Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Incredible Failure of the Failing Andrew Scheer

As we all know Andrew Scheer and his ghastly Cons try to use the word "fail" as many times as possible when talking about Justin Trudeau.

In what is clearly a crude attempt to brainwash us.

Or treat us like Pavlov's dogs, who when they heard a bell started slobbering.

It's beyond belief, and this is outrageous.

But what makes it even more outrageous or absurd, is that Scheer is the one failing, while Trudeau is becoming more and more popular.

The latest Nanos federal ballot tracking has the Liberals at 41.1 per cent support, followed by the Conservatives at 31.4 per cent, the NDP at 14.9 percent, the BQ at 2.0 per cent and the Greens at 5.8 per cent.

Because that's a whopping lead, and as the CBC poll tracker confirms, it's now a clear trend.

And if that trend continues, and Maxime Bernier's new party takes a bite out of the sinking Cons, and the NDP remains mired in the mid teens, this too is clear:

Justin Trudeau is heading for another thundering majority...

Maybe even bigger than the last one.

I'm not surprised of course.

I knew that however Canadians felt about Trudeau on any given day, only he could defeat the scummy Cons.

And that basic decency would eventually defeat evil...

We still have a lot of work to do, because we don't just need to defeat the Cons, we need to destroy them.

But we are definitely heading in the right direction. A great victory is coming our way.

And the future looks brighter than it has in a long time...


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Ha ha’s Mr Suck and Blow the Con pervert who is always the first one to leave a comment. And the first one to get deleted. I enjoy that immensely, do you? The fact that you keep coming back for more punishment says a lot about the kind of person you are, and believe me it’s not flattering but now that you’re here, don’t you just LOVE. those new poll numbers. Will it be a plastic bag over your head, or a length of rope? ☠️

  3. Failing and falling.

    1. Hi rumleyfips...yes, failing, falling, and increasingly desperate. If you thought the Con attack machine had already exceeded the limits of decency, brace yourself for what’s coming next, because it’s not going to be pretty...

  4. Anonymous11:14 AM

    What the Scheer idiot FAILS to realise is that, without FAIL, JT will derail, impale and ultimately prevail over the FAILING Cons in 2019.
    Give up Schmear, you're a Harper cling-on trying to foist the stench of Trump upon us and it may work for your moronic base, but it will never be enough to win an election.

    1. Hi anon...yes, Attacking Justin Trudeau by trying to demonize him didn’t work for Harper, and I doubt it will work for Scheer. Especially not in the time of Trump, who has made decency a rare commodity. But the Cons know nothing else, so it’s going to get worse before it gets better...

  5. Jackie Blue1:39 PM

    What did the Prime Minister say? He said "Hold my beer."

    Seriously? Gee, what did the Opposition Leader say? He said... something ripped from Urban Dictionary? What is he, 14? The milk-guzzling Proud Boy even fails at memeing, and that's the only strategy he's got! Funny, for all the accusations of "childishness" the cons project onto Trudeau, I've never once heard him use these casual Internet slang expressions. Especially not in parliamentary discourse! Why doesn't Scheer just go full gamerspeak and call Trudeau an "epic fail"? So unprofessional, he even sounds like an Internet troll during official meetings of Parliament! He knows this is Question Period and not a Fortnite championship, right? "Griefing" is not the job of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. Scheer Idiot.

    What's next, a press conference to tell the whole country how the Conservatives are l33t h4x0rs who are going to "own the libs"? Call rookie MPs "n00bz" and refer to Sophie as "Stacy with the good hair"? I swear he's getting so frustrated he's one meltdown away from calling Trudeau a "soyboy cuck."

    Go back to 4chan, Andy, and take Pepe le Frog Poilivere and Jason the incel with you. This isn't a high school freshmen's student council election, and "4 teh lulz" is not a valid campaign slogan if you want to sit at the adults' table. Do not pass Go; do not collect 200 bitcoins, and go directly to the principal's office.

    Canada's lucky to have a schoolteacher in charge instead of a delinquent brat who belongs in perpetual Saturday detention.

    1. Hi Jackie...Scheer’s Harperite handlers are clearly trying to strengthen his nerd image by making him look more aggressive, and “one of the guys.” His latest “bring it on” challenge to Trudeau is just more of the same. It’s totally pathetic, but him and his party are in a state of panic over the Bernier challenge and their falling poll number, so we should all expect Scheer to start resembling the clown in the Stephen King movie It...🤡

  6. Anonymous1:59 PM

    The Cons will search and search for a "WORD" or "PHRASE" to use...something...anything...
    Remember "not ready"? Now trying "failure". They'll try another and another...

    1. Hi anon...Who can forget the “not ready” ad campaign? At one point those dumb ads were almost impossible to avoid. Scheer’s fail campaign is more of the same, just a little more idiotic, and definitely a sign of a totalitarian mindset...

  7. do not doubt the science. ergo pavlovs dog. we are all easy to program, even Simon who believes that 911 happened because a guy in a cave sent 13 guys to boxcutters to America to take flying lessons.

  8. Has anyone else noticed today the message of the day is the Justin Trudeau must get Nafta done today or soon. Why?

    1. Hi Steve...please cease trying to use this blog to spread your 911 conspiracy theories. I have a scientific background, and nothing that happened on that fateful day, cannot be explained. And the only reason those murderous fanatics got away with it is because nobody had seen anything like it before, As for the NAFTA question, the reason the Cons are echoing the Republican message that a deal should be signed soon, is because they are looking for anything to degrade our heroic negotiating team. And the reason the Republicans are in a hurry is because they want a deal before the mid term elections...

  9. e.a.f.5:41 PM

    Using the same words over and over frequently works. However, with the Cons using it in Parliament, not many are watching. its when the media starts to repeat it that it causes problems. Dictators use the same phrases over and over because it works. We have only to look south of the border to see "fake news" and lines along refugees are murderers, etc.

    What would be interesting to see is if the use of fail, failure, etc. is being used on social media, etc. if it isn't, we can expect to see the use of the word more frequently between now and the federal election.

    The opposition parties most likely have Trump/Republican consultants on staff to see what will stick and what won't. The Americans, in the form of the current administration, would much rather have the Cons form government in Canada than the Liberals or NDP.

    1. Hi e.a.f...I can’t believe that Canadians are so stupid that they could be brainwashed by the use of the word “failure.” The “he.s just not ready” campaign was equally annoying, but its message was at least a little more sophisticated, playing on fears of the unknown. Scheer’s campaign on the other hand is just a repetitive smear, and if the media had done more to counter it, would have backfired long ago...

  10. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Funny how things work out. The Cons thought that Dougie would be an asset but instead his bodacious behavior has highlighted a major weakness in Scheer's leadership style. Some Cons are content with his weasel like stealth but many love the trash talk and the hype around their man that plays out before a major WWE Smackdown event. Instead Scheer tries to portray his opponent as a failure that is going to simply collapse when he enters the ring therefore opinionated tough ruthless behavior is not necessary. A brief review of the Con friendly You Tube propaganda sites reveals that some are starting to see through the ruse and are siding with Mad Max. He might not be a WWE pro but at least states his opinion and conviction on whats required to smack his adversary into oblivion when the time comes.

    1. Hi RT...yes it is ironic. It is the old Frankenstein story. They thought Dougie was their monster only to have him make them look bad, and I predict eventually help destroy them. In a Trump world having a brutish Trump imitator on your side, is not something to brag about. It will scare their more moderate supporters, make Bernier look like a more reasonable choice, and between the two of them they should help finish off the Cons...

  11. Anonymous1:18 PM

    It's too bad Justin Trudeau can't challenge the failing Scheer to a boxing match. I bet Scheer would be wetting himself before the first round was over. And screaming: "I'm not failing, I'm not failing, Jesus, Jesus, mummy, mummy!!!!"

    1. e.a.f.6:22 PM

      that is why I believe Trudeau will win the next election and the trade war with the U.S.A. HE IS SO MUCH TOUGHTER than any one thinks he is. He got into that ring and did the rounds. How many of us could do the same thing. People under estimate him because he is good looking and slim. They do it at their own peril. people need to remember not only who his father was, but his maternal grandfather. Sinclair was no push over and he was in politics for a long time.
