave her and 5 sprogs without the butler and the maid and the servantry. It might take Arthur Hamilton to evict Scheer from Stornoway.

    1. Hi anon....You're right about Andy Pandy being caught between a rock and a hard place. But it's going to take more than Arthur Hamilton to evict Scheer from Stornoway. I fear it may take a SWAT squad and lots of tear gas...💥💥💥

    2. Anonymous9:36 PM

      LOL! The real problem is that Scheer has no private-sector connections or skills to fall back on, so he'll barricade himself into the place. Even a dufus like Mike Harris was better positioned to leave politics. At least he could call in favours and get board positions with the companies he'd helped during his two terms in office. Scheer doesn't even have an insurance license, has no favours to call in, and even the wingnut welfare system will have trouble placing him in a think tank. He'd better pray that Opus Dei comes through with something.

  4. Anonymous4:39 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry Con....I'm afraid I got tired of having you a depraved troll calling me and my readers trolls. Like most Cons these day you are a filthy creature and this blog is reserved for decent Canadians. I realize you are still recovering from the way Justin Trudeau humiliated your Ugly American, but don't come and cry on my shoulder because I have absolutely no sympathy for you and your bigoted brethren...

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Sorry Con or troll or whatever you call yourself. I know you're in terrible pain, but please don't come here anymore looking for sympathy, because I'm enjoying it too much....😀

  5. It is amazing to me that Mr. Kinsella could have misread the political situation to badly. He is a political professional, having made a living in politics for decades, while I am a rank amateur and I was closer to predicting the final outcome of the election than he was.

    In the late '90s, the wheels seemed to be falling off of the Liberal bus and many Liberals were worried that PM Chretien was yesterday's man and that the young, vibrant Stockwell Day would bring the Reform Party to the Promised Land. Mr. Chretien famously labeled those Liberals as "nervous nellies" and got on with governing. Although Mr. Trudeau did not call anybody names he was facing a similar situation this year. The parallels were apparent. It would appear Mr. Kinsella might have missed them.

    When you are a professional in politics you can only be publicly wrong a small number of times before you have to start looking for a new profession. Mr. Kinsella might have just reduced that number by one.

    1. Hi ottlib....I deliberately chose tomstaybawaybfrom the Kinsella story because I truly believed he was having some kind of nervous breakdown and didn't want anybody to think that I was taking advantage of him. But you're right he probably should be looking for a new profession. In my opinion he has blown what was left of his reputation right out of the window, and he has nowhere to go but down. Sad...

    2. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Kinsella is blinded by his hatred of JT. It's the only thing that motivates him. His days as a skilled political operative are long past. It strains credulity to believe he was working on a smear campaign to discredit Bernier because he wanted to "expose racism" when the PPC's racism was an open secret. There was nothing to expose. What else was Kinsella doing. How did Time really get those blackface photos and who was feeding the Buffalo Chronicle stories? Who started the rumour that JT left VPG because of "inappropriate" conduct with a student? Who started the rumour about an NDA? Hopefully Kinsella's reputation is so in tatters he is finished in the political arena.

    3. @anon 9:04 -- Don't forget Kokaneegate and his subsequent doxing of the Creston Valley reporter who wanted nothing to do with the story, and his later attempted doxing of Twitter user "Patty O'Limerick" during the SNC fiasco at the behest of his ex-wife's gal pal Lisa Raitt. It's practically an open secret that Daisy was behind the leak to Fife in the first place. The steady drip-drip to sycophantic media is his M.O., while the photo of JWR hugging Lisa Kinsella after her drama-queen "truth-teller" testimony spoke volumes and was what triggered the swarm on Patty when she tweeted it to her ~10K followers. A mere day after the story about the exorbitant expenses to fly JWR's Fraser Institute husband all over the country for lobbying meetings comes another leak to Fife about SNC, timed right on the same day as the writ drop to do maximum damage. A week later comes Aladdingate, followed by that cryptic tweet "nighty night, Prime Minister" with a photo of a stack of WPG yearbooks, and then the lowest of the low "insinuations" that ran in his Sun column, Buffalo Chronicle and True North News. Every one of Trudeau's fake scandals has had Kinsella's dirty fingerprints all over it. I'd say Trudeau should sue him for reputational damage, but it might be better to just move on and let Kinsella rot in his own hate-filled bile until it eats him up into oblivion. Justin's truth, which is the actual truth, will come out in a subsequent second book much later in his life and career.

  6. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Concerned that Scheer still hasn't got the message, Harper unleashes his pitbull: "It looks like Andrew right now would like to remain as leader. I do not think, though, it is in his best interests or the best interests of the party," Jenni Byrne told CBC News Wednesday. LOL!

  7. This is a good read. Clearly the socons want an unapologetic Bible humper at the helm who isn't a wishy-washy Charlie Brown. If Andy fights it out until April, they're going to burn the convention in hellfire. Now the Con media is in panic mode, including DicklessPW on suicide watch, seeing the lunatics having taken over the country club and turned it into a free-range insane asylum. It couldn't happen to a more deserving group of assholes. Moar popcorn plz. Jesus take the wheel.

    “A lot of social conservatives have no interest whatsoever in backing Andrew Scheer,” ex-Conservative MP and defeated leadership candidate Brad Trost told The Globe and Mail. Charles McVety, president of Canada Christian College, takes a similar view, and is leading 1,100 pastors and “mobilizing Christians across the country” for an eventual leadership race.

    A significant portion of the Conservative caucus may support that effort: anti-abortion groups Campaign Life Coalition and Right Now claim to have helped elect 45 anti-abortion Tory MPs.

    If all their efforts come to fruition, it is possible that Scheer could be replaced by a more forcefully pro-life leader, backed by single-issue faith-based groups.

    Let’s not mince words: that would be the death knell for the Conservative party.

    In the words of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, "make it so!"

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      The humpers were always meant to be a useful idiot voting block for the moneyed gang. The reformers temporarily changed the order but Scheer is on the wrong side of the conflict. How they manage the ouster/crucifixion without getting mud on their boots will be interesting. Statues and park names are likely out so perhaps a $$ job in the mail room at the Fraser institute or something similar.

