Monday, September 02, 2019

The Political Pornography of Andrew Scheer And His Cons

As I'm sure you all know, whenever Andrew Scheer feels cornered and desperate, he crawls on all fours through the gutter, and exposes his inner depravity. 

Like he did back in 2004 in his first political contest, when he accused his opponent, the decent Lorne Nystrom, of being "soft on child pornography" for no sane reason.

The smear was as fraudulent as Scheer himself, but it did help win him a ticket to parliament.

So now that he's in danger of losing, and desperate, he's at it again.

Suggesting that Justin Trudeau might let James Venables, a child killer and convicted pedophile, into Canada.

Even though a foreigner with Venables' criminal record would never be allowed into this country.

And even though the Canadian government, TWO full months ago, made that abundantly clear. 

The federal government has effectively closed the door on any prospect of notorious U.K. child-killer Jon Venables being relocated to Canada after the British press reported rumours such a move was under consideration.

Privately, an official made clear that one of Britain’s most reviled criminals is not coming to Canada. “The reality is he (Venables) won’t get into the country. At the end of the day, protecting citizens of our country is the foremost thing. He represents a threat to national security,” said the official.

If Scheer didn't know that he is criminally incompetent. If he did know, and still tried to smear Trudeau, he is nothing more than a political pornographer.

One no better than his good buddy Ezra Levant.

That other ghastly Con freak who harvests fear and hate for money, like Scheer harvests fear and hate for votes.

He never should have won that first election. He must for the sake of our country lose the next one.

And for violating our country and its values, he should be shunned by all decent Canadians... 


  1. The close ties between Sheer-idiocy and Ezra ( hamish ) are well documemted . It seems Ezra will be running the campaign for the reformatories .

    1. Hi rumleyfips....It does seem that Scheer and his darling Hamish are pulling out all the stops. I saw a Twitter message from Pierre Poilievre praising Marshall, but I still consider him to be a mortal threat to our political process. A sleazy bastard if ever there was one...

  2. Scheer is seriously disturbed and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up having his own bozo eruption some point later in life. Whether or not it's during this election cycle is anyone's guess, but we all know these self-righteous religious fanatics obsessed with sex and rigid morality have a tendency to get caught in their own peccadillos sooner rather than later. A live boy, a dead girl, or both. The Larry Craig rule. It would seem that the more Canadians get to know him, the less they like him, regardless of their misgivings about or disappointments with Trudeau. Hopefully that creep factor is what ends up being his downfall.

    1. Hi Jackie....I also believe that Scheer is deeply disturbed, but mainly in the manner of a religious fanatic. In the name of that "higher" purpose he believes the end justifies the means, and I truly believe he is capable of anything...

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Desperation is setting in when Schmear starts peddling absurd conspiracy theories and fake news. It may work well on the Con base of slack jawed yokels but little else. In fact, this will backfire on Scheer as he insults our intelligence once again with a morsel of crap from his cornucopia of bullshit.

    1. Hi JD...I do think that Scheer is desperate. Just a few months ago it looked like him and his grubbly Cons might be heading for a majority. But now that majority must appear like nothing more than a mirage. I'm still confident that the decent Justin Trudeau will prevail, but with the Con media still displaying its sickening bias, it's going to be a hard struggle...

  4. More "tough-on-crime" Conservative Party b.s. - when they were last in power they had no problem fast-tracking Conrad Black into this country directly upon release from a federal U.S. prison, a white collar criminal who had renounced his Canadian citizenship - but then white collar criminals are the Conservatives kind of people.

    1. Hi Unknown....You are right about that, white collar criminals are usually Cons. Which isn't surprising since their political platforms are little more than paeans to human greed. We can't afford them and neither can the planet...

  5. Some related news from the mother country today: Hope Not Hate charity has filed a formal complaint with the Ottawa Police requesting charges of hate speech against Rebel Media.

    Has to do with the Tommy Robinson trial rather than this dug-up fake news piece. Sure would be nice if tough-on-crime Sheriff Andy ends up guilty-by-association for his ties to the entire criminal crew.

    Also, Boris lost his majority when a Remainer Tory crossed the floor to the LibDems, so a reminder of yet another losing horse (jackass) that weak Andy backed.

    Let's hope Harper's project continues to crumble in his own country too.

    1. HI Jackie....I don't expect that complaint against Rebel Media to get very far because our hate laws are so pathetically weak, but Richard Warman who filed that complaint is one of my heroes. He has taken down one right winger after the other, and has forced Ezra Levant to publicly apologize before. So who knows what might happen ? And one thing is for sure Hamish Marshall is going to be forced into the light of day and he'll really hate that...

  6. Anonymous10:12 PM

    After the end of the Cold War, you could sell things to people from former Warsaw Pact countries the same way as we did here in the 1950s. A guy in a nice suit says the car is good, you go and buy it. The lady in a nice dress (not evening dress but the kind you imagine doing housework in like Mrs Cleaver might wear) says the fridge is the best, you buy it. It took many years here to realize how the ads were manipulating us, while in the former East block it only took a few years because people there would talk with their relatives here and get a fast lesson in media literacy.

    The same thing happened with the US 2016 election. Nobody had any idea that 300 likes was enough to build a comprehensive profile of anyone, and nobody realized facebook made it possible to use such profiles to produce many targeted ads that could work on specific people's specific fears and wants, while not offending everyone else since they would not see them.

    So today, everyone is aware of this kind of manipulation and it makes it a lot harder for it to work. Instead of blowing it off, or keeping it quiet out of fear (fostered by the ads making you fear reprisal by the "enemy" if you publicize the "truth" that is revealed to you alone in the ads), people now call out the bull being passed around if it happens to make it into their feed. You won't change minds of the hard core believers, but they people they are targeting will certainly listen to refutations of the lies they are being fed.

    1. Hi anon @10:12 PM...You make a persuasive case, but I'm not sure I share your optimism. For while it's true that people are more aware of the dangers of the Internet, many more are not and can be easily fooled. There are also more bots and fake news sites than I have ever seen, and there can be no doubt that foreign actors are involved. A couple of police officers I know tell me they've heard of a major investigation coming down the pike, but will it happen in time for the election?

  7. Postmafia distributing more incendiary fake news today. Once again it promotes a xenophobic narrative about Trudeau's "failures" on, what else, immigration. This time it's about Muslims (big surprise) rather than a white British guy. Published in, hm, the Jerusalem Post. Credible natsec analysts picked it up as a red flag.

    Now why would someone like Bibi stand to benefit from his country's equivalent of Fox News throwing a monkey wrench in the Canadian election? Hm, could it be because he's hanging on by a thread in his own government, and because he's an IDU guy and the chairman's preferred candidate has promised to follow the Chosen One in moving Canada's embassy to Jerusalem to usher in the end times?

    Remind me again who is the chairman of IDU and why might he want to see someone named Trudeau be undermined in a close election? Remind me again if in 2015 that guy oversaw fake news about Muslims being published in Breitbart? Remind me again if Canada has its own equivalent of Breitbart run by an Islamophobic hatemonger and whose colleague is a data-mining incel creep currently in charge of the Rebel/IDU Party's campaign?

    If the Liberals win another majority, they need to shut Rebel and Postmafia down, declare the IDU a terrorist organization, and ban Harper from ever entering the country because of his activities abroad. He and Paul Manafort, two international saboteurs with a "snake-skin jacket" they can't fully take off.

  8. When the CPC was created Stephen Harper made the strategic choice of making certain the spotlight was always on his Liberal opponents and not on himself. The reason is that whenever the spotlight was shined on Mr. Harper it was not pretty and he knew it.

    So we were given "Not a Leader", "Just Visiting" and "Just Not Ready". It was an effective strategy for a time but it failed miserably in 2015.

    That should have been a clue to Conservatives to choose a leader who could take the spotlight. However, it is increasingly apparent that when it is shone on Mr. Scheer it is not any prettier, as his latest problems with trying to deal with the abortion and SSM issues demonstrate.

    So it should come as no surprise that the Conservatives trotted out something in an attempt to shift the spotlight once again away from Mr. Scheer to Mr. Trudeau. Mind you, I believe that it not going to be any more successful than 2015 because Mr. Trudeau seems to thrive on the attention.

    It should be noted that in the past the efforts to keep to focus on the Liberal leader were always efforts to convince the largest number of people that they were not worthy. This latest effort was not such an effort. An easily refutable accusation will not have a big impact on non-Conservatives, but Conservatives will eat it up.

    Considering the target of the Venables tweet and the fact the video of Stephen Harper was targeted at Conservative voters I am beginning to wonder if the Conservatives' internal polling is telling them that their base is not nearly as secure as they would like.

  9. Hi Ottlib....I must admit that I was stunned by Scheer's a enable tweet. I remembered John Ivison's article so I couldn't figure out what Scheer was trying to do. Maybe as you suggest, he was playing to his base, but I think it more likely that he was aiming his fake message at women, who support the Liberals by a large margin over the Cons. But whatever the reason it's absolutely disgusting, and for that alone Scheer is unfit to be prime minister...

  10. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Despite my dislike of Trump's policies, I for one like his fuck you attitude even when directed against my views. A lot like Justin's father, and I think we will see some of this come out from Justin but only when truly justified by something extreme from Scheer. Such as him trying to echo Mulroney's indignant "you had an option sir!", and Justin says "you had an option too, you could have discussed the issues instead of trying to get a soundbite for your attack ads. Why don't you grow up, you pandering buffoon!"
