Saturday, June 22, 2019

How Justin Trudeau's First Mandate Has Transformed Canada

In the dying hours of the 42nd Parliament, Justin Trudeau and his Liberals were still hard at work, trying to pass two major bills which the Cons and their Big Oil masters had been desperately trying to kill.

Bill C-48 which would ban oil tanker traffic off the north coast of British Columbia, and Bill C-69 which Cons like Jason Kenney call the "No More Pipelines Bill."

So needless to say when both bills passed, Kenney went ballistic...

Claiming that Alberta was being mugged and/or raped, and threatening to hold a referendum on federal equalization payments.  

While his hapless stooge Andrew Scheer aka #WeakAndy sobbed uncontrollably...

In a performance so pathetic and so full of self pity, one really has to wonder whether he is losing his marbles.

But of course the real reason those Cons are so hysterical is because of the way Justin Trudeau is changing or transforming this country.

For as even the very Con friendly Don Martin is forced to admit, it's nation defining change. 

We are now a nation where the right to choose a medically assisted death has become an option of last resort. The risk of a criminal record for simple possession of marijuana is a thing of the past with pardons coming for those convicted.

A trans-provincial pipeline, which will move the motherlode of bitumen over the Rockies to west coast tankers, has been purchased by the government, re-approved by the cabinet and will soon be built by a Crown corporation.

NAFTA was renegotiated successfully over the whimsical tirades of a mercurial U.S. president. 

Boil water advisories have been lifted in almost three-quarters of First Nations where they existed four years ago, killer whales and dolphins will no longer be allowed in captivity and air passengers will have rights. 

Gender balancing of cabinet is now almost a political imperative, parents have the most lucrative child benefit in history and the Senate is starting to flex its muscles as a real check against bad government bills.

And that's without even mentioning the booming economy, which Trudeau also has every right to boast about.

For it couldn't be more impressive.

As was the way he destroyed Stephen Harper's legacy...

Which couldn't have been more satisfying.

And as is his continuing support for the human rights of women and LGBT Canadians which couldn't be more inspiring...

So inspiring in fact, that when I see these two flags flying together in my neighbourhood on this Pride weekend...

 I am reminded that I'm not living in Scheer's ugly Canada...

Where if he had his way women would have no rights, and gay people would be jailed.

I'm living in Trudeau's Canada, and it belongs to me too, and all my sisters and brothers.

Which is another big reason I will be voting for Justin Trudeau in October...

For no prime minister has ever transformed Canada so much in one mandate.

So he deserves another one....


  1. I hope they can run a good enough summer campaign to boost them up in the polls and at least salvage a minority government. For the sake of the country, May needs to check her ego, stop playing pied piper and advocate for strategic voting to prop up the Liberals, because her pet issue will get nowhere with the Cons. Con propaganda has caused people to really hate Justin irrationally, and not look at the bigger picture. I'm curious as to how accurate Frank's model is, it seems hopeful and yet what he's reporting doesn't seem to match up with Grenier's or 338's aggregate. So that raises some questions on multiple fronts. One thing is certain, there's a lot of work to do.

    Simon, you're on Twitter and I'm not; maybe you could tag Engage Canada asking them to team up with to publish strategic-voting guides and ads? And/or signal your followers to do the same. 1972 is OK to repeat but not 1984 -- in more ways than one. The PCs, Stanfield and even Mulroney, had a conscience. But the Harper/Scheer, Kenney Kudatah Klan might actually be worse than Trump. Surprisingly, even Trump is nicer to "his friend" Justin than the haters back home. The world needs more people-kindness. Justin's the only one who can soothe the savage beast. I wish him and the team the best of luck because God knows they're going to need it.

    1. Hi Jackie....I'll write a post about this soon, but I've got good news on the polling front, and one of the best bits of news is that the more Canadians hear from Andrew Scheer the more they dislike him. The campaign will be won or lost in the next four months just like it was last time, and as you say there is a lot of work to be done. I doubt I could get Engage Canada to do what you'd like them to do, because they are up against a deadline for third party advertising, and I want them to do more ads on the threat to Medicare. I also have to get another program for my video editing equipment which is annoying. But I still feel a lot better than I did even a month ago, and the only question in my mind is whether it will be a majority or minority Trudeau government....

  2. Also: I just saw this. You're right Simon, it 100% explains why the Con media is so hell-bent on crucifying him. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaad jealousy.

    1. Hi Jackie....I have always avoided flame wars on Twitter, but when I saw that scumbag's tweet I almost lost it. I was ready to ask him if he had managed to pass himself off as butch during his time in prison, and did that work out for him? And did his darling Trumpmever grab his pussy? But thank goodness I managed to restrain myself, is for that kind of cheap masculine posturing is beneath me and all of my male friends gay or straight. Although I must admit I did have a brief twisted fantasy about what Justin might do to Dineshit in a boxing ring...😼

  3. Declaring victory on the war on drugs will cement his place in history.

    1. Hi Steve....I find a lot of people I know are already taking the legalization of marijuana for granted. But I certainly don't. And I intend to make a video suggesting that Scheer would recriminalize weed as part of my campaign to encourage young people to vote. If if you thought Reefer Madness was scary wait until you see Reefer Scheer....🙀

  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Only in Canada could a first time Prime Minister with such a brilliant record be in danger of not being re-elected. There is something sick out there, and it's making this country crazy.

    1. The something sick is the "Trump effect" and what Trudeau Sr. called the elephant in the bed. An elephant that is now sleeping with a Russian bear and also has an oily fat cat in the menagerie. Read the Twitter posts from @sunnshiiny for excellent research into Harper's use of the "Finkelstein method" of ruthless political warfare. Harper imported American tactics and American ownership of the media. Harper clearly enjoys cosplaying as a Bond villain, so he became chair of the real-life SPECTRE organization called the IDU that seeks to install right-wing governments all over the world. He has cozied up to such thugs as Orbán and Netanyahu; whether he's in league with Putin hasn't yet been proven definitively but wouldn't surprise me in the least. It doesn't really matter as Putin is tight with Orbán anyway and there's your guilty-by-association link.

      Harper met with Trump advisors during the early wave of NAFTA talks to strategize for how to get rid of Trudeau one way or another. The yellow vests started cropping up not long afterward threatening to kill him, while the plummet in the polls is all thanks to the two useful idiots who handed the Cons a lottery chest on a silver platter. Someone needs to look into whether Kinsella's "consulting firm" is advising the CPC and, thus, Harper because this whole plot reeks of the U.S. in 2016.

      The corporate media's obsessive focus on manufactured scandals blown way out of proportion, and character assassination of the star candidate in an election year is literally the playbook run on Hillary Clinton. SNC, Norman, Aga Khan, etc., are the Canadian version of "Crooked Hillary's Emails." Then there's the Cambridge Analytics style of psy-op warfare Marshall is in charge of, that gave the world Brexit and which Facebook and Twitter were glad to aid and abet as long as it netted Zuckerberg and Dorsey clickbait and cash. Underlying this politics of personal destruction is a not-so-subtle misogyny. With Clinton it was obvious because she is a woman. Misogyny against men, in Trudeau's case, is homophobia. There's also a copycat of the birther garbage spewed against Barack Obama, what you see with that nonsense about Castro being Trudeau's father. In short, Trudeau derangement syndrome is an American creation. I added a succinct definition to Urban Dictionary: "A French vanilla variety of Obama derangement syndrome, dipped in maple syrup and drizzled on poutine."

      The Cons are a fully-owned subsidiary of the Republican Party and its backers: the Koch Kleptokrat Klan, the Christian evangelicals, and the U.S. fossil fuel magnates and private healthcare interests. "The West wants in" is Canada's equivalent of "the South will rise again." It's literally U.S. regime change we're talking about here. The U.S. has had its sights on Canada practically since the first of the Loyalists fled north. Nixon hated Pierre and thought him a communist. But it's even more disturbing now that the U.S. is a de facto colony of Russia, and Trump's puppeteer wants the Arctic and the tar sands all to himself.

      As an American, I want to say I'm "soory" that my country has foisted this upon you. I do still hope that Canada can find a way out of this. Justin Trudeau is a bright and compassionate leader and individual who courageously fights against insurmountable odds and the most abhorrent of enemies, even though he seems to have found himself in the right place at the wrong time. If the worst should happen I hope Canada is able to recover. What I do know is that Trudeau will never turn his back on Canada, and will continue fighting to bring sunny ways through the darkness enveloping the world.

    2. Hi anon @12:01 pm...I know it makes no sense, and I blame our Con media for focusing on fake scandals instead of Trudeau's accomplishments. But don't worry there is still plenty of time to correct the record...

  5. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Justin Trudeau is the best prime minister I have ever known, and I'm pushing seventy! He has raised this country up and made it a better and more interesting place to live in. I also have a gay grandchild and Justin has made her life so much better. I can never thank him enough.

    1. Hi anon @1:46 PM...and I thought that he was the best prime minister Inhad ever known 😉 But congratulations you sound like a very cool senior, and your gay grandchild is lucky to have you and Justin Trudeau...

  6. Anonymous3:32 PM

    HAPPY PRIDE Simon !!!!!!! I saw you two years ago at Sandy's Pride party and you looked so cute in your gay tiger costume. Did you wear it again this year?

    XXX Donny

    1. Hi Don...Nice to hear from you, where have you been? And don't reply here, text me. Also let me be clear that's not a gay tiger costume it's a TIGGER costume. And no I haven't worn it since last Halloween when Seb stepped on my tail accidentally, and put a big rip in my bottom. So I went as my gorgeous self, and still had a fabulous time...😎

  7. BTW: Simon, can you do a write-up on this? Here's a good read about Maybot 2.0 from someone in the know. It would appear there really is "more to the story" about her siding with the two mean girls and staging a campaign to siphon off the vote like a Jill Stein of the North. She's a drink-box cardboard paper candidate living in her own ego-system, who very well might have her own reasons for sticking knives in Trudeau.

    The book The Canadian Federal Election of 2015 (edited by Carleton University professors Jon H. Pammett and Christopher Dornan) devotes a chapter to the total flop that was the Green party’s campaign. ... The book reveals Elizabeth May for what she really is: a leader of a party largely confined to the fringes of B.C.’s coast who nevertheless craves national attention and excels at self-promotion. Those attributes of May’s character are confirmed in spades by an even more recent book, Not My Party: The Rise and Fall of Canadian Tories from Robert Stanfield to Stephen Harper. Written by former Progressive Conservative environment minister Tom McMillan, the book is largely a lament for what McMillan sees as the takeover of conservatism by right-wing Reform party yahoos. But is also includes telling, in-depth details of his venomous relationship with Elizabeth May during the years he served under prime minister Brian Mulroney.

    In 1986, McMillan hired May, a prominent eco-activist, to join his ministerial staff in the naive belief it would cultivate a better relationship with environmentalists. Mulroney quickly recognized the mistake of hiring May and his keen political instincts quickly led him to advise McMillan to “Get rid of her... She’s bad news,” as McMillan recounts. Instead he kept her on, even acceding to May’s demands for more pay. In return, May did not tell her boss that she was divulging the confidential deliberations of her minister and of Cabinet to her activist network, resulting in “breaches of security (that) involved the contents of confidential Privy Council documents and connections,” McMillan writes.

    In page after page, McMillan’s portrayal of May is a far cry from the fawning treatment routinely given her by the mainstream media. He says she once lied her way into a meeting with McMillan and his chief of staff by telling each that the other had invited her. “The nature and reach of Elizabeth May’s betrayal staggered me,” he writes. She “shamelessly violated my trust and the government’s security.” Elsewhere he calls her a “quisling,” says she used “conniving and underhanded ways,” calls her a “master of misinformation warfare,” marvels at her “unbridled ego,” and believes she “desperately longed to be a superstar.”

    The Green party’s pathetic 2015 election results, and the steady fall of its popular-vote share since 2008, should have raised plenty of questions about May’s credibility as a political leader. Instead, some journalists began buying into the ridiculous idea floated by May’s few but loyal fans that she should be appointed environment minister in Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government. Would Trudeau really want someone in Cabinet who routinely breaches security, cannot keep a secret, manipulates her department’s agenda to advance her own interests, and whose political message does not resonate with Canadians?

    BINGO! Seems we have a like-minded kindred spirit involved in this attempted Kudatah. Well, how about that. Another Kinsellout type upset that she didn't get to be part of the change, so joins the bandwagon to sink the boat. God, I hope the cult of personality this bruised narcissist has capitalized upon is a passing fad that collapses from now until October. Fuck the Greens. They're a fraud.

  8. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Thanks for this Jackie. I have cut and pasted it and sent it on to friends. I said just last night May needed to go and was nothing more than an opportunist and out to hurt the Liberals — the only party capable of putting forward a credible green plan is the Liberals period. Tired of these old biddies and their ‘mean girls’ schtick. They are not benign either. They are toxic to the country and progressive values that Trudeau embraces. They really have no credibility and wish the media would stop giving the mean frumps any more band width. They’re nobodies and frankly tired of May’s righteous ranting with no risk of actually having to form government and govern for all of Canada for all issues. She should go off to pasture and let some energetic credible and sincere Green Party person take the reigns and with a realistic plan not some crazed ideas with zero knowledge of the complexity of the energy industry and the economy.

    1. Anytime. BTW, if you needed any more proof of her sour green grapes -- she's heckling McKenna on Twitter, while giving faint praise to Martin and Dion to appear "nonpartisan".

      But she just will not give Trudeau or his team any credit at all. Canadian Jill Stein really needs to go away and take up knitting.

  9. Hi Jackie...I'm not sure what to think about Elizabeth May. I find it hard to fully trust anybody who once worked for the Cons. But in my next post I'll include a little factoid that I hope you'll find interesting and suggests that we should not alienate Green supporters, because we may need them to defeat the Cons...
