Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Amazing Voyage of Greta Thunberg

I greatly admire Greta Thunberg the Swedish teenager who has mobilized millions of young people to fight climate change.

And as you probably know I love sailing.

So needless to say I really love this story.

A story that began two weeks ago when Thunberg departed Plymouth and set sail for New York in this amazing zero emissions boat. 

Although the boat is fast, it is definitely not comfortable. 

But that didn't bother Greta, or prevent her from reminding people what the struggle is all about.

The climate change denying right wingers are always trying to demonize her. And they deluged her with ugly comments hoping that the boat would sink, and she would drown.

But as she has shown since she launched her school strike they can't intimidate her.

And the North Atlantic couldn't either. Sailing across the North Atlantic at this time of year can be risky. I would have to think twice before doing it. But she wasn't scared.

Then early this morning the first sight of land.

And the amazing voyage of Greta Thunberg was over.

And I only wish I was on one of these sailing boats who came out to greet her.

But of course the real voyage of this remarkable young woman is only beginning.

She will keep on mobilizing people, and she will help save the world...


  1. I'm thrilled, and hope she will make it here to Montréal, where the demo was one of the largest, though we certainly aren't NYC, let alone Sao Paulo or CDMX (Ciudad Mexico). I took part in it and was very proud to have been among the oldies there.

    1. Hi lagatta....I remember seeing the pictures of that demo and I think it was the biggest one I've ever seen. Greta would have been very pleased...

  2. I'm waiting for Kenney to attack her for being a "foreign funded environmentalist" and Ford to make fun of her being autistic.

    I have an idea, can we put all the Cons on Kevin O'Leary's boat? Asking for a planet and a rainforest in dire straits...

    1. Hi Jackie...I wouldn't be surprised if Kenney did attack her, like so many other climate change deniers have. I have had to delete about a dozen incredibly ugly comments aimed at that child. It's beyond belief,bullying of the worst kind and I loathe bullies....

    2. Looks like Max beat them both to the punch. Saw this just today.

      Noted climatologist Max Bernier continues his 100% success rate proving the scientific hypothesis that Max Bernier is an idiot.

  3. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Queen Greta of the House Thunberg, the First of Her Name, Savior of Animals, Devourer of Plants, Autism Redeemer and Protector of the Nice Weather is here.

    Bow before your queen.

    1. Hi anon....You really should be ashamed of yourself mocking a young girl. Have you no decency? Greta is a model for millions of people, while you sound like a loser...

  4. Queen Thunberg here to absolve us of our carbon sins.

    1. Hi Frank....I think the way that young woman handles herself is something to be admired not mocked. But you on the other hand are no doubt a climate change denier, and can't be mocked enough...

    2. Hi lagatta....I had to delete about a dozen vulgar comments like the one you complained about in a comment. Unfortunately in the process of deleting the piggy comments which had been approved accidentally by a friend in my absence I accidentally deleted yours. Sorry.

  5. This idiot right here. Australian, so probably an LNP voter. Bogan.

    Rempel making fun of Trudeau's speech impediment, other Cons and their troll mob making fun of his mom's bipolar disorder, and Trump making fun of the reporter who had ALS, are the kind of Action T4 ableist bullying that pushes disabled people to commit suicide. Look at the poor kid with ADHD in Winnipeg. Now the pile-on against Thunberg just adds to it. Proud of yourselves, you sadistic assholes?

    This poor girl. I don't know why she even bothers. Saving the planet is one thing -- the plants, the land, the animals, fine. But the naked apes? The antisocial species that invented "social" media? After seeing this, I'm starting to agree with George Carlin on this issue:

    "The planet will be fine. The people are fucked."

    1. Hi Jackie...As you know Greta has Asperger's syndrome, but her inner strength is amazing, and she knows like I do that we can never surrender to,bullies. Bullies must be beaten period.
