Sunday, September 30, 2018

Andrew Scheer Is Caught Diddling The Truth. Again

Ever since Andrew Scheer became Con leader, and started attacking Justin Trudeau and his Liberals with the most disgusting attack ads this country has ever seen, I have tried to chronicle his descent into depravity.

And expose as many of his lies as possible.

For in his Con world they believe The Truth is what they say it is, and Scheer lies all the time, just like Donald Trump does. 

So as the creepy religious fanatic tries to use a dead child to smear Trudeau, I thought I'd point out his latest lie, in this latest and truly ghastly attack ad...

The tape is disgusting enough. 

The way Scheer screws up his face when he talks about gender equality is chilling, and reveals his ghastly misogyny. 

A misogyny so visceral it oozes out of every sweaty pore, and every angry orifice.

And what makes it even worse is that the creepy Scheer has been caught again fiddling or diddling with the truth, like a true political pervert...

For if you look at the Hansard record of what Trudeau actually said.

You can see that the Cons failed to include this part of his answer:

Second, on the member opposite's question, the previous government transferred the individual to a medium security facility in 2014 and the individual in question is still in a medium security facility today.

And distorted reality for the sole purpose of making Trudeau look bad.

Even though Scheer is the serial liar, and the real monster...

I wish our shabby media would expose his many lies, and denounce him for what he is doing and where he is trying to take Canada. But they are either in his ear, or in his pocket.

So we must spread the message, or the warning.

A man who would use a dead child to try to smear a decent Prime Minister, and one who lies all the time, is quite capable of stealing an election.

And couldn't be more disgusting or more dangerous...


  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Oh we're gonna smear him good just you watch. Stupid Bernier ruined everything, now we have to pull out all the stops.

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Easy Andy, losing is okay once you accept it.

    2. Jackie Blue11:50 AM

      Because you don't have any valid policy platform other than "owning the Libs." Has anyone ever told you knuckle-dragging troglodytes that shitposting on 4chan is not an acceptable election strategy in civilized society? Back to the timeout chair with you, or should I say the changing room because your diaper is really starting to stink.

    3. Hi Jackie...I've been monitoring Con videos for years, and I've never seen them looking so desperate. But as you point out they have no policies, all they know how to do is attack, and sooner or later they will pay a price for that...

    4. Clearly Scheer is right: We should just exile such criminals to Baffin Island for life, /s

      I was going to say that that was a really dishonest video but then realized that it was just maintaining Con standards, low as they are.

  2. Jackie Blue10:44 AM

    Ezra Levant is in trouble with the London PD for malfeasance related to that Tommy Robinson scumbag, and social media is alight with meme dumps portraying Justin as the "crying Indian" from that American environmental commercial (from back when the US government actually gave a shit about the environment, and at least pretended to care about its original peoples). Hamish Potter, the boy wizard of the Slytherin I.T. crowd, must have had these ready to go, because it's possible that Andy's getting nervous about having his strings pulled by actual criminals and thus projecting his own anxieties onto Justin. As cons are wont to do, of course: always accuse the other guy of what it is you're guilty of doing.

    I hope Ezra gets his deserved comeuppance, and lands behind bars, is banned from the UK like Lauren Southern was, and/or is forced to shut down the Rebel once and for all. They definitely need to face a parliamentary inquiry in Canada, and the Cons should have their feet held to the fire for courting such characters of ill repute.

    Somebody needs to investigate and bring down the real jailbirds, the liars, cheats and terrorist sympathizers. As someone pointed out on Twitter, white supremacists already have a healing lodge: it's called the Conservative Party of Canada.

    1. Hi Jackie...I saw that story about Levant and the goon Tommy Robinson. I would be very happy to see Levant get in trouble for his relationship with that guy, but he's pulled down all the offensive material and is probably flying back to Canada as we speak. The British have much better hate laws than we have. If Levant lived there he would have been jailed long ago. But this country is a hate mongers paradise, thanks to Harper and Levant. Still we should not despair, we are going to win this war, and all the Con leaders and their collaborators will live to regret what they are doing to this country...

    2. If he is flying back he is lucky. He is guilty of the same offence as Tommy Robinson though' it sounds' in a lesser degree. I wonder if the Met or the Crown was aware that Ezra was Tommy's former employer?

      Ezra Levant, who used to employ Robinson at his right-wing website Rebel Media, filmed inside the Old Bailey on Thursday.

  3. .. the tragic event in Woodstock, Ontario was horrifying.. that the victim and family & friends are made a political football via mainstream media for partisan purposes, posturing & preening is 'disgusting' - I am not clear what 'strategic or tactical madness' possessed the Federal Conservative war room, thinkwanks or the conservative caucus or Andrew Scheer, Ms Rempel et al.. but my first sentence can stand.. I had not seen the disgusting attack ad.. but it was truly a creepy perversion.. a lickspittle stain Scheer can wear evermore.. The Salamanders Have Spoken

    1. Hi salamander....There are few things that disgust me more than politicians using criminal cases to stir up the mob, and that goes for politicians of any political stripe. It isn't just pandering to the lower instincts of humanity, it undermines the justice system just like Doug Ford is doing in Ontario. But unfortunately there are people in this country who are easily swayed by the inflammatory words of demagogues and hate mongers. That's why the fanatics at CPCHQ are playing the dirty game, and unless progressives start fighting back harder than they are now, this country could end up in a very dark place...

  4. Anonymous11:46 AM

    These Con assholes have no shame and deserve to be thoroughly ground into the dirt at the next election.

    1. Hi anon...yup, I think you summed it up perfectly. We must fight the Cons as hard as we can, but above all we must unite, organize, and prepare to turn out the vote like we never have before. Only when we grind Scheer and his Cons into the dirt will this country finally be safe...

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Good for you Simon, for catching the Cons with their pants down. But where is the MSM media why aren’t they doing their jobs? I am very afraid what the next election campaign will do to our democracy.

    1. Hi anon....thanks, there is nothing I enjoy more than catching the Cons in an awkward position. And this IS really awkward. 😼 But as for the MSM I don't know how they can ignore that type of behaviour, or normalize it. But the day will come when they will be held to account, and they will be sorry...

  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    That video is amazing, but I hope you can make a copy, because when the Cons realize they've been exposed they will try to edit the video or take it down.

    1. Hi anon...don't worry I made a number of copies and sent them to different friends to guard against Con hacking attempts. They are already being investigated, a police investigation is pending, but they're not getting out of this one alive....😎

  7. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Is anti indigenous racism at work here?
    Indigenous groups should keep pushing the defence they have started. The media has to listen to THEM.
    Malcomson NDP deserves a lot of credit. Most of the NDP caucus have thrown in with Cons. See Cullen.

    J. W.

    1. Hi J.W....I have been wondering about that myself. The Cons try to hit as many targets as they can. In the video I ran you can see how Scheer manages to link his charge that Trudeau is soft on crime, to his support for gender rights. And since we know many of the Cons are anti-native being able to throw a sweat lodge into the mix must be a gift from heaven or in their case hell. The NDP's Malcomson deserves a lot of credit for describing what the Cons are doing as "sickening." But we need a lot more righteously angry voices if we are going to get the attention of most Canadians...

    2. Anonymous11:19 PM

      This is really an attack on the whole sweat lodge native restorative justice initiatives. They don’t want to see anybody “coddled” in these facilities.
      Also reminds me of the racism in the cartoon of the man coming across the border.
      The throw away the key hate we’re seeing, shows how close these people are to starting to talk about capital punishment. The language and tone we’re seeing shows they are getting close.

      J. W.

  8. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Although I love your blog Simon all I see is a like minded bunch crying about Howdy doody. This guy is making headway with this horrible lie of his. His people are eating up every crumb and they are gaining in numbers. They don't care whether it's a lie because they follow without thought. If Andy said it it must be true because Trudeau is just lying about everything. You can't win against that kind of attitude. I keep looking for the skeleton in Hodos closet but so far Hamish has it well hidden. How do we even the field if Trudeau won't play the hate game.

    1. Hi anon...I know exactly how you feel, for I sometimes feel that way myself. I blog every day without any sign that I am making even the tiniest difference, or even inspiring anyone to fight the Cons as hard as I am. I have a great job waiting for me in Edinburgh, where I could get away from all this Con filth and live a normal life, and write plays and poems, instead of blogging. And sometimes it's soooooo tempting. But I can't give up until the Cons are defeated, and let's not forget that right now Scheer and his gang, are losing. That's why they are acting in such a depraved manner. They have played the dirty game before, it didn't work then and I doubt it will work now. So cheer up, prepare to get out the vote, and give the bastards hell !!

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Thanks Simon please don't leave us for a good long time. You make a difference to many of us. Although I find myself almost falling for their lies at times I will continue to do what I can to be a pain in their ass.

    3. Hi anon...thank you for your kind words. And don't worry, I'm not going anywhere right now. I cannot leave until I see the Cons ground into the dust, and buried once and for all. And as for you, don't fall for their lies, and continue to be a pain in the ass. We are still a relatively young country, and it deserves better than anything the Cons could ever offer...

  9. Biggest loser of the new trade deal, weak Andy. Notice the airwaves today are a trade free zone. Crickets.

  10. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Hi J.W... There is a weird Rebel sponsored twit on You Tube promoting the death penalty. Add some more guns and within a few years Canada could enjoy the safety and low crime rate experienced in the US. Those Cons are real visionaries.

  11. e.a.f.4:33 PM

    Was just checking some one line news and it is reporting Levant is being charged with contempt of court in England..........

    It also has a picture up of Bernier speaking with a less than diverse thinker also, masquerading as an interview.

    Scheer doesn't have much to offer Canadians in an election so all he can do is attack Trudeau and the federal Liberals. He will continue to do that until the Conservatives remove him from office. Then he will blame Trudeau for that also.
