Saturday, August 31, 2019

Has Anybody Seen The Fake Scandal?

Has anybody seen the fake scandal? You know, the scandal that was supposed to finish off Justin Trudeau and his Liberals.

The one Andrew Scheer has been desperately looking for to try to boost his sagging polls.

One moment it was huge. Or in the words of the Con media YUUUUUUUUGE.

The next moment it was missing.

Or should I say the next moment Jody Wilson-Raybould was missing, because this doesn't look promising. 

Mainstreet Research’s latest poll for iPolitics shows Jody Wilson-Raybould is facing a tough fight to hold on to her Vancouver riding, with the former attorney general narrowly trailing Liberal candidate Taleeb Noormohamed. 

The 493-person phone survey of voters in Vancouver Granville, conducted between Aug. 27-28, has Noormohamed leading the pack with 28.6 per cent of support, with Wilson-Raybould close behind at 26 per cent.

Wilson-Raybould won her riding easily in the 2015 election.

But this time it looks like it's going to be a whole lot harder.

And whatever you do, please don't ask how Jane Philpott is doing, because I'm afraid she's looking even worse...

And I'm going to have to put a black border around these projections.

Or hang a Do Not Resuscitate sign at the end of the bed. Sad.

But of course there is still time to hope for a miracle. 

Maybe Wilson-Raybould's book launch strategically timed for just a couple of weeks before the election will get her back in the news again...

But somehow I doubt it, I hear it's REALLY boring.

Although I'm sure Andrew Scheer will be buying up a lot of remaindered copies to throw on the fake scandal bonfire.

But of course the more he does that the greater the chance Jody will lose.

And the moral of this sad story?

They could have been contenders, they could have contributed a lot to this country.

But they let their egos get in the way, they hung out with all the wrong people.

They forgot that Justin Trudeau is way more popular than they are...

And that he's the only one who can defeat the Con fascists.

So they took a wrong turn, and off the cliff they went...


  1. I'm not convinced that JWR had much to offer, but it's too bad Philpot chose political suicide.

    1. Hi rumleyfips....I agree. Unlike JWR was a good minister and could have done so much to help the indigenous people of this country. But she got infatuated with one of them, and turned a minor scandal into a sorority game, to advance JWR's political ambitions. And in the process the only leader who can save us fro Scheer and his misogynistic, homophobic fascists, for which they are the ones who should apologize not Justin Trudeau....

  2. I hope so too, but of course I don't want to count any chickens. But it'd be really nice if those two dumb clucks end up looking for work, while Trudeau returns to his dream job as PM. All the better if the guy with a modified version of Justin's grandpa's name, ends up defeating Scheer in a long-shot miracle in Regina-Qu'appelle.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish is all I can say.

  3. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I am absolutely delighted to see that those two women could lose their seats. They didn't care about other women, they didn't care about minorities, they didn't care about climate change, all they cared about was themselves. JWR even kept an innocent man waiting in jail for over a year because she was too busy trying to bring down Trudeau so she could become prime minister. What a loser.

    1. On live television in 1983, daddy promised his spoiled brat the "dream job" that Pierre's son holds now. The funny thing is, Pierre's job has never even been Justin's dream job, if you go back and watch interviews of him as a young man where he time and again expresses how disgusted he is with the nastiness of politics. If Harper wasn't destroying the country and the Liberals hadn't run themselves into the ground, he would have stayed teaching and doing nonprofit work. But it's a job that Justin seems comfortable doing now, it's a job that he needs to stay in to keep the likes of Herr Harper's Proud Boys away from the levers of power, and it's a job that he's doing much better than she ever would.

      Veruca Salt-Raybould was a radical mole with a myopic agenda. Justin's mistake was promoting her to the level of her own incompetence -- ironically, in part (so the story goes) as a way of smoothing over those old family grudges that, sadly, never seem to die. I swear it's like if Princess Leia was raised by Darth Vader and groomed to destroy Han Solo. Real twisted family dynamics there. The whole soap opera was an absolute mess, a volcano made out of a mole hill, and I can't wait for it to be over. Hopefully with Pierre Trudeau's son keeping his job as prime minister, the female Brutus and Cassius headed to the unemployment line, and Jim Scheer's son going back to his old job as an insurance clerk somewhere in the boonies of Pitstain, Saskassippi.

    2. Hi Jackie....Yes, that's the tragic part. Justin Trudeau placed his faith in a woman for the noblest of reasons, only to discover the hard way that she just wasn't ready. And be stabbed in the back for removing her from a job she was doing so badly. If it hadn't been for the ratty Con media this "scandal" would have lasted about 48 hours instead of about 48 days...

    3. .. How odd.. A woman who's entire adult life has been about giving to others as a doctor.. described as 'radical mole' and/or 'not caring' .. about others.. that's hysterical nitwit carping.. failure to recognize fact & substituting fiction instead.. well, whatever makes your day..

  4. Anonymous11:20 PM

    I am sure the fake SNC scandal is still bouncing around in the news feed of potential voters whose profile suggests they could be motivated to either vote Con or abandon the Liberals. But its also obvious that their tracking data has shown them that the fake scandal has lost its luster and could actually be costing them votes. The only thing that's amazing about this is that how quickly they can shut down the supposedly independent news feeds once people tune out. To go from 24/7 coverage of the biggest Canadian scandal ever to zilch in a heart beat shows the power they exert over Canadian media. So now its back to fishing with multiple lures to determine which one works best. At least they already know that it won't be the " get a head" campaign logo or a rerun of Harper knows best. Wonder what block buster Hamish and the Analytica clones are working on. Trudeau touched a cheek, his cousin owns $10 worth of SNC shares, his socks were made using child labor; the possibilities are endless but perhaps people just want to know who they are and what they stand for rather than defining themselves as " we are not the other guy so we are better". Voters already know that they are not Trudeau but what makes them better... the answer to that is avoided at all costs.


    1. Hi RT....polls show most Canadians want to rehash the fake scandal like they want a hole in the head. And anyone who tries to revive that corpse will pay a heavy price. But you're right the Cons will do anything to win the election, so expect the dirtiest election this country has ever seen...

  5. .. the partisano shrieking is disheartening Simon.. Somehow, insulting Mrs Jane Philpott and Ms Wilson-Reybould for taking an ethical stand is A-OK ? Yes yes.. I get it.. I would probably make plans to leave Canada if a political parasite like Andrew Scheer was PM.. We both lived through the Harper debacle. And as much as anyone, I foresaw what a majority Harper Government would do to our Environment, Habitat and Species.. What he did to Democracy & Canada was further ideological and legislative crime.. and his entire political party and apparatus are just as guilty and complicit.. it may take several generations to fully recognize and begin to repair the damage. But that's no reason to vilify and insult two woman.. who actually deserve our support .. You're an adult Simon.. sorry to be blunt.. as you've always been a trooper, over achiever for Canada and Canadian values.. and much much more.. a leader. I aint no saint, I make mistakes.. and at some point I try to keep myself honest - to me - in my private admissions to myself.. and try harder to do better.. apply more common sense. Those two women deserve better, their families too. They are hardly, not even, nowhere near being the pond scum like Jason Kenney and his gang, not anythink like a Doug Ford and his buddy Charles McVetey, they are not like a Stephen Lecce, a Stephen Harper or Pierre Poilievre.. all complete and utter failures .. parasites in my view.. Think it over.. and keep fighting the good fight.. best regards, as always..

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Perhaps JWR started out with the best of intentions but she crossed the line when she started collecting dirt on her team members including taping them and then issued veiled threats so that they dared not replace her. She made good her threat but only resigned after the fact backstabbing her team on the way out. Rather than resign or present her concerns about the legal implications of SNC interference to Trudeau in a precise line in the sand legal memo, she collected and then used the trust and information people gave her as a bargaining chip in a power struggle. It is unlikely we will ever know the whole story but treachery from within always seems more diabolical than the vomit the external pond scum can conjure up!


    2. .. echo chambers are just that. Nobody 'collected dirt' .. nobody was 'backstabbed' .. nobody made 'veiled threats' .. there was no 'power struggle' .. Major legal issues were faced in adult professional manner. There were some who took things to hysteric levels, invective, loose talk, anger, hyperpartisan screetching.. at times I thought I was watching 3 year olds throwing sand and toys in a playground sandbox. Some of the commenters here threw a lot of sand.. some indy bloggers threw their share of sand, stamped their feet.. tantrums had.. lotsa noice and drama.. all shouty n snouty. Andrew Scheer, no surprise the most childish.. (apologies to children.. who get to be children.. and why not) .. BUT .. maybe some folks here don't recognize a conundrum. Trudeau et al were facing a conundrum ie the huge numbers of Lavalin employees.. indeed quite a huge, even vast economic ecology.. and not just employees, but dependents, pensioners, all the related culture and society.. grocers, gas ststions.. all the integrated aspects of a far flung society related, embedded when you have almost 50,000 employees. But those two women also faced the conundrum.. there had.. or has to be losers in a conundrum. That's unavoidable.. something has to break.. or somehow be negotiated (if possible) Well here we are now.. and people refuse to cease and desist 'piling on' hurling insult and hysteric hyperpartisan nonsense.. fabrication for the nation.. Oh yes.. ! What a solution ! What a pathway to tread ! How wonderful .. Get down in the mud with Jason Kenney or a scumbag like Ken Boessenkool.. a Hamish wrestling match in muddy water.. screetch like Andrew Scheer, lean right, lean to the left.. bim bam.. Be like Bernier.. Who needs facts anyway.. have sum fun throw sand.. we don't need no stinkin facts !

    3. Salamander, I'm a woman and I find JWR and JP's conduct unforgivable. Many women do. Not just JWR's nasty blackmail that she used in a failed coup against PMJT (probably with Kinsella's advice), but how she and her partner in slime exploited their status as women to allow the DipperCons to make bad faith attacks on PMJT in a way it would damage him the most: his "feminist cred." For all the whining that JWR's radfem and ethnic-militant cultists and white-knight male defenders at the Postmafia rags, the tabloid news networks, and orange/rose Twitter make about PMJT supporters "smearing" her, she allowed the media, the DipperCons and the Twittersphere to paint him as the second coming of Trump, Manson, Kavanaugh, Nixon, Ted Bundy, and Keith Rainere all rolled into one. A white Clarence Thomas and she, Anita Hill. The Gropergate BS on steroids.

      JWR said nothing to diffuse these allegations and the framing of "her truth" as a proxy rape trial, because she was convinced that Trudeau's reputation would be so disgraced he would be made a pariah throughout Canada, and she would have an easy slot in as the feminist she-ro come to save the Liberal Party. It didn't work, and it cost her a lot of respect in the eyes of women who are actually paying attention, who are actual survivors of sexual assault disgusted by the comparing of this overblown "scandal" to rape and how it got rolled into a #MeToo wolf cry that never was, and who don't believe that you have to unequivocally #StandWithWomen like a monolith. Narcissists come in all shapes, colors and genders and JWR certainly fits the bill. JP is just her inept sidekick who got the boot for supporting this betrayal. Both of them deservedly so.

      As for smearing women? The sexist and vulgar smearing of Liberal women by JWR supporters was far worse than the deserved and valid criticism she got for her actions and the response of her "fans." If we didn't get in line and bow to the queen it was because we wanted to sleep with Trudeau or, as Rachel Curran "speculated," because his female cabinet ministers themselves probably already were. JWR is a stinging bee itch if there ever was one, and the simplistic attack memes from her driven J-Hive insult our intelligence. This self-righteous, egotistical liar and her most ardent defenders are trash.

      I truly believe that PMJT has learned his lesson from this horrific ordeal and will conduct proper vetting from now on. He gave her the opportunity of a lifetime out of the goodness of his heart and a sincere commitment to mending fences with her family and with First Nations. Instead of using that opportunity for good, she spit in his face. Fuck her. Perhaps a thorough psychological examination to rule out Narcissistic Personality Disorder and delusions of grandeur is long overdue for cabinet ministers. I don't care what body parts you have or don't have. You take a swing at the king, you better not miss.

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      JRW is a fake whistleblower, you can tell the difference between a real and a fake one through their position in the organization, the sequence of events, the messaging and desired outcome. Perhaps discussions started out in an adult professional manner, but the juvenile behavior started when she refused a lateral transfer which quickly ended in the sewer with the eventual cabinet shuffle. Not deserving of some of the hysteria but certainly no selfless saint trying to elevate the honesty of our political system.


    5. Hi salamander....I'm not vilifying anyone. Only a partisan or Jody Cult member could read my post and come to that conclusion. And what's that nonsense about being an "adult?" I reserve the right to poke fun at anybody, and the story of that pretentious duo who would stab a good PM in the back, with the help of the Cons and their stooge media is simply irresistible. This country is in danger of being taken over by a religious right regime, and I have no time for those who would spend more time attacking our side than the real enemy...

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Words matter, the message Scheer is sending by choosing "time for you to get ahead" rather than "time for us to get ahead" as their slogan.


    1. Hi RT....The Con ad is the most blatant "vote for me and I'll pay you" one I've ever seen. And because there are so many dumb greedsters in this country I admit I'm a bit worried. We're going to have to remind Canadians that the extra money in their pockets will be needed to pay for services we need in our privatized Medicare system.So it won't last long and neither will many of them...

  7. I was bored late last night and didn't feel like watching the Wakanada Forever interview after hearing reviews of it. To his credit, Trudeau holds his own throughout the trial-by-fire, but I probably won't watch it until after the election if/when the results leave me feeling a little calmer. He does ask about the Justin's Emails fake scandal but I doubt it'll affect anything in the polls. The episode aired over Labor Day weekend, didn't exactly reveal anything new that people haven't already made up their minds about, and the show itself doesn't have as much of a fan base as John Oliver when he and Mike Myers made their plea to heave Steve in 2015. The good thing is that Minhaj makes a plea for Canadians not to fire Trudeau over "disappointment" and let the perfect be the enemy of the good (like the U.S. did with Clinton), because the Cons are far worse. But I digress.

    Anyway, instead I spent some time putting some verifiable facts about the real scandal (Conservative racism) into Wikipedia. Not smears or tabloid rumors, like weak Andy is spreading from the Daily Fail today attempting a Lorne Nystrom attack on Trudeau, but actual-factual truth.

    Look under "Canada." There's a new paragraph ("A controversial event in February 2019...") about Scheer's, er, vested interests and the White Pride Parade he went to while the fake scandal had everyone's attention. Stupid Nothingburger Controversy pales in comparison to this. Andrew Scheer won't be remembered well in the anals -- annals -- of history. To once again hearken back to John Oliver, neither Stephen Harper nor Andrew Scheer give a dog's tail about Muslim or gay people.

    h/t Simon for most of the documented references. Dude, you should go back to school and become a research librarian or investigative journalist considering all the information you've put together here. Canada needs its own Daniel Dale... well, now that it doesn't have Daniel Dale.

  8. Hi Jackie....Every fall when the leaves on the campus turn red as do those on Mount Royal I do sometimes wish I was back at McGill. Until I remember the work part... 😉

  9. .. remain calm Simon.. You've never gotten anything but my support & high praise.. for unique, totally original astonishing artistry, energy effort & reportage during the dreadful & ugly Harper era (which refuses to die)

    I try to remain calm, collected angry.. at what Harper et al did to Canada and Canadians.. I could no more put a dent in you.. than you could put a dent in me.. Nor would I .. I just offer a cautionary yet friendly message.. that some, maybe most of the vitriol aimed at two Canadian women is disturbing, undeserved even vicious.. Words matter, there is meaning behind or within words & phrases, language .. behaviour. My early background is grounded in social work.. Triple maximum security.. The emotionally disturbed, the drug addicted.. lotsa loose talk flies in those circles .. mean shit, threatening shit.. ugly talk talk.. When I start hearing the echo chamber fire up.. and it resonates UGLY.. I do take notice. Does anyone recall what happened to the man who pointed out that Jason Kenney apparently defrauded Canadians as an Ottawa resident claiming his principal residence was his mommy's basement in a Calgary retirement home ? Despite owning a condo walking distance to the Parliament Buildings.. Well that guy got the full treatment heaped on Mrs Philpott and Ms Wilson-Reybould.. and had to disappear himself.. That was UGLY .. SCARY .. DARK
